old black is a dog

Chapter 14 Dog Language

Chapter 14 Dog Language
It is well known that Chinese people love to eat dog meat.

In the countryside, most native dogs are usually slaughtered for food after being raised.

In Guangxi Province, there is a large-scale dog meat festival every year. Although it has been opposed by many dog ​​lovers, it still continues.

In the Yangjiang area of ​​Guangdong Province, there is an old street that specializes in eating dog meat. The street is full of dog meat shops, some of which are centuries-old. There are hundreds of ways to eat dog meat here.

In many places, dog meat is even called fragrant meat.

From this, one can imagine how popular dog meat is and how big the market demand is.

According to the current market situation, in the market, a catty of high-quality dog ​​meat can be sold for more than 40 yuan per catty, which is basically the same price as mutton.

But dogs are different from sheep in that it is difficult to achieve centralized large-scale breeding.

In this way, a large-scale gray industrial chain has been created, which is the line of stealing, selling and selling dogs.

It's all about the money.

An adult dog generally weighs 30-50 catties. After being stolen, it can be sold directly to a dog meat dealer. Generally, it can be sold for 500-1000 yuan. If it is directly slaughtered and sold for meat, it can be sold for 1200-1500 yuan. If you open a restaurant and sell it as dog meat , the value can at least double.

As a result, dogs everywhere in the countryside, small towns, and cities are being targeted by those who want to.

Stealing dogs is not difficult. You can easily buy poisons, narcotics, syringe darts, dart blowpipes, darts, bows and other criminal tools for stealing dogs on the Internet, and the price is not expensive.

Then use a motorcycle or a small van to go around in the middle of the night, and you can easily get three, five, or even ten or eight dogs, and the profits are huge.

Therefore, even if stealing a dog is risky, if you are caught, you will be beaten to death, and you will be detained, but there are still many people who take risks.

For these, as a dog breeder, although Yang Mu didn't see it with his own eyes, he still knew about it. After all, the story of stealing dogs had already spread all over the country, and there were a lot of reports about it on the Internet.

If he was still a human, Yang Mu would not be too afraid of dog thieves, after all, dog thieves would not attack people easily.

But he is a dog now, and he is still an adult dog weighing forty or fifty catties.

Therefore, after hearing the old lady's words, Yang Mu immediately stopped the idea of ​​continuing to travel at night, and prepared to find a place to hide and rest.

He began to look for a suitable place to rest, and he was wary of motorcycles and cars passing by on the road. Whenever there was any movement, he hid aside.

Can't be careless!
"Wang Wang."

When Yang Mu was walking forward, he finally heard another short barking of a dog, which came from a house on the side of the road.

He stopped immediately and turned his head to look over.

This is a light yellow earth male dog about eight or nine months old, just approaching adulthood, and looks a bit handsome.

Yang Mu had to admit that this little yellow dog was indeed quite handsome among the earth dogs.

At this time, this handsome yellow dog was standing on the edge of the steps about one meter above the ground, looking at Yang Mu curiously.

According to the dog's instinct, Yang Mu can now understand that the short bark of the yellow dog just now was not malicious, but a friendly greeting from a dog of its own kind.

Yang Mu has always been curious about one thing.

I am obviously a human being, even if I accidentally turned into a dog, I shouldn't know so much knowledge that dogs only understand!

Could it be that he has passively accepted the consciousness of Old Hei?
And now Yang Mu's new knowledge is probably the so-called dog language!
Dog language is a very interesting stuff.

According to research, dogs can express tens of thousands of different meanings through the combination of behavior, expression, body language, and barking in different environments, which is basically similar to human speaking.

For this reason, some companies have launched so-called dog language translators on the market, which are specially designed for people to understand the meaning of pet dogs.

Yang Mu believes that even the best dog language translator, or the world's top dog language research experts, can't understand as much as he does.

For example, the yellow dog in front of him, as soon as he saw Yang Mu stop, immediately raised the rear end of his body, lowered the front end, and wagged his tail rhythmically.

"Boss, what are you doing? Do you want to play together for a while?"

Yang Mu understood its meaning in seconds.

If it had been before, Yang Mu wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to a dog's overtures.

But it is different now, because of the fear of dog thieves, Yang Mu urgently needs to find a safe and comfortable place to stop and rest, and he is curious about the dog language he just mastered, so he has the idea of ​​​​stopping.

"what are you doing?"

Yang Mu accurately expressed this level of meaning in dog language, and put on the posture of a big boss.

Seeing that Yang Mu was not hostile, the yellow dog immediately stood up, jumped down from the steps, and jumped happily left and right in front of Yang Mu.

"I'm a dog so boring, can you play with me for a while?"

Yang Mu understood again in seconds.

This is a cheerful little male dog at an age when he is full of energy, curiosity, and loves to play with his companions.

Dogs are generally like this.

Like children, young dogs prefer to play with companions who are older and stronger than them.

Ignoring this enthusiastic guy, Yang Mu looked left and right, and jumped up a one-meter-high step.

He wanted to find a place near the house where he could lie down and rest.

Wow, the boss is amazing!
The young yellow dog stared blankly.

It looked at the high steps, and wanted to jump up from the road, but after jumping left and right a few times, it still felt unsure, so it gave up this idea, and obediently climbed up the steps from the side steps again, Came near Yang Mu.

Compared with jumping ability, there is still a gap between a native dog and a border collie.

"Boss, what are you looking for?"

Seeing Yang Mu wandering around the house, the young yellow dog asked curiously again.

Yang Mu was naturally looking for a place to sleep.

Although the steps of the house had been paved with cement, Yang Mu thought the ground was too cold at night and it was not safe to be near the road, so he was very dissatisfied with it.

"My nest is here, follow me."

As expected of an enthusiastic dog, the young yellow dog took the initiative to take Yang Mu to a small doorless hut on the side of the house after learning about Yang Mu's intentions.

In a corner of the miscellaneous room, a thick old cotton-padded jacket fell on the ground and became a simple doghouse.

This should be the den of the young yellow dog.

This place is nice, sheltered from the wind, quiet, not close to the road, not afraid of being discovered by dog ​​thieves.

Yang Mu was very satisfied with this, so he lay down on the old padded jacket unkindly.

A standard dog sleeping position.

The young yellow dog was taken aback for a moment, and also wanted to squeeze into the old padded jacket.

Dogs also like to cuddle up to keep warm when it's cold at night.

But Yang Mu didn't like it, how could he be willing to sleep with a dog passionately?
So he stared at the young yellow dog unceremoniously.

The young yellow dog was stunned again, and obediently lay down on the ground next to Yang Mu.

It realized that the boss was a bit difficult to mess with.

Well, this little yellow dog is really nice. If I were really a dog, I would really like to be friends with him.

I'm sorry, Xiao Huang, I need a good rest, so I can only grab your nest!
Yang Mu felt a little guilty.

They all say that the golden and silver kennels are not as good as my own kennel, alas, I never thought that I would actually sleep in a kennel, and I even robbed another dog’s kennel!

Yang Mu wanted to cry but had no tears.

But after a long journey, his body was exhausted, and he soon fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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