Conan's Helping People

Chapter 180 Chapter 176

Chapter 180 Chapter 170 Six Reasonable Traps

Hinata asked reasonably and politely: "What time will we eat tomorrow?"

Gin: "..."

"Noon?" Hinata thought for a while, paused for a few seconds, blinked again, and quickly vetoed, "No, there is no need to change it to night, I am fine at noon."

Gin: "..."

'No need to change until night', the word 'change' is used very well, which shows that the gentleman really planned it in advance, and Hyuga Ryo didn't really just care about eating carrots.

"GIN?" Hinata rationally glanced to the side, "I didn't get rid of him, he was beside me."

Gin: "..."

"Is there? Is my tone a bit strange?" Hinata rationally cast his eyes again, as if to verify, was his tone a bit strange when he was on the phone with that gentleman.

Gin: "..."

No, it's not strange, just very calm and introverted, not showing off at all, not provoking openly, and not wagging the tail.

And, already.

He examined Hinata's rationality, and paused for a moment. After the other party did not answer the gentleman and continued to look at it for the sixth second, he whispered and squeezed out a comment, "Your tone is very strange."

Hinata Ryo's attitude towards that gentleman is very strange. This phone call, literally, is a somewhat intimate conversation, but most of Hinata Ryo's mind is not on talking to that gentleman, but on triumphant To the tail that flung out the afterimage, provoking him.

While speaking, he was already ready to hear Hyuga Ryo immediately relay this sentence, specially for that gentleman.

However, the provocative fluffy guy didn't immediately wag his tail to add fuel to the fire, but looked over suspiciously.

'The tone is very rusty? ' The other party repeated silently with his mouth, lost in thought.

this meditation...

Qin Jiu suddenly felt something was wrong, and before he reached out to stop him immediately, he heard the other party say in a more friendly tone: "Is my tone strange? Maybe it's because I miss you so much recently. I miss you today when I greet you good morning." , you just ignored my message."

I don't know why, hearing these few words, Gin always has a subtle sense of familiarity, and I also feel that when Hinata blurted out these words, it was based on the sense of familiarity.

That uneasy feeling rose again.

Hinata rationally continued to follow up naturally: "It's the one that asks about the mission..."

He stopped abruptly.

Qin Jiu also suddenly remembered why there was such a strong sense of familiarity and unpleasantness. He could say the second half of this sentence with his eyes closed.

'It's the one that asks about the task. Is there not enough manpower in Tokyo?If you don't have enough manpower, I can help you catch the traitors. I also know where the mice are hiding. '

When Hinata left Tokyo reasonably, the other party could basically decompose and reorganize this sentence into countless sentence patterns, and complained every day.

During the pause, Hinata rationally glanced at him subconsciously, and quickly continued as if nothing had happened, "And, touching you in reality, touching you in messages, and touching you on the phone are three completely different feelings .”

Gin: "..."

No wonder, the moment this guy opened his mouth, he felt a subtle sense of familiarity. He first opened his mouth to ask questions, then said something to fool him, then added accusations, and finally pointed out the 'task', making it an invisible part of his words. center of gravity.

Isn't this the previous disaster career!

It's just that it's still a little different. Facing that gentleman, Hinata's reasonable final conclusion was not to express his loyalty, but to continue to criticize guiltily at the moment when he showed his tail.

Gin looked away out of sight and out of mind.

He heard Hinata continue to accuse reasonably and calmly, "In the message, your attitude is the coldest, and you will ignore my message. On the phone, when you want to ignore it, you will be embarrassed."

Then he quickly reassured, "To be realistic... I don't have much contact with you, so I don't know much about you."

'I haven't seen you long enough, want to see more'.

After getting this message, Qin Jiu pressed his brows, and glanced around coldly.

Shirley was manipulating the equipment in the room and hadn't finished the preliminary inspection. Most of the staff in white coats around her were very cautious. Only one of them showed a concentrated expression on eavesdropping on the phone. Vodka was staring at the glass, as if suddenly Found countless dust on the glass.

Not long after he glanced over, Vodka raised his head, looked at him cautiously, and immediately understood, glanced at the staff member who was listening to the phone, and nodded silently.

Gin suppressed his delicate mood, and cast a cold glance at Hinata Reasonable.

Reasonably speaking, he shouldn't care about this matter... especially the matter between that gentleman and Icewine.

Whether one is willing to fight or suffer, one is willing to use carrots to catch rabbits, and the other really wants to eat two bites, it has nothing to do with him.

That gentleman is the leader. On the surface, Bingjiu is a member of the organization at the same level as him, so there is no room for him to intervene.



But you father and son were playing for a little fun before, can you be more careful...

Especially Hinata is reasonable.

To please the leader, one must show the attitude of pleasing the leader!
With this attitude towards stray dogs on the side of the road casually, while carelessly stroking the hair, at the same time raising eyebrows with some disgust, obviously stroking the dog, but still warning 'you are so dirty, don't move, don't lick me, rub me I, plop me', who is looking down upon!

And that gentleman.

Intellectually, Gin has a career that can be guaranteed. That gentleman is a mysterious existence with absolute rationality and strategizing. It is definitely not a kind person who can bring the organization to this point.

This kind of existence, even if it has a normal human affection for its own blood, it will never be too much.

After all, if one really wanted blood, there were countless ways to do it.

Still the same twist, but...

Gin, who was thinking about it, paused for a moment.

Since he started thinking, he no longer looked at Hinata Ryo, but looked at the glass in front of him.

For 3 full minutes, he didn't look at Hinata Ryo, and didn't see Hinata Ryo's provocation with his own eyes. He could only be like that gentleman. After hearing Hinata Ryo's voice, his thoughts suddenly calmed down and he got out of the state of being provoked.

First of all, it is known that the gentleman dotes on Hyuga Ryo very much.

There are many specific manifestations, including making Hyuga rationally independent of the organization and life, making Hinata rationally a member of the code name, and acquiescing to Hinata's sometimes reckless behavior, such as now.

But, digging a little deeper, are these outrageous?

Although Ryo Hyuga became independent from the organization, he had a project with him. Gin didn't take the initiative to learn about this project, but he still inevitably knew a lot of key information, and he was able to piece together the big puzzle of this project with ease. : Make up a pair of fake parents, live a reasonable life with Hinata, let him have a normal child's life, and then study whether he will be normal.

Judging from Hinata's reasonable sniping methods and three views, the conclusion is very clear.

This is not considered petting, strictly speaking, it is doing research, but I don't know what the purpose is.

As for Hyuga Ryo being able to become a member of the code name, he did not go through the back door, it was cleared out by actually clearing the tasks, but it was a few steps less than other ordinary members to strictly verify the background procedures.

As for tolerating Hinata's reasonable and reckless behavior... Maybe it's a lot more tolerant. Gin thinks that the other party is okay, and he is still very measured. Every time he just waved his claws and never really showed his sharp edge. It belongs to the category of bad personality , is not unforgivable.

And, that mission, the mission that allowed Hinata to be promoted to a member of the code name and get the title of Icewine again.

Gin fixed his gaze, and glanced at Hyuga Ryo from the corner of his eye. The other party was still on the phone, with a happy look in his eyes. It seemed that he had not been rejected, but had been entrusted with an important task again.

He remembered Hinata's expression sitting in the car at the end of the mission, the emotion that he didn't realize but filled every dog ​​hair.


Perhaps, like him, the other party had already anticipated the mission before it was officially issued... No, it was definitely anticipated.

What is uncertain is whether Hyuga Ryo knew that that trash was not his biological father before meeting that gentleman.

But whether you know it or not, it makes no difference.

Even if that trash is just Hinata Ryo's nominal father, and he doesn't even go home several times a year, and hasn't met Hinata Ryo a few times, but this name is enough, especially in Japan.

The word 'father' is not just a simple appellation, it also represents a huge network, a network belonging to human society.

This net is composed of countless lines, including common sense, family affection, and the eyes of others that normal people default to... In short, there are all the things that normal people would care about.

Everyone is tightly entangled in the net. Under invisible shackles, they honestly go to school, get married, have children, and send their children to school, forming insignificant fragments of human society. We can also use 'shackles' to describe this network.

[Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains. ]
After that shot, that simple shot, the shackles on Hyuga Ryo's body were directly shattered.

Whether he is voluntary or not, in the future, there will be nothing that can restrain him, such as worldly eyes.

Even if he is friends with some police officers, and they intersect with those police officers to form a new net, as long as anyone takes out the gun, the net will be broken immediately.

That shot was a shot that most members of the organization would be surprised to hear about the situation, let alone normal human society or the police.

From that shot onwards, Hinata's reasonable affiliation was only the organization.

This may not be regarded as the father's favor, but there is a probability that it is considered the gentleman's preference, but it is not the preference for his grown-up children, but the preference, control and possessiveness for his own possessions, just like the preference for Organization as well.

Gin rubbing the cigarette in his pocket, he lingered on Hinata Reasonable from the corner of his eye for too long, the other party ended the call easily and happily, looked up, "What's wrong?"

The other party's eyes turned around on him, then turned around on Vodka, several other staff members, and Shirley who had just finished operating the equipment, and then fell back again, "Is this a no-smoking area?"

Being discovered, Gin simply took out the cigarette and put it in his mouth, but did not ignite it, but calmly said: "The instruments here are very sophisticated, and lighting a cigarette may hinder their work."

He glanced at the time and decided to make a quick decision, "There is still one more floor, after the inspection, we can leave."

"Okay." Hinata's rationality didn't make any sense, and he didn't say something like "I'll observe carefully and copy it to my site one by one." Instead, he said, "It's not night, don't send me When you get home, just watch me walk in?"

"Wait a few intersections later, just put me down, I have a task to do."

Focus: tasks.

Gin is more difficult to understand this guy's brain circuit.

Yes, many members of the organization do prefer to accept tasks, because tasks represent merit and experience, and some people are unwilling to accept tasks, because tasks also represent danger.

Some even happily licked their lips when they received the task, preparing for the upcoming killing.

However, Hyuga Rationality is not any of the above.

This guy is a bit disgusted with the simple and mindless cleaning work, as well as the complicated and difficult intellectual work. He is very skilled, calm, and numb in "cutting the mess with one knife", and then he doesn't have too many other emotions. When you come down to kill, you will be happy.

For a long time, Gin thought that this guy was happy to take on the mission because of the merits and experience of the mission representative.

Every time this guy asks for a mission, he hardly conceals his blatant intentions, just acting like it's beneficial, so he does it.

It wasn't until after this guy went to meet that gentleman that he still asked Gin for tasks as usual, did Gin gradually realize that this guy didn't do the task because of his merits and experience.

There are many simple clean-up tasks without much merit, and Hinata rationally completes them conscientiously.

So, what is he doing the task for?
If you figure out the answer, you may be able to pinch the tail that is swaying wildly and cleaning tasks with one button.

Gin remembered this matter, and then calmly responded, "Yes."

While responding, he silently began to count, one, two...

"Do you have any tasks, I am happy to help you," Hinata rationally said in a skilled tone, "GIN."

Before the other party proficiently and naturally spit out the words of loyalty, Gin Jiu cut it off in advance, and simply pressed the send button on the mobile phone, "The task details have been sent to you, just solve him before eight o'clock in the evening."

"..." Hinata paused reasonably, "Okay."

How are you so proficient.jpg
After paying, Matsuda Jinpei walked out of the convenience store. He tapped his mobile phone and pressed keys to reply to his colleague while walking, [Buy it, buy it. ]
[Ten chow mein buns, three cheese buns, and two bentos. ]
The police officers are happy because they don’t have to go out to have dinner or have a fellowship, even if it’s a celebration. Instead, they have to stay in the police station honestly.

In particular, the concentration of bombers/bombers has increased sharply in the past year.

Matsuda Jinpei didn't feel much about it. He was used to this kind of intensity from the first day of work, but from time to time he would be surprised by the Tokyo where "there was no bomber in ten days and a half months" in the words of his seniors. And doubt it.

After walking along the road for a while, when we were about to reach the intersection, there was a surprisingly consistent change in the crowd around us: look to the right.

Starting with the group on the far right, the movement spreads.

Matsuda Jinpei also glanced to the right, then retracted, then paused, and then glanced over in surprise.

A black Porsche was parked by the road on the right, and a very familiar minor stood in front of the car, waving obediently at the car.

The car ran away without looking back.

The minor didn't put his hand down immediately, but maintained this movement, staring at the car until the car was out of sight, then he slowly turned his head and looked at the traffic lights not far away.

Matsuda Jinpei also moved his gaze, glanced at the end of the traffic light, and found a white thing in the crowd.

He looked intently, and saw a snow-white Samoyed tied to a manual traffic light. It seemed to be scorched by the sun, with a red tongue sticking out, watching the passing crowd with black grape-like eyes, foolishly Eye to eye with every human being.

When someone touched it while passing by, it happily squinted its eyes and raised its head to touch it.

Matsuda Jinpei looked at the Samoyed, then shifted his gaze, and moved his gaze back to Ryo Hyuga, and found that the minor adjusted the traffic lights on the sidewalk, and the target crossed the sidewalk accurately and went straight to the Samoyed .


(End of this chapter)

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