Conan's Helping People

Chapter 179 What are you doing!

Chapter 179 What are you doing!

The atmosphere fell into a strange but mutual knowing silence.

When the crowd poured out of the airport, Hyuga Ryo immediately stared outside, ignoring the fluffy Samoyed who made no noise but filled the entire interior of the car.

Among the gray tired crowd, there is a bright color moving.

It's Miyano Shiho.

The other party was wearing a black windbreaker and boots. When Hinata looked over reasonably, she just reached out and stroked her short brown hair up so that the hair fluttering in the wind would no longer block her view. At the same time, she looked at the side calmly What did the man in the black suit say.

Not like a teenager, but like a calm adult.

And Miyano Akemi are two completely opposite people.

Miyano Shiho was very keen, Hyuga rationally stared at her for a while, then she looked up, then her footsteps paused, and Hyuga Ryo looked at each other for a few seconds from afar.

She put her hands in the windbreaker pocket, and strode over, with a rather indifferent expression on her face, she didn't care about the crowd around her, and she didn't care at all about the man in suit who hurriedly followed, as if she was walking a catwalk show.

It was very weird, Hyuga Ryo had the illusion that the handsome man came over, raised his gun and shot him dead.

It may be because, from the moment he found him, the other party's eyes fell on him tightly, which was similar to the eyes of his blonde colleague. Those kind of hounds caught the eyes of the beloved rabbit, but Hinata was reasonable This kind of look from Miyano Shiho is not very repulsive.

...Probably, although the other party has a lot of momentum, the other party's appearance looks small and does not have enough threatening power.

The blonde colleague was different.

The same look, in Miyano Shiho's body, can make Hyuga Ryo raise his eyebrows slightly, and simply lean half on the car window, propping his chin to see the other person coming, but in the case of a blonde colleague, Hinata Ryo can feel a sense of threat, subconsciously He wanted to take out Gin's gun with his backhand and directly destroy the opponent.

He blinked, continued to prop his chin, and watched Miyano Shiho striding over without taking his eyes off it.

Miyano Shiho's expression remained unchanged, and he walked straight to the rear door, then raised his arm, pressed against the top of the car window, lowered his head and looked at Hinata reasonably.

This distance is very close, so close that they can see each other's eyeballs clearly, and they can also see each other's trembling eyelashes clearly.

Ryo Hyuga blinked again, and used his eyes to measure Miyano Shiho's face little by little, from those piercing eyes, to the clean nose, to the slightly reddish lips, to the slender neck and collarbone, Finally, he raised his head again, and glanced at the other party's arm and white palm resting on the car window.

This colleague doesn't look very friendly.

He greeted the other party calmly and calmly, "Hello."

On the folder, there was a code name mentioned for the other party. Hinata rationally recalled it a little bit, and then easily spit out that code name, "Shirley."

"Hello," Miyano Shiho still didn't take back that kind of eyes. After looking at his whole face, he raised his eyes again, landed on his eyes, and looked at him closely.

This close look at each other is so subtle, so even if her tone was cold, it was tinged with an inexplicable softness, "Icewine."

After saying hello, her gaze finally shifted a bit, and landed on Gin Jiu behind Hinata, she nodded again, "Gin Jiu."

"En." Gin responded lightly, and immediately reached out and grabbed Hyuga Reasonable's back collar, but did not use force, "Sit down."

He spoke to Miyano Shiho again, "Get in the car and take you to see the laboratory."

Then he tugged Hinata's back collar again, trying to make him sit down, "For human beings, there are traffic law restrictions, such as not sticking your head out of the window."

Hinata leaned back reasonably, adjusted his position according to the situation, sat down obediently, and at the same time retorted casually, "For human beings, there are also social etiquette restrictions, such as not being allowed to grab other people's collars casually."

Wait, Samoyed colleagues are not considered normal human beings, and it is not bad if they didn't directly twist the heads of other ordinary people.

Miyano Shiho moved her eyes again, from Hinata Ryo's eyes to Gin's body, she stood up, and asked coldly, "Shall I go to the front seat?"

Although it was a question, it didn't mean to move your feet at all.

Gin raised his chin, "I'll deal with your luggage later, get in the car first."

It didn't say where Miyano Shiho would sit, but there was only one seat in the car.

Miyano Shiho lowered her eyes again, and Hinata and Hinata looked at each other rationally, then she opened the door of the front seat, and while she sat in neatly, she asked nonchalantly, "How is my sister?"

"Ask him." Gin Jiu raised his chin again, signaling Hinata to be reasonable.

The sister asked where her sister was, which was very reasonable.

Hinata replied reasonably: "Miss Miyano is safe."

He thought for a while, and felt that the other party was Miyano Akemi's sister after all, and she would definitely not be satisfied with this simple answer, so he said again: "She is very happy recently, maybe because she knows you are coming back, and she eats a moderate amount every morning. A moderate breakfast, a moderate lunch at noon, and a moderate dinner in the evening.”

...This kind of nonsense sounds a bit provocative.

But there is no way, other than that, there seems to be nothing to explain.

After finishing speaking, Hinata paused reasonably, and in order to show that she was not provoking, she immediately added, "She mentioned you to me, saying that her younger brothers and sisters are very talented, and they are capable personnel in the organization."

In the front seat, Miyano Shiho, who had been expressionless and had been listening to him talking nonsense, raised her eyes. She frowned, and cast a strange look from the rearview mirror, "You..."

She paused again, and then said, "Thank you."

"Icewine is under the direct control of that gentleman. If you have anything, you can report to me or him. You can also report to us directly if you have new research progress." Gin interjected, with a warning tone, "But .”

"Tokyo has been in chaos recently. You can play in private, but you can't make trouble."

'You can bite a dog, but you can't really bite each other'.

Hyuga Ryo immediately got the euphemistic meaning of gin, he hit six points again, and had to clean up his innocence, "Sorry, I'm not interested in the game, I will ask that gentleman for a task in the next period of time Do."

He paused, and said sincerely: "Of course, if you also have the task of the action team, I can also share your worries, GIN."

Then he turned to get closer to his new colleague, "If you need any help, you can also find me."

The new colleague glanced at him lightly, and agreed easily, "What's your contact information?"

What, I actually agreed.

Hinata hesitated for a while, handed the phone over, and then glanced at Gin, and found that the other party raised his eyebrows slightly, but it didn't mean surprise, but a bright 'I see what you can do' watching the battle expression.

Miyano Shiho pressed the button for a while, and her own mobile phone gave a reminder that there was a new message, and then handed the mobile phone back.

She gave herself a good name, which is very concise and to the point, it is 【Xue Li】.

Wait, you don't need to enter the address book to add a new contact, right?

While meditating, Hyuga rationally changed the remarks: [A large dog with a height of 1.6 meters and an imposing manner of 1.8 meters].

Naturally, he also revised the remarks for Gin: [Super large glutinous rice balls].

He nonchalantly typed out a series of numbers with a special melody, and reported his itinerary to the gentleman: 【I have picked up Shirley. 】

After sending, he raised his eyes following the gaze that was fixed on him, and met Miyano Shiho's eyes.

Miyano Shiho looked away.

There was silence in the car for a while, and Gin took a look at Hyuga Ryosuke and Miyano Shiho, and found that these two are somewhat sharp people. An inexplicable sense of harmony.

"Don't just send any news to that gentleman." Considering his previous experience, Gin Jiu warned first, and then said to Miyano Shiho, "You have a chance to see Miyano Akemi once a month. When and how to meet, it is up to you to discuss with him, as long as there are no mistakes, I will not care."

Hey, seeing my sister, there are still rules?And only once a month?
This is not normal, is it?

Ryo Hyuga glanced at the new colleague sitting in front of him in surprise, and the new colleague also looked at him blankly, without looking at the gin, and replied easily, "Well, so I added his contact information."

...This kind of behavior of seeing his own sister and being restrained by others is not so much a talent that the organization values, but a genius that is grasped by the organization.

But, aren't the parents of the Miyano sisters also members of the organization?
He didn't have any doubts for a long time, and then received a message from Gin Wine next door: [The project Shirley is researching is very important and is in a top secret state, so she can't leave the laboratory every day, and can't spend too much time with her family. 】

It seems understandable.


No matter how top-secret the plan is, there is no need to use this kind of family threat to treat Shirley, whose parents are both members of the organization and herself a code member, right?This method really looks like a criminal villain... wait, the organization is really a criminal organization, and it is also a villain organization.

That's fine.

Hinata accepted this explanation reasonably and quickly.

Just like the "police personnel in reasoning works", no matter what he does, he will not... If it is too outrageous, he will still be a little surprised. In the same way, "the villain organization in reasoning works", no matter how much he does. Simple and rude threats are normal.

If the person being held hostage is a black character with a young genius, a tragic past, and a little bit of common language with the 'detective', half of the follow-up in the reasoning works may show rebellion and resolutely turn to the red. square.

Another half of the possibility is to resolutely become the mastermind behind the scenes, fill up the fashion value, and become the object of regret and embarrassment for readers.

As for who Shirley is in front of her.

Hinata looked at Shirley reasonably and seriously, and made a preliminary estimate that the latter was more likely, so he suddenly became vigilant.

There is only one leader!
He replied to Gin: [I see, I will pay attention. 】

Then I was puzzled again: [Our mobile phone sounds so obvious, is it all right?In fact, you can remind me to be vigilant afterward. 】

In reality, Gin glanced at him, put his phone away with his backhand, and continued to speak concisely, "No fighting."

You have nothing to say, you can only repeat it again, trying to ease the atmosphere, you are really handsome.

Hyuga rationally applauded silently in his heart, but on the surface he nodded seriously, as if he had no opinion at all.

It wasn't until he arrived at his destination that he suddenly realized why Gin had repeatedly warned him not to fight with his new colleagues.

The laboratory of a new colleague is a building.

The exterior of the building is normal, but the interior has been privately remodeled, and several floors have been dug down. Counting the ground and underground floors, there are a total of thirteen floors.

In this building, the most powerful member of the organization is Shirley.

The floors above the ground and each floor are researching some branch projects separately, and are subject to Shirley's control at any time. The floors below the ground are all under Shirley's direct management, researching top-secret projects, and are under Shirley's control.

In other words, this is a piece of land, a piece of land marked with Shirley's mark.

Rational Hinata:! ! !
When Gin introduced Miyano Shiho succinctly, Hyuga Ryo stared at Gin silently.

When they entered the elevator and swiped their cards to reach the underground, Hinata rationally stared at the gin silently.

Hyuga Ryo stared at Gin silently as they walked through the long white corridor, briefly checking equipment and data together.

When Miyano Shiho changed into a white coat, strangely mobilized other people in the laboratory, and started synchronizing data, Hinata rationally stared at Gin in silence.

Gin couldn't bear it anymore and turned his head, and met his gaze, "Shut up, don't say 'I want it too', this is a laboratory, not a playground."

"A boring and monotonous research project, if you stick to it for at most three days, you will run away immediately."

'I can also join the scientific research group, as long as I have a place', before I could say it, it was ruthlessly blocked, Hyuga Ryo could only turn around and say: "But, I have been participating in research projects, isn't it ?"

He pointed out, "Every time I am injured, I will take the organization's medicine, isn't it also participating in the experiment?"

Gin didn't reply immediately, and seemed speechless.

Hinata continued to stare at the gin, and then took the white coat handed over by other irrelevant personnel and put it on.

"This is the arrangement of that gentleman." After a few more seconds, Gin Jiu avoided the subject and went straight to the point.

He raised his eyes coldly and mocked calmly, "If you want, you can ask that gentleman to see if he ignores you."

Almost before he finished speaking, Hinata Ryo took out his mobile phone in seconds, played the super fast hand speed he learned from the police dog, pressed the melodic number countless times faster, and then typed and read out The words I was typing, "Xue Li, there is a whole laboratory building, Gin said, let me ask you for it."

Gin: "..."

He moved his eyes down and glanced coldly at the hand that was typing quickly, feeling the urge to chop off the dog's paw.

After a few seconds, the urge peaked.

Hinata Reasonable's cell phone vibrated, and while looking at it, he quickly read out: "Okay."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, let's have dinner together tomorrow, and I will pick a territory for you by the way."

Gin: "..."

This sentence should be deconstructed and reorganized. For Hyuga Ryo, it should be "I want to have a territory and eat with me".

Wait, is that why Shirley just got back and there was a lab building?
That gentleman caught a carrot right in front of this guy's eyes, and when the guy's eyes were red, he said, 'I want it too! When the coquettish voice was heard, he refused to wait a second, and immediately offered to exchange "give me a carrot if you give me a hug", then hug this guy up, and kindly feed him the carrot?


This guess is very outrageous, but very reasonable.

Because according to the regulations, Shirley shouldn't have such a big right in the first place, it's simply too rich, Hyuga Rigi doesn't need to pick Shirley up at all, and that gentleman won't be on call 24 hours a day to reply to messages at any time.

This is a trick to spoil children!

What are you doing, sir!

This guy is the type who rises when he sees the wind, and expands when he is loved! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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