Chapter 33
The factory has a three-day holiday for the National Day, and the bus picks up the farmer rotation workers to go home for the holiday.

The night before returning home, Guan Xiaoyun came to find Liu Xiaonan, wanting to go shopping together and go home to honor both parents.Liu Xiaonan said he had no plans to go back.

Guan Xiaoyun was unhappy at the time: "You want to find Gu Yu?"

Liu Xiaonan said: "Why do I seek her? Her status is so high, she has long forgotten me, should I humbly seek her?"

He really didn't want to look for Gu Yu, but Gu Yu was just a vague shadow.However, since he came to the textile factory, the little girl who expected him to become a writer and meet him in the city grew up day by day in his heart and occupied the most important position in his heart.

He vaguely expected that one day, the little girl whose voice and smile hadn't changed at all when she grew up would suddenly descend by his side like an angel.

Guan Xiaoyun said: "Then you just don't know the ways of the world. Is it okay to go out to work and not go home to see your parents during the holidays? Now that the rice is being harvested, it is good to help the family with some work. Besides, Liu Qishun is married. Get there."

"For half a month, I spent my family's money. When I earn my salary, I will buy gifts for my third uncle and aunt. You go back first, and just say that I want to go around and get familiar with the environment."

"Whether you like to go back or not, what you do is to keep a close relationship with others."

The two broke up unhappy.Liu Xiaonan didn't want to explain too much, he thought Guan Xiaoyun might not fully understand.

In fact, since they came to Bincheng, neither of them thought about dating alone.One spends time in the library, and the other goes shopping with his female companion. They rarely see each other, and when they meet, they are like ordinary acquaintances, and they can't speak a few words.

The real purpose of Liu Xiaonan not going home for the holidays is to take this opportunity to polish and revise the short story of "The Teacher".Perhaps because of the change in the environment, he has a newer and higher understanding of "The Teacher", but there are so many people in the dormitory that he can't start to revise it.

He also wanted to go home and bring back what he had seen and heard here, so that his parents could rest assured.But ever since he saw the door of the editorial department, he was impatient.

It took more than half a year for this novel from conception to writing to revision, and it took a lot of energy and effort.Whether it can be successful, whether it can go down the road of literature, only depends on a word from the editor teacher.He has never been more eager to succeed than he is now.

The next morning, the factory sent a bus to take the farmer rotation workers back to their hometown for the festival, and there was a lot of excitement at the factory gate.Four buses lined up, and girls and boys from the countryside got on one by one with gifts and laughter.

Many people threw away their rustic clothes and cloth shoes, and put on newly bought fashionable clothes and leather shoes, as if returning to their hometown in honor.

The onlookers of the textile mills talked a lot. We have worked for so many years, but we have never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

There are employees in the factory who live in other provinces, and they can't go home during the holidays. The canteen is still open to eat and drink.Yu Zhiyong also had to go back to visit his grandparents, and Liu Xiaonan was the only one left in the dormitory.

Instead of going out to see them off, he cleaned up the dormitory, mopped the floor, removed the lunch box on the only table, scrubbed it clean and spread it with newspapers, and took out the draft of "Teacher" for final revision.

Three days later, he copied the revised "Teacher" neatly on the manuscript paper, without a trace of smearing, and there will be no more jokes about copying on lined letter paper.

After writing the last word, he breathed a long sigh of relief, checked it carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, he put the manuscript in a large envelope and locked it in the bedside table.When I have time someday, I will personally hand it over to Mr. Zhao Guangzhi.

Liu Xiaonan walked out of the dormitory and wandered aimlessly.In the past three days, except for eating and going to the bathroom, he never left the dormitory, immersed in the storyline of "The Teacher" all day long.

He walked out of the factory area, stood under the sycamore tree on the street, and stared blankly at the strangers coming and going.What is the special attraction here that makes rural people squeeze their heads here?
Yu Zhiyong's ideal is to settle down and start a business in this city. Guan Xiaoyun probably also wants to get a city hukou, and many people will naturally think so.What do you want to get after all?Will that little girl be waiting for me in a distant place?
Liu Xiaonan's eyes gradually straightened, and the scene in front of him kept changing.He saw his father and mother were cutting rice, bending over and waving a sickle, their faces covered with dirt and sweat.

The rice has been submerged in flood water for two days and one night, and the yield reduction is inevitable. I just hope that the yield will not be reduced too much, otherwise I will be sorry for my father's painstaking efforts in scientific farming.

If I didn't go home, would my mother be sad?Does the father think that the son still hates him?Has the corn been brought home?Forgive your unfilial son!Your son will pursue his dream without hesitation.

How will Guan Xiaoyun explain that he has no peers?Will Third Uncle Guan Deyu scold him?It is impossible to get the understanding of others for everything, let him go.

Will the fourth brother miss himself?Are you worried that you will be bullied by the people in the city?If you go home, what should you buy for your fourth brother?

Will Liu Qishun have a happy life after marriage?

His head was in a mess, Liu Xiaonan shook his head and walked back, standing in front of the big iron gate of the textile factory.The factory is quiet, and the machines will be roaring tomorrow, and the farmers' rotation will soon be added to different jobs.

A different life, a different expectation, his heart is full of longing.

The bus that picked people up came back, and the rotation workers got off with agricultural and sideline products.Guan Xiaoyun was carrying a woven bag in one hand, and Liu Xiaonan hurried up to greet her.

With a blank expression on his face, Guan Xiaoyun handed a woven bag to Liu Xiaonan, and said nonchalantly, "Your mother asked me to bring you peanuts and apples."

Liu Xiaonan asked, "Is everything okay at home?"

Guan Xiaoyun turned his head and asked, "Whose house?"

Liu Xiaonan said: "Your family and my family."

"Your home is very good, you don't need to worry about my home."

Guan Xiaoyun returned to the girls' dormitory on his own, and Liu Xiaonan returned to the boys' dormitory thoughtfully.

Yu Zhiyong, who saw all this in his eyes, dragged Liu Xiaonan out of the dormitory without any explanation, and asked them what their relationship was with suspicion and curiosity.Liu Xiaonan said that in one village, the relationship between the two families is relatively good, and there is no special relationship.

Yu Zhiyong reminded: "It's short-sighted to find a partner now. After five years, go back to the countryside to get married or don't even have a nest like a stray dog? Two people hunt wild food around? Come out for nothing and go back to the original point. Are you willing?" Is it? Anyway, I won’t be looking for someone among us.”

Liu Xiaonan said: "Don't make things so explicit that people can't see the existence of beauty."

"Aesthetics can be eaten? These years of life experience tell me that survival is always the first. If you don't believe me, wait and see. Some of us, including me, have long been eyeing urban hukou, especially those girls. They all want to take root in this city, and they will even do whatever it takes."

Liu Xiaonan shook her head: "I can't go on with you, what you said is terrible. I always believe that life has its beautiful side."

Yu Zhiyong smiled conciliatoryly: "Let's not quarrel, you are still naive now, and you are too poisoned by reading too much. However, the times are always developing and will give us many opportunities. This is for sure. Otherwise, We rural people are not entitled to equal pay for equal work with urban people, which was unthinkable in the past. We must stick to it until the day when we have the same living rights as urban people.”

"Do you still have the one-card recorder that you stole from your father?"

"It was broken long ago, and I threw it away."

"I still remember the feeling of nervousness, excitement and intoxication when I heard the smoke rising for the first time."

Liu Xiaonan also admitted that what Yu Zhiyong said made some sense, but he just couldn't accept it completely.

As night fell, everyone in the dormitory went out to enjoy the night view of the city.Liu Xiaonan was lying on the bed alone, thinking about things, and probably walked out of the dormitory when the library was about to open.He was stopped by Guan Xiaoyun halfway, saying that he had something to talk to him about.

The two walked along the road without speaking for a long time.At an intersection, Liu Xiaonan stopped, he didn't want to go on in vain.

Guan Xiaoyun kept his mouth shut uncharacteristically, what he wanted to say was already presented on his bitter face mottled with tree shadows.

Liu Xiaonan didn't want to make things difficult for Guan Xiaoyun, he tentatively said, "Xiaoyun, let's be brothers and sisters."

Guan Xiaoyun sighed softly, stood under the shadow of the tree and said: "I don't even know how to talk about you when I go home this time. My parents asked about you, your parents asked about you, and when Liu Qishun got married, the villagers asked about you. You, what do you want me to say? Shouldn’t people who are married should walk and sit together? Who would believe that you are familiar with the environment when you stay alone? You don’t say anything, but you have a plan in your heart. In my heart It's not exciting, do we seem to be engaged? We haven't held hands, we haven't whispered, even if they are noisy like Qishun and his wife? Since we came to Bincheng, we have never been together. If you know each other before, why not mess around casually before getting engaged, what kind of thing is that?"

Liu Xiaonan said, "We're both used to being free and unrestrained, but it's awkward to be engaged, like wearing a magic spell."

"Don't make excuses for yourself." Guan Xiaoyun said angrily, "I don't want to blame you either, the facts are there. Don't deny it, we have been separated by Gu Yu all this time, with her you can make out with me Get up. She is a badass, not as bad as her, and I dare to say that in front of her. "

Looking at the bright lights and shadowy tall buildings in the distance, Liu Xiaonan said, "She planted a seed in my heart, and I want to return her a big tree."

"Speaking of her, your tone has changed, limp and disgusting, and you said you didn't think about her?"

Liu Xiaonan took Guan Xiaoyun's hand, turned around and walked back: "Xiaoyun, in this city, we have no relatives and no reason, we are the closest relatives, and nothing can replace the brother-sister relationship."

Guan Xiaoyun broke free from her hand, and cursed: "A hypocrite is willing to admit that he has that evil spirit in his heart."

"You're right!" Liu Xiaonan didn't get angry at all, hugging Guan Xiaoyun's shoulder and said, "I'm quite hypocritical, and I have never dared to admit my true thoughts. If I were still in the countryside, I would marry you. The environment is different now Now, we all have to move forward, and maybe we can both find our own way."

"Let's just leave it like this?"

"You can easily get a Bincheng hukou, but I still have to fight, and the result is unpredictable."

"How do you tell your family?"

"I wrote letters to the two elders separately, explaining our choice, and they will understand."

"I don't know what we will look like five years from now."

"It's definitely not what it is now, and it will only get better and better, I firmly believe. Our Xiaoyun is so capable, maybe he married a young man from the city long ago, and has his own comfort zone."

"I want to see what will happen between you and that evil spirit."

"Don't call people evil."

"I want to scold."

The two walked side by side on the road in the city, bickering like before they got engaged.The marriage contract was terminated privately, allowing the two of them to relax physically and mentally, and each saw a broader road ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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