Father's Land Mother's River

Chapter 34 Pure Eyes

Chapter 34 Pure Eyes

After the National Day, more than 200 farmer rotation workers were assigned to different workshops and formally entered the factory to receive further skill training for relevant positions.

Liu Xiaonan, Yu Zhiyong, Guan Xiaoyun and hundreds of farmers rotated into the weaving workshop. After receiving a one-week on-the-job skills training, they were divided into four sections, A, B, C, and D, and the section chief came to lead the workers.

Liu Xiaonan, Yu Zhiyong, Guan Xiaoyun and more than [-] other shift workers are in Class C.

A man of medium height, about 40 years old, stood in front of them, with slightly high browbones, deep-set eye sockets, and piercing eyes. He wore a leather belt around his waist, and in the leather case were wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers and other tools. He looked shrewd and capable.

He introduced himself and said: "My name is Zhang Shiyao, and I am the section chief of Class C. Everyone can call me Master Zhang. I feel very kind when I see you. I have been to the countryside, lived in the countryside for five years, and got a rural uncle. Auntie's a lot of help.

"I have feelings for everyone, and we will work together in the future. If you have any difficulties in life and work, you can tell me directly, and I will try my best to help you solve them."

Yu Zhiyong whispered to Liu Xiaonan, "It's more humane than the contractor."

Zhang Shiyao further explained the arrangement of working hours: "We have four shifts and three shifts. There are two day shifts, two middle shifts, and two night shifts, with an eight-day cycle. Shift workers don't work on Sundays. When.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, and it is the second middle shift of Class C, which is the time period from 15:[-] p.m. Energetic.

"Considering that most people don't have watch alarm clocks, the aunt in the dormitory will wake everyone up on time. At this time tomorrow, we will still gather in this conference room and assign teams to work formally."

After the meeting, the dormitories were reassigned, and the temporary dormitory was moved to the formal dormitory behind the cafeteria, one floor per shift.Class C was on the third floor, twelve people shared a room, Yu Zhiyong still snatched the seat by the window and let Liu Xiaonan sleep on his upper bunk.

The collective dormitory of the textile factory is an old-fashioned five-story building with a large east-west corridor, with washrooms and toilets at both ends, and door-to-door rooms on the north and south sides.Those facing the south are always sunny, and those facing the north are always shaded.

Most of the dormitories are single employees who have entered the factory as old-to-young workers and live in other places, and some are assigned college students from technical secondary schools.After two hundred migrant workers moved in, it became more and more overcrowded.

On the second day, when they went to work for the first time, more than [-] rotation workers came to the small conference room of the weaving workshop early to wait.

After Zhang Shiyao arranged the work on duty, he came to the meeting room to roll the roll, and called the team leader one by one to come and lead the people.

A petite, less than 1.6-meter-tall female worker in her 30s walked in with a smile on her face.

Standing beside Zhang Shiyao with slender eyebrows, she looked at the new employee in surprise. She twisted her body like a lively little girl, naturally without any sense of frivolity, and turned her eyes to Zhang Shiyao. Said: "Master Duan, can I choose someone myself?"

"Yes." Zhang Shiyao readily agreed, and then introduced to everyone: "This is Master Wang Aiqing, the leader of the first class, and he is one of the few advanced producers of [-]-meter flawless cloth in our factory."

Everyone exclaimed at the same time, a weak and weak person can't see that he is so capable.

Wang Aiqing said with a smile on her face: "I want to train some male car operators, and I want all these two young men."

Then Liu Xiaonan, Yu Zhiyong and Guan Xiaoyun were ordered.

Zhang Shiyao said with a smile: "You have a unique vision, you really know how to pick people."

Wang Aiqing said: "Our team has a lot of old workers. If we want to strive to be an advanced team, of course we must cultivate excellent young talents."

Liu Xiaonan and Yu Zhiyong tied a short white single-pocket apron around his waist. Under Wang Aiqing's guidance, Guan Xiaoyun put on a white double-pocket long apron, rolled up his hair and stuffed it into a white brimless work cap, and followed Wang Aiqing into production workshop.

In the tall, spacious and airtight factory building, rows of fluorescent lamps are hung above the head, which are as bright as daylight 24 hours a day.Hundreds of looms are neatly arranged in a square formation, and the warp and weft interweaving ensemble makes a deafening mechanical roar, and the weavers shuttle back and forth between the looms.

She couldn't hear clearly when talking face to face. When Wang Aiqing assigned the machine to arrange specific work content, the three of them had to bend down to let her speak into their ears.

The type of work is the weft-loading worker, who pushes the trolley that holds the weft fringes, walks back and forth according to a fixed route, and loads the weft fringes on the weaving shuttle.

One loom operator is equipped with a weft loader. The weft loader is responsible for how many looms the loom is in charge of, and the weft loader is responsible for loading weft for as many looms, usually around twenty.

Liu Xiaonan pushed the trolley and kept walking to ensure that the shuttle magazines of each loom were filled with shuttles.The train operators also have a fixed patrol inspection route, and there are countless intersection points in their respective routes.

Every time they met at the intersection, he would take the initiative to push the car out of the way.It won't be easy to focus on downtime and defects with a hauler on the go for eight hours non-stop.

Meeting again at the meeting point, Liu Xiaonan stepped out of the passage to pick up an empty shuttle.

But the locomotive worker came to his side and whispered into his ear: "Don't stop loading the weft all the time, as long as you ensure that the farthest loom has five shuttles, you can stop and have a rest. How tiring."

Not smelling any scent of makeup, Liu Xiaonan raised his head, and when his eyes met, their eyes froze for a moment.The other party walked away with a slight smile, but Liu Xiaonan felt like falling into a deep pool and sank into it involuntarily.

He had never seen such a pair of eyes.

Like the two pure springs in a quiet valley, they have never been disturbed by worldly things, and they are crystal clear without any impurities.Occasionally looking up and casting a faint glance inadvertently, the two clear waves brought a little bit of coolness, which made people's heart tremble.

She has a clean duck-egg face, two slightly curved eyebrows, and under the thin and shallow double eyelids, her black and white pupils are like a crescent moon in the night sky; her straight nose bridge is like a smooth ridge, slightly At the corners of the upturned mouth, there are two periods dotted symmetrically on the left and right.

It's so refreshing that it's unbearable to look directly at.

Liu Xiaonan has mastered some work skills, and when she has time, she secretly follows that little Bai Yang's back.

The white and clean work hat is bulging, without revealing a strand of hair, like a duck egg mushroom just unearthed from the top; under the brim of the back neck, the dense black fluff is like ripe corn tassels.

A lock of weft hangs from the white and slender neck, and a long white apron hangs, and a bow is loosely tied behind the waist with two straps.

Wearing a pair of cropped trousers, slender and strong calves were exposed under the apron.Wear a pair of light nurse shoes, and when you walk, the heels spring up slightly, like a deer bouncing leisurely in the field.

Liu Xiaonan could feel it even when he closed his eyes, there was a deer jumping up and down in front of him.

Sometimes, seeing twenty looms in full swing, she would stop and say a few words to him.She leaned into his ear and asked, "What work did you do before?"

Liu Xiaonan straightened up and said, "Take a hoe and count the furrows."

She opened her eyes wide, as if guessing what he said by looking at the shape of her mouth, but she couldn't guess a single word, she smiled slightly and stretched her face over.

Liu Xiaonan also knew that he couldn't hear clearly when speaking face to face, but he really didn't have the courage to speak into the ear of a strange little girl, which felt like whispering.

From a palm-width distance away, Liu Xiaonan said loudly into her thin transparent ears, "Plant the land."

She leaned into his ear and asked, "Tired?"

He said into her ear: "Tired is not too tired, it's boring."

She leaned into his ear and asked, "What's your name?"

He said into her ear, "My name is Liu Xiaonan."

She leaned into his ear and said, "My name is Wu Yanli."

Liu Xiaonan laughed dumbfounded, a vulgar name that doesn't match her image.

There is an hour of rest in the middle, otherwise, no one can bear it after eight hours.When the red light came on, all the looms stopped.The factory fell silent, and the two ears seemed to enter a vacuum, quiet and comfortable.

Three generations of textile workers, old, middle-aged and young, sit around eating and chatting together in teams to relieve work pressure.

The state-owned workers brought meals from home, so Liu Xiaonan and the three of them had to go to the canteen.As soon as the three rotation workers left, discussions started in the team, and the three rural youths brought fresh and interesting topics to everyone.

Wang Ping was most interested. The wide apron couldn't hide her plump figure, and she spoke bluntly.She said to Wang Aiqing: "Team leader, did you pick out the most handsome and beautiful among the migrant workers?"

Wang Aiqing also smiled when he became serious: "Don't look down on people, golden phoenixes can still fly out of the ravines. They all work together, don't rotate workers and construction sites in the future, give people a little respect."

"I didn't disrespect them." Wang Ping yelled aggrievedly, "I'm praising you for picking people. My brother-in-law is tall and handsome, considerate and capable. That's how you picked my brother-in-law back then."

Wang Aiqing said with a smile: "Of course, I still have a good eye for people."

Dong Xiaojun, a security worker, interjected: "So, whoever speaks ill of the rural people should be in a hurry with the team leader."

Wang Aiqing said: "Tell me, according to your observations, how are the three of them doing?"

Wang Ping said first: "Yu Zhiyong, who pretended to me, is very capable, cheerful and talkative. Through him, I found out all the details of the three of them. Yu Zhiyong and that Liu Xiaonan were classmates in high school. Yu Zhiyong dropped out of school, and Liu Xiaonan He didn’t pass the college entrance examination for two years. It’s a failure of the university. That Guan Xiaoyun and Liu Xiaonan are from the same village, and they were tailors. They are said to be very capable and earn no less than us.”

Wang Aiqing asked everyone proudly: "Is my vision okay? I have been to the countryside to see the rural people." She turned her head and asked Wu Yanli: "How about Liu Xiaonan who put the wefts on for you?"

Wu Yanli said with bright eyes: "I can't tell. He looks like a rural person, but he doesn't look like a rural person, nor does he look like a city person. Anyway, he feels different from others. I don't talk about work, but I don't talk much. "

Wang Aiqing raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, shaking her body slightly, as if intoxicated: "The body is slender and flexible, and his appearance is delicate and stable, just like my lover back then. I can see that he is different at a glance. If you don't believe me, just wait and see. If I go back ten years, I still like such rural youths."

Everyone laughed kindly, and Wang Ping sneered and said, "Look at your obsessed look, and you won't be afraid that your brother-in-law will be jealous if he finds out."

"No way." Wang Aiqing crouched on the body of an old employee embarrassingly.

Liu Xiaonan and the three of them came back from dinner and had a little time to rest.Wang Aiqing warmly greeted them to sit down, pulled Guan Xiaoyun to her side, and asked if the living conditions were good, if the food was good, if there were any changes in the countryside, and if there were any difficulties in work.

Wu Yanli took out a temporary new work cap from her apron pocket, and handed it to Liu Xiaonan through Dong Xiaojun: "New one, put it on cleanly."

Liu Xiaonan said thank you and put on her work cap.Wu Yanli glanced at it and smiled, "Like an intern doctor."

Wang Ping said to Wu Yanli, "Xiao Dong is by your side. He has been chasing you for so long, but you didn't show any signs of it. Instead, you care about the new apprentice. You are not afraid of his jealousy."

Wu Yanli lowered her eyes and whispered, "My parents don't allow me to fall in love if I'm under 20 years old."

Dong Xiaojun laughed at himself and said, "Forget it, don't they all think I'm short. At worst, I'll learn from the team leader and find someone from the countryside."

He is just over 1.6 meters tall. In this daughter country where the general height is about 1.6 meters [-], he really has no advantage at all.Although he is the branch secretary of the construction section and a technical worker, he can play the guitar and sing enthusiastically, but his love has been repeatedly frustrated.

Wang Ping pointed at Guan Xiaoyun: "If you think so, what do you think of her?"

Dong Xiaojun glanced at Guan Xiaoyun and said, "It's more simple and beautiful than you."

Amidst the laughter, Liu Xiaonan suddenly said a word: "Guan Xiaoyun has a non-agricultural hukou, which can be converted into an urban hukou, which is different from ours."

Wang Ping looked at Liu Xiaonan, and asked Guan Xiaoyun, "I think you two look like a young couple."

Guan Xiaoyun hastily argued: "No, Master Wang, I am not good enough for him."

Wang Ping gave Dong Xiaojun an encouraging look, patted Yu Zhiyong on the shoulder and said, "Apprentice, I'll bring you a hat tomorrow too."

When the green light came on, everyone stood up and walked to their respective looms, and the looms began to run one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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