Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 91 The Price of Anger

Chapter 91 The Price of Anger
The rare good weather in October, the warm south wind blows slowly, the sun shines warmly, driving away the cold air in late autumn.The north wind that has been blowing for several days in a row shakes off the ginkgo leaves and ginkgo nuts all over the ground, and the avenue is covered with golden warm colors.

The remaining leaves and fruits on the ginkgo trees are sparse and crumbling, indicating that autumn is drawing to a close.

Liu Xiaonan sat alone on the bench under the ginkgo tree, watching Meng Xiangxiang from afar as he slid on the playground with one leg.Meng Xiangxiang wasn't skilled enough in sliding the car, he often twisted and didn't walk in a straight line.He wasn't worried. Few people learn to ride a bicycle without falling down a few times.

Last night, Guan Xiaoyun gave him two sets of clothes that he had prepared for Meng Xiangxiang, and asked him to pass them on to Meng Xiangxiang.She was on day shift this Sunday, so she couldn't teach Meng Xiangxiang how to sew.

Before leaving, Guan Xiaoyun still did not forget to praise Meng Xiangxiang a few words, after all, he is a college student, he can learn everything quickly, and he can understand it at a glance.The hands are also skillful, the buttonholes are locked, the trouser legs are buttoned, and the boards are neat.A child from a poor family, neither coquettish nor arrogant, really recognized a good sister.

Liu Xiaonan handed over the money for two sets of clothes to Guan Xiaoyun, but ignored what Guan Xiaoyun said.

Early this morning, Liu Xiaonan came to school early with two sets of clothes. First, he didn't want Meng Xiangxiang to go for nothing, and second, he wanted to teach Meng Xiangxiang how to ride a bicycle.On the campus on Sunday, the playground is empty, which is a good place to learn to ride a bicycle.

As soon as she heard that Liu Xiaonan was going to teach her how to ride a bicycle, Meng Xiangxiang didn't even try on the new clothes she was excited about. She believed in Guan Xiaoyun's craftsmanship.

Meng Xiangxiang's sense of balance is very good, Liu Xiaonan supported the back seat of the car and slid a few times, and she was able to slid the car alone.He is also very courageous, standing on the pedal with one leg, and kicking hard with the other leg, the speed is very fast.Look at this posture, you are familiar with one-legged cycling, and you will be able to get on the bike and ride soon.

Liu Xiaonan spent a week and fell countless somersaults before finally learning how to ride a bicycle.He looked enviously at Meng Xiangxiang's vigorous and flexible figure. Could it be related to his intellectual structure?

A person sat quietly beside her, and Liu Xiaonan turned her head to see the expressionless Yue Xuelian.I can't hold my breath anymore!For the time being, he couldn't figure out her reason for coming, so he could only keep silent.

Yue Xuelian looked straight ahead, and said flatly: "I went to your dormitory, and I have something important to inform you. I didn't find you, so I guess you are at school, as expected."

Liu Xiaonan asked: "I'm teaching Meng Xiangxiang how to ride a bicycle. What's so important? I have to trouble Teacher Xiaoyue to go alone."

Yue Xuelian said, "I'm going to deduct your credits."

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it. If you detain it, you can detain it. At worst, I will complain to Teacher Yue or sue you."

"What do you mean by nothing? You have no teacher, and you vilify the teacher into a flower-necked snake with sacks and two small fangs. The revenge is very strong. I still don't forget the past. Is it wrong to deduct your credits? If you think you are a little clever, no one will know you. If you sign your real name, I might not pursue it."

"Mr. Xiaoyue, we all study literature and language in the Chinese Department. You can't take words out of context and engage in literary prison."

Yue Xuelian was silent for a long time, turned her head to observe Liu Xiaonan's expression, and said softly: "Brother, I remember you told me that you have to believe in love, and when things fall on you, why are you so pessimistic? I can read your heart If my guess is correct, you are broken in love. I didn’t look for you these days, but I wanted you to take it easy and talk to you alone after the pain has passed. You won’t just sink down like this, right? "

She is too keen to hide anything from her eyes.Liu Xiaonan put away her hippie smile and said calmly: "I still believe in love, and I also understand that the power of love is not strong enough to be invincible. I lost love because I stuck to my dream, and I will not give up my dream because of losing love. Pain is inevitable. Yes, it is also long-term, we can only learn to be strong and grow up in pain."

Yue Xuelian showed a gratified smile: "I admire senior brother's choice, and believe that senior brother will cheer up again. "Love on the Lonely Island" is just a temporary emotional catharsis, but my little Huya has become an innocent scapegoat."

Liu Xiaonan suddenly became interested and joked: "Sometimes I admire myself, why is my imagination so rich? How can I imagine your little tiger teeth as dreamy little fangs?"

Yue Xuelian lowered her face, but her expression was aggrieved: "I came to comfort you with good intentions, but you made fun of me. It seems that it is impossible not to deduct credits."

"I finally took the opportunity to go to university, and I asked Teacher Xiaoyue to let me go." Liu Xiaonan saw Jifeng walk into the school gate and was looking around, so she stood up and waved to him, bowed her head and said to Yue Xuelian: "You That poet has come to look for you, we will talk about the deduction of credits later."

Yue Xuelian sat still and muttered softly: "I can't spare you."

Ji Feng came over, nodded to Liu Xiaonan as a greeting, leaned over and stood in front of Yue Xuelian, and said, "Xuelian, I managed to get two tickets for the concert in the afternoon. Let's taste the delicious food first." , and then enjoy the wonderful music."

Yue Xuelian sat still: "I still have to talk to the students, so I won't go."

Ji Feng's movements were extremely exaggerated, he stretched out his arms to pull Yue Xuelian, and said in a sweet tone: "Honey, don't work on Sunday, they are not children, come with me to wander in the long river of music, what's the point of relaxing?" Can't?"

Liu Xiaonan felt like throwing up, and urged Yue Xuelian to say: "He came all the way here, it would be impolite not to go."

Yue Xuelian followed Ji Feng away, but Liu Xiaonan fell into deep thought.

believe in love! ?Master Wang Aiqing and the big brother in the countryside, they are a pair of illegal couples who fully interpret the love; Yu Zhiyong and Wang Ping bravely stick to the precarious love, hoping that the dream will come true; , will soon blossom and bear fruit; the "boss" and "second child" are working hard to build a three-foot love nest, and they don't know when it will end.

And those hundreds of peasant workers in rotation, where is their way out?Where is their love?

A series of vivid and real pictures and scenes intertwined and collided in Liu Xiaonan's brain.Mohair white scarf, light gray sweetheart neck sweater, although the first love with Wu Yanli was smothered in the bud, but it is unforgettable; you give me a seed, I will give you a big tree - although it eventually became Just an empty talk, but the love in my heart will not die
Wouldn't it be the best commemoration to record it in words?

For a whole day, Meng Xiangxiang basically learned how to ride a bicycle, and Liu Xiaonan's idea also had a rough outline.After dinner, Meng Xiangxiang's interest remained undiminished. She wanted to ride a bicycle on the road by herself at night when there were fewer people and less cars.

Liu Xiaonan told her to pay attention to the traffic lights, to avoid pedestrians and vehicles, not to go too fast, and to press the rear brake first in case of emergency.I understand, I went to the library to read a book by myself.

It was past nine o'clock for Meng Xiangxiang to return the car keys, his face flushed with excitement, joy and satisfaction.Seeing that there were not many people left in the library, I realized that it was very late, and said apologetically, "Eldest brother, I missed you going back to rest."

"It's okay." Liu Xiaonan replied with a smile: "Everyone is the same. I just learned to ride a bicycle and wish I could ride it every day. From now on, as long as I'm at school, you can practice with my bicycle anytime and anywhere."

It was late, so Liu Xiaonan took a shortcut and rushed back.Pass through a small alley with potholes, ride to the back of the Workers' Cultural Palace, bypass the main entrance of the Workers' Cultural Palace, and there is another road leading to the textile factory.

In the Workers' Cultural Palace, I don't know whether it is a movie or a concert, the crowd is leaving, and the front door is bustling.

Among the crowd, Liu Xiaonan happened to see a person whose back looked like Ji Feng, but the girl beside him was not Yue Xuelian.The woman is holding the man's arm, and the man is holding the woman's waist, just like a couple.In order to find out the situation, he followed quietly.

The two walked onto the road, Liu Xiaonan passed from behind and looked back.The man was really Ji Feng, but the woman didn't know him.Liu Xiaonan turned the bicycle sideways, blocking the way of the two of them.

He straddled his legs on the beam of the bicycle, and when two people approached, he asked coldly, "Monsoon, who is this? Please give me a reasonable explanation."

Ji Feng saw that it was Liu Xiaonan, he was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "She is my girlfriend. This matter has nothing to do with you, so mind your own business."

In the morning, she sweetly coaxed Yue Xuelian to go to the concert, and at night she had a new girlfriend.Liu Xiaonan understood everything, and still straddled the crossbeam of the bicycle, let go of the handlebars with both hands, and said in a stern tone: "Jinfeng, I warned you, I will never allow anyone to hurt Yue Xuelian. This is how you use your noble freedom Your soul to love Yue Xuelian? Your vows are a fart."

"Who do you think you are?" Ji Feng sneered, "Don't be self-righteous, come here to teach me a lesson. Who does Yue Xuelian think she is? She's as cold as ice, she won't be kissed or touched, saint? Please tell her, I The women behind are lined up."

Before Ji Feng could finish speaking, Liu Xiaonan had pushed down the bicycle and rushed over with his right arm around Ji Feng's neck, and a big besie threw him down.

This was the second time Liu Xiaonan used the trick taught to him by his fourth brother, and he succeeded in one hit, and he did not show mercy when he was angry.Putting his knee against Ji Feng's chest, he grabbed Ji Feng's neck with one hand, and punched him in the face.

Ji Feng let out a scream, bleeding from the corners of his nose, mouth and mouth.The woman screamed and ran away.

Ji Feng struggled and tried to get up, but Liu Xiaonan held his chest firmly against his chest, unable to move.He stopped resisting, spat and said, "If it weren't for seeing that she has a house, I would have fallen in love with her? Go ahead and dream, some women take the initiative to sleep with me."

"You're fucking despicable and shameless." Liu Xiaonan punched him down again: "I'll make you find your teeth all over the place and crawl into bed."

Ji Feng yelled loudly and said fiercely: "Let go of me, otherwise, I will make you unable to eat."

"A person like you deserves a beating. I'd like to see how you make me unable to eat."

Liu Xiaonan raised her fist again, but her arm was twisted backwards.The woman who ran away called the police.

Liu Xiaonan was taken to the police station by two young police officers for interrogation.When asked why he beat someone, Liu Xiaonan said: "He deserves a beating. Playing with emotions and deceiving women in the name of a poet."

The policeman looked at the school badge on Liu Xiaonan's chest and said, "We still have to investigate and verify this matter. You are a college student, you don't study hard, and you run out to fight in the middle of the night. We have to notify the school and ask the school to pick you up."

"Don't tell the school." Liu Xiaonan implored urgently: "Ji Feng deceived a teacher of our school. If this matter spreads, it may affect the reputation of that teacher."

The policeman said, "You beat someone. It's hard to say how badly you were injured. We can't just let you go like this, right?"

Liu Xiaonan said: "I am a university recommended by the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Please inform Teacher Zhao Guangzhi of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He can prove it for me."

The two policemen glanced at each other, and one of them said, "You said that, I seem to have a little impression of your name. You wrote "Congjunji", right?"

Liu Xiaonan said: "Please give us more valuable opinions."

"Don't be too polite." The policeman said, "I'm a veteran, and I like to read "Congjun Ji" written by you. You have to stay at the police station tonight. We will notify the Federation of Literary and Art Circles tomorrow morning and let you go out if the situation is true. I'm curious, you have never been a soldier, let alone fought a war, how did you write that novel?"

Liu Xiaonan chatted with the two policemen until late at night, chatting all over the place.The police gave him an army overcoat and made him sleep on a wooden bench in an empty room inside.

I never thought that I could be locked up in the police station.Liu Xiaonan curled up on the bench, the cold made it difficult for him to fall asleep for a long time.I don't regret the two punches I made, and I will pay for some medical expenses at worst.I'm afraid that Ji Feng is playing a scoundrel, insisting on the beating incident, and suing the school for spreading rumors. Not only will Yue Xuelian's reputation be damaged, but she may also be expelled from the school.

What worried him most was that he didn't know how this incident would affect Yue Xuelian.

(End of this chapter)

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