Da Ming started to ascend the throne

Chapter 1024 Chapter 1013 Confucianism included in the teaching of the new territory

Chapter 1024 Chapter 1013 Confucianism included in the teaching of the new territory

In the early days, three of the four major colonial countries were destroyed by the Ming Dynasty, and one became the younger brother of the Ming Dynasty, and sent the princess of his own country to the Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty.

Another country that was colonized in the later period was Italy, but at this time Italy was still in a state of division.

Of course, the Republic of Venice still exists alone, and Da Ming will not deal with the Republic of Venice alone, because Da Ming has younger brothers.

Now the world structure has almost been finalized. The only superpower Ming Dynasty, the six Warsaw Pact countries, and the Republic of Venice.

Although the Holy Roman Empire is also a colossus, it does not pose any threat to Da Ming, on the contrary, it is Da Ming's capable thug.

The Holy Roman Empire will split sooner or later, and they are composed of several countries.

Even if the Holy Roman Empire splits, Ming doesn't need to worry, the small kingdoms that split out are also younger brothers of Ming.

Daming is like the American emperors of the later generations, and the Warsaw Pact countries are like those small countries in NATO. They can only be the thugs of the big brother forever.

After all, there are still such small countries in the world, and it is impossible for Da Ming to do everything by himself. When the younger brothers need to take action, as long as Da Ming says a word, the younger brothers will settle it.

What Ming has to do now is to manage the new territory it occupies, and Han culture education must first be included in the new territory.

The current education method in the Ming Dynasty is a new culture, and the original Confucianism has basically been abandoned.

The Confucianism abandoned by the Ming emperor happened to be practiced in the new territory of the Ming Dynasty in Europe.

Maybe a few years later, when someone walks into a place in Europe that was brought into the territory of Ming Dynasty, they will find that these foreign children are thinking about Zheye and the like...

Whether it is the newly incorporated territory of Ming Dynasty, or the Americas later seized from the West, Ming Dynasty will not oppress them at will.

As long as they don't oppose Ming's rule, they can live freely and get paid for doing things for Ming.

With such a big place, such a large population, America and Australia still have so many resources, there is no need for Ming to exploit them and still make a lot of money.

After two or three years of operation, Daming has built cities and towns in various places in America.

The people of Ming Dynasty and the second-class citizens of Ming Dynasty who immigrated here can live in peace with the natives.

Daming needed indigenous labor, and the indigenous also used labor to earn money and food from Daming.

This almost fair deal made the Native Americans feel that Ming's Huairou rule was completely different from the bloody and brutal European colonists, and they willingly surrendered to Ming.

The American Massacre, also known as the Indian Massacre, was a brutal massacre that occurred from the 16th century to the end of the 19th century.

About 2500 million people died. The European colonists who came to America after the 16th century brought devastating disasters to the local Indians.

According to statistics, during the colonial period, 1300 million Indians were killed in the territories belonging to Spain, about 1000 million were killed in Brazil, and about 100 million Indians were killed during the westward movement of US imperialism.

A large number of Indians were enslaved or even massacred. By the 21st century, there were about 3000 million Indians.

The male Indians in Latin America basically have no pure male descendants, and their mixed descendants Mestizo people are mostly descendants of male colonizers and local females.

The situation was even worse in North America, where Indians were driven into Indian reservations, where they made up less than 5 percent of the population.In the United States, Indians only account for about 2% of the total population.

We can see that there were a lot of Indians in the big countries of the American continent. The European colonists massacred the Indians very quickly, causing the population of the Indians to decrease sharply.

Why do countries with the most whites have the fewest Indians?The United States, Canada, and Brazil have the most whites and the least Indians.

Why are there more than 90 million Indians in Mexico when Indo-European mixed races account for 1000%?

Why did the population of Peruvian Indians massacred by Spanish colonial rulers drop from an estimated 1520 million in the 900s to 1620 in 60?
After the European colonists entered the Americas, they not only occupied and plundered the land of the Indians, but also carried out bloody killings of the Indians.

For example, in 1554, the Portuguese colonists carried out a massacre of the Tamoy Indian tribe in Brazil, and at the same time captured about 1 Indians as slaves, which wiped out the tribe.

In 1629, the Portuguese colonists massacred the Indians in Guaira, Brazil, and then transported about 3 Indians to the slave market in Rio de Janeiro for sale.

In addition, throughout the colonial period, the Indians rebelled one after another, almost all of which were suppressed bloody.

The brutal colonial wars caused huge casualties to the Indians. In the 1492 years from Columbus's arrival in America in 1570 to the completion of his conquest in 78, about 256 million Indians died in the colonial wars.

The colonists also forced the Indians to perform labor, and many Indians died of smallpox and other plagues introduced from Europe, resulting in a sharp decline in the Indian population, and it is not uncommon for Indians to be exterminated in entire villages or entire regions.

"The Complete History of the World" has this text:
"In the US Empire, the 'civilized' country of the world at that time, this genocidal policy was even more brutal.

They repeatedly increased the reward for killing Indians.Those prudent Protestant masters, the Puritans of New England.

In their legislative session in 1703 it was decided that a bounty of £40 would be paid for every Indian skull and every red man captured.

In 1720, the reward was raised to £100 per scalp; in 1744, after a tribe in Massachusetts Bay had been declared rebels, the following reward was fixed:

'One hundred pounds for every scalping of a man over 12 years old;... fifty pounds for every scalping of a woman or child! '"

After the independence of the American Empire in 1783, the massacre and abuse of Indians did not stop at all.

With the rapid development of capitalism, in order to open up the territory, the American government expelled the Indians from their ancestral homeland.

In 1830, the U.S. imperial government passed the Indian Relocation Act, stipulating that all Indians in the east should be moved to the reservation designated for them west of the Mississippi River, and racial segregation and persecution would be implemented.

Most of these "Indian reservations" are remote and barren mountainous or desert areas.

A tribe called the Cherokee was forced to migrate to the "Indian Territory" (now Oklahoma), which lasted 3-5 months, and about 4000 people were killed, accounting for 25% of the tribe's population. .

This tragedy was later called the "Trial of Blood and Tears".The Indians have long been persecuted by massacres, siege, expelling, and forced migration, and their numbers have decreased sharply. By the early 20th century, there were only about 30 people left.

Before the colonists entered the New World, there were already four great slave empires established by Indians in the Americas.

It is a sad fact of history that the nascent American civilization was destroyed by colonists from Europe.

As one of the major human races, the Indians, which are difficult to domesticate, were basically extinct as a whole.

As a result, the colonists had to transport blacks who were more manageable from Africa, which was less civilized, as slaves.

(End of this chapter)

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