Chapter 15
Qin Huaiyu is 11 years old this year, and looks a little handsome, unlike his father, Qin Qiong, who is mighty. This has something to do with him wandering around with Qin Qiong when he was a child.

He is a person who has suffered a lot, but even so, Qin Qiong and Jia have never neglected his discipline.

As soon as Qin Huaiyu arrived in the living room, Qin Qiong gave him a sudden look and said angrily, "Do you know your mistake?"

This angry shout startled Qin Huaiyu, but he didn't admit it at this moment, saying: "Father, what's wrong with your son?"

Qin Qiong frowned: "Okay, if you make a mistake and don't admit it, come here, and the family law will take care of you."

One of the servants went to get the cane, and Jia Shi pretended to be panicked, and hurriedly persuaded: "Huaiyu, quickly admit your mistake to your father, if you admit your mistake, you won't have to be beaten."

When Qin Huaiyu saw that his father really wanted to use the family law, his heart sank, and he thought to himself, could it be that his father knew about it?
Thinking of Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and others' broken mouths, he felt more and more that his father knew about it.

Unable to help, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Daddy, the boy knows his mistake, so you should spare the boy."

Hearing Qin Huaiyu's words, Qin Qiong's heart sank. Originally, he just wanted to deceive Qin Huaiyu, but he actually admitted his mistake. It seems that what his wife said was right. This child must have caused trouble by staying in the house obediently. .

Thinking in her heart, Qin Qiong didn't show it, and said: "You still know how to admit your mistakes, so tell me, what mistakes did you make?"

Qin Huaiyu was also frightened, so he didn't dare to hide it at this time, and told Qin Qiong the whole situation.

"My child shouldn't make a bet with Cheng Chumo, Yuchi Baolin and the others to swim in the river outside the city."

Qin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it was just a swimming competition, it wasn't a big deal.

"You shouldn't abandon people."

"Abandon people and ignore them?" Qin Qiong was a little puzzled. When Qin Huaiyu heard this, he was taken aback. Didn't his father know everything, but why did he seem to not know what he said?

Qin Huaiyu was also smart, and quickly realized that he had been fooled, but at this time, he had already revealed his secrets, and he couldn't hide it anymore, so he could only continue talking.

"We were trying to swim. The child was entangled in water plants and couldn't get out. One person jumped into the river and rescued me. But after we landed, the person didn't come out of the water. We saw that the person drowned. , I was so scared that I didn’t dare to speak out about it.”

When Qin Huaiyu was talking about this, Qin Qiong suddenly stood up, and shouted: "Bastard boy, your father and I are so righteous, and the kindness of others will be repaid by the spring, but you are good, others are trying their best to save your life, but you don't care. You have been hiding it for so long, are you my Qin Qiong's son?"

Qin Qiong was very angry. When he was in Shandong, he was right with all his friends from the rivers and lakes. Dripping water favored Yongquan to report, but his own boy was lucky. He escaped after being saved. This is a little heroic of him back then shadow?

As a hero, the most unforgivable thing is ruthlessness.

Saying that, Qin Qiong pulled out the cane and yanked it towards Qin Huaiyu: "This time, I will beat you heartlessly."

As he spoke, he smoked again.

"This time, I still beat you mercilessly."

Qin Qiong was very strong, and he slapped it twice, causing Qin Huaiyu's whole body to sting, but he also knew that he had done something wrong, so he gritted his teeth and did not shout out, let alone beg for mercy.

Qin Qiong snorted and wanted to hit him again, but Jia Shi was beside him, but felt distressed, stopped him quickly, and said: "Husband, the child has already known his mistake, so don't hit me again, the most urgent thing is to send someone to investigate The savior of Huaiyu, maybe that person is lucky? Even if there is an accident, we have to find a way to compensate him."

Qin Qiong snorted, stared at Qin Huaiyu and said: "Go back to the house and face the wall to think about your mistakes, and I will punish you not to eat for a day."

Qin Huaiyu took the order to retreat, at this time, Qin Qiong called Qin San, the steward of the house, and told him: "Go and inquire about the person who saved Huaiyu, if there is any news, no matter what I am doing, report it immediately. "
Qin Tian and Fu Bo came back after cutting a lot of wormwood, but instead of crushing the wormwood, they hired a dozen people from Qinjia Village to do it.

The two of them just grind sulfur and rosin powder.

Wormwood is known to everyone, and it is not a secret recipe, so it can be known to the common people, but rosin powder and sulfur are the secret recipes for making mosquito coils, so they must not be known to people.

They made a lot of money before, but now they can afford to hire more than a dozen people. For [-] Wen a day, plus five mosquito coils, there are still many people in the village who are willing to do it.

Of course, this is because the crops are not yet ripe, and when the crops are ripe, there may not be someone to do it even if the wages are doubled, so Qin Tian thought, before the busy season, find a way to make more mosquito coils and sell them.

Now I have hired more than a dozen people, and when they sell the mosquito coils tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and make money, I will hire more. The mosquito coils are a seasonal product, and there is no need to manufacture factories or open shops, just like this.

Because more than a dozen people helped, the production of mosquito coils was much faster. Tens of thousands of mosquito coils were produced in one day. This was to be sold, but it could be sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

After making it for a day, Fu Bo took the mosquito coils to a nearby village early the next morning to sell them, and Qin Tian was still responsible for the production of mosquito coils here.

The workers in the manor were very busy, and there was almost no rest, but at noon, Qin Tian couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw that Uncle Fu hadn't come back.

According to the best-selling situation of mosquito coils in the past, even if Uncle Fu brought [-] to sell this time, they should be sold out soon, and it is almost time to return by now, but why is there no sign of it?

He worried that something might be wrong.

As time went by, Qin Tian was not in the mood to supervise the folks making mosquito coils any more, so he had to stand at the door and look around from time to time, so that it was not until dusk that he finally saw Uncle Fu come back driving the ox cart.

Seeing Uncle Fu came back, Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Forbe, how is the sales?"

Uncle Fu said: "Master, ten thousand mosquito coils are sold out, this is money." As he spoke, he pushed the big box in his arms, Qin Tian smiled wryly, thinking to himself that Uncle Fu is really cautious, but this It's also a good thing.

"Why did it take so long?" Uncle Fu spent a whole day on something that could be sold out in half a day, which made Qin Tian very surprised.

"Master, the nearby villages don't need mosquito coils, so I went a little farther, and then sold out our mosquito coils."

"The nearby villages don't need mosquito coils?" Qin Tianning frowned. How could this be possible? Their mosquito coils are so easy to use, it's impossible for the nearby villagers not to buy them.

(End of this chapter)

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