industrial overlord

Chapter 600 Lobbying

Chapter 600 Lobbying
Since Nuzama came to introduce Hanhua's gas turbines, in the past two days, Khedira has been giving people a side view of Hanhua's full range of products.He sent several subordinates to the booths of Hanhua and other Chinese manufacturers in the name of customers to collect product technical information, understand the technical situation of each company, and then bring them to him.

Looking at the information collected by his subordinates and listening to them talking about how wonderful Hanhua's products are, Khedira felt a sense of trepidation.

It is not that Khedira has not paid attention to Hanhua in recent years. He has long known that Hanhua has become a comprehensive industrial equipment manufacturing enterprise with a wide range of products, including various machine tools, chemical equipment, steam turbines and gas turbines, and large refrigeration equipment. Equipment, etc., there are many products that compete with ALK.But what he didn't expect was that Hanhua's technological level has risen so rapidly in recent years, and the quality and performance of many products are no longer far behind ALK's similar products.

What makes Khedira even more frightening is that the prices of Hanhua Heavy Industries’ products are generally more than 10% cheaper than ALK’s when they are of similar quality and performance, and some products can even be as low as 30% or more.You must know that the price of some large-scale petrochemical complete sets of equipment is more than one billion US dollars. If it can be reduced by 10%, the price difference will be more than 1 million US dollars, which is very attractive to any customer.

In terms of after-sales service policy, Hanhua is also much more moderate than Western companies.The after-sales service of products has always been an important link for Western companies to obtain excess profits. Any worthless accessory can be sold to customers for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you don’t want it, then I’m sorry. We are not responsible for any damages.

Customers spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions to buy a set of equipment, so naturally they dare not save money on accessories. In this way, equipment suppliers can continuously obtain additional profits, making each set of equipment more valuable. into an inexhaustible cornucopia.This method of making money is a common practice in the industry. Even if customers know that they are being slaughtered, they have nothing to do. Who makes them need to rely on Western equipment?
In this regard, Hanhua has inherited the honesty and sincerity of the Chinese people. In addition to the low price of equipment, the price of after-sales maintenance and accessories is also very low, and even allows customers to use non-original accessories in some non-critical places. .This policy is not only very attractive to customers in developing countries, but also welcomed by customers in some developed countries.

In fact, the truth is very clear, an insignificant part, what is the difference between the original factory and the non-original factory?Obviously, you can buy a nut for 5 yuan in an ordinary hardware store, but you are asking someone for 5000 yuan in the name of original accessories. This is not stealing money, but what is it?
The Chinese have suffered this kind of loss, and don’t give to others what they don’t want. That’s why Lin Zhenhua asked Hanhua Heavy Industry to introduce such a policy of treating customers well.Of course, he has another idea in doing this, which is to force Western manufacturers to give up repeated exploitation of customers like Hanhua.China is still an equipment importer. If Western manufacturers make concessions on this issue, it will be of great benefit to China.

In fact, Hanhua's approach has already produced results.Khedira has received complaints from customers countless times, saying that ALK's after-sales policy is too dark, and hopes that they can learn from Hanhua.Under the pressure of customers, ALK had to make a gesture and greatly reduced the price of accessories. For some simple daily maintenance, ALK no longer dared to put on airs and insisted on charging high fees.

The result of this is that the customers are naturally rejoiced, while the executives of ALK are heartbroken.Khedira is very clear that in the past few years, due to the emergence of a dark horse such as Hanhua Heavy Industry in the international market, and other Chinese companies that have gone overseas with Hanhua Heavy Industry to enter the world, ALK's profit margins have been continuously compressed. It's getting sadder every day.

In the past, ALK equipment could not be sold at all, and those poor countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America had no other choice.But now, these poor customers have hardened their waists, threatening to give up ALK and purchase Chinese products at every turn, which makes Khedira feel so embarrassing.

No, the Chinese cannot be allowed to continue to develop like this, Khedira said in his heart.

To contain the development of the Chinese, it is not enough to rely on the efforts of the ALK family alone. It is necessary to persuade the big Western manufacturers to boycott China.Khedira believed that he would not even be able to convince the president of the company if there was no mechanism for several large companies to unite.

As a marketing director, Khedira has the drive to do what he says.He told his subordinates to guard the booth, and he started to wander to the booths of other companies.

"Hello, Mr. Marco, how are you?"

When he walked to the booth of Giessen Machine Tool Company in Germany, Khedira warmly greeted Marko, the vice president of Giessen Company. They had met at several industry annual conferences, and they were very good friends.

"Mr. Khedira, why are you free to visit?" Marco came over and asked Khedira while shaking hands.

Khedira said: "Our situation this year is not ideal. I want to come out and see how everyone is doing."

"We are not ideal either." Marco said with a frown, "I am worried that our business volume at this exhibition will decrease by more than 20% compared with last year."

Khedira said: "Exactly. Mr. Marko, have you analyzed the reasons for this?"

"The reason?" Marko thought for a while and said, "I think this should be a sign that our entire Europe is in recession? Damn Iceland seems to be in financial crisis, and it will drag us all down. I said it a long time ago , the establishment of the European Union may be a good thing for those lazy countries, but for us, Germany, it is very harmful."

"No, no, no, this has nothing to do with Iceland or the EU." Khedira quickly turned Marko's thoughts around. He didn't want to discuss the EU's financial policy with Marko. He pointed in the direction of the China exhibition hall. Said: "Mr. Marco, I think the real reason is over there."

"Over there?" Marco turned his head to look, and asked in surprise: "Why, Mr. Khedira, do you think the problem lies with the Chinese?"

Khedira said: "Don't you think it is because of the existence of Chinese that the profits of our western companies have dropped? Have you ever heard such a saying that Europeans have two fears? Afraid that the United States will promote hegemony everywhere, and the second is that Chinese products are of high quality and low price?"

Marko laughed: "Mr. Khedira, you really know how to sum up. The Americans have indeed been a little too arrogant in recent years, and I don't like them. However, as far as I know, China's cheap goods have brought us The good news is that I don't need to raise wages for workers, and I can make their lives richer than before, all thanks to cheap Chinese goods.

To be honest, my wife also likes to go shopping in Chinatown very much. Have you seen my pair of pants? These are Chinese products, and they cost less than 10 marks. "

"But..." Khedira felt powerless. If he knew some ancient Chinese, he would definitely curse: This is really a business woman who doesn't know the hatred of subjugation!Chinese products are about to bring down all of our businesses, and you are still complacent about buying a pair of cheap pants.

"Mr. Marko, do you know that due to the competition from Chinese products, our products have had to drop in price significantly, almost to the point of losing money. I think your Gisen company should also be facing such a problem, right?" He Dila started asking directly.

Marko nodded and said: "Well, there are indeed some such cases, but I don't think it's terrible. We have some low-end products that overlap with Chinese products, and their prices are indeed much cheaper than ours. .But, you know, these products are exactly what we intend to eliminate. The Chinese want to do it, so let them do it well. We still have a firm hold on the high-end machine tool market, and half of our machine tools are exported to China."

Ahem... Khedira suddenly realized that she seemed to have found the wrong person.Giessen Company is not the same as ALK Company. The competition it receives from China is not so serious. Moreover, some high-end machine tools it produces are sold to China, so Marko should have a good impression of China.

Among all European companies, ALK may be the most miserable one.Because it was the first to jump out and participate in the sanctions against China, it ended up entering the blacklist secretly compiled by the Chinese government.In the past 10 years, ALK has hardly received a large order from China. Although the Chinese government does not openly boycott ALK, it will use various reasons to prevent ALK from doing so.You must know that China is the largest buyer in the international equipment market, and Khedira knows best what it means to lose the Chinese market.

"Mr. Marko, what you are talking about is only the current situation. I dare to predict that the Chinese will soon use the high-end machine tools you export to produce better machine tools than yours, thereby squeezing out your market. For Aren't you a bit worried about such a result?" Khedira was struggling for the last time.

Marco shrugged and said disapprovingly: "Mr. Khedira, I think you are thinking too much, right? The technology of the Chinese is still far behind ours. Besides, the machine tool market is so big that it can accommodate It can accommodate us Germans, and it can also accommodate Chinese people. I am not at all worried that the Chinese will overwhelm us.

By the way, I think you ALK have been a little self-motivated these years. It is said that some of your products are not even comparable to Chinese products. I think you should find the reason from yourself. "

Well, I didn’t say anything, Khedira said goodbye to Marko depressedly, and then turned to other booths to continue his lobbying career.

(End of this chapter)

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