20 years of teaching

Chapter 39 The Derelict Physical Education Teacher

Chapter 39 The Derelict Physical Education Teacher
Holding the two hands together, Lin Feifei felt that Master Shi's seemingly rough hands were very slippery, slipping as easily as holding a catfish.

This is probably just cutting the fat, right?

Principal Shi said: "Go and arrange a room for Mr. Lin, and the broom and dustpan must be arranged."

Shi Xingxi let go of Lin Feifan's hand, looked at Principal Shi with a flattering smile and said, "Which room will you arrange?"

Principal Shi said: "There are only two rooms left. Let Mr. Lin choose one. You can see how the bed inside is. If it is broken, repair it quickly."

"Okay, Teacher Lin, come with me." Shi Xingxi waved to Lin Feifan, walked out of the room quickly, and walked to the row of tile-roofed houses on the east side of the school.

To the east, there is a row of tile-roofed houses built in the year the school was founded. Some weeds grew on the roof tiles, and the walls were covered with a layer of dust, which turned yellow-gray.

The mottled wooden door has long lost its original color, and most of the surface paint has peeled off.

Every other house will build a red brick pier in front of the house to facilitate the erection of wooden beams as corridors.

There are wide corridors, and you don’t need an umbrella to visit in rainy days, and your feet don’t get wet, which is the biggest feature of this row of tile-roofed houses.

In fact, except for a new teaching building in Jinghu Junior High School, all other buildings were built in the year when the school was founded.

Over the past 20 years, only a number of teaching buildings facing south have been added to the front of the east, which has benefited from the spring breeze of popularizing nine-year compulsory education.

That teaching building is the only infrastructure project of Jinghu Junior High School that has been allocated funds from the government. The project funds are directly allocated by the central government, and the local government does not need to pay a penny.

Every year, the Linjiang County Education Bureau also arranges some campus infrastructure projects supported by the county's finances, but it is difficult for Jinghu Junior High School to take the turn.

Although the campus construction funds allocated by the local government are a drop in the bucket, they are more or less small, but the campus construction funds allocated to Lingnan Town are basically all allocated to Lingnan Senior High School.

Lingnan High School is located in Lingnan Township and is one of the few high schools in the county.

There are many students from other places, which have a certain role in promoting the economic development of Lingnan Town. Naturally, it is the key development school of Lingnan Town.

The township education committee only has the authority to govern Jinghu Junior High School, but what is puzzling is that the leaders of the township education committee strongly support all the project funds for Lingnan High School, and never consider Jinghu Junior High School.

Jinghu Junior High School is located in the countryside. It is a junior middle school, and it stands aside for everything. Any support policies from above are blocked by the township leadership, and Jinghu Junior High School cannot enjoy it.

In Lingnan Town, Jinghu Junior High School has almost become a completely abandoned orphan.

In the middle of the tile-roofed house, Shi Xingxi stopped, pointed to the two adjacent houses and said, "There are only two teachers' dormitories left vacant. Teacher Lin, which one do you want?"

Lin Feifan took a closer look, and found that the doors were all locked, in the same location, and the doors were all rather old, so he couldn't tell the difference, so he said, "Whatever, just give me the key."

Shi Xingxi pointed to the house to the south and said, "I suggest you choose this one. The bed in this house is not broken, but the bed in that one has been eaten by termites."

"Then listen to you, there are termites in the school?" Lin Feifei asked in surprise.

Shi Xingxi said: "There are mountains and forests behind this. These houses were infested with termites in the second year after they were built, and the wooden utensils inside were all eaten by termites."

"Have the wooden beams on the roof been eaten by termites?" Lin Feihua was shocked, worried that the house would collapse.

"Don't worry, the wooden beams on the roof are fine, termites can't climb that high." Shi Xingxi hurried back to the kitchen, turned around and left, "I'll bring you a broom and dustpan later."

"Master Shi, you have to give me the key, this door can't be opened." Lin Feifan reminded.

"It's been locked for several years. Where can I find the key? Wait, I'll get a hammer." Shi Xingxi ran to the kitchen, where his dormitory was.

Lin Feifan was waiting at the door of the house he had chosen, when someone walked out of the room next door to the south.

He was of medium build, dressed plainly, and his white T-shirt was dotted with holes.

The body is tall and strong, the arms are very thick, and the skin is dark. It is obvious that he is often engaged in physical labor, and he does not look like a teacher.

He is Wang Shusheng, a Chinese teacher at Jinghu Junior High School, who has been working for nearly ten years.

"Are you the new Teacher Lin?" Wang Shusheng's smile was very kind.

"Well, you are..." Lin Feifan nodded and smiled.

Wang Shusheng said: "Don't call me 'you'. I am not much older than you. My name is Wang Shusheng. From now on, we will be next door. A distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor."

"Hello, Mr. Wang." Lin Feifan wanted to shake hands with Wang Shusheng, but immediately gave up, because his right hand was also greasy now.

"You teach physics?"

"Yeah, I also bring sports. Director Gang Wang said that I will bring all the school's sports to me."

"...Uh, thank you for your hard work." Wang Shusheng was slightly taken aback, then said with a smile.

Last semester, Wang Shusheng took the physical education of a grade, and he was the one who took the class that had an accident in the physical education class.

It only takes about 5 minutes for Wang Shusheng to ride home from school. In the last physical education class in the afternoon, he gave the students a basketball and went home early to do crop work.

More than 30 children are scrambling for the ball on the playground, as if basketball is a gold ingot, and more than 30 robbers are desperately fighting for it.

A child managed to grab the basketball, and was running with the basketball in his arms, when he suddenly staggered and fell to the ground.

More than 30 people all rushed up, and the children who fell could not make a sound after being stepped on...

The ball was gone, and the child lying on the ground was motionless, moaning in pain.

The child was rushed to the hospital. After examination, the doctor said heavily that the child's brain may have problems and his intestines may have been trampled.

No matter what the parents asked, the child just didn't speak. He had been in the hospital for two days and hadn't eaten anything.

The parents broke down, and ran to the school to find Wang Shusheng desperately...

Wang Shusheng was so frightened that he didn't dare to go to school or go to work for a few days, and he didn't even dare to go home, so he lived with his relatives every day.

Principal Shi became the punching bag of the parents. Several cups were broken in his room, and books, notebooks, etc. were all over the floor.

All the things in front of him had been dropped, and the parents were also tired, so he stopped to take a rest panting, and looked around to see if there was anything else that could be dropped.

There was a TV set in the back room that he had just bought a few months ago. Principal Shi was very anxious and quickly took the opportunity to say that he had encountered a stampede when he was a child, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He explained some truths to his parents based on his experience.

He thinks that the doctor is exaggerating. All doctors will say that the patient's illness is serious.

Principal Shi’s basis is that when being stepped on, people will instinctively curl up to protect their soft abdomen. Another action is to hold their heads with their hands to avoid head injuries.

Principal Shi said that the reason why the child didn't talk or eat was because he was too frightened, and he would recover naturally in two days. The most important thing for parents now is to go back to the hospital to take care of the child, not to make trouble at school.

Principal Shi patted his chest and said, it’s okay to take care of the child, if it is trampled somewhere, the school will pay for it.

The parents were dubious and anxious, and went back to the hospital.

A week later, the child recovered and was discharged from the hospital without any problems, and went to school smoothly.

Principal Shi specially arranged for the class teacher to change the seat for the child to sit in the golden seat in the second row in the middle of the classroom as compensation.

The parents of the students were very excited, saying everywhere that Principal Shi is really good at predicting things, he knows better than doctors, he is a god!
(End of this chapter)

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