Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 90 One Step Away

Chapter 90 One step away

Before the National Day, the school magazine issued a call for essays, soliciting literary works of various themes.The purpose is to enrich the students' spare time life and demonstrate the literary talent of normal students.

Yue Xuelian called together the first-year freshmen and encouraged them to show their talents bravely. The finished works can be handed over to her or directly to the school magazine.

The students were eager to try it, but Liu Xiaonan didn't take it seriously. He has a wider world.However, after returning to school on National Day, he sent this piece of "Love on the Lonely Island" directly to the school magazine with a feeling of grief and indignation.The reason for doing this is just to avoid unnecessary suspicion.

The mythical "Love on the Lonely Island" written on a whim and inspired by feelings is unlikely to be accepted by regular literary publications, and it just happens to lead to a topic in the school magazine.It's also good for these simple students who live in the ivory tower and don't have much emotional experience to understand exactly what love is all about.

A few days later, a novel titled "Love on the Lonely Island" was published in the school magazine, signed "like a madman".This novel aroused widespread debate among the students and formed two opposing factions.

The pessimists believe that there is no pure love in the world, and all kinds of objective conditions are artificially attached to the so-called love; the optimists believe that objective conditions are another form of love, even when animals choose partners. , It is also necessary to examine whether the other party has strong genes to facilitate the continuation of the population.

During the discussion, the students all guessed who the author "Ruzhi" is, but there was no clear conclusion.Among the classmates, no one suspected that it was written by their senior brother, but the style was quite different, it was impossible to think about it, and they quickly rejected it.

Liu Xiaonan hid behind the crowd, he never expected that this handy little story could cause such a big commotion.As a bystander, he participated in the discussion of the students, making the younger students even more confused.

He knew that there was only one person who could accurately determine who the author was from the hidden words of "sack piece, little tiger tooth".

However, that person never talked to him, nor did he participate in the discussions of the classmates, and he rarely showed up, which made him a little confused.

He began to regret sending this short story to the school magazine. He was afraid that the anger and bad emotions he revealed would have a negative impact on that person's psychology.

On Sunday, Liu Xiaonan woke up very late, too lazy to get up with nothing to do, with her arms behind her head, thinking wildly.

Last night, Yu Zhiyong talked with him about the development of his relationship with Wang Ping with great interest, and he chatted until late at night before leaving.He is sincerely happy for his friend.

On this National Day, Wang Ping's parents finally agreed that Wang Ping would take Yu Zhiyong home, which was a gratifying first step.

Yu Zhiyong's secret to success is simple but effective: spend money!The purpose of throwing money is not to please, not to show off, but to prove that even with a rural hukou, he can find a foothold in the city; even if the contract expires and loses his job in the textile factory, he can still live well go down.

Yu Zhiyong started as a small business in his spare time, and gradually figured out some ways.At first, he went to the residential areas of some factories to buy labor insurance products, work clothes and gloves, and then sold them to migrant workers on construction sites, or brought them back to the countryside, and sold them to those half-workers and half-farmers working in township factories. .

Later, Yu Zhiyong contacted a larger dealer and became the lowest link in an industrial chain.Most of the labor insurance products in state-owned enterprises are rich, and the employees sell the remaining labor insurance products, and after changing hands one by one, they return them to the purchasing department of the enterprise by category, and redistribute them to the employees as welfare benefits.

Don't worry if there is no market, I'm afraid there will be no supply in hand.Yu Zhiyong was busy with the future in his spare time, and he couldn't do it alone, so he dragged Wang Ping in again.

If Wang Ping hadn't firmly opposed it, saying that a stable job is a kind of guarantee after all, he would quit his job in the textile factory and focus on his business.

With money in hand, Yu Zhiyong increased material and emotional investment, and finally moved Wang Ping's parents and her sisters and brothers-in-law.Sitting in front of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law for the first time, Yu Zhiyong did not feel timid at all. He is confident that he has the ability to make Wang Ping live a better life.

Considering that Yu Zhiyong's parents were divorced and homeless, Wang Ping's parents intended to recruit him as their son-in-law, and Yu Zhiyong fully agreed.Just like the predicament Liu Xiaonan and Wu Yanli faced at the beginning, the rural household registration has become a mountain that cannot be overcome.

If you register for marriage, the household registration cannot be in the city. Could it be that Wang Ping should go to the mountains and go to the countryside by herself?It is impossible to accept it on anyone.

Although Wang Ping's parents agreed that the two would continue dating, the future is uncertain.This one-step distance is so far away that Wang Ping is sometimes very discouraged, and she closes her eyes and muddles around in a daze.

Yu Zhiyong complained to Liu Xiaonan: "The planned economy is the mainstay, and the market economy is supplemented. Except for food stamps, all other tickets are cancelled. If you have money, you can buy anything. If you can buy an urban hukou, all the problems will be solved." It's not a problem."

Liu Xiaonan reassured him casually: "Maybe there will come a day when the boundaries between urban and rural hukou will no longer be so clear, and will no longer be an obstacle to marriage."

Yu Zhiyong is looking forward to the day: "If Wang Ping and I can get married in a legitimate way, I will definitely hold a good wedding."

Liu Xiaonan encouraged Yu Zhiyong: "I always remember the scene when you stole your father's single-card tape recorder, dragged me out of the school wall, and eavesdropped on Teresa Teng's songs. If you marry Wang Ping, I will give you a dual-card recorder. recorder."

"What you say is what you say, and you are not allowed to go back on your word."

"Do what you say, and never break your word."

Yu Zhiyong has a persevering energy, reflecting on himself, and lightly abandoning two unforgettable relationships, which cannot be simply explained by the constraints of objective factors.

Liu Xiaonan lay on the bed and didn't want to wake up. The pain repeatedly bit his body and carved two deep scars in his 23-year-old still immature spiritual world.

In the past few days, he arrived at school on time and left school on time, following the rules like an obedient elementary school student.Only he himself knows that under the calm appearance, the pain and longing in his heart are increasing day by day, like a raging tide, washing against the coast day and night.

He was sure that these two scars, like the one-inch-long scar on his left palm, would accompany him for the rest of his life.He didn't want to, and didn't dare to add a new scar to it.

There was a soft knock on the door, but Liu Xiaonan ignored it. There are always people who don't consider other people's moods and feelings, and wantonly disturb others' tranquility.

The knock on the door came again, persistently, and harder.Liu Xiaonan had no choice but to raise her body and asked, "Who?"

"It's me, senior brother." The voice was cheerful and crisp.

Why is she here?Liu Xiaonan hurriedly got up and put on her clothes, folded the quilt and opened the door, and said to Meng Xiangxiang self-deprecatingly: "Brother likes to sleep in."

Meng Xiangxiang walked into the dormitory, looked around, and praised: "Brother's dormitory is so clean."

"It's not clean, it's simple." Liu Xiaonan made a cup of tea for Meng Xiangxiang, and pulled out the chair under the desk: "You sit first, I'll wash your face."

Meng Xiangxiang declined and said, "Don't be busy, big brother. I don't drink tea. You said you wanted to invite me to visit your small room, so I won't invite you."

"This is good tea. Eldest brother doesn't take it out easily. Try it." Liu Xiaonan put the water glass in front of Meng Xiangxiang, washed his face in the basin in the room, wiped it clean, sat on the edge of the bed and said: "Fortunately, there is this small room, otherwise, Elder Brother would be wandering around."

Meng Xiangxiang put the cloth bag in his hand on the table, opened it and said, "Eldest brother, haven't you had breakfast yet? I have dried sweet potatoes here."

Liu Xiaonan picked up a dried sweet potato, it was yellow and soft, and looked delicious.After taking a bite, it was slightly sweet and chewy.He ate one and grabbed a handful, and said while eating, "It's really delicious. When I was at home, I also dried sweet potatoes in the sun. They were dark and hard, not as delicious as yours."

Meng Xiangxiang took a sip of tea and said, "My mother dried it, and it may have something to do with the water, soil and climate. When I was in high school, I packed some dried sweet potatoes in my schoolbag every day. When I was hungry on the mountain road after school, I took them out. Eating while walking is very anti-hungry. Since I have been in college for more than a month, I have been hungry and eat some dried sweet potatoes at night, and I can deal with it. I thought I would give you some to taste. After looking through the bag, I found that I can eat it quickly. It's over. I wrote a letter to ask my mother to send more, and it just arrived yesterday."

Liu Xiaonan asked: "You came here early in the morning just to give me dried sweet potatoes?"

Meng Xiangxiang smiled and said: "No. I have to go to Sister Xiaoyun in a while, I will help her with some odd jobs, and she will teach me how to sew."

"You are a college student learning to sew, and you want to be a tailor in the future?"

"No. When I was at home, I was very envious of other people's homes having sewing machines. Listening to the sound of stepping on the sewing machine was like listening to music. After learning to sew, I can make clothes for myself in the future."

"You still have a long-term thinking at a young age. Do you want to make clothes for your lover and children after you get married? Don't you want to study?"

"I know in my heart that I only come to study on Sunday, so I won't delay my studies." Meng Xiangxiang was a little shy, and argued: "Brother, don't make fun of me, I am really interested in sewing, and sister Xiaoyun is willing to teach me Me, girls don't know how to step on a sewing machine, so it makes people laugh."

"That's fine. However, if Guan Xiaoyun asks you to eat, you don't agree, just say that I will take you to taste the food in the canteen of the textile factory. Xiaoyun is not married yet, and she eats food from her mother-in-law's house, so don't give her extra food." trouble."

Meng Xiangxiang agreed to go out, but Liu Xiaonan stopped her from behind.At school, when her classmates discussed "Love on an Lonely Island", she just listened silently and never expressed her opinion.But her eyes can't be concealed, they turn around flexibly, and she clearly has her own thoughts.

He asked her to sit down again, and asked, "What do you think of "Love on the Lonely Island" that everyone has been talking about recently?"

Meng Xiangxiang was obviously unprepared. She looked at Liu Xiaonan and thought for a while before she said, "I can't say, it's just a feeling. I'm not as complicated as other students think. In this novel, I only saw sad."

Liu Xiaonan was startled, how did she see it?He said, "Let's hear it."

Meng Xiangxiang became serious, with light in his eyes: "Miss Wu's sadness is hidden in the sound of the piano, Rumeng's sadness lies in the loneliness of the soul, Rumeng is just an idealized incarnation. There are very few pens and inks to describe Miss Wu , there is only such a short paragraph, and there is no specific explanation in the previous and subsequent texts. According to Ru Chi's writing style, he should not have made such a low-level clerical error. It can only be explained that Ru Chi deliberately concealed everything about Ms. Wu. It is exactly where his sadness lies. "Love on an Lonely Island" is written very lively throughout, and the more lively it becomes, the more lonely it becomes. In fact, it is just Ru Chi's spiritual sustenance, a silent confession."

Liu Xiaonan was shocked, probably Meng Xiangxiang had already guessed who the author was.She didn't deliberately emphasize whether it's the author's insanity, or the characters in the novel's insanity, seeing through but not explaining, being considerate and not touching the wound. Could it be that she has noticed something?
I can't talk about it anymore, I really shouldn't underestimate her.Liu Xiaonan concealed it and said, "Your viewpoint is very novel, why don't you share it with your classmates?"

Meng Xiangxiang smiled cautiously, and said in a low voice, "Sharing with senior brother is enough."

Liu Xiaonan nodded wordlessly.

Guan Xiaoyun went upstairs to find Meng Xiangxiang, and the two girls left together like sisters.Liu Xiaonan was very happy to see this. Guan Xiaoyun would teach Meng Xiangxiang a lot of life skills and new concepts, which would help her adapt to urban life as soon as possible in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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