Chapter 415

On a cloudy morning, the Weishui River meanders through the wide riverbed with cold waves. On both sides of the river, there are many Han army camps, heavily armored. From time to time, war horses neigh by the north bank, and groups of cavalry gallop out of the camp. Patrol the river bank along the Sishui to prevent the Wei army from sneaking across the Sishui.

A small boat sailed slowly from the ferry on the north bank to Chencang New City on the south bank. Huang Quan stood at the bow, holding his sword in his hand, and the cloak behind him was fluttering in the wind. Although he was over fifty, he still looked heroic. .

Huang Quan looked at the barriers that gradually became clear in the distance, with a hint of relief on his face.

After a while, the boat approached the south bank, and Wu Yi on the bank had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Huang Quan get off the boat, Wu Yi stepped forward to greet him and said, "I'm sorry, Huang will ride on both sides of the river."

Huang Quan replied, "Don't dare, next time Wu Guanzhong will send someone to meet you!"

"Haha, Huang Cheqi is being polite. The general is the commander-in-chief of the army. I will obey the general's orders, and I will greet you as I should," Wu Yi said.

Zhuge Liang handed over the command of attacking Chencang City to Huang Quan, so Wu Yi, the governor of Guanzhong, was transferred to Huang Quan's account.Huang Quan often traveled to the north and south banks of the Wei River to inspect the progress of Wu Yi's army repairing the forts.

Wearing armor, Wu Yi pointed at the towering and narrow Chencang New City with his long sword in his hand, and said with emotion, "Chencang City is small and high, and it's good for defense and difficult for attack. It's really hard for Deng Xian to hide in the city and stand by for help."

Huang Quan was very calm, and Fu Xu said: "Sun Tzu said: the first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the next is to attack the city. The method of attacking the city is a last resort. The walls of Chencang are strong and cannot be attacked by force; Just like a city wall is strong, so if you want to break down a city, you must first break down people's hearts. When people's hearts are broken, the city can naturally be broken down."

Huang Quan glanced at the crowd, seeing that they were a bit puzzled, but he didn't explain too much, but pointed to the surrounding moats and asked, "How is the moat repaired?"

All the generals were about to speak, but Wu Yi gave him a glare, and he backed away without daring to express his opinion.But Wu Yi pulled Huang Quan to a corner, and said in a low voice, "Huang Cheqi is outnumbered now, and I sent the best of the three armies to attack Deng Xian. When the reinforcements from the Kwantung region arrive, Chencang has already been captured. Why bother?" Build fortifications, so that the soldiers and the people are tired, and the generals are displeased?"

Over the years, the battle must be conquered and the battle must be won, which has allowed the Han army to develop a sense of arrogance.He is dissatisfied with this chariot general who has no great achievements but can occupy a high position.In particular, it is very incomprehensible that the chariot general did not attack Chencang City, but instead repaired the fortress under the city.

In fact, Wu Yi's words were already very euphemistic. These soldiers began to whisper and question Huang Quan's ability to command troops from the moment they arranged to repair the fortress!
Huang Quan shook his head and said directly: "Chencang's city wall is strong and the terrain is dangerous. The Wei army came to help, but it was not in a hurry, which shows that the city has sufficient food and grass. Moreover, the city is located on the front line, so the fortification equipment deployed must be complete. Now our army is attacking the city of Chencang. , neither can we quickly overcome them, nor can we retreat the rescuers. When the bandit Kwantung reinforcements arrive, our army will be unprepared, and we will be attacked by the enemy. How will we defend against the enemy?"

Wu Yi opened his mouth, and said hesitantly, "The Prime Minister's army is stationed in Wuzhangyuan to contain Sima Yi's army. How can his troops come to support him?"

Huang Quan looked at Wu Yi, and said in a deep voice: "The Prime Minister restrains Sima Yi, and Sima Yi also restrains the Prime Minister. 120,000 are the soldiers that can fight in the whole country of our Han Dynasty, but against Wei, there are thieves in the Central Plains, whose population is several times that of our Han Dynasty. The soldiers supported are also far superior to my big man. Therefore, our army should be cautious in the battle of Chencang. Although you and I are not a large army, whether we can conquer the key points in Guanzhong depends on you and me."

Huang Quan's meaning is very simple. Chen Cang is dangerous and difficult to conquer. Guanzhong is too close to the Central Plains, so it is easy for Cao Wei soldiers to support them.Zhuge Liang is keeping Sima Yi in check, and Sima Yi is also keeping Zhuge Liang in check.Cao Wei also successively sent Guandong reinforcements to support them. If they are not ready at this time, when the reinforcements arrive, they will be attacked internally and externally.

Another point that Huang Quan did not mention is that although Chen Cang only has 3000 people at present, there are 3000 people from Li Fu and Xia Houba outside.Relying on the [-] troops in the hands of the big man, it is very difficult to take down Chen Cang.If you can't eat it, you will have casualties, and Cao Wei's army will come to support again, then the situation of the two armies will become more and more difficult.

Hearing Huang Quan's explanation, Wu Yi showed a hint of embarrassment, and said, "What Huang Cheqi said is reasonable, but Yi lacked consideration. After today, Yi will let the soldiers under his command do their best to repair the barriers!"

Huang Quan smiled at the corner of his mouth and said: "Building the moats was a lot of hard work, and I don't blame Ziyuan. Tomorrow, Quan will lead [-] soldiers to cross the Weishui River, and together with Yuanxiong's troops, they will build the moats. A meeting of thousands of Weis."

After a pause, Huang Quan was worried about Wu Yi's displeasure, and said, "The general's ten thousand people remain unchanged."

It didn't matter to Wu Yi, he was called the governor of Guanzhong, but he had been famous but had no authority for more than ten years. Except for Tunza Hanzhong, he returned to Chengdu Tunza Zhongjun.Except for his own trilogy, there has been no long-term command of soldiers and horses.

In addition, Zhuge Liang strictly controlled the power soldiers and horses in the hands of foreign relatives in order to prevent the big man from recurring the misfortune of his relatives. Every time he went to battle Wu Ban and most of the sergeants under Wu Yi's command were temporarily drawn by Zhuge Liang. recognize yourself.

Wu Yi waved his hands boldly, and said, "The cavalry in yellow chariots is far superior to the generals. If the general needs it, the soldiers under Yi's tent can be transferred as much as possible."

Hearing this, Huang Quan felt relieved, and wandered around with Wu Yi along the fortifications.

When wandering around to the east gate of Chencang, Huang Quan took another look at the old city not far away.

Since Hao Zhao renovated the new city, the old city has been abandoned for a long time. Although the old city is populated, it is limited to civil governance.After the arrival of the Han army, Deng Xian withdrew his troops to the new city, and Huang Quan sent thousands of people across the river to seize the old city directly.

Li Fu, who was stationed in the old city with 5000 people under Sima Yi's military order, could only sigh across the river.It was difficult for Wu Yi to stop Wei Jun's actions. After all, there were only [-] people stationed in many places, and with the strength of Wei Jun's troops, it was impossible to completely cut off the communication between Chen Cangcheng and the outside world.

Huang Quan pointed to the Han army camp with a thousand soldiers stationed between the Weishui River and the road between the two cities, and said: "Tomorrow Quan will lead [-] soldiers to camp here to repair the water camp, so as to eliminate news from inside and outside the city."

This is one of Huang Quan's purposes for moving the big tent to the south bank of the Weishui River, further blocking Chencangcheng's communication with the outside world, and at the same time preparing for the capture of Chencangcheng.

"Since that's the case, Yi asked the soldiers to move out of this place tomorrow and leave the camp for the general," Wu Yi said.

Huang Quan waved his hand and said, "There's no need to do that, just settle together."


(End of this chapter)

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