It's scary, the group is actually full of ancient bigwigs

Chapter 308 Chapter 307 The Terrible Situation

Chapter 308 Chapter Three Hundred Seven
Sitting on the throne, the first emperor was handling official affairs all over the world, and his mood was a bit complicated.

At the beginning, he didn't care about Su Xi's talking about the yellow rice porridge. He thought it was too exaggerated.

But after the approval of Li Shimin and others, he became serious.

It turns out that there is really such a big gap.

He was born in the royal family, and his only suffering was when he was a proton in Zhao Guo.

But even so, Zhao Guo didn't dare to treat them too badly.

In addition, there are Lu Buwei and Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji still has some strength, and it is no problem to maintain their noble life.

That's why, he has never experienced the hard work of the people at the bottom.

And this point can be seen from Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. When Emperor Xian fled east, Cao Cao greeted him with meat porridge.

And a meal of meat porridge is something that the people of the world dare not ask for extravagantly.

For the first time, Shihuang knew that the emperors could really be divided by whether they had experienced the hardships of the people.


Cut the white snake—

"The royal family and the common people stand on the same front, opposing the nobles. The emperor knows this."

"The most important thing should be the policies we implement."

"It's like some people in later generations persuading agricultural books."

"Extremely gorgeous words, full of changes in the four seasons, full of pity for the people."

"But so what?"

"A group of people who haven't lived a day's life as a common people?"

"How can a group of people who have never seen the lives of the people know what the people need?"

Liu Bang laughed mockingly.

Just like Zhuge Liang was farming in Nanyang, sleeping until the sun was three poles before getting up, how lazy this man was at that time, can be seen from here.

Although farming is the instinct of Chinese people, if a nobleman farms the land every day and understands everything in the land, he must be joking.

Liu Bang's ridicule was harsh.

"In fact, if you don't know how to farm, you don't know how to regulate the country correctly. Sometimes, it is better to let the country adjust itself."

"Doing nothing is also a way to restore the economy."

"Restrict the invaders at the top and give the people an environment where they can create a good future for themselves."

In Liu Bang's consciousness, a weak chicken like himself, with a few buddies in the same county, can fight for a country, and those people who work hard on their own and fight for a future by themselves will definitely be able to do it.


Son of God—

"I agree with Gaozu's words."

"Restrain the invaders at the top, and the people below will know what to do."

"You don't see the prosperity of the rule of Wenjing."

The most classic case of governance by doing nothing is the governance of Wenjing.

At that time, Wen Jing's governance of the country was not the kind of large-scale control, but macro-control.

Farmers, merchants, scholars, nobles, there is not much difference.

Do not give them a strict status.

Let the forces of all parties balance.

The tax is fixed and does not restrict the farming and commercial development of the people.

The common people are allowed to work in their spare time, and the businessmen are allowed to develop freely.

There are no restrictions on nobles doing business and scholars learning these things.

Relatively relaxed environment.

The main responsibility of the state is to fight against evil forces, to deal a devastating blow to the tyrants who control and suppress the local area, and to create a peaceful environment.

In this way, the restoration of national strength will develop rapidly.

Most of the taxes collected by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty against the Xiongnu came from the small landlords and big businessmen who rose up during the Wenjing period, as well as the businessmen and heroes controlled by the family itself.

It has been a habit since ancient times that profiteers, illegal assets, and large-scale gambling and other bad assets that the state has eliminated must be confiscated.

After the confiscation, when the treasury has money, it can buy more food and supplies to stabilize the country.

Almost all the surplus grain in the hands of the people was bought by Emperor Wu and used to fight the Xiongnu.


The ancestor of China—

"It feels like you're targeting me."

"In the entire chat group, among the emperors, I am the only one who has not experienced the suffering of the people, and has not seen the suffering of the people."

"I think you guys are targeting me."

The first emperor's faint voice sounded, and everyone in the group was speechless.

What you said was directly guessed by you.


Fighter in the wine pool and meat forest—

"No, they didn't target you, and I didn't experience it."

King Zhou appeared.

King Zhou, who hadn't appeared for a long time, appeared in the chat group.

Shi Huang was speechless, he just wanted to interrupt this. .


Fighter in the wine pool and meat forest—

"During this time, I went among the common people, among the nobles, and among the people of the world."

"I saw the life of slaves, experienced the hardships of the common people, and had a good drink with the nobles."

"I have experienced all levels, and I feel that I have sublimated."

King Zhou's voice became more and more flat, without any trace of pride.


The first emperor became interested. This guy, who was honored as the last emperor and praised by countless people, actually went to the lower level.

Everyone else also moved their benches, melon seeds, peanuts and drinks.

Sit and wait for the emperor to tell a story.


Fighter in the wine pool and meat forest—

"Seeing the hard work of the people at the bottom of the farm, knowing the fact that the slaves are hopeless, and bragging with the nobles, I know where I am wrong in history."

"I've done countless things that will only pay off in the future, which is really stupid."

King Zhou attacked himself directly.

To be honest, after meeting the slaves, King Zhou felt that he was really an idiot.

"After seeing those slaves in a real way, knowing their lives, and witnessing their thoughts, I feel useless."

"Historically, what I did to liberate slaves is true."

"They have rigid thinking, no future, dare not resist, and have no heart to wield a sword."

"Even they dare not wave their swords at the nobles and the common people."

"Half of the people are content with the status quo, and most of the other half just want to have enough to eat, and they have no ambition at all."

"To be honest, in this state, I dare to liberate the slaves, but they dare not resist."

"One thousand slaves, one thousand dare not resist, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dare not hope for the future."

"A thousand common people, five hundred are content with the status quo, four hundred want to be fed, ninety-nine want a small position, and the remaining one wants to live as an aristocrat."

"Out of a thousand nobles, none of them really care about the King of Man. They all have the mentality of doing what you can, and letting me do it if you don't."

"The gap in class ideology is too great to be moved at all."

King Zhou felt that it was too difficult for him in history. In this state, even a god would not be able to do it.


After listening to everyone in the chat group, their cognition of that era completely collapsed, which is terrifying.

In this state, there is absolutely no need to save, especially slaves.

Don't be afraid of being born low, just be afraid that you are born to accept your fate.

When you accept your fate, what can others do?
There is no way.

The most terrible thing is to lose the heart of resistance.


Chapter 3

(End of this chapter)

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