Chapter 416
Longxi County, Didao, April.

In late spring, Longyou is already lush green, full of flowers, a scene full of vitality.

Liu Chan rode a steed, galloped across the grassland, and held a longbow, aiming at the panic-stricken stag a hundred paces away.


The bow is full of the moon, and the arrow is like a shooting star, whizzing and shooting at the buck.The stag wailed and fell down.


The people accompanying him clapped their hands and shouted in unison.

Facing the applause of the crowd, Liu Chan smiled lightly, tightened the reins, and the horse under his crotch stopped after a few steps.

Pointing at the deer that was killed by an arrow a hundred paces away, Liu Chan turned to the leaders of the Qiang, Di, and Xianbei tribes beside him, and asked with a smile, "Archery skills are still a little poor. I haven't practiced for a long time, and I have regressed a little."

The bald-haired Xianbei leader Tufa Shoutian, the Shaodang Qiang leader Ke Jiong, the Badi leader Li Hu and other Qiang barbarians from Longyou said with respect, "Your Majesty's amazing shot is rare in the world, and I feel ashamed of myself! "

Bald Shoutian is the leader of Hexi Bald Xianbei and the father of Bald Yang Sheng.Because of his meritorious service in conquering Hu Yi with Wei Yan, the Han Dynasty rewarded him with pastures in the Hehuang Valley to graze, and he moved to Xiping County.

Ke Hui, the leader of Shaodang Qiang, was the descendant of Shaodang Qiang.Manu, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, moved from Anding County to live outside the Great Wall.The leader of this department broke away from the big army and attached the big Han, and moved to Chiting, Nan'an. The leader was named the Xiqiang Captain by the Han.When Ke Hui passed on to Ke Hui, in order to appease the Qiang people in Longyou, Wei named him General Zhenxi and Governor of Western Qiang.After the Great Han pacified Longyou, Ke Huiyi served as the governor of the Western Qiang, and his official position remained unchanged.

Li Hu, the leader of the Luebadi people, was originally from Dangquge, Brazil, Yizhou. During the Hanzhong War, he defected to Cao Cao and moved to Lueyang. Cao Cao made him a general.In order to integrate with the local Di people, he named himself Badi.After the Han Dynasty was settled down, he was named General Miscellaneous.

Except for the bald-haired Xianbei, these people may not be familiar to everyone, but if it is said that their descendants are all the monarchs of a country.Ke Jiong is the originator of Yao Qiang, his grandson Yao Yizhong, and his great-grandson Yao Chang established the Later Qin Dynasty.

Li Hu from Badi, Sun Li Te became the founder of the Han regime.That's right, it was Li Te who fled south to Yizhou, passed by Jiange, mocked Liu Chan for his precipitous situation, and surrendered.

This time Liu Chan visited Longyou in the north. He not only stayed in Tianshui for a few months to meet the nobles of Longyou, but also set off west to recruit the leaders of Xianbei, Qiang, Di, and Xi tribes to meet with Didao, and win over the leaders of these tribes for the great Han.

As for how to win over?Liu Chan believes that for these barbarians, hunting is the best way to display the might of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, supplemented by the transfer of benefits.

Liu Chan slightly raised the corner of his mouth, threw the heavy bow to the guards, and said, "The venison is delicious, and it is better to enjoy it alone than to enjoy it together. I will share this deer with you at noon today!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Everyone responded.


Under the curtain, the emperors and ministers of the Han Dynasty sat on the ground, Liu Chan was in the middle, Ma Su, the prefect of Xiping, Zhang Jiu, the prefect of Jincheng, Ma Liang, the governor of Qinzhou, and others sat in attendance.

Liu Chan thought that the Ma brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, so he deliberately brought Ma Liang with him, and asked Chang Shi Youchu to be in charge of the political affairs of Longyou Qinzhou as a brotherhood.

Ma Di was very well-behaved. He handed the roasted venison to Liu Chan first, and then to Ma Liang and Zhang Jiu.

Liu Chan took the roasted preserved deer, smelled the smell of roasted meat, and suddenly felt hungry. He asked, "Is the Qiang Hu in Lianglong safe and sound during the current Han and Wei wars? Is there any change?"

Ma Liang held the butcher's knife in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "There is no change, it's just that the people from Longyou want to bring their families back to Yizhou. In the past, Cao Cao used Zhang Lu to confuse the people and moved them to Lueyang in Longyou, Huaili in Guanzhong, or Moved to Yecheng, Hebei."

"But after relocating, Cao Cao was worried that Wudou Rice Sect would confuse the people and cause chaos, so he ordered Wudou Rice Sect not to preach among the people. He also moved the Taoists to Hebei and sent people to prison. Most of the people were dissatisfied. Longyou, he wants to move back to Yizhou to live and work in peace."

Liu Chan bit the venison, thinking about the five buckets of rice.Liu Chan had to admit the belief in the Five Dou Rice Religion. Zhang Lu was able to persuade hundreds of thousands of Han and Yi people to migrate with him, which is really amazing. Moreover, since Zhang Lu went to Hebei, there was no unified religion in Yizhou, but the Five Dou Rice The influence of teaching is still deep.

What Liu Chan didn't expect was that Cao Wei was still so defensive after the relocation of Wu Dou Mijiao.But it can't be blamed for Cao's fear, after all, the case of the Yellow Turban Rebellion is just around the corner.

Having said that, Liu Chan believes that Cao Wei's prohibition of the spread of Taoism among the people was not a good strategy. The practice of reforming religion in later generations of China is very good. Although the disadvantages cannot be completely eliminated, the benefits it brings are obvious.

Thinking about it, Liu Chan also missed the idea of ​​a few years ago when he accompanied Xia Houhui to worship Sanqing, that is, national integration.Use Taoism to integrate nationalities, and integrate Lianglong Han and barbarians.After all, compared with the subtle influence of Confucianism, the power of religion may be faster.

Maybe it can be promoted in the future. After all, Buddhism is not flourishing now, it is better to reform and promote Taoism, and add the will of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Chan chewed on the venison and asked, "What do you think Ji Chang?"

Ma Liang pondered a little, and said: "Your Majesty, there are not many people who are homesick. You can allow them to return to their hometowns to show the great man's love for the people."

"Yes, it is allowed to move back to its original place, but it needs to be registered as a registered household in Qimin." Liu Chan said.


Liu Chan swallowed a piece of preserved deer, looked at Ma Di and asked, "Youchang, have the bald-haired Xianbei tribe been obedient since they moved into Hehuang?"

Ma Di put down the lacquer plate and replied, "I would like to inform you, Your Majesty, that Bald Shoutian is very respectful. He sent troops many times to assist his ministers in pacifying the barbarians of the Qiang tribe, and offered cattle and horses to counties and counties. During the Northern Expedition to Guanzhong, Bald Shoutian also offered horses." Thousands of horses, ten thousand heads of cattle and sheep, thought to be used by the army."

Liu Chan nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "The bald-haired Shoutian is a person who knows how to repay his kindness. Since the big Han entered Liangzhou, the bald-haired tribe has benefited the most among the Xianbei tribes. There are more than [-] people and more than [-] people, although they cannot be called the roost, they are enough to deter the barbarians."

Liu Chan seemed to have a smile on his lips, but there was a hint of coldness in the words.

When Ma Di heard this, he immediately understood that His Majesty was worried that the bald-haired tribe would rely on the protection of the big man, annex the tribe, take the opportunity to become bigger, and cause trouble for the big man.

Ma Di glanced at the silver-haired old man eating venison not far away, and said in a low voice, "You may need to let the ministers supervise this tribe in the county in the future."

Liu Chan waved his hand and said lightly, "Isn't it hurting the bald department's heart to do so."

"What does His Majesty mean?" Ma Su asked.

Holding the drink, Liu Chan said meaningfully: "Shoutian will grow old and strong, and he has great ambitions. It would be a pity to live in a corner in the northwest. I heard that Shoutian has a young girl who has grown up, and she likes it very much."

Ma Di instantly realized that His Majesty wanted to marry his daughter, and let Bald Shoutian send troops to fight for the great man. At the same time, he could strengthen the jurisdiction over Bald Shoutian, and limit the expansion of the Bald Tribe from the other hand.

After all, among the few relatives of the big man, there is not one who does not fight for His Majesty today.There are Wu Yi and Wu Ban brothers on the top, and Xiang Yu and Li Gui are close by.

Ma Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I think the name of bald hair is not very beautiful, so you can change it to show your honor and favor."

Liu Chan laughed dumbly, Ma Liang wanted to annex the bald-haired tribe completely!But I like it.

Liu Chan pondered for a long time, remembering that later Tuoba changed his surname to Yuan, and said: "The "Zuo Zhuan" said that Di people belonged to his Yuan. He changed his surname to Yuan with bald hair, and will use Yuan as his surname in the future."

"No! Chen Di decided to accomplish this for His Majesty, and the bald hair department will be used by the big man." Ma Di replied.

(End of this chapter)

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