Conan's Helping People

Chapter 407 Destiny

Renye Karasuma spoke intermittently.

At first, he felt abnormal when the laboratory reported that 'human cubs were accidentally produced'.

How could it be 'accidental'?
The specifications and research projects in that laboratory can only produce individual organs, and it is impossible to produce a complete human being, let alone 'accidentally'.

It is precisely because of this that the laboratory did not report it at the first time, but scratched its head to find out the reason for a while, and also tried to figure out the existence that should not have appeared.

They discovered one thing, the unexpected child was different from human beings, and there were some special ingredients in his blood and flesh.

A special ingredient that does not belong to humans at all.

After several rounds of inspections without finding out the special ingredients, the laboratory handed in all the reports and reported all the ins and outs of the matter to Renye Karasuma.

Things are different, Renye Karasuma did not go to that laboratory, nor did he go to see the 'unexpected', he cautiously let the laboratory continue to trace the research, and regularly submitted video materials to him.

Once again, it was noticed that something was wrong, when that laboratory 'malfunction' released poisonous gas, and no one in the whole laboratory survived.

When talking about this, Renye Karasuma paused, and then corrected herself, "No, not all of them survived. You are still alive."

As soon as he revealed a few smiles, he coughed uncontrollably, and coughed intermittently: "You are the only human being with a heartbeat in the entire laboratory. When moving the corpse out of the laboratory, there is a machine Your heartbeat has been detected."

After coughing for a while, Karasuma Renya smiled again and said, "Only those two 'naive' Dr. Miyano would think that you are a pure and innocent child who needs protection."

Then he corrected himself by talking to himself, "No, those two lunatics know."

Hinata looked at him reasonably, and asked politely and kindly, "Do you want some water?"

For people with sensitive hearing, it is really a bit tormenting to capture effective information in the noise of coughing.

It's a pity that Renye Karasuma ignored this friendly reminder. After "those two lunatics Miyano knew that Hinata's rationality is not a good stubble", he suddenly realized one thing, "You hate machines, Hate artificial intelligence because your heartbeat was detected?"

The case of all laboratory personnel dying and none surviving is too shocking and frightening.

The members of the organization are all wearing heavy protective clothing and protective helmets that hinder movement, block vision, and isolate the temperature of the touch. At best, they can only pack the corpses in a hurry with fear.

Without machine detection, members of the organization would never have discovered that there was a living person with a heartbeat in the pile of corpses, and Hyuga Ryo would have slipped out smoothly and gained freedom.

It was only now that Karasuma Renye realized that this was probably the reason why Hinata hated machines and artificial intelligence reasonably.

At least the first reason.

Hinata rationally did not agree or refute. He tilted his head and randomly picked a lucky point, "You said, those two lunatics?"

He recalled Miyano Elena's smiling face, and recalled the connection between the two Miyanos and the police, and nodded in agreement, "He is indeed a lunatic, and he will cooperate with the police."


"Why do you want to keep this cooperation?" Hinata asked reasonably, "No matter how deep they hide, more than ten years of work is enough for you to uproot the traces they left behind?"

However, there are still quite a few people in the police who know that 'the two Dr. Miyano are in the dark, but they are determined to expose the organization to the police. They are undoubtedly two great undercover agents with a bright heart'.

Even Matsuda Jinpei knew about it, and thought that he was also an undercover agent in the dark with a bright heart. It can be seen that the connection was not "quietly and deeply rooted" at all, but rather obvious.

Not to mention anything else, the safe in the bank is a sunflower in full bloom, smiling at the organization.

Such obvious traces can still remain until now, until Hinata rationally went to open the safe, he felt that Karasuma Renye probably had 99% of the credit for it.

Refers to the water.

It was still the kind of water release that pretended not to see it with its eyes open.

So why?

"Those two Dr. Miyano are both lunatics," Renye Karasuma explained, "It's not because they actually cooperate with the police, but..."

He smiled, "They are indeed madmen, they are two like-minded mad scientists."

"The organization invited them a few times and they declined, and you know the last time, why did they agree?"

This question is actually a good answer.

"You tell them," Hinata replied casually in conjunction with 'mad scientist', "the existence of 'me'?"

It's all 'mad scientist'. Is it normal to be attracted by incredible technological products?

Renye Karasuma seemed not expecting him to give the correct answer so briskly, so she paused before admitting, "Yes, I revealed to them that the organization created human beings like God."

The creator gods in Japanese mythology are not gods, but Iyanagi and Iyenami, right?
They are a pair of brothers and sisters.

Hinata nodded casually, "They agreed."

"Don't you care?" Renye Karasuma propped up the bed with his elbows, and propped his body up. He tried to observe Hinata's reasonable expression with his probe, "Their purpose at the beginning was to study you."

Ryo Hinata really doesn't care much.

Renye Karasuma observed him for a long time, and finally confirmed this matter. He slumped back to the soft bed and closed his eyes forcefully, "Once you decide on something, you will never change it."

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have let those guys get close to you in the first place."

At the beginning, Hyuga Ryo was so in line with his background that he couldn't help but be ruthless, and he didn't care about other people's lives at all. He didn't look like someone who would care about illusory family relationships, let alone a little bit of blood relationship. Not the false affection of real family.

And Koji Miyano and Elena Miyano are really full-fledged mad scientists. Many scientists in the outside world spontaneously reject them, and they don't seem like people who care about family affection.

Renye Karasuma thinks so, and that's why she insisted on inviting Miyanos into the organization when she knew that Hinata was born in Miyano Elena's DNA.

...and then chicken and egg.

The ruthless Hinata Rationality was affected, no longer only the strong instinct of "survival desire", but gradually added other human flavors, and began to think that some things are more important than life like real humans.

From the monitoring, I saw that no matter how Hinata Ryo repulsed, Miyano Elena approached with a gentle and sparkling smile, and no matter how she was attacked by a 'person' who looked exactly like Miyano Elena, Hinata Ryo still After hesitating, hesitating, and finally choosing to hug Miyano Elena, Renye Karasuma knew that she had lost.

He lost his child the moment his child truly became human.

The child who had been taken away by him for several years, away from his family, was finally taken back by his own family, and the only role he played in this incident was that of an ugly villain.

Hinata responded flatly, "Oh."

Dazzling gems are always plundered, and of course the people involved in the snatching are not only Renye Karasuma and Miyano, but also another group of jumping clowns who ended up earlier, another black organization.

A criminal organization code-named animals.

They came together under the banner of cooperation. Renye Karasuma's way of pursuing immortality is technology, and their way of pursuing eternal life is... gemstones.

is a gem called 'Pandora'.

Before that, Karasuma Renye sometimes felt unconfident about his direction of immortality, but in front of those animal personnel, he deeply realized how down-to-earth he was: at least he didn't pin his hopes on a person who didn't know whether he existed or not. on the gem.

What is the difference between that and praying to heaven devoutly?no difference.

Renye Karasuma sneered at the stone of destiny 'Pandora' which is said to have the secret of eternal life, and also said that 'the real Pandora is hidden in a certain well-known gemstone, and you can see the real gemstone in the moonlight Pandora, that is a red gem, like flowing blood and crow's blood-colored eyes, is the most sinful and wonderful color' snort.

Until he remembered one thing, the laboratory that produced the 'unexpected', there was a person in charge who actively collected all kinds of gems and wanted to please Belmode.

Until he looked through the records and found that shortly before the birth of 'Unexpected', the person in charge lost a gem that was intended to be given to Belmod in a drunk state.

Until he sent people to keep an eye on the group of animal personnel and found that they were also investigating the loss of laboratory gems.

Until he pushed aside Hinata's reasonable hair on a night when the moonlight was almost as bright as day, and found that there were blood-like red spots in those green eyes.

'Pandora', is a stone of destiny that carries eternal life.

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