20 years of spring breeze

Chapter 75 They Are All Awesome Units

Chapter 75 They Are All Awesome Units (Add more updates for Anni and her father)
Singing, Hong Kong and Taiwan golden songs have emerged in an endless stream in recent years, and they have become popular all over the country. It also provides sufficient ammunition for the performance of college students at the moment, whether it is affectionate or enthusiastic, a group of green melon eggs show with their own understanding youth.

Dancing, the early 90s was the era when breakdancing was popular. It can be said that the whole country was in a thunderbolt. As a young man, he was too embarrassed to go out without a pair of gloves showing his fingers. The students in the audience applauded enthusiastically from time to time.

When the host, Comrade Wang Xiaohong, came on stage to sing, more than an hour had passed, almost 08:30, and the party reached its climax. Even the teachers and leaders sitting in the front row clapped their hands and laughed to applaud the students.

The program in front of Wang Xiaohong is a cross talk between two junior boys. In the early 90s, cross talk was falling from the peak to the bottom. A large number of cross talk actors were unemployed and begging for food, and a large number of folk art actors changed their careers. Baluo, powerless to fight back, although the two boys prepared a lot of burdens and tried their best, they were still a little cold.

Then Wang Xiaohong's children's shoes reported and sang on the stage, and immediately won the applause of the audience.

After singing the song My Future Is Not a Dream, many students booed and shouted a few more times, and the whole audience became the sound of another one, which made the next group of three standing on the edge of the stage waiting to play. The half-actor was a little lost.

Chen Shulan urgently consulted with the instructor, the teacher turned to ask the principal to make a decision, the principal waved his hand, and then sang.

So our classmate Wang Xiaohong became the only student who sang two songs in the whole party.

As a result, it was discovered at the end of the party that the entire roll of film was reimbursed by the excited Chen Hui.

At the end of the song, when Wang Xiaohong packed up and came out, it was almost 09:30, and the whole campus was already silent again, only the northwest wind came over from the lake, shaking the treetops vigorously, and making a sharp whining sound , Occasionally a few students and teachers walked by, all trotting all the way holding their necklines and lowering their heads.

"It looks like it's going to snow today and tomorrow. It's overcast, and the wind is too strong." Xiaowei, who shrank his neck, looked up at the sky and said.

Xia Maosheng also shrunk his head and grabbed his collar with his hands, and said, "How could it be possible to fall so early, because there is a lot of water in this area, it will not be so cold in the city, you are delusional."

Xiao Hong and Chen Xiao and Wang Lu ran out of the auditorium all the way: "It's so cold tonight, why don't you wait inside."

Xiaowei took off his coat, wrapped Xiaohong up and said, "Everyone has come out, I didn't expect you to be so slow, let's go, the wind is going crazy."

Xiaohong pulled her clothes to make herself more comfortable, and said: "The teacher said something again. Let's go and have some hot soup at home. Are you hungry? Let's all go home and have some food before going back."

Chen Hui finally had a chance to perform, handed the camera to Xia Maosheng, took off his jacket and put it on Chen Xiao who was holding him in his arms, and said, "Put on, mine should be thicker, don't catch a cold , go quickly, just cross the bridge, this is the exit, the wind is too strong."

At this time, I didn't have the time to be polite. I just came out of the steaming auditorium, and I was really shivering from the cold. Chen Xiao put on Chen Hui's clothes, didn't zip them up, just wrapped herself tightly with a touch of left and right, and half hugged Wang Lu. Walk out of school together with a group of people.

Xiaohong was wearing Xiaowei's coat and huddled in Xiaowei's arms, but she wasn't as cold as she appeared at the moment. It was her first time as a host, and she even sang two songs on stage for the first time. My son is boiling with enthusiasm, and the excitement has not passed yet.

A group of people trotted out from the north gate of the Engineering College and ran towards the bridge. The past was the main gate of Nanhu Park. There were many tall trees over there, and the buildings were there. The wind must be much weaker than this side.The northwest wind blew from the side of everyone, tearing everything it encountered, roaring, but luckily it wasn't facing the wind directly, so everyone could chat and laugh while walking fast.

After crossing the bridge, the wind was indeed a lot less, bypassing the main gate of the park, and entering the small road of the buildings, the wind became even weaker, and everyone's footsteps also slowed down. Chen Xiao turned to Chen Hui and said, "I don't want to It’s over, you can take your clothes back.” As he spoke, he was about to take off his clothes.

Xiaohong said on the side: "Go and eat something, drink some hot soup, sit down for a while and then go back, anyway, it's not a few steps away. Your family members have fallen asleep before now? Can you fall asleep when you go back?" "

Chen Hui responded with a smirk: "Yes, go and sit for a while, and then go back slowly. Don't catch a cold because of the cold and heat, anyway, it's close."

Chen Xiao looked at Wang Lu, nodded and said, "That's fine, then go sit for a while."

Walked downstairs with a bang, before entering the opening of the building, a Duke Wang taxied quietly to the opening of the building, Lao Chen got out of the car, turned his head to look at everyone, and asked: "It's so late to run again Where did it go?"

Chen Hui said: "I went to the engineering college to watch the party. Dad, why did you come back so recently? Have you eaten yet?"

Old Chen nodded to Xiaowei and said: "There is a meeting, we will eat at work, you should go home early." After speaking, he turned around and went upstairs with his leather bag. The Duke started, turned around and drove away.

When Lao Chen's footsteps reached the second floor, Xia Maosheng whispered to Chen Hui: "Isn't your father's car the engineering car that day?"

Chen Hui said: "I went to deal with the accident that day, so I must take the construction vehicle. This is my dad's car. It's a pity that I won't be allowed to take it."

Xiaowei smiled and said, "Your dad asked you to save money to buy it yourself." Everyone laughed, and a Duke King is now close to 50, which is really expensive.

Chen Xiao glanced at Chen Hui and said, "Your dad works at the Electricity Bureau, and my dad is Santana."

Chen Hui scratched his head and said, "Just ordinary cadres with old qualifications. Besides, you have postal and telecommunications companies and our electrical industry has money? It seems that we don't have many Santanas here, so I haven't seen them before."

Chen Xiaobai gave Chen Hui a blank look, took Xiaohong's hand and went upstairs, and a large group of people went upstairs and entered the house.

There is heating in the room, and as soon as they entered the room, everyone snorted comfortably, and Chen Xiao said: "It's so annoying, we can't get the gas until the end of October, and your side is so early It's hot, why not?" He said as he took off Chen Hui's coat and threw it into Chen Hui's arms.

Chen Hui smiled and put on the clothes that still carried Chen Xiao's heat and fragrance, and said: "We have money, so it's not bad to burn it for a month and a half. No matter what happened in the coal yard Don’t dare not supply us.”

Xia Maosheng said: "This is the ugly face of a monopoly industry. No one dares to offend."

Chen Hui pointed to Chen Xiao and said, "Isn't her post and telecommunications company a monopoly? And it's even more monopolized than our electricity business. We also have private and district networks."

Xia Maosheng said: "Bullshit, management and fees are not handled by you alone, they just send a telegram to extract a few pennies from you, it depends on your face, you are awesome, stuck from top to bottom. Post and Telecommunications Although it is also a monopoly, it is only the ordinary people of Kaka, and there is not much profit and water, and there are too many places that can be controlled, unlike you, no one can control it."

Xiaowei said: "For me, you are all awesome units, so don't worry about it, you guys go and help my daughter-in-law with food."

Everyone laughed and got up, a few chefs went to the kitchen to make food, Xiaowei and Chen Hui sat there chatting with Chen Xiao and Wang Lu, after a while Xiaohong was also kicked out, she smiled and went to Xiaowei's side sit down.

 Thanks to Laodao, Erfa, Tutu and Mithril for their support.Wow~~~.The promotion of new books is very important, so that more people can see it.I have limited channels alone, so I have to rely on everyone's help.

(End of this chapter)

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