Shanghai is prosperous

Chapter 89 Meeting Mr. Wu for the First Time

Chapter 89 Meeting Mr. Wu for the First Time

The elevator goes straight to the 37th floor. Once you get out of the elevator, you will be directly in the spacious lobby of the real estate company.A young and beautiful front desk lady greeted her.Ren Xueming explained the purpose of coming to the lady, and then the lady made a gesture of invitation and sent them into the third meeting room.She made tea for everyone, closed the door quickly and walked out.

This meeting room is very spacious. According to the number of seats, it should not be a problem for 20 people to sit down.In the middle is a large oval-shaped conference table, on which are several potted green potted plants.More importantly, standing in front of the window of this meeting room, looking out from the entire glass curtain wall, you can see the bustling little Lujiazui outside at a glance.

Wang Yiyuan carefully stepped on the soft and tight wool carpet.The carpet was so quiet that it couldn't make even the slightest sound.Standing on the 37th floor of a high-rise building, looking out the window, the sun is red, the sky is blue, and white clouds are floating.It was the first time for Wang Yiyuan to stand at the height of the 37th floor, like a person in the clouds, the coolness inside and the heat outside, in a trance, he even had a feeling that was not very real.

Ren Xueming told everyone to sit down and wait, and he also specially called Wang Yiyuan to sit on his right.Wang Yiyuan put down his backpack beside the chair he was sitting on. The chair was made of genuine leather and could be rotated or raised and lowered freely as needed.It took him a while to adjust the seat to his comfortable position.

Ren Xueming looked at Wang Yiyuan with a smile, and he asked Wang Yiyuan in a low voice, Xiao Wang, what do you think of the office environment here?
Wang Yiyuan looked at Ren Xueming, then at Du Jianfeng, as well as Kang Lixin, Chen Zhiguang and Xiao Liu, and they all looked at him expectantly.He rubbed his nose, then smiled impressively at Ren Xueming, and said, "Old Ren, at this critical moment, don't you take me to make fun of me like this?"

Du Jianfeng, who was sitting on Ren Xueming's left, smiled softly and said, Xiao Wang, one day, we will come to work in such a place.We must have this ambition, just like Li Ning's slogan, everything is possible, that is to say, we still have this opportunity to realize it.

Ren Xueming and Du Jianfeng smiled and said, "Old Du, isn't your Shanghai headquarters going to move to Jinmao soon? Isn't that more advanced than here?"Du Jianfeng pointed to Wang Yiyuan and said, we are talking about him now, this silly boy.

Wang Yiyuan smiled uncertainly, and said, if there is such a day, I will wake up laughing from my dreams.But with your auspicious words, I hope so too.Hehe, when the time comes, I will treat guests to the best restaurant in Shanghai to make everyone happy.

At this time, Ren Xueming coughed lightly, and said, we are all ready, don't talk yet.

After a while, the door of the conference room opened. A man in his 50s, who was not very tall but looked very energetic, walked in with his head held high and his chest held high, surrounded by a group of people.

This is probably Mr. Wu.Wang Yiyuan immediately thought in his heart.I saw this middle-aged man wearing a white shirt, a gray tie, and gray pants. He had three-dimensional facial features with sharp edges and corners, especially a pair of eyes, which were deep and piercing.As soon as he entered the door of the meeting room, Wang Yiyuan felt that this person was born with a strong aura.

Wang Yiyuan's first impression was an idiom that immediately appeared in his mind, short and concise.So long after this meeting today, Wang Yiyuan also told Ren Xueming and Du Jianfeng about his first impression of Mr. Wu.

He later said, logically speaking, Mr. Wu is not short. Among the southerners, his stature is at least medium. But why does he give people the first impression of being short?When Du Jianfeng heard Wang Yiyuan's comment, he smiled ambiguously and said, "Smart and capable, it's okay to describe Mr. Wu, but short and small, it's not suitable, and it's easy to associate with Pian Pian.

Ren Xueming quickly stood up, walked forward quickly, stretched out his hands to hold the middle-aged man's hand, and said a little excitedly, Mr. Wu.Du Jianfeng, Wang Yiyuan and others also realized that they stood up quickly and lined up behind Ren Xueming consciously.

President Wu shook hands with them one by one. When he saw Wang Yiyuan, he paused for a moment.Ren Xueming on the side quickly introduced, Mr. Wu, this is my younger brother from Jiaotong University, his surname is Wang, and his name is Wang Yiyuan.He also participated in this plan, please take care of him more in the future.

Mr. Wu greeted Wang Yiyuan politely, and said, the young man is quite young, not bad.Wang Yiyuan smiled at Mr. Wu in a hurry and said, please take care of Mr. Wu.

All the people sat down face to face in two rows according to the agreed position.Mr. Wu cut straight to the point and said in his usual strong Shanghai mandarin, everyone here basically knows each other, so I won't make further introductions.

He looked at the watch on his left hand, and then said, Mr. Ren and Mr. Du only have one hour, and I have something to do later.You should prepare first. I don’t think we should talk about the long speeches today. We will talk about it when we go to Nantong.But before you start speaking, let me say a few words, which can be regarded as an opening remark.

He said that everyone here knows that with the vigorous development of China's economy and the acceleration of urbanization, there is a huge demand for commercial real estate. As a typical model of commercial real estate, urban complexes have multiple functions and effectively use land resources. It is of great significance to promote the development of urban industrial economy and has high social and economic value. It is a development model that many commercial real estate developers are keen to develop.

Mr. Wu changed the topic and said, but we also know that for large-scale real estate construction projects, especially large-scale comprehensive real estate development projects, the strategic planning in the early stage of project development is the lifeline that runs through the entire life cycle of the project and determines the ultimate fate of the project. .

He went on to say that if the developer did not make a careful strategic plan in the early stage of project development, he would have no way to explain to the architect what kind of project he had in mind.In this way, developers are often led by the nose by architects, and follow the requirements of government departments or the feelings of relevant leaders.Our real estate developers have undoubtedly learned a lot in many projects.

Mr. Wu asked, then, specifically for this project in Nantong, how should our developers do a good job in the early stage strategic planning of this project?What is it like to explain to the architects what the project in their minds is like before the design of the scheme?This is my first topic today.

Ren Xueming, Du Jianfeng, and Wang Yiyuan listened to Mr. Wu's questions seriously, and quickly took notes in their notepads. At the same time, in their respective psychology, they were nervously thinking about the answers to these questions. Policy.

Second subject.Mr. Wu paused for a while, looked back and forth at Ren Xueming and the others who were taking notes, and then said sonorously, since the reform and opening up of our country, driven by industrialization, the urbanization process in our country has developed rapidly. , industrial structure, employment composition, floating population and other related factors, my country has now entered the stage of accelerated urbanization.

He said that the result of industrialized society is that the core value of the city can be used for positioning and packaging to generate new added value, which is what we often call brand.Therefore, after the rapid development of urbanization, the development of cities will increasingly rely on branding.After entering the new century, many first- and second-tier cities in my country have launched brand strategies, such as Shenzhen's "Design Capital", Chengdu's "Gourmet Capital", Hangzhou's "Leisure Capital" and so on.

Mr. Wu went on to say, of course, how to build a city brand is not a problem that can be solved by an advertisement or a public relations activity. The city’s functions are so rich and complex, which makes the city’s planning and management extremely complicated. From the aspects of economy, culture, From transportation, environment to housing, security, education and urban construction, every link is related to the shaping of urban brand.

He asked again, in the field of economics, a brand is actually a product of marketing, so a city brand should be a product of city marketing, so the success of city marketing directly determines the value of a city brand, so what kind of city? Marketing is considered a successful model?How can he achieve a certain degree of close connection with our comprehensive urban development project in Nantong, and then co-prosper and grow together?
Mr. Wu took a sip of water, and finally said, Mr. Ren, Mr. Du, you mainly talk about these two points today, and I hurried to leave after listening.Now, which of you will go first?

(End of this chapter)

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