Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 76 - Showdown!

Chapter 76 - Showdown!
Aiwen taught the boys nunchucks very smoothly, but the girls' dance rehearsals were deadlocked.There are quite a few girls who have practiced dancing in the seventh class of the first grade of junior high school, but there are no one who can choreograph or rehearse.

That is to say, they need a professional dance teacher to guide them. Only a professional dance teacher can line up to produce a well-formed program.Seventh Middle School has dance teachers, but the dance teachers are almost too busy with the sports meeting.

The school sports meeting not only requires each class to perform, but also a rehearsal for the programs selected by the city sports meeting.The dance teacher has to rehearse with the program for the city sports meeting every day, even if Ai Wen goes to invite others, he doesn't have time.

So at this time, we can only find foreign aid. As long as you are willing to spend money, you will always find a suitable candidate. There are quite a few dance schools in Q City, and it is quite easy to find a dance teacher.According to the market price of 200 yuan per class, Aiwen can also afford the class fee.

In the end, Aventuo found a suitable dance teacher through the relationship of the parent committee. She is the little aunt of a certain student in Class [-]—the kind of kiss, and she can be regarded as one of her own.
Because it was a friendly help, the dance teacher was not ashamed to ask Ai Wen for money.According to Aiwen's character, he must not be bad for a penny of salary-but his dance teacher also said that she is guiding relatives, so she cannot collect money.Ai Wen couldn't resist her, so in the end he could only treat her to a meal to express his gratitude.

"Hello, Ms. Chen." Ai Wen held a banquet in Kunlun, and invited the dance teacher, her sister, and brother-in-law—that is, the parents of classmate Chen Xiaolin.

When Chen Yanzi saw Ai Wen for the first time, she had a good impression of him, and she had heard a little about this head teacher of her niece.However, what I heard from Xiaolin and what I heard from my sister and brother-in-law are two completely different versions.She was very curious about what the "Ivan old thief" in Xiaolin's mouth looked like.

Unexpectedly, Aiwen was unexpectedly young, and he looked like he had just graduated from university.

After the wine was poured and the food was served, Ai Wen raised his glass first to express his gratitude to Chen Yanzi, and then he raised his glass to thank Chen Xiaolin's parents for their support of his work.

Chen Xiaolin's parents were flattered by Ai Wen's toast, Ai Wen was too polite, they really couldn't help, it was Chen Yanzi who wanted to help.

Immediately afterwards, Ai Wen chatted with Chen Xiaolin's parents about Chen Xiaolin's performance in school - the parents must be most concerned about their children, and if Ai Wen opened his mouth to talk to them about national affairs, they would definitely not be happy.But when it comes to their children, Chen Xiaolin's parents are very happy.

Of course, Ai Wen couldn't neglect Chen Yanzi - he still had to ask others to help with the dance.Through understanding, Ai Wen learned that Chen Yanzi was a graduate of the Imperial Dance Academy, and after graduation, he led his classmates to open a dance art school.Because I don't have much work during the day, I can help arrange dances for the students.

Looking at Chen Yanzi's slender body and upright sitting posture, Ai Wen can feel that this is a very powerful dancer.This woman has a strong sense of camera, and what is put in front of others is always the best side.This has almost become an instinct, which is enough to prove her excellence.

With such a big guy as the instructor, Ai Wen felt that the girls' dance program was already done.Moreover, Chen Yanzi is also a professional dance teacher engaged in dance education, so she must be very good at teaching students.

A banquet was a feast for the guests, and Chen Yanzi became very interested in Ai Wen through chatting.In fact, she also has a certain understanding of Ivan-she also loves fitness besides dancing.There are very few people in the Q City fitness circle who haven't watched the weekly short video of the owner of Yida Fitness Club.The person who shows off in the short video is Aiwen.

Aiwen doesn't know this, he is just a fitness machine with no emotions. He saves more than 1 fitness expenses per year and "sells" his body.Of course, only selling art, not selling life.

Because of drinking, Ai Wen called for a driver.If he invites people, he must send them back, right?

Chen Xiaolin's parents repeatedly refused to send Ai Wen off, and finally took a taxi back home.But they entrusted Ai Wen to send Chen Yanzi home, and Chen Yanzi lived by herself, and she lived quite far away.

Ai Wen didn't refuse, he asked the substitute driver to drive to Chen Yanzi's house first.After arriving at the place, Chen Yanzi invited Ai Wen to sit upstairs. Ai Wen has nothing to do anyway, so it is better to be respectful than obedient.

After settling the bill with the surrogate driver, Brother Xi rode his electric scooter straight to the coordinates of the next customer.Ai Wen went upstairs with Chen Yanzi
"Ms. Chen" Ivan was interrupted as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Call me Yanzi." Chen Yanzi narrowed her eyes slightly.

"." Ai Wen said kindly and authentically: "Yanzi. Your neighborhood is not bad."

"It's okay, property management is pretty reliable." Chen Yanzi replied, she opened the door and invited Ai Wen in.

Chen Yanzi's house is very large - the layout of 120 square meters, three bedrooms and one living room is very spacious.Judging from the arrangement of spare parts, she is the only one in her house.

"What would Teacher Ai drink?" Chen Yanzi asked.

"Whatever." Aiwen sat on the sofa a little embarrassed-is the development a little faster?

Chen Yanzi gave Ai Wen a bottle of spring water: "Drink some water, you just drank a lot."

"Thank you." Ivan said politely.

"To be honest, I'm really curious about you, why does a junior high school teacher have such a good figure and also know martial arts and Sanda?" Chen Yanzi asked.

Ai Wen blinked: "Huh? Have you seen me before?"

"I haven't seen it, but I've seen the short video sent by your boss." Chen Yanzi covered her mouth and smiled: "To be honest, I almost didn't recognize it was you."

"What's even more coincidental is that you are actually the old Aiwen thief my niece said." The more Chen Yanzi said, the more she wanted to laugh.

"It can only be said that I always cheat them? There is no way, as a head teacher, you have to play the role of cheating. If I don't cheat them, they may not always cheat me. I can only say that they will understand me when they grow up. I took pains." Aiwen said helplessly.

This is the case with the profession of teachers. If you do not do well, you will be scolded. If you do well, you will be scolded more easily, and sometimes your life may be in danger.But Ivan is used to it. If you choose this line of work, you have to endure the ups and downs that this line of work brings to you.Sometimes Aiwen also wants to make himself more Buddhist, but the students taught by Buddhist teachers will not take too much responsibility.For the sake of Huaxia's next generation, Aiwen felt that he had to fight the students to the end.

"By the way, do you really have six pack abs and mermaid lines?" Chen Yanzi licked her lips and asked.

Ivan drank a big sip of water: "It really is, this is the result of my many years of practice!"

(End of this chapter)

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