Chapter 56
Walking out of the hotel gate, Liu Xiaonan stretched out his hand to Gu Yu: "Gu Yu, I've finished the wine, I've finished what I needed to say, our childhood friendship has come to a happy ending, goodbye!"

Gu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Liu Xiaonan meant.She reached out her hand, not to shake hands, but grabbed Liu Xiaonan's hand and said, "Don't say goodbye, come to my house and sit down, it's nearby."

Liu Xiaonan looked around and said, "There are no shops in this area, I have to buy some gifts for your parents."

Gu Yu said, "It's not my parents' house, it's my house."

Liu Xiaonan was surprised: "Are you married?"

"Ah?" Gu Yu responded accordingly, "Yes, I'm married."

"Then I have to chat with my brother-in-law and tell him all the interesting things about you in the countryside. You are one year older than me, right?"

"Yes. Your brother-in-law also likes literature, and you two must have a good conversation."

Gu Yu took Liu Xiaonan's hand and walked across a street into a residential area.Liu Xiaonan looked around, thinking to herself, this place is different from where Wu Yanli lives.

This is a closed residential area, there is a guard, and Gu Yu registers him before he can enter. It seems that strangers cannot come in and out casually.

After entering a building and going up to the third floor, Gu Yu opened the door, lit the lights, and invited Liu Xiaonan to come in.

When Liu Xiaonan walked into Gu Yu's house, at first glance she felt that it was much bigger than Wu Yanli's house, and the floor was not concrete, but wooden floor, so she had to put on slippers when entering the door.There are three rooms, two rooms have doors, which should be called bedrooms, and the other is open, with a sofa, coffee table and TV. The kitchen and dining room are also relatively spacious.

Liu Xiaonan felt like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, dazzled.If Master Wang Aiqing saw Gu Yu's house, he would be envious and how he would feel about it.

Gu Yu pointed to the sofa and said to Liu Xiaonan, "You sit in the living room first, there is fruit on the coffee table, and I will change my clothes."

Liu Xiaonan sat down on the sofa. It was the first time he heard the term living room, and he felt ashamed. It turned out that this was a place specially used for receiving guests.

Gu Yu changed clothes in the bedroom and came out, took off his coat, and wore a simple and elegant home casual clothes, showing his youthful vitality and feminine charm to his heart's content.She walked into the restaurant and brought Liu Xiaonan a cup of hot tea.

Liu Xiaonan felt a little uncomfortable, and didn't know where to put his eyes. He asked, "Brother-in-law is not at home?"

"Who is your brother-in-law?" Gu Yu sat down beside Liu Xiaonan and peeled the oranges for him with a smile: "I'm not married, you just guessed. This is the house allocated by my mother and their unit. I have nothing to do, I live here alone."

Liu Xiaonan stood up: "It's getting late, I have to go back."

Gu Yu pulled Liu Xiaonan to sit down: "I have a place for you to sleep here. I won't leave tonight. I still want to hear your stories."

Liu Xiaonan said the story was over.Gu Yu got up and went to the bedroom. After a while, she came out with a notebook and a delicate rectangular cloth box, threw it into Liu Xiaonan's arms, and sat down on the sofa without saying a word.

Liu Xiaonan opened the notebook, and it was "A Pair of Embroidered Shoes" that he copied by hand.This was the only thing that Gu Yu took away from him, it was well preserved, and he couldn't help feeling a little moved.From this point of view, Gu Yu has always cherished the friendship of his childhood.

Inexplicable emotions surged in my heart.The friendship of youth can withstand the wear and tear of the years. Shouldn't this hard-won friendship continue?
He flipped through the notebook page by page. Back then, his handwriting was still immature and lacked strength, but this novel was worth re-reading.But this ordinary notebook carries more content.

He flipped through it and said, "The books you left me are all well preserved. None of them were lost or damaged. When Typhoon No. Put it at the highest place in the house, where it will not get damp or moldy."

Gu Yu didn't say anything, just sat quietly.Liu Xiaonan glanced at her, with a stern face as if angry, a bit like when she was a child.He said with a smile: "Gu Yu, this is your fault. As a cadre of the Youth League Committee, why do you still use the tricks you used when you were young to deal with me?"

Gu Yu kicked Liu Xiaonan, and said angrily, "Don't talk about the Youth League cadres. I am tired and annoying every day. After work, I just want to relax, be a little woman, and be myself again." .You are good. We just met to bring our teenage friendship to a successful conclusion. Don’t think that I don’t know what you think. You feel uncomfortable when you are with me. You are afraid that others will make irresponsible remarks and tarnish your self. High morals. I, Liu Xiaonan, are so powerful. If I don’t cling to power, the friendship in my youth will be broken. Fame is more important than friendship? Hypocrisy! Cowardly!”

Liu Xiaonan was ashamed, he looked around, avoiding Gu Yu's sharp gaze, and said, "It's not exactly what you said. You know, when I was young, my father was very strict with me, leaving a serious psychological shadow. Even when I grow up, I’m still timid.”

Gu Yu straightened up and stared at Liu Xiaonan: "Lonely man and widow live in the same room, are you afraid that I will eat you? Or are you afraid of damaging your reputation? Don't forget, we have slept in the same bed before."

Liu Xiaonan was a little embarrassed: "What are you talking about? Thirteen or fourteen years old, I don't understand anything, and there is a big tabby cat in between."

"Is the big tabby cat still there?"

"When Shou died, now I have a gray civet cat."

Gu Yu presses on step by step: "We have had a skin-to-skin relationship."

Liu Xiaonan smiled: "The more you talk about it, the more mysterious it becomes. Don't scare me. Since when did we have physical contact?"

Gu Yu nodded Liu Xiaonan's forehead: "I dare not admit what I have done. Think about it, how did you teach me how to swim in the river?"

Liu Xiaonan dodges Gu Yu: "Okay, Gu Yu, stop talking, I'm not leaving tonight. The childhood friendship is over, and we have re-established a new friendship. I admit that I am cowardly, and I will try to be strong in the future .”

"That's right." Gu Yu stroked Liu Xiaonan's stiff hair with his hands, and played with his head, smiling happily: "We are together again, what a fate it is, what a beautiful and amazing thing this is!" longing for."

Liu Xiaonan avoided Gu Yu's teasing and opened the rectangular box. Inside were two black Hero brand fountain pens, one thick and one thin, which were heavy to hold.He couldn't put it down and asked: "It's expensive, isn't it?"

Gu Yu said: "When I saw the blackboard newspaper you wrote, I prepared these two pens for you. You can use a rag to write a blackboard newspaper, but you can't write a novel with a pen that leaks ink. Do you know? After reading your writing I have been thinking about novels, how did the idiot write them? Most people in the factory know about Master Wang Aiqing, but they have forgotten them in the past few years. It is another kind of novel written by your pen. I feel like I can't help crying while reading it."

Liu Xiaonan asked suddenly: "Gu Yu, have you ever been in love?"

Gu Yu said with a mocking tone: "I haven't talked about it. I put my career first, unlike some people who just started and started to provoke little girls."

Liu Xiaonan hung her head and said nothing.Gu Yu tentatively asked: "Breakdown in love? Very sad and painful?"

"Neither." Liu Xiaonan expressed her true feelings painfully: "I just feel sad. I thought that love is beautiful and the power of love is powerful, but it is not. A mere city hukou can easily block Two hearts. If I were to rewrite "Wang Aiqing's Love", I would definitely write another feeling."

"You can think like this, which means that you have really grown up. In my impression, if you didn't get into college, you should fall in love with Guan Xiaoyun and get married. She has been pestering you since you were a child, and you two are a good match."

"How should I put it? We have always been close, and the two adults have been matched together, and we have also got engaged. If there is no recruitment of workers in the textile factory, we may get married smoothly. However, stepping into the city, Our mentality has changed. Xiaoyun said that there is you between me and her, and I can’t make out with her. It’s not the case. I can’t make out with her. It’s not because of you, but because we are like brothers and sisters since we were young. There is no heartbeat feeling like being in love. Within a few days after entering the city, we broke off our engagement without permission."

"Even if it's because of me, it doesn't matter. Guan Xiaoyun must have scolded me behind my back, right?"

"She is outspoken. When you were in the countryside, you two didn't deal with each other. It's normal to say a few words about you."

"You don't need to protect her, I don't care about her. I have to find a way to change jobs for you, on the long day shift, and our work and rest schedules should be synchronized. Otherwise, you and I won't see each other for a long time."

"Don't interfere with my work and life. I know you have the ability. Since I was in junior high school, I have chosen all the paths I take. Even if my head is broken, I will not blame others."

The two talked until late at night, and Gu Yu got up to make Liu Xiaonan's bed, and settled Liu Xiaonan in the room opposite her boudoir.

As soon as she returned to her room, she heard Liu Xiaonan gently close the door, and she couldn't help feeling amused: a teenager doesn't avoid suspicion, but when he grows up, he's quite self-conscious, and he respects and loves himself like a girl.

In the silent night, only the alarm clock on the desk is still ticking and walking briskly.Gu Yu lay on the bed, listening to the faint and heavy snoring from the opposite room, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

The little rural boy who grew up brought her too many novelties and surprises, which made it difficult for her to digest for a while.

After returning to the city from the countryside with her parents that year, she thought about him for a long time.Those more than two years of rural life were a nightmare for her, and it was he who brought her joy so that she didn't feel so bitter.

Later, as her father returned to his post, many boys and girls began to surround her, and she had new friends, and gradually forgot him.She only thought of him occasionally when she opened the manuscript diary.

After graduating from technical secondary school, she joined the work according to the pre-designed track, and the journey was smooth and smooth.She has broad prospects for development, and her life journey will not be subject to any fetters, and everything in the past is gone.

She didn't pay much attention to the fact that the textile factory went to recruit workers in three townships that were seriously affected by the disaster, even though one of the townships was where she used to live.Because of the needs of work, she got a list of farmers' rotation workers. She didn't expect to see the name that she had been talking about all day at first sight.

She was deeply surprised and regretted that he loved reading so much, so he shouldn't be among the ranks of farmers' rotation workers.What has he been through all these years?What kind of person did he grow into?

After much consideration, she decided not to go to see him for the time being. One was because of his self-esteem, and the other was because she was afraid that he would make things out of her, and the trouble continued.

She entrusted Wang Aiqing, her master during the internship, to bring him to her team and give him proper help and care.This was the only thing she could do for him as a boyhood friend.

Later, there were rumors that there were also talents among the farmers' rotation workers.She went to read the blackboard newspaper he ran, and didn't feel too much surprise and surprise.He can write well from small characters and composition, and it is not uncommon to run a blackboard newspaper.

She took a photo of the blackboard newspaper and hinted through the bulletin board that she was also in the textile factory. If there were any difficulties that could not be solved, she could go to her.

Afterwards, she regretted it a little.If he remembers the past and is smart enough, he will keep this secret; if he is cheeky and begs himself to solve major problems such as household registration work for him, what should he do?
The result did not disappoint her, he guessed her intention, and he also hid it.If Wang Aiqing's story was not written with his real name, no one would know that he was writing a novel.

His debut novel was published, and she saw his picture on the front page of the publication.The same as when I was a child, the appearance is not amazing, ordinary and simple, but the novel is so well written that it was published as the headline, which is equivalent to the front page of the newspaper.

She silently followed his little gratifying changes, and began to consider meeting him.Through Wang Aiqing, he learned that he didn't want to meet her, and if he wanted to, he would have to wait until his shoulders were even.

This game is fun, just like playing hide-and-seek in the willow forest by the river in the countryside, see who can catch who.She waited patiently.

It never occurred to him that he would drop a blockbuster in the textile factory and set off a heat wave. The novella of more than 7 words, full of heroism and romanticism, was not only published in the provincial magazine, but also received the attention of the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The editor personally came to the factory to understand his working and living conditions.

What kind of man has he become to write such shocking works?
When the time is right, meeting each other at this time will add a lot to each other.

When we met each other, seeing his indifference and ignorance, I was very annoyed. No one dared to treat me like this.He has changed, and he has become unknown to himself.

Opening up her heart and connecting the friendship that had been interrupted for eight or nine years, she saw how the little boy in her memory had made it to where she is today, and her heart was filled with love, admiration and joy.

She even didn't expect that she would occupy such an important position in his heart.It turned out that I gave him a literary dream.

Who would take a little girl's words seriously?What's more, it has become a lifelong dream, and I am approaching that goal step by step.Is it persistent or foolish?
Gu Yu fell asleep in a girl's colorful dream.

(End of this chapter)

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