Chapter 307 Three hundred and six
One-handed chariot—

"If the emperor's difference you said came from here, then it's really no problem."

Confucius stroked his chin and said thoughtfully.

Su Xi is right, there will indeed be a difference, and it will be a huge difference.


"It's actually like yellow rice porridge."

"The yellow rice porridge that the emperor drank must be cooked by a peerless chef.

The rice used has to be high-grade rice. "

"It may have to add some side dishes such as ginseng, high-quality beef and mutton."

"When ordinary people eat yellow rice porridge, they just grab it, throw it into the pot, and cook it directly."

"Many ordinary people will sell their high-grade rice and exchange it for low-grade rice."

"The reason is that you can exchange two catties more."

"The common people's side dish is to add more water to the porridge, and add some sand."

"In the process of cooking porridge, there is a process called picking rice."

"The chefs of the emperor and nobles will carefully select and pick every grain of rice clearly."

"People don't."

"And it's all about eating, that's the gap."

Su Xi smiled and said the cruel reality.

In ancient times, you really thought that it was also called yellow rice porridge, and the common people and emperors and nobles ate the same thing.

The same ingredients, the same people, eating the same scientific name, but the food is absolutely different.


Confucius understood what Su Xi wanted to say.

One-handed chariot—

"Common cognition comes from life."

"The emperor who had never experienced the bottom looked at the yellow rice porridge he drank, thinking that the yellow rice porridge would look like this."

"So they will have deviations in governing the country."

"For example, if they eat yellow rice porridge and can get full, they think that the common people can also get full. Their porridge has side dishes, so they think that the common people's porridge just removes the side dishes."

Confucius' pupils shrank sharply.

This is a genuine cognitive problem.


Su Xi smiled and nodded.

"Yes, no matter how the upper-class people imagine how the lower-level people can't eat enough and don't wear warm clothes, they can't know what the lower-level people really look like."

"There is no one living in a hundred miles, changing children to eat, fleeing famine, being displaced, living without a fixed place, trading one's body for a bite of food, selling one's body to bury one's father."

"These words are recorded in history books."

"But as long as they don't experience it, they think that the yellow rice porridge that the people eat when fleeing famine is still what they usually eat."

"Maybe sometimes the yellow rice in the yellow rice porridge is the loess, and the side dish may be the meat obtained by changing seeds."

Su Xi said quietly.

There is really a difference in governing the country between emperors who have not experienced suffering and those who have experienced suffering.

This difference stems from the real situation of the people at the bottom.


I will not change history—

"So when I went to war to collect food and grass, I always took the military expenses from above and went to the aristocratic families to buy it."

"Military spending plus favors can usually buy a lot."

"If you buy from the common people, it is better to send troops to rob food."

"Otherwise you really wouldn't be able to buy a single grain of rice."

Li Shimin said that he actually saw the troubled times at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

Do you think it's unreasonable for Yang Guang to be hated?
No, it's not.

Even the aristocratic family hates him.

The people at the bottom hate him.

That guy is really a prodigal.


True - self-made -

"You're right, sometimes you don't want to compromise with the landlord class."

"But for the sake of reality, we still have to compromise."

"Either the couple breaks up, or the other party is pulled into the boat."

Zhu Yuanzhang sneered.

I can borrow food but not return it, so I ask you if you are afraid.


I will not change history—

"@女帝, the source of the title of the Wu family is that your father gave my father a large sum of money and sponsored my family to start.

So in the end I gave you a duke title. "

Li Shimin said quietly.

Selling officials and titles has been done by many founding emperors.

Otherwise, there is really no money.

In a troubled world, as long as you are not a lunatic and want to reorganize the world, then you can't rob the rich and powerful families.

The reason is that if one family is killed, other families will collectively resist him, and they will vote for another anti-king.

Just look at Maniac Pig.

Two watermelon knives killed Datang from one end to the other.

In the end, everyone turned against him, and no one was willing to support him.


Shi Huang felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

He really hadn't thought about what they said and what they said today.

The first emperor suddenly realized that the founding emperors were wise for a reason.

They have experienced suffering, have not fallen, and they have seen the life of the bottom, but they just have some compassion. As long as they help the people to fight for some benefits, the lives of the people will be greatly changed.

A road to ascent, even if thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, will make the people at the bottom thank you.

And you really let the people have enough to eat, and when there is a war, some people will automatically come to help. This happened in real life.

When Dong Zhuo left Xiliang and entered Luoyang, Xiliang soldiers took refuge and followed him.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the common people thanked Zhu Yuanzhang. Isn’t the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang made him an emperor through the ages that Zhu Yuanzhang really thought about them?
Sometimes, some people, some things happen for no reason.


Son of God—

"In fact, people's hearts are made of flesh."

"After seeing the difficulties of the people at the bottom, those of us will support them consciously or unconsciously."

"Some policy tilts can bring great results."

"The most important thing is to be able to tilt just right."

Guangwu said indifferently.

These people, are really doing this.

If he saw the suffering of the people, they immediately gave birth to the desire to fight for the greatest unity in the world, and he himself felt disgusted.

He just tried to be fair out of compassion.

If there is more, he will not do it, it will shake too many interests, and it is easy to kill himself.


I will not change history—

"The king is less important than the people, the king is the boat, the people are the water, and the water can carry the boat and capsize it."

"That sentence is correct."

"If we don't treat the people better, we will really die ugly."

"Even if it's not fighting against the Mandate of Heaven for the people, even if it's not doing our best for the people, for our own benefit, we should stand with the people."

"In my eyes, the royal family is the aristocratic class, the traitor of the landlord class."

Li Shimin unceremoniously labeled himself a traitor.

The royal family is the biggest landlord, the biggest family, and they are also the biggest betrayers of these two levels.

They need to avenge the people, and they need to seek the interests of the people.

There is an important reason for the final demise of all dynasties. The royal family offended the people to death.

There is no way to ignore this.

This is also one of Wang Mang's awesome points. Before the Western Han Dynasty offended the people to death, he usurped the throne.

Really ruthless.


Chapter 2

(End of this chapter)

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