20 years of spring breeze

Chapter 76 Xiaohong and Chen Xiao

Chapter 76 Xiaohong and Chen Xiao (I have a set +1)

Chen Xiao asked Xiaowei: "Why don't you cook? Aren't you also a chef?"

Chen Hui laughed, and Xiao Wei said: "It's fine if there are a few of them, I'll be lazy, anyway, I'm at home, just fool around."

Now even Xiaohong couldn't stop laughing, Chen Xiao was dumbfounded, and asked, "Haha?"

Xiaohong covered her mouth and smiled for a long time before saying, "He can't do anything, haha, he hasn't cut vegetables a few times."

Chen Xiao choked on water and coughed, pointing to Xiaowei and asking, "You don't know how to cook, what kind of cook?"

Xiaowei said: "I just learn it if I don't know it. What else do I learn if I know it?"

Chen Xiao opened his mouth, blinked his eyes for a while, and then turned his head to ask Wang Lu: "Aren't these classes the place to get the certificate?"

Wang Lu said: "It's for getting a certificate, but I didn't say that those who don't know it are not allowed to learn."

Chen Xiao thought for a while and asked Xiaowei: "Is your teacher crazy?" Xiaohong laughed, and Chen Hui laughed too. Don't let him ask questions, saying that seeing him makes him lose the mood to give lectures, hahaha."

After laughing for a while, Chen Xiao asked: "Then what have you learned now?"

Xiaowei said: "I can cut vegetables and meat. Now I go to class and cut potatoes in the kitchen. I will practice knife skills first."

Xiaohong nodded and said: "He is very serious, and he has worked hard, his hands are worn out, what he does is serious, and he can learn well."

Chen Xiao asked: "Then what did you do before?"

Xiaowei said: "Before she was in high school, I worked on the construction site and built buildings. After she was admitted to this place, I came to accompany her. I didn't feel at ease if she was here alone. Anyway, I was a freshman. You can do whatever you want, sir."

Chen Xiao widened his eyes and asked, "How have you two been getting along? It sounds like it's been years."

Xiaohong blushed, looked at Xiaowei, and Xiaowei said: "His father and mine have a good relationship in the front and back yards of our two families. They grew up together, and she has been bullying me since I was a child, and she has been bullying me until now." He gave Xiaowei a thump.

Chen Hui was fiddling with the camera, took out the film, and said to Xiaowei, "Come on, I'll teach you how to mount film."

Xiaowei asked: "Why is this thing good? I can do it?"

Chen Hui said: "It's easy to do. You can do it as a bricklayer. It's no problem to do this. The key is the feel. After it's installed, you can take a few more photos. If you don't install it well, you can take 36 shots. It's okay, come on."

Xiaowei sat down, and Chen Hui took the film and said to him: "Look at this, the head of the film is half bent, and there is a gap on this shaft in the camera. Hold the head When the film is stuck in this position, you can feel that the pin is stuck in, and then pull out the head and insert it into the gap from the top, and then pull it tightly with your hand, not too hard. After pulling it, turn the handle and feel it is tight. , and then close the back cover, it will be fine, you can try it. Don’t worry, this one is finished, get a new one.”

Xiaowei took out a new film, looked at the film leader, squeezed it with his hand, then looked at the reel in the back compartment, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll try."

Chen Hui said: "Just pretend like this, just take two less photos, and use the hidden bag when you know how to pack it." He handed the camera to Xiaowei.

Xiaowei took the film and compared it a few times, and said, "Do I have to blow it up with a balloon?"

Chen Hui said: "It's okay to blow it up, or not to blow it up, it doesn't matter, then you should play it a few times."

Xiaowei put down the film, clumsily took out the balloon and blew it into the back box a few times, and then used to blow with his mouth. Chen Hui pushed his head aside and said: "You are crazy!" Lah, do you need this camera? Let me tell you, if you fiddle with the lens like this, the lens will be useless, it’s full of dots.”

Xiaowei was a little embarrassed, and said, "I'm used to it, so bear with it in the future, will this be all right?"

Chen Hui said: "Well, let's put it on, pull it slowly, and pull it out less, the one that is pulled out will be exposed and can't be used."

Xiaowei stuck the film into the back compartment, and then pulled the film head out. Although he was very careful, he pulled too much. After inserting the film head into the shaft, he was going to go back. Chen Hui said: "You can't go back. Get it, shake it this way, and tighten it."

Xiaowei pressed the film with one hand, and clumsily turned the crank with the other hand, gently tightening the film, and asked: "Why can't you turn it back? I can't turn it back if I pull it too much?"

Chen Hui said: "You are outside. If you pull too much, it won't work. If you shake it back, it will still work. But it's better not to pull too much. Take your time. Just get used to it. Close the back cover and install it."

Xiaowei closed the back cover, then looked up, down, left, and right with the camera, and said, "That's all right? Can you take pictures?"

Chen Hui nodded and said, "I can take pictures, but you can't do it now. You have to read the book first, learn about shutter speed and aperture, otherwise it will be useless to take pictures."

Xiaowei nodded, put the camera on the table and said, "This thing is more troublesome than cooking."

Chen Xiao, who was watching from the side, said, "You still want to learn how to take pictures?"

Chen Hui said: "He just bought this camera today, it's not for learning."

Chen Xiao pointed to Ricoh and Haiou who were put aside and asked, "Buy these?"

Chen Hui said: "Those two belong to my family. I originally wanted him to use my family's to practice his hands first, but this guy is impatient, so he bought it first. By the way, Xiaowei, why don't you use this Haiou first?" Let’s practice, this film is cheap, and you can wash it yourself at my house, so you can learn how to work in the darkroom.”

Xiaowei asked: "Why is this cheap? Can I wash it myself?"

Chen Xiao said: "It's black and white, my dad also washes it at home by himself, and makes the toilet dark for a whole day, and no one can enter."

Chen Hui said: "This operation is much simpler, it's too troublesome for you. 135 also has black and white rolls, you can buy some to practice your hands, I have a darkroom, and there are potions and so on. When the time comes, we can go to my house to wash it."

Xiaowei asked: "The colored ones can't be washed by themselves?"

Chen Hui said, "That's fine, but the potions are different, and the colored scrolls can't be seen at all. Black and white are different, so you can light a red light."

Xiaowei nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take a look someday. I don't need yours. I'll buy some black and white rolls tomorrow. I'll practice with my own. I'll have to learn sooner or later."

Chen Hui said, "That's fine, then let's go together tomorrow, and just wash it out like today."

Xia Maosheng poked his head out and said, "Put the table down, it's time to eat."

Xiaowei got up and set the table and set up the stools.

Porridge and steamed buns, fried six dishes, a pot of soup, with some diced green onion floating on it, it looks delicious.

When everyone came to the table, Chen Xiao took a steamed bun and said, "I bought this from downstairs, right? Don't buy from this one in the future, go further, that one is better, it's old and fat, and this one is made from yeast." , it’s not tasty.” Standing up, he poured himself a small bowl of soup, took a sip and nodded, “It’s delicious.”

The young men and Chen Xiao ate steamed buns, soup, and vegetables. Xiaohong and Wang Lu didn't ask for steamed buns, so they drank a bowl of porridge with vegetables and some pickles.

After eating, everyone warmed up. After seeing the sweat, a few girls cleaned up, and everyone sat down here to smoke.

While cleaning the dishes, Chen Xiao said to Xiaohong: "You eat like this every day? You can't get fat? This cook is different from ours, and it tastes better."

(End of this chapter)

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