Chapter 558

Tuoba Qiang cut off the heads of the knights of the Zhenxi Army who died in battle outside the city, as well as those captives who resisted, and brought the heads back to the outside of Anhuatu City where they were stationed, and built a castle with soil there. People's heads are watching.

A total of more than [-] heads built the Jingguan several feet high. Standing on the five-star fortress, you can clearly see the Jingguan two miles away.

And the more than 7000 headless corpses were filled into the Qiang River by the Qiang people, blocking the Qiang River.

On the five-star fortress, thousands of Tang troops watched this scene, and they were all very angry.

They asked for a fight one after another, going out of the city to snatch the corpse.But Qin Lang still stopped them. After the last battle, the Zhenxi Army was no longer able to fight anymore, and the rescued Minzhou Army was exhausted at the same time.

The last time I took the risk to fight, I was lucky enough to return, and I will not be so lucky to fight again.

No matter how angry you are, you can only temporarily suppress this anger in your heart.

Two days later, Qin Lang announced to everyone that two days later, he would lead everyone into Anhua Tucheng, kill all the Qiang people, retrieve the bodies of the fallen soldiers and civilians, hold cremation for them, and send their ashes to Go home for burial.

In the past two days, everyone has sharpened their swords, prepared their armor, and recharged their batteries.

Liang Jianfang was in charge of reorganizing the new army. Everyone wanted to join the Zhenxi Army, even the peasants. They all wanted to take up arms with their own hands, and follow Wei Guogong to invade the bandit camp and kill them all.

It only took half a day, Liang Jianfang organized five battalions, front, back, left, middle and right according to Qin Lang's order, each battalion had five regiments, each regiment had [-] new troops, totaling [-] new troops.In addition, three battalions of logistics auxiliary troops were established, totaling [-].

Of the 8000 troops, as long as they could move, they all joined the army, and even the disabled one-armed and one-eyed cripples shouted to join.

The morale is available, and the military spirit is available.

If there is a lack of horses, we will form more infantry regiments.

If there are not enough weapons, they should be divided equally among each other. The equipment of one person should be divided among several people. The archers only kept their bows and arrows, the spearmen gave up their knives, and the knights also gave up their hammers, steel whips, iron bones, etc. out.

Even though they were only given a spear and didn't even have an iron helmet, the soldiers still had no complaints. They just wanted revenge, and revenge themselves.

The night is cold as water.

A hoarfrost fell, dyeing the earth with a layer of silver yarn.

Qin Lang stood on the fort, blowing the night wind, looking in the direction of Tucheng.

"Sanlang, why hasn't Songzhou reinforcements arrived?" Zhang Chao asked doubts.

Calculating the time, it has been almost a month since Tuoba Qiang besieged the city, why hasn't the Songzhou Ningyuan Army arrived yet?From Songzhou to Diezhou, although it is not too close, it is not too far.

The road has not yet been blocked by heavy snow, so we should have arrived long ago.

"Grandfather must have sent troops long ago, but since it hasn't arrived yet, it is impossible to be ambushed by the Qiang people halfway. The most likely possibility is that Grandpa expected us to be able to defend, so he took advantage of the main force of the Qiang people to attack Diezhou and On the occasion of Taozhou, he led his troops to go to Tuoba's hometown."


"Nine times out of ten, counting the time, I estimate that it has already arrived or that Tuoba's lair has already been swept away. This time, Tuoba Chici lost his wife and lost his army. It is doomed to lose everything." Qin Lang Looking at the dark night, he said calmly.

In any case, today's Datang is not what it was a few years ago, and now the biggest external threat to the Tang Dynasty, the Eastern Turks, has perished.

And the interior has been stable in recent years.

Although several disasters made Datang a little flustered, they were not fatal injuries after all.

At a time like this, if the party members dared to follow Tuyuhun's invasion of Datang who couldn't see the situation clearly, this was asking for their own death.No matter how strong the party is, there are only a few hundred thousand people, and it is still a loose tribal alliance. How can they compete with Datang?
To put it bluntly, even if Datang loses once and loses twice, Datang can still afford to lose, and can send more soldiers and horses to attack and retaliate at any time.But what about party people?
It is said that all the people are soldiers and a nation on horseback, but they can still be stronger than the Turkic people on the northern grasslands?
The Eastern Turks, which claim to control 40 people, are said to be extinct. What's more, after the last World War I, the vitality of the party's various ministries was severely damaged, and three tribes out of the eight major ministries have already surrendered.

The Tuoba tribe also suffered a lot of losses, and the vassals were even more injured. So what if he defeated the Minzhou army in one victory, the gap between the two sides would not be changed much, and it would only trigger a thunderous counterattack from the Tang Dynasty.

Just like in this battle, the Western Army in Qinlang Town lost more than 7000 people, including the Minzhou prisoners, the total casualties were no more than [-], but the Qiang people also suffered more than [-] casualties.

For the same casualties, to Qin Lang, his strength increased instead of decreasing, but Tuoba Chici actually suffered three wounds, like a broken arm.

Datang has a population of tens of millions, and thousands of people are injured, which is only one ten-thousandth of a loss.Dangxiang Qiang has a population of several 10, and thousands of people are injured, but it is one percent.The Tuoba tribe has a population of 10,000+, and thousands of people are injured, which is one tenth of it.

Why do they fight Datang?
"After all, what I am worried about now is Taozhou. Li Daoyan, an idiot, ruined the Taozhou Momen army, and even sent away all the soldiers from Minzhou. The Qiang invaded. I don't know if Xi Junmai can catch up. "

The Taomin prefectures used to be much stronger than these prefectures in the Qiangshui River Valley, with a population ten times that of this side. In the past, the border cities were prosperous, the people were rich, and there were many garrisons.

But now, Li Daoyan has lost everything. If the Qiang people invade, then Datang will suffer a great loss.

"Actually, I should go to rescue Taozhou myself." Qin Lang regretted that he only let Mr. Xi buy it.

"Lieutenant Xi is so brave, with your token of Saburo, and then mobilize Gao Kan and Gao Zhensheng, they should be able to win." Zhang Chao is still more worried about Qin Qiong. His father Zhang Tieqiang is also there, and he doesn't know the news. I always feel uneasy.

"Sanlang, why do you think this western border is so chaotic? When will there be peace?"

Qin Lang thought for a while and said, "When the Tang Dynasty is strong enough to make the Qiang Rong bow their heads and profess their vassals, Western Xinjiang will be peaceful."

"How long is that day?"

"Soon, I believe that after this battle, the entire party will completely submit to the Tang Dynasty, and will not dare to make trouble again. Don't look at Tuoba Chici's tyranny now, but he will regret it immediately, as long as Grandpa After sweeping away his lair, Tuoba Chici couldn't even return home."

This winter will be very sad. Even if Tuoba Chici can escape from Qin Lang, he will lose the pasture for the winter, the hay reserves, and the livestock that depend on it for a living. What will happen to the nomadic Tuoba tribe? It is said that they have suffered a catastrophe.

Their men can't support their wives and children, and they can't support their parents. What awaits them is their extinction, or they can only surrender to the Tang Dynasty.

Or, they go to Tuyuhun, but Tuyuhun is also a predator of the weak, much fiercer than Datang.In the past, the Tuoba tribe was stronger, and Fu Yun fled to the Tuoba tribe, and even gave his daughter to Chici to win the relationship, and even made him a famous king.

But if Tuoba Chici was defeated and surrendered, what awaited him would only be his men, horses and livestock divided up by the famous kings of Tuyuhun.

They will swallow up all of Tuoba so that there is not even a scum left.

In Anhua Tucheng, Tuoba Chici couldn't sleep all night again, he couldn't sleep, so he just put on his clothes and sat in the tent.Although they occupied Anhua Tucheng and there were some houses in the city, Tuoba Chici and other party members still set up tents in the city to live.

Tuoba Chici was anxiously waiting for the news. After yesterday's battle, he collected the rout troops, treated the wounded, and after some checks, three out of ten troops were lost.

Tuoba Chici was almost taken aback.

He immediately sent people to Diezhou in the east to search for the eight thousand tribes, urgently called them back to join them, and then evacuated.

Although he also beheaded more than 7000 heads of the Tang Army after the war, he knew very well that the strength of the Five Star Fortress did not decrease but increased, and Qin Lang's strength increased dramatically with six or seven thousand new Tang Army prisoners.

As long as Qin Lang is given some time, he will be able to recover and even be better than before. At that time, Qin Lang may send troops to fight at any time. At that time, when the attack and defense change, Tuoba Chici may not be able to fight.

The tent opened, and Tuoba Si headed in.

He looked anxious and panicked.

"Uncle, something is wrong. Just now the left-behind clansmen from Jishi Mountain came and said that the governor of Songzhou Qin Qiong led more than ten thousand troops from the Xifeng tribe to kill the Yellow River and swept away my Tuoba tribe. Countless people were killed and injured. The pastures where they spent the winter were burned. Fodder was burned, and cattle, sheep and livestock were also slaughtered..."


Tuoba Chici shook a few times and almost fell to the ground.

Tuoba Sitou hurried forward to support him, it took Chi Ci a long time to recover.

"Qin Qiong, god damn it!"

He was a little worried about Qin Qiong before, so he had sent more than a dozen light cavalry sentries to the south, fearing that Qin Qiong would lead his troops to come for reinforcements, but who knew that he had counted thousands of times and never counted, Qin Qiong was even more ruthless.

His own son was trapped, and he didn't come to rescue him. Instead, he ran to Jishi Mountains and Rivers, and attacked and wiped out Tuoba tribes.

This time the Tuoba tribe was almost all young and strong, and the other tribes were also summoned by him several times. Now the camps of the Dangxiang tribes are full of old and weak women and children, as well as cattle, sheep and livestock.

This season, everyone is busy preparing forage for the winter, preparing to switch to the winter.It's hard to not be young and strong, but Qin Qiong ran to attack this day.

Tuoba Chici could imagine the panic and embarrassment of the entire grassland tribes when Qin Qiong led more than 1 tigers and wolves to kill them.

Without the young and strong camp, Qin Qiong cannot be resisted.

Rubbing his head, Chi Ci's face was pale and his heart was bleeding.

"Immediately issue an order for the entire army to withdraw from the camp quietly. The movement must be quick and the noise should be quiet. Don't disturb the Five-Star Fort. We will withdraw immediately and leave here."

Tuoba Si asked in surprise, "The 8000 people from Nadiezhou haven't come back yet, why don't you wait?"

"I don't care about them anymore, they can only ask for their own blessings. Maybe the Tang people in Wuxingbao don't know the news yet, we have to leave quickly, otherwise we won't be able to leave if it is too late, and we can't delay any more. No light, let's go now."

"Retreat in a hurry, I'm afraid it's too late."

"If it's too late, pack lightly and throw away everything that is not easy to bring."

"We don't bring our cattle and sheep?"

"No." Chi Ci resolutely said. "Quickly pass the order!"

Looking at his nephew who left in a hurry, Chi Ci secretly hoped that Qin Lang didn't know the news, and that they didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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