Conan's Helping People

Chapter 408 Leader

Chapter 408 Leader
"You mean," Hinata confirmed in a somewhat incomprehensible tone, "I'm a gem?"

He chose to accept with extraordinary speed, "Okay."

Life is so colorful, and with the addition of the setting of 'you are a jewel', Hinata does not have too many fluctuations.

Probably part of the reason is that people often stare at him with the eyes of staring at gems, and some people describe him with similar descriptions. Belmode once said very bluntly, "You are the brightest gem under the moonlight".

Hyuga Ryo also reported this to Gin.

He thought for a few seconds belatedly, and realized that it was no wonder people often used 'Find alive and kicking mission targets! ' stared at him.

Another part of the reason may be 'Anyway, the Earth OL is already a fruit platter, and it doesn't matter if you add one or two bright red pomegranate seeds on it'.

Because Hinata's reasonable acceptance was too fast, his tone was too calm, and his attitude was too inconsiderate, Renye Karasuma didn't speak immediately. He pulled away from the shock and unbelievability of discovering the truth at the beginning, " seem I don't care too much."

"Ah, it's probably because most humans are too sensitive," Hinata rationally explained his thoughts, "I intuitively sensed that I was different from normal humans, so I showed some strange signs to me."

Looking back now, those strange traces are traceable clues, which can be directly linked together, which will make people feel a kind of "wonderful" surprise, rather than the shock of facing the truth without any clues.


Hyuga Ryo: "There is no difference."

"It's not a real human being anyway. It doesn't really matter how it appeared."

"No," Renye Karasuma weakly propped up her upper body and emphasized, "You are a real human being."

"No matter what you think, you are a normal human being... Only humans have such things as 'thoughts', when you think, you are truly human."

He said seriously: "You are a human being who is the same as everyone else and has no difference. You are my child."

"Even though we have no real blood relationship, but..." Renye Karasuma's expression softened, and he sat back slowly, "But, sometimes, feelings are more important than the blood flowing in the body."

"You are my child."


Hinata rationally bit the word, and then put himself and Renye Karasuma at both ends of the word, he said: "... Let's talk about blood relationship."

Is there a relationship between him and Renye Karasuma?some.

He doesn't quite understand what kind of feelings Karasuma Renye has for him, but he knows that his feelings for Karasuma Renye are mixed with negative emotions such as a little bit of dislike, a little bit of dislike, and a little bit of impatience of.

Hinata doesn't mind talking about relationships, but he feels that Karasuma Renye may be directly stunned by the look of her last breath.

So let's talk about blood.

This is not at all, it will probably be safer.

Renye Karasuma had a wonderful understanding of this meaning, and fell silent, "..."

Hinata rationally thought for a few seconds about topics that Karasuma Renye would be interested in. He avoided the topic of "Miyano" which was likely to be thunderous, and also avoided the topic of "Hinata Rational の Production Recipe" which he was not interested in, and chose a compromise An unremarkable topic.

"Bourbon, it's the police."

"Bourbon," Karasuma Renya said the code name again, and remembered the corresponding character, "it's the blond kid."

He smiled, "That child was beyond my expectation. I thought he would protect you and take you away from the organization by force in spite of your wishes."

"I even prepared a countermeasure where he would hide you."

Rational Hinata: "?"

Hinata reloaded Renye Karasuma's words two or three times reasonably, and blankly typed a question mark, "What are you talking about?"

"What I mean is," Karasuma Renye thought he didn't understand, and patiently broke the last paragraph, "I think the worst case is that he will take you away with anesthesia and stun you, and hide you , while protecting you in this way, while continuing to do undercover and police work as if nothing had happened."

Rational Hinata: "??"

What is Renye Karasuma talking about? ?

Why did that bourbon box him away?

No, with just that bourbon, even with anesthesia, can he be easily packed and taken away?

May I? !

... Cough, can, is it possible?


Hinata rationally and simply deleted this round of thinking. He nonchalantly jumped back to the link of "What Karasuma Renye said" and asked without looking sideways, "Why do you think he will pack me up and take me away?"

He bit an unbelievable word, "Or 'protection'?"

First of all, why did Bourbon pack him up so quickly?

Second, why is it 'protection' to pack him away?
Finally, 'while continuing to work undercover and the police as if nothing had happened' means not telling the organization and the police that the package took him away?
"Because," Karasuma Renya said, "he knows Miyano Elena."

He paused, and admitted the identity of Miyano Elena, "He knows your mother."

"For you, I not only investigated the Miyano family, but also people who are close to the Miyano family. Among them is a child who often meets your mother. He is probably eight or nine years older than you. He is a child who treats your mother as a A child whose mother admires."

"The organization has been paying attention to these people. When he entered the police academy, I have already learned about it, and I also understand that his real purpose is to find Miyano Elena."

"Every boy's first love is his mother," Renye Karasuma said lightly, "He is an abandoned child, your mother may make him feel 'mother', and the image in his mind must be very good. "

Hinata rationally and slowly picked up the point, "...Bourbon, do you like Miyano Elena?"

"Probably so," Karasuma Renya replied, "You are very similar to Miyano Elena. When he sees you, he will definitely realize that you are her child."

"So I thought he would protect you, but I didn't expect..."

He laughed, "That child applied to the police four or five times for immediate arrest and interrogation, but I sent them all back."

"It was so ruthless, it really surprised me."

Hinata repeated reasonably, "He likes 'mother'."

He slowly recalled the meeting with Toru Amuro, recalling the eager face and the pair of eyes that seemed to be staring at the prey.


Hinata rationally began to reflect: Why let that guy go?

Why didn't you see the guy with the gun in his hand?This way you can shoot that guy down with one shot.

That guy actually likes Miyano Elena, that guy...


Damn the FBI!

"You are here," Renye Karasuma looked at him intently, trying to make Hinata in his vision clearer, "angry?"

"I'm regretting that I didn't deal with that guy as a damn FBI the first time I saw him," Hinata said coldly, "I even greeted him friendly."

The first time we met was at the celebration, he also greeted the blond guy in a friendly manner, and then touched the sniper rifle.

If I knew it earlier, I would have let go of the mission target and killed that guy directly.

Thinking of that guy liking Miyano Elena, and recalling the way that guy looked at him as a prey, Hyuga Ryo felt a very subtle discomfort.

Toru Amuro was so upset that even if he wasn't the FBI, he still wanted to recruit someone for the FBI, so he just kicked that guy into the FBI's cemetery where he died in the line of duty.

Hinata thought about this subtle discomfort reasonably and seriously for a while, and probably deduced that it was a kind of discomfort that "precious private property was secretly touched by someone who didn't like it very much", so he frowned.

"I should be lucky, you will really be angry," Renye Karasuma smiled, and swallowed "although it's because of Miyano Elena".

He added: "The child from Chijing's family must have recognized who you are, but you have to be careful with him. He probably thinks that his father was killed by the organization, and he may take back part of the benefits from you."

In addition to Shuichi Akai, there is another person that the organization has been paying attention to because of "related to Miyano".

"There is another dangerous person," Renya Karasuma said, "Yusaku Kudo."

The two Miyano and Yusaku Kudo have some relationship that can be related. It is probably a "friend of a friend" and so on.

He said: "He is tracking down your affairs and has already found out most of the truth."

For example, the related research of the two Dr. Miyano before they disappeared.

For example, the fire more than ten years ago and the cross-border cooperation that ended without a disease.

For example, the flame of cooperation left by the two Dr. Miyano to the police, the bank safe.

Another example is Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho.

Another example is that the Miyano couple did not conceive another child after giving birth to Akemi Miyano and before closing the clinic.

According to the timeline, the Miyano family should have only two children, and Hinata in the middle should not exist.

Except for "Hyuga Ryoの Manufacturing Formula" and things in the organization, Yusaku Kudo has investigated all the things that can be investigated, and he still investigates quietly and secretly.

Karasuma Renye commented, "Like a latent poisonous snake, it can endure a long incubation period in order to hunt."

Hinata rationally repeated the name silently, 'Yusaku Kudo'.

Yusaku Kudo, the father of Shinichi Kudo, is the father of the protagonist.

He didn't have a deep impression of Kudo Yusaku, he only remembered that he was very smart, a mature detective, even stronger than the young Kudo Shinichi.


"He checked so much," Hinata asked rationally, "won't you stop it?"

If Renye Karasuma wants to kill Kudo Yusaku...

Hyuga Ryo will immediately help hand over the phone, and kindly help Gin write a complaint note, "I did not kill the protagonist's father, and I am not the one who has a blood feud with the protagonist!" '.

The next leader will be so miserable.

Karasuma Renye said calmly: "You like Kudo Shinichi very much."

Hinata waited patiently and reasonably, but did not wait for the next sentence, so he asked a question mark, "So?"

"You like Shinichi very much. When you were young, you asked me, 'Shiho was born later than me. If you want to call me brother, then Shinichi-chan was born later than me. Should you also call me brother?'," Karasuma Ren Ye explained, and he closed his eyes tiredly, "You keep everything related to Miyano Elena in mind, even if it's just a trivial thing, even if it's just a casual talk when she came back from meeting her friends."

"You have memorized 'Xinyi' for about three months. I think you should like that child very much."

He even likes a child who has never met so much. Karasuma Renye speculates that the reason why Hinata Ryo likes that child so much is because the person who mentioned that child is Miyano Elena.

Essentially, what Hinata reasonably likes is Miyano Elena.

Hinata rationally did not speak.

He silently calculated the age in his heart:
First of all, Miyano Shiho is one year older than Kudo Shin.

Secondly, not long after Miyano Shiho was born, a fire broke out in the laboratory and he also left the organization.

...Then the question is, how long is this "not long after birth"?

If it's about a year after Miyano Shiho was born, or two years later, three years later, four years later, five years later, etc., that's fine.

At these times, Kudo Shinichi had already been born. Miyano Elena may know Kudo Yusaku and be friends with him, so it is normal to know that a friend has a child called 'Shinichi'.

But if it is a shorter period of time, such as three or four months or five or six months after Miyano Shiho was born, in short, when Kudo Shinichi was not born, then he would say "Shinichi" in front of Karasuma Renye ...

And the name 'Dolly'.

He asked cautiously, "How old was Shiho when I mentioned Shinichi?"

Renye Karasuma was obviously worried about this, and said without hesitation: "When she is full moon."

Hinata thinks rationally: Is the age gap between Miyano Shiho and Kudo Shinichi one month?
...this question is beyond the outline.

"Sir," Belmode said softly, she smiled and glanced at Hinata Reasonable, "Moonlight has appeared."

She seemed to be changing the subject, and Hinata realized it rationally, so she subconsciously looked at her and exchanged glances with her.

Belmode laughed, "The moon is very round tonight, Lily."

The moon outside is very round, and the moonlight is also very bright.

When the bright moonlight shines into the room, there is only a cool patch left, which obliquely reflects on Hinata Reasonable's face, and becomes a radiant silhouette of waves.

But it didn't break the peace of that face, it only softened it a little, melted into his eyes, splashed the passing blood shadow when he raised his eyes to look at the moon.

In the depths of his eyes, it seemed that blood was quietly flowing.

Ryo Hinata is looking at the moon.

Belmode and Karasuma Renya were watching him.

Renye Karasuma's breathing became rapid, and his chest began to heave violently. He tightly grasped Hinata Ryo's hand, like a drowning man tightly grasping the only life-saving straw.

Hinata rationally looked down at him.

"After Miyano Miyano died, I regret it very much," Renye Karasuma gasped, "You lost, lost your desire to survive."

"Now, you're alive again, I...I..."

He tugged Hinata rationally, with such strength that he didn't look like an old man in a hospital bed.

Hyuga Ryo was dragged close to him.

Renye Karasuma's cloudy eyes stared at Ryo Hinata, "'Pandora'!"

"You are what I have been chasing, pursuing, longing for, 'eternal life'!"

"Organization, the organization is responsible for protecting you," he gasped, and with more strength in his hand, he dragged Hinata even lower, "The organization is responsible for protecting you!"

Hinata reasonably put his elbows on the bed and simply fixed the distance, he didn't speak immediately.

Renye Karasuma closed her eyes, made an effort to calm down the violent ups and downs of her heart, calmed down a little, and continued to pull Hinata to be reasonable.

As if he was doing a necessary handover ceremony, he raised his head with difficulty, barely kissed those eyes that started to turn red, and said hysterically: "The organization is responsible for protecting you!"

"You are, you are the next leader!"

"Bei, Bell..."

"But," Hinata tilted his head reasonably, he blinked uncomfortably, and interrupted Renye Karasuma, "I won't be the leader."

Karasuma Renya stopped breathing.

He stared at those cold eyes in disbelief, and his body trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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