Chapter 557
Tuoba Chici kicked the horse's belly, and slowly more and more people came out.

He stood outside the forest of crossbow spears, staring at Qin Lang intently.

Qin Lang also immediately looked at Tuoba Chici.

The battlefield was dead silent.

After a long time, Qin Lang crossed his hands, "Patriarch Tuoba, today's bloody battle will be as you wish?"

"It's a pity that Duke Wei was not captured alive."

Qin Lang smiled, "I'm in this five-star fortress. If patriarch Tuoba is not convinced by today's results, he can continue to attack. I'll be waiting for you at any time."

"Today, I would like to persuade Patriarch Tuoba. The patriarch has also been to Chang'an and seen the powerful people in the Central Plains. Why should he be arrogant like those frogs in the well? Although the party Xiang Tuoba Qiang is also very strong, but you can't wait for a mere Western Xinjiang. Buer, the total population of the Tuoba tribe is only about one hundred thousand, and the elite fighters are less than [-]. How many young and strong elites have the Tuoba tribe lost in the two battles this year? I estimate that there are thousands of them. With your vassal tribes, how many are left now?"

"Patriarch Tuoba, with all the power of the clan, can't even take down my small fortress. Isn't it ridiculous? Patriarch Tuoba, aren't you afraid that my Tang Dynasty will launch a conquest and wipe out your entire clan? Why don't you turn around? Why don't you learn from me? Wouldn't it be better to learn from Xifeng Patriarch, Fei Ting Patriarch, etc., abandon Tuyuhun and join the Tang Dynasty, and become the governor of one side of the Tang Dynasty, hereditary succession?"

Tuoba Chici said angrily, "Although the Central Plains is strong, our party is not weak. The Tang Dynasty did not keep its promises, Li Daoyan Jiu and Luo Sheng betrayed the Jiemeng, and turned back on their promises. How can I, Tuoba, be so insulted by others?" ?”

Qin Lang shook his head.

"Li Daoyan's behavior last time was just his personal behavior and cannot represent the imperial court. I have already told His Majesty that I want to impeach him for his crimes, and I have already sent Li Daoyan to prison. Patriarch Tuoba, neither you nor I can Because Li Daoyan is a fool, he must make a mistake to the end, otherwise you can't afford the final result, and we can't afford it either."

Tuoba Chici stepped forward a few more steps, loudly made a request in front of both parties.

"If you want to appease the anger of our Tuoba tribe, please ask Duke Wei to hand over Li Daoyan and Jiuqie Luosheng first, and let the old man kill him in public here, and dig out his heart to commemorate those clansmen who died in battle. Only if this is the case, the old man will talk to Wei Guogong about other things."

"I'm sorry, although Li Daoyan is guilty, I have to escort him to Chang'an and hand him over to the emperor for disposal. The same is true for Jiuqi Luosheng. They are subjects of the Tang Dynasty. If they commit a crime, they must be dealt with by the Tang Dynasty."

Tuoba Chi yelled, "Duke Wei is so dishonest, what are you talking about?"

"Is Patriarch Tuoba intending to kill the fish and break the net? But let me tell you, the fish will die in the end, but the net will not be broken."

After speaking, Qin Lang turned around and led the crowd into the city.

Entering the main city, Qin Lang got off his horse and lost all strength.

The army helped him to sit down, not daring to remove his armor immediately.

"Is there anything to eat, I'm starving to death." Qin Lang was paralyzed there.

Someone brought mutton soup, Qin Lang drank two bowls in one go, lay down for a while, and then slowly regained some energy.

"Has Wei Gong Khan rested?"


Only then did the soldiers dare to remove Qin Lang's armor. After a fierce battle, a high-temperature and high-humidity environment formed inside the thick armor. If the armor is removed directly, it is very likely that the armor will be removed. This is actually a type of stroke, and the consequences It's very serious, so you have to rest for a while, let your body adapt, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the armor will decrease before you can remove it.

Qin Lang felt that the altitude sickness had weakened his physical functions a lot. If it was in the Central Plains, it would be impossible for him to be exhausted from such an intense battle.

But here, after fighting for half a day, he has reached his limit.

The army took off his armor for him, fetched a towel to wipe his body, and changed into a clean military robe.

After changing his clothes, Qin Lang didn't want to pay attention to anything. He went back to his room and fell asleep. He didn't wake up until the next morning.

Woke up and had breakfast.

Convene the officers.

Everyone's spirits have recovered a lot, and many have suffered wounds and lost a few faces.

"Liu Canjun, did you get the statistics of the battle yesterday?"

There were several thread-bound notebooks in front of Liu Canjun, and he nodded heavily, "In the battle yesterday, our army suffered a lot of casualties, and the loss was huge."

"Just read it."

Qin Lang leaned back and closed his eyes to listen to Liu Canjun's report.

Seven light cavalry regiments went out of the city yesterday, with a total of 870 cavalry. After a day of bloody battle, there were still [-] seven people who returned to the city. Almost half of them were lost. All regiments suffered heavy losses.

Especially the war horses were badly damaged. After many Qingqi returned to the city, their mounts still couldn't hold up. Some survived, but it would be difficult to go to the battlefield without a year or so of recuperation.

"The casualties are so serious?" Qin Lang sighed.

It was almost half off, but he also admired the soldiers. With such heavy casualties, they didn't collapse yesterday. You must know that on the general battlefield, when the casualties exceed [-]%, they basically collapsed.

Perhaps it was because the battle was based on the city, otherwise, if the casualties like yesterday could not retreat into the city and be pursued by the Qiang people, maybe they would eventually collapse and be wiped out in the end.

"How many brothers have been rescued?"

"A total of 730 people were rescued yesterday, including more than [-] from the Taozhou Momen Army, more than [-] people from the Minzhou and other frontier troops, about [-] soldiers were recruited, and [-] children of the soldiers volunteered to join the army. In addition, there are more than [-] people from Tutuan Township soldiers, Minzhuang, and Chengpang..."

"Only more than six thousand people?" Qin Lang sighed.

"Well, according to the rescued comrades, the total number of captives they were escorted this time was more than [-], and nearly [-] died outside the city this time."

Qin Lang sighed, "Those are Haoerlang, young and strong from the Taomin states, it's a pity that they died, and their death is not worth it."

Liang Jianfang and others comforted Qin Lang, "Everyone is very grateful for the action of the Zhenxi Army yesterday. If it weren't for our action, all these eleven thousand people would have died under the city, or even died under the arrows of the Zhenxi Army. Although they are dead now, they died while fighting the Qiang people."

Qin Lang nodded.

"Liu Canjun, remember all those Minzhou soldiers and civilians who died in battle as one."

Dying in battle and being killed by captives are two different things.The war dead who died in the king's affairs can be called loyal and martyrs, and the court will give them compensation.

More than 6000 people were rescued, and many were injured. After all, they were unarmed yesterday. Although they fought desperately, they still suffered the heaviest casualties without armor or helmet.

Although many people were rescued, they had no horses or armour, and charged with the army with simple weapons. The casualty rate was still astonishing.

If it wasn't for the passion and anger that remained in their hearts yesterday to support them, they would have collapsed long ago.

Those who can come back are all lucky and lucky.

"How about the casualties of the Qiang people?"

The casualties of the First World War were nearly 6000, which was Qin Lang's biggest casualty since the war. Although he generally would not count the casualties of those captives on his own head, he attacked [-] Qiang people with more than [-] horses yesterday. In the end, more than [-] people were rescued and returned, and his own casualties were only more than [-] people, but Qin Lang still felt that the casualties in this battle were too great.

"The Qiang people also suffered a lot of casualties yesterday. It is estimated that the casualties are at least [-]."

"Only five thousand?"

"Wei Gong, the result of this battle is not bad. We exchanged more than 500 casualties for [-] of them. It's a good deal."

"What's the point, there are more than 500 real brothers, all of whom are well-trained and brave fighters. They were all wiped out in the first battle. Let alone killing 1 enemies, even if they exchanged for [-] Qiang people, I feel that I have lost money. "

Liang Jianfang spoke, saying that arrangements have been made for reorganization.

Among those who were rescued yesterday, there were about [-] frontier soldiers and government soldiers, both on foot and on horseback. He planned to temporarily organize these soldiers and horses to join the guard.

As for the other sons of the Fubing, Tutuan Township Soldiers, Neifu Chengbang, and civilian husbands, etc., they will be temporarily incorporated into the logistics battalion.

Qin Lang sighed.

"After this battle, the Qiang people were also seriously injured. They must withdraw."

"Wei Gong, according to observations, the Qiang people gathered the remnant soldiers and retreated back to Anhua Tucheng yesterday, and there is no sign of retreating."

"That's the 8000 troops they are waiting to go to Diezhou first, and they will definitely retreat when this army is recalled." Qin Lang's eyes revealed murderous looks, "Speed ​​up the army, I will give you two days, two days After that, I will lead the army out of the city. Since Tuoba Chici hasn't left yet, he shouldn't even think about leaving."

Previously, Qin Lang had more than a thousand troops, but he dared to go out of the city to fight more than [-].

Now the five-star fortress has a total of [-] troops, and even the frontier soldiers have [-] soldiers. After reorganization, it is a very strong force.On the contrary, Tuoba Chici's vitality was seriously injured, and now there are still more than [-] people, including many old and weak soldiers.

The balance of war has tilted, and the strengths of both sides are close.

"Wei Gong, although we have a large number of people, we still lack weapons and horses."

After all, the design of the fort is usually stationed at 500 people. Although it can garrison up to [-] troops, there are not so many weapons, food and grass in reserve.

The last time I received more than 1000 defeated soldiers, after the reorganization of equipment, the weapons are running out, and I have fought a few battles, but also consumed a lot. Now it is really difficult to reorganize three or four thousand soldiers.

"Take out all the reserves, and everyone is evenly balanced. It should still be possible to fight one or two battles."

"Tuoba Chici occupies the Anhua Tucheng. Although the Tucheng is simple, there is a two-foot-high dirt wall after all, which is not easy to fight."

"Don't worry about this. I have a way to solve Anhua Tucheng. You just have to prepare your army. Two days later, at night, the whole army will be dispatched to attack Anhua Tucheng. I will kill the old thief Tuoba Chici. If he is caught off guard, he will be beaten. Can't turn over again."

Qin Lang also became ruthless. The casualties were so heavy this time, especially when Tuoba was so arrogant and cruel. He actually drove more than 1 Tang army prisoners to attack the city, killing [-] prisoners in the end. This is unacceptable to Qin Lang .

Liang Jianfang didn't know what Qin Lang's method of breaking the earth city was, but since he dared to say that, he believed that there must be a way.

"Wei Gong, the morale of the soldiers in the fortress is high, and the morale of the army is available. If there is a way to quickly break through the walls of the city, I think it is feasible to attack the Qiang camp at night."

(End of this chapter)

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