Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 55 Revisiting Teenage Friendship

Chapter 55 Revisiting Teenage Friendship
After Gu Yu left, Liu Xiaonan returned to the team, went straight to Wang Aiqing, and said to her excitedly, "Master Wang, I met Gu Yu just now."

Wang Aiqing was very relieved: "Okay, it's good to meet. Otherwise, I will be caught between the two of you, and it will be very uncomfortable. You won't blame me for revealing everything about you to her?"

Liu Xiaonan shook her head lightly.Wang Aiqing encouraged him: "Do well, young man, the future is bright."

Back at the machine, Guan Xiaoyun saw Liu Xiaonan's face flushed, and asked him, "What's the matter?"

Liu Xiaonan put on a sad face on purpose: "That 'villain' you mentioned came to me just now. She said she would come to see you later."

"Ah?!" Guan Xiaoyun opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Tell her, I don't want to see her, I can't afford it. I'll go home with you after get off work today."

Liu Xiaonan said: "I can't go back, she said she will come to see me at night."

Guan Xiaoyun shook his head, predicting sadly: "You are finished, completely finished."

Really finished?After the night shift, Liu Xiaonan lay on the bed, although she was very sleepy, she didn't sleep well.If he can sleep soundly, he will be damned, Gu Yu's words and deeds have been hovering in his mind.

It is said that women's colleges have changed at eighteen, which is true at all.There is not much change in appearance, it is nothing more than growing taller, and the figure shows a three-dimensional change.But her temperament has changed. Although she still retains a bit of mischievous traits, she generally presents the charming charm of a mature woman.

There are beautiful girls everywhere, but the scary thing is that they are beautiful and connotative, elegant, rational, shrewd and capable, refreshing and elusive.This made Liu Xiaonan feel even more ashamed.

It's over, it's over, it's over!

The friend of the opposite sex in his teenage years turned out to be a cadre of the Communist Youth League Committee of the factory.The gossip spread like wildfire, and was magnified and spread by infinite imagination, completely covering up the limelight of publishing novels.

You don't need to listen to what others are talking about, you can know what others are paying attention to just by imagination.The ambiguous tone of voice and the strange look in his eyes seem to have climbed a high branch, and he has been on a steady rise ever since.

If you can't get entangled with Gu Yu, it's really over.

Fortunately, he was on the night shift, so nothing could stop the sleepiness from coming.When I woke up, I looked at my watch and it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon, and the day shift managers were about to leave work.Liu Xiaonan lay still on the bed, he didn't want his dorm roommates to see his impatience.

He forced himself to close his eyes and was dazed for a while, when he heard someone knocking on the door vigilantly.Someone walked into the dormitory, and then heard a familiar voice asking, "Is Liu Xiaonan living in this dormitory?"

Liu Xiaonan lay still, pretending not to hear.Yu Zhiyong, who was on the lower bunk, kicked up with one leg and almost knocked him off the bed, so he had to sit up, rubbed his eyes and said sleepily to Gu Yu, "You're here."

Gu Yu didn't answer Liu Xiaonan's greetings, but shook hands with the people in the same dormitory one by one, and introduced herself naturally and decently: "My name is Gu Yu, and I have known Liu Xiaonan for a long time. Speaking of which, you are also half of my hometown. Tell me."

Kind and natural, with an irresistible affinity.Liu Xiaonan secretly admired it.

When Gu Yu shook hands with Yu Zhiyong, Yu Zhiyong said: "Liu Xiaonan and I were classmates in high school, and I never heard him mention you as a friend. He has been in the factory for almost a year, and he is even more secretive. According to what I told him I understand, isn't that how he treats his friends?"

Gu Yu looked up at Liu Xiaonan who was still sitting on the upper bunk, and smiled: "I bullied him all the time when I was young, it's embarrassing to be bullied by a little girl, so it's understandable that he doesn't want to mention it to others."

Yu Zhiyong dared to say anything: "As his good buddy, I hope you will continue to bully him in the future. Don't think that you are great because you can write novels, because no one can hold him back."

Gu Yu raised her head and said to Liu Xiaonan, "Did you hear that? This is the voice of the crowd. I'll wait for you outside, get dressed and follow me."

Liu Xiaonan sat in a daze.After get off work, Gu Yu changed his attire. He was wearing a light blue suit that he was not famous for. There was not a single crease all over his body. The black half-heeled shoes were sleek and elegant, showing an even more elegant temperament.I was dressed in crumpled civilian clothes, and walked out side by side with such a beautiful girl, how would others talk about me?

Yu Zhiyong pushed Liu Xiaonan: "Don't be downcast, you are the pride of our farmer rotation workers, and you can't lose your momentum."

Liu Xiaonan thought it made sense, quickly put on her clothes and got out of bed, put on her cloth shoes, and walked out of the dormitory amidst deep laughter.After walking a few steps, Yu Zhiyong dragged him back again, took out his suit and leather shoes, and asked Liu Xiaonan to change into them.

Liu Xiaonan put on Yu Zhiyong's suit and leather shoes, but felt awkward again, so she took them off and put on her own cloth shoes again.

Walking out of the dormitory to meet Gu Yu, the two walked side by side along the factory area.When meeting acquaintances, Gu Yu would warmly introduce them to Liu Xiaonan. This is someone from the trade union, this is the head of a certain department, and without exception, he added: "Liu Xiaonan was a good friend and partner when I was in the countryside. I never expected to publish a novella in a provincial magazine."

Liu Xiaonan cooperated with Gu Yu enthusiastically and modestly, trying not to make her lose face as much as possible.Ruined!Is this still me?It is undeniable that a different kind of superiority gradually developed in his heart unconsciously.

Walking out of the factory area, taking the bus, backing up twice, Gu Yu took Liu Xiaonan to a strange place.I walked into a high-end restaurant, asked for a single room, and ordered food and drink.

Liu Xiaonan never cared about him, let Gu Yu take him to any place, the bus ticket was bought by Gu Yu.

The food and drink were served, and they sat down facing each other. Gu Yu poured wine for Liu Xiaonan: "There are only a thousand cups of wine when you meet a bosom friend. If you are happy, drink more, if you are unhappy, drink less."

Liu Xiaonan swirled the wine glass: "Gu Yu, tell me the truth. If I hadn't published the novel, would you have met me?"

"No." Gu Yu did not hide it: "There is no need to ask why. I hinted to you that I am in the factory, and I am also testing you to observe you and see what kind of person you will become when you grow up."

"What kind of person have I become?"

"It's the way I want to see. To be honest, I have been afraid to see you, for fear that the current you will damage the image of the little boy in my heart. Until Master Wang took the virgin work and covered your face with his hand Name, pointing to your photo and asking me if I recognize you. When I poke your head in the photo, it’s him! It’s so stupid, it’s exactly as I imagined.”

Gu Yu couldn't help laughing softly, but Liu Xiaonan didn't laugh: "Actually, I have a better choice. When the textile factory went to the countryside to recruit workers, the Rural Credit Cooperative was also recruiting regular employees. Although it is still in the countryside, it is also a bank system. I had an iron rice bowl, but I chose to work as a rotation farmer in a textile factory. One is to get rid of my father’s influence and restrictions on me, and the other is for a little girl, and I want to be closer to her.”

Gu Yu stopped smiling, and stared intently at Liu Xiaonan.Liu Xiaonan picked up the wine glass and said, "Gu Yu, I offer you a toast, thank you for giving me a dream."

Gu Yu picked up the wine glass and clinked glasses with Liu Xiaonan: "I gave you a dream?"

After drinking it down, Liu Xiaonan was stimulated by the alcohol, and he narrated: "In the novel "Teacher", on the surface, there are three teachers, only I know, and there is a little girl hidden behind it. Do you know why I lost my mind in the last class before graduating from junior high school? Because I thought of the little girl and the scene when we secretly read the manuscript "A Pair of Embroidered Shoes" together. So, when the second teacher in the novel, Teacher Cheng When I was asked what my ideal was, I answered without hesitation that I wanted to be a writer. The little girl may have forgotten that when she left the countryside, her greatest wish was that I could become a writer or be admitted to the University, meet her in the city."

Tears glistened in Gu Yu's eyes.Liu Xiaonan calmed down and said, "When class resumed, I asked Mr. Yue, the third teacher in the novel, to verify that I took a word from a little girl as my life's dream. Isn't it too ridiculous? Mr. Yue gave me A clear answer, he said I was lucky, I didn't even realize how lucky I was. A little girl unintentionally sowed a dream seed in the heart of a little boy in the countryside, her Expectations and my dreams are closely connected and inseparable. So, that little girl is the fourth teacher in my heart."

Gu Yu already burst into tears, took out a handkerchief and kept wiping it.Liu Xiaonan stood up and poured wine for Gu Yu: "Moved by that little girl?"

Gu Yu raised her head and smiled with tears in her eyes: "You are so good at telling stories."

The two drank another glass.Liu Xiaonan continued his narration: "This is not a story, but a real journey of my heart. During the days when I went home to farm, I had serious conflicts with my father, and even thought about running away from home. The conflict The root cause still lies in that little girl. The township recruited me to attend the Agricultural Broadcasting School, but I didn’t go; later they recruited me to be a private teacher, but I still didn’t go. My father concluded that I was unwilling to endure hardship and was worthless, and beat me everywhere. I, because of my two corn seedlings, can reprimand me in front of everyone and humiliate me. I can’t explain clearly to my father that I want to be a writer not only to find a way out, but also to one day be able to speak with confidence. Standing in front of that little girl, standing upright and showing her that her prophecy has come true. This is my pride and her pride."

Gu Yu no longer shed tears, and there was fire in her calm eyes: "You did it."

Liu Xiaonan asked: "Do you still want to listen?"

Gu Yu said, "Think about the consequences if you don't talk about it."

Liu Xiaonan couldn't control herself anymore, she just wanted to empty her heart: "After I came to Bincheng, I often stood on the street, staring blankly at the cars passing by. That little girl lived in this city, and I I came to her side, but we have grown up, can we still know each other when we meet? Until that day, I saw a hint that only I could understand on the bulletin board, I am sure she has not changed much , still so self-willed and likes to play pranks. I am not in a hurry to meet her. She gave me a seed, and I want to return her a big tree. This tree has not grown tall and strong, but there is something in my heart When you see her again, you must stand upright and defy the scorching heat and cold.”

Gu Yu asked, "Can that big tree provide shelter from the wind and rain?"

Liu Xiaonan said: "I can't yet, because I'm weak, and it's still unknown whether I can grow taller and stronger. That little girl doesn't need it either, she is a big tree herself."

"There is no sincerity."

"Ever since I saw that little girl who grew up, I have been trembling in my heart. It's over! The day of suffering is coming again, am I not throwing myself into a trap?"

Gu Yu laughed heartily and clinked glasses with Liu Xiaonan again and again.Gu Yu has a good capacity for alcohol, but Liu Xiaonan's face is flushed all the way to her neck.Liu Xiaonan remembered that time when she was drunk at Uncle Guan Deyu's house and slept on Guan Xiaoyun's kang, it was very inappropriate, so she decided not to drink anymore.Gu Yu was not reluctant, calling the waiter to pay the bill.

Liu Xiaonan didn't argue with Gu Yu about paying the bill, and didn't even express anything. Under the reproachful and mocking gaze of the waiter, she sat quietly and calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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