Banknote Ability Headteacher

Chapter 75 - Class 7's painting style is shifting to an irreversible angle

Chapter 75 - Class Seven's painting style is shifting to an irreversible angle
In the morning, the campus of No.[-] Middle School.
After the daily routine of running, Aiwen did not let the students dismiss. The girls found a place to practice dance moves by themselves, and the boys each held a nunchuck to set up a formation and wait for Aiwen's guidance.

Ai Wen is also copying a nunchuck in his hand. His nunchuck is made of fine steel. It is a masterpiece of a master. 9999 RMB.

There are three major factions in Huaxia Nunchaku: Lingyun Gundao, Chinese Dragon and Huaxia Cudgel League.Each of the three schools has its own characteristics. The style of Lingyun is elegant, with strong coherence between movements. It is quite charming when paired with ancient music, and is most suitable for performances; the style of Chinese Dragon is fast and fierce, and it is more inclined to actual combat; It is calm, the basic movements are very standard, simple and unpretentious, it pays attention to the stability of the formula, and the completion of the movements is the most important thing, and the requirements are relatively high.

Ai Wen taught himself by watching videos. If he had to be categorized, he should be in the middle of Lingyun and Zhonghualong. His introduction was biased towards performance, and after the introduction, he began to move closer to the actual combat style.

Aiwen did not take the nunchuck level test when he was in college, but several of the "apprentices" he taught took the level test of the nunchuck association.Those guys are all black belts. As for Aiwen, it's really hard to say.

It is not difficult to get started with the twelve nunchuck moves, as long as you have perseverance and patience, you will always understand it.Aiwen started from the most basic stick holding and standing posture, and let them practice basic movements such as sweeping, swinging, chopping, and teasing.

The foundation is not firm, and since these little guys are very enthusiastic about learning, Ai Wen feels that he can teach seriously.

Before Ai Wen started shouting, a few naughty boys started to shake indiscriminately - the final result was obviously that they were whipped by their own nunchucks.Fortunately, what they bought were all sponge sticks, otherwise they would really be whipped by a stainless steel stick. The taste would be absolutely sour.

Even if it is a sponge stick, it hurts a lot. Ai Wen took out a large bottle of safflower oil from his pocket with a smile: "Safflower! You continue to slap! The teacher has nothing else, the safflower oil is enough!"

Now those boys are honest, only after being whipped can they know how painful it is, so their next contact is very serious.Aiwen patrolled back and forth like a master with his hands behind his back, and corrected some mistakes in basic movements by the way.

Seeing that the students were not motivated enough to practice basic movements, Aiwen clapped his hands: "Seeing that you are a bit bored, let me show you what it means to be a master."

After he turned on his mobile phone and set himself the explosive BGM, he picked up the nunchuck and began to show various nunchuck skills.He started with the most basic movements: shooting stars chasing the moon, finding the right way, taking the lead, poisonous snake spitting out letters, Su Qin carrying the sword, and crossing mountains and mountains. Ai Wen smoothly demonstrated each move.

He didn't show off his skills too much, and the moves that Ivan played were the simplest routines they could learn through continuous training.If these guys who can't afford to be early can't see the benefits, the heat will pass in 3 minutes.

"See? As long as you learn from the teacher, you can be so good in the future - the so-called skills are not overwhelming, and you can show off in front of the girl you like in the future." Ai Wen smiled uncomfortably.

The boys' eyes lit up, Boss Ai was right!What kind of boys do girls like?A sense of security is very important!Learned nunchuck can not only be handsome but also self-defense!

So they practiced a lot more seriously.

On the first day of training, you can't tell them too much and chew too much.Today their task is to familiarize themselves with the nunchuck. It is enough to know the basic movements and ways of exerting force. There will be more time in the future!
When the spectacular scene of boys in class seven with flat heads and a nunchuck in each hand was seen by other classes, class seven of the first grade of junior high school immediately rose to the ranks of untouchables.I have to say that the temperament of Class [-] is very unique and unique. When you walk on the campus of No. [-] Middle School and see students wearing the uniforms of the first year of junior high school, you can easily recognize which group of students in Class [-].

Because of the common enemy - Ai Wen, the relationship between the students in Class [-] can be described as close.There is no small group in the class. You look down on me and I look down on you. If everyone can't even fight against Ivan, what face do they have to fight among themselves?
So when you see groups of small crewheads in it, don't think it must be boys from class seven.Don't worry if you see girls with ponytails and full foreheads, most of them are children from Class [-]!

The super high degree of recognition made Aiwen feel that his transformation was very successful. A class can only be cohesive if it shows a unique class banner.Ai Wen is the core of this group, and all the momentum of the class is brought by him as the head teacher.

In addition to the super-recognizable appearance of Class Seven, their class's morning reading is also a scene in Seven Middle Schools.The plan for a year lies in spring, and the plan for a day lies in morning.In a certain sense, morning reading has the function of exhaling the old and absorbing the new, so the spirit of morning reading must not be sick.

So Aiwen's highest requirement for morning reading is loudness-how loud?It must be big enough to overwhelm other classes, so that people can know that Class [-] is in the morning reading again!
Of course, being loud doesn't mean shouting.Aiwen devoted a class time in Chinese class to teaching reading skills. Reading aloud skills include not only reading emotions, pauses, intonation, etc. Aiwen also guides students from the technical level, so that they can learn the three-chamber resonance.

This is not a simple matter, and this is an interdisciplinary teaching-because the most widely used three-chamber resonance should be in vocal music.Aiwen specifically asked the bosses of the Broadcasting Department and the Vocal Music Department how to open the three-chamber resonance, after all, they are professionals.

Aiwen himself was opened by talent, but this feeling can only be felt and cannot be expressed in words.Therefore, he needs to master professional teaching methods to guide students to read aloud.Thanks to the fact that the boss he asked for advice was more reliable and had a good relationship, he was able to get the training manual.

The head of the broadcasting department is now working for the news channel of the provincial radio station, and he is considered a relatively popular young announcer.Last year, she passed the first-class certificate of Putonghua, which made Aiwen feel overwhelmed.

The state stipulates that teachers need to have a corresponding level of Putonghua, and the rigid requirement for teachers is level two (Chinese teachers need level two A, and teachers of other subjects only need level two B).Aiwen was lucky at the beginning. He performed exceptionally well in the Putonghua test and directly won the first-class B certificate. This result directly blocked him in the Faculty of Arts.

In the broadcasting department, first-level and second-class are entry-level practitioners!The minimum requirement for a provincial announcer is a first-level B in Putonghua, but if you want to have a higher career pursuit, a first-level A is the certificate you must get.

The students from the Vocal Music Department work as music teachers at the school, and they can be regarded as peers with Ai Wen.But these sisters were famous sopranos when they were in school, and they have super professional skills.If the family hadn't made her a teacher, she might have become the pillar of the Provincial Song and Dance Troupe by now.

I have to say that the training methods provided by the professional masters are professional. Ai Wen thinks that the painting style of Class [-] will become more unique in the future: one mouth is the broadcasting tune, and one singing is the bel canto - bold!

(End of this chapter)

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