Da Ming started to ascend the throne

Chapter 1025 Nu Wa Creates Humans

Chapter 1025 Nu Wa Creates Humans
The natives in America are still very kind. When Columbus first arrived in America, they took the initiative to entertain this group of people warmly. How could they know that these people were greedy and hungry wolves.

Columbus's name is almost unknown to everyone. In the eyes of Europeans, he is by far the greatest navigator in the world.

Columbus sailed to the Americas four times, discovered the New World, and made great contributions to the White Dream and territorial expansion.

However, history is not one-sided. Behind the reputation of "the world's greatest navigator", there is actually a cruel and insatiable monster hidden
According to the research of modern Westerners, Columbus had personality defects, he even had multiple personalities, was very cunning, and was a lustful guy.

On August 1492, 8, Columbus led 3 sailors to leave Europe and headed for unknown seas.

They sailed at sea for 2 months and 9 days, suffering and suffering, including Columbus himself, who prayed for survival every day.

Everyone has a bad temper, and they often use knives and guns for little things. Some people even threatened to kill Columbus and feed them to the fish.

This phenomenon is common to people at sea. A ship is a kingdom, and whoever has a sharp knife is the emperor.

Just when Columbus was about to lose control of the situation, a miracle happened, and he discovered a new continent.

Of course, this is not the real American continent, but an island next to Florida, which was named Guanahani by the white people.

At first Columbus thought it was an island of Japan. Maybe he was starving and dizzy, or maybe his personality was split again. He actually talked to the natives on the island in Spanish and asked them for food and fresh water.

Naturally, the aborigines could not understand his boar-snarling language, which made Columbus very angry.

To make a great navigator angry, the end is often not very good.Columbus used his gyroscope to measure the azimuth, thinking that this is 42 degrees north latitude, but in fact it has shifted southward by more than 2000 kilometers.

Finally, Columbus came to the conclusion that this is the legendary ancient country in the East - India.

He thought those savages with feathers on their heads were Indians, so he called them "indio" in Spanish, which means "Indians".

Remember, it was Columbus who really spread the word around the world.

Later, when the white people discovered the real American continent, they even named it to the local people directly, so the native Americans are collectively called Indians.

The aborigines on the island warmly welcomed the guests who came from afar, and even regarded them as messengers sent by the gods to give them rich things.

But those white people who thought they were from a civilized country asked the aborigines to dedicate the most beautiful girl on the island to them after they had eaten their fill.

After a few days of leisure on the island, Columbus set sail again, and the aborigines prepared a lot of fresh water and food for him.

However, Columbus did not feel the slightest gratitude. Relying on the kindness of the aborigines, he shamelessly wrote in his logbook:
"This group of animal-like guys is so easy to deceive. I only need 50 people to rule them easily. Just wait, I will send people here soon."

Columbus was different from other adventurers. Apart from exploring, he understood the importance of colonization.

His purpose is to make those races living in the New World submit to the Spaniards, and cruelly deprive them of their wealth and labor.

Columbus meant what he said, and five years later he led the white men to the island.

When the aborigines were ready to welcome them with gifts, they found that what they brought was not kindness, but ruthless killing and plundering.

From the moment they disembarked, those white men who had been armed to the teeth brandished machetes and muskets, murdered, set fire and robbed recklessly.

The accompanying priest recorded that "those aboriginal soldiers who were seriously injured due to defeat were used as rations for hunting dogs. The hunting dogs tore off the flesh from their bodies, and then disemboweled them. The sailors laughed and applauded.

Every sailor has a treasure that cannot be carried on his back, and every sailor has a dozen beautiful girls.

Those natives became slaves to the sailors, and they would be killed if they resisted.I don't know who came up with the bad idea to release the aborigines who tried to abscond, and then sent hounds to chase them.

For the sailors, these brutal games were nothing more than a pastime. "

In the end, Columbus and his white sailors plundered all the wealth on the island, then drained their blood, drove the remaining aborigines onto the ship, locked them under the dark and damp deck, and sold them to various places like pigs and dogs.

Men become slaves, while women become tools for them to vent their animal desires.

Columbus was characterized by brutality.Even if you praise him, you have to admit the atrocities that have occurred.

No matter how later generations commented, Columbus was in a very happy mood. He wrote in the logbook:

"Just like buying and selling crops, you can buy a beauty for 100 Spanish coins. This kind of business is very common. There are countless merchants looking for girls, especially those who are 9 to 10 years old. Thank you, no Me, you can't enjoy such cheap benefits!"

According to a conservative estimate, within 50 years after Columbus landed, as many as 500 million American residents died unnaturally.

At that time, all the indigenous peoples combined did not exceed 1000 million.Look, what do those white gentlemen who keep themselves civilized do?
The great voyage is a great era, there is no doubt about it.

However, in modern history, only the winners are generally heard laughing, and the losers are not seen crying.

After hundreds of years of bloody white rule, a group of yellow-skinned troops set foot on various parts of the continent.

The natives found that instead of harassing them, these yellow-skinned troops attacked the whites and killed many cruel whites.

The natives once again regarded these yellow-skinned soldiers as saviors.

As time passed, the aborigines discovered that they had read the right person this time, and that the yellow-skinned person was really their savior.

Not only helped them eliminate those cruel white people, but also taught them aboriginal farming and weaving.

In the past, they worked and mined for free. If they resisted, they would be beaten to death and their children would be trafficked.

But now the situation has completely changed, the yellow-skinned soldiers don't bully them at all.

Later, their adults worked to earn money to support their families. As long as they were not particularly lazy, everyone at home loved to drink and did not worry about it. The children also started to go to school for free and learned to write.

After attending school for more than a year, their children told their parents that they were all Chinese and their ancestors were called Nuwa.

Their ancestors were all made of mud by a beautiful fairy named Nuwa...

Native Americans have almost no culture, and they have never heard of Nuwa creating human beings, but as children indoctrinate adults, adults gradually believe their children's words.

Although there are some adults who don't believe their children's words very much, their children remember the name Nuwa and their family name Huaxia.

Because they are very clear that their happy life today is given to them by the descendants of Nuwa, and they are proud of being a member of the Chinese people...

(End of this chapter)

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