20 years of teaching

Chapter 38 Lin Crazy

Chapter 38 Lin Crazy

"..." Lin Feifan looked at Wang Baida, a little confused, he couldn't understand Director Wang's meaning.

Principal Shi smiled and said, "There are not many main subjects assigned to you, so you need to take some sub-subjects. Director Wang wants to know what sub-subjects are suitable for you, such as music, body and art, do you know something?"

It turned out to be about hobbies.

Lin Feifan suddenly became interested, and said with a smile: "I don't know anything about painting, and I have never learned art knowledge."

Wang Baida said: "Knowing art is useless. Art is arranged in the school schedule, but art classes are not taught. Art classes are taught by the math teacher, and there is an extra math class."

Lin Feifan said: "I understand music quite well. I took music as an elective when I was in the teacher's college. I like singing very much."

"It's useless to be able to sing." Wang Baida lit a cigarette, squinted his eyes and took a puff.

"I can not only sing, but also understand music theory very well. I can also play many kinds of musical instruments." Lin Feifei continued to add that he thought Wang Baida thought he didn't have the qualifications of a music teacher.

In the three years of the teacher's college, Lin Feifan spent no less time on music than on physics education. He really wanted to be a part-time music teacher.

Wang Baida smiled lightly and said, "No matter how much music you know, it will be of no use in our school. Even though music lessons are arranged in the schedule, you won't actually take them. The music lessons are handed over to the English teacher. In essence, it is an extra English lesson. .”

At present, the country vigorously promotes the nine-year compulsory education, and the above requires all primary and secondary schools to offer all courses.

In order to cope with such inspections, Jinghu Junior High School has arranged music lessons and art lessons on the schedule, but they will not actually take them. All the teachers will be assigned to teach the main lessons, which is a bit of a gimmick.

If you really want to go, you can't go, the school doesn't have such talents at all.

Teachers majoring in music, body and art are rare species at the level of giant pandas in the county's education circle, and most schools do not have them.

There was a semester where the requirements were very strict and inspections were frequent. Jinghu Junior High School was forced to arrange for teachers to take music and art classes.

In the music class, the music teacher took the students to sing for two or three weeks. After teaching all the songs the teacher could sing, he could no longer teach them.

If you don't know notation and music theory, it's actually quite difficult to learn a song to the level of teaching others.

Teachers have very heavy workloads, how can they have spare time to learn singing one after another?

Later, when the teacher who taught music was in music class, he handed over the task of teaching to a tape recorder...

As for art, no one really knew anything about it. I arranged for a math teacher to take an art class. For the first few weeks, the teacher taught the students to draw eggs every day.

After a few weeks, the students painted the eggs so realistically that they became interested in art.

But the teacher doesn't know how to draw other things, so I can't continue to draw duck eggs, there is no difference between duck eggs and eggs.

The math teacher came up with a way to teach students to draw three-dimensional geometric figures in high school mathematics in art class...

After one semester, no teacher is willing to teach music and art anymore.

Being a teacher in a field you don't understand is really a painful thing...

"Do you like sports?" Wang Boda asked, actually he wanted Lin Feifei to teach sports.

Physical education is a must. If physical education is not arranged, students will rebel.

But no teacher is willing to teach PE. One is that everyone does not understand this subject, and the other is that PE is an outdoor class. It is very hard to be exposed to the wind and sun with students.

Especially in summer, the sun will make the face oily, and the general physical education teachers are very dark.

If the face is not black, it means that he is not a regular physical education teacher, at least he is not professional.

Occasionally, I found a female physical education teacher who looks quite fair, it must have been smeared with whitening cream...

If the physical education teacher didn't follow the students, but ran to hide from the sun and play with the students, it would be a big mess.

There is no teacher to supervise the outdoor physical education class, which is very dangerous.

Last semester, a certain class had a physical education class. The teacher was not present, and there was only one basketball. More than 30 boys grabbed a basketball and caused a stampede.

In the end, I almost trampled on a baby that was passed down by a student...

"What do you mainly teach in physical education class?" Lin Feifan asked cautiously, he was not sure whether he could take physical education.

When I was studying at the teacher's college, I was only interested in basketball, Sanda, and fitness, and I really didn't know the skills of other sports.

I once heard the physical education teacher talk about the skills of sprinting, middle-distance running, long jump, high jump, shot put and other sports, but at that time they were all deaf ears, and I didn’t remember any of them.

Principal Shi explained: "You don't need to teach anything, just accompany the students to prevent safety accidents."

Wang Baida asked: "Have you ever played basketball? If you know a little bit, you can teach the students a little bit about basketball."

"I really understand this." Lin Feifan laughed when someone asked him if he had ever played basketball.

When playing on the basketball court of the Normal University, the three-step basketball was like entering a no-man's land, and the shooting rate of fixed-point jumpers and long-range shots was invincible in the school.

In the school basketball circle, it is called "Linsanity"!
I like basketball more than Sanda.

"Then I will bring you all the physical education classes in the school." Wang Baida smiled happily, finally finding a physical education teacher.

"Okay, okay." Lin Feifei readily agreed.


Wang Baida had something to arrange, so he left first.

Principal Shi told Lin Feifan to leave later, he wanted to arrange Lin Feifan's room.

Shi Yuming went out, stood three or four meters in front of the door, and shouted to the kitchen: "Master Shi, come here, Master Shi, come here quickly."

The school is not big, so if you want to call someone over, you just need to stand at the door and shout a few times.

On the other side of the kitchen, a middle-aged and elderly man was wearing an apron, swaying and running this way, wiping his hands on the apron as he ran.

Shi Xingxi, 56 years old this year, looks much older than his actual age, and is still a bachelor.

When Jinghu Junior High School was established, Shi Xingxi was hired as a temporary worker of the school. He usually does chores in the kitchen, and other tasks such as maintenance and storage are also taken along with him.

Shi Xingxi is inseparable from Jinghu junior high school teachers and students in life, big and small.

Shi Xingxi is very principled when doing things. For example, when a student jumps in the line when cooking, he will pull the student aside and not serve the meal.

He knows every detail, and no one who jumps in line can escape his eyes.

Therefore, he was too disgusted by the students. I don't know which year, some students gave him a nickname, and they pronounced "Xingxi" as "shit".

It is passed on from generation to generation, and now no student knows his real name, they all call him Shi Xishi, and this nickname will be remembered for a lifetime.

Thanks to his unique nickname, Shi Xingxi is the most famous person in the school.

However, Shi Xingxi never talked about principles with the principal. Every sentence of the principal was an imperial edict to him, and he would strictly enforce it no matter whether it was right or wrong.

Shi Xingxi ran into Principal Shi's room, out of breath, and said with a smile on his face, "Principal Shi, what do you want me to do?"

Seeing that the apron worn by this wrinkled man was dirtier than that of a pig butcher, Lin Feifan couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"Is there boiled meat for lunch?" Principal Shi asked.

"Well, yes, the chief purser said that a new teacher came today and he wanted extra meals." Shi Xingxi said with a smile.

Every time there is an extra meal in the cafeteria, he is very energetic and busy.

"This is the new teacher Lin Feifan." Principal Shi introduced.

"Oh, Teacher Lin, I'm Shi Xingxi, and my job is to cook for you." Shi Xingxi wiped his right hand vigorously on the apron a few times, and then stretched out to shake hands with Lin Feifan.

Shi Xingxi is fierce to the students, but very warm to the teachers. Over the years, whenever he sees a new teacher, he prefers to shake hands with them.

He has a strong sense of ownership, and he loves Jinghu Junior High School very much. Jinghu Junior High School is his home. He regards himself as an indispensable part of Jinghu Junior High School.

"Hello, Master Shi!" Lin Feifan stretched out his hand reluctantly, and he saw that there were still pieces of fat on his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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