industrial overlord

Chapter 590 Promotional Video

Chapter 590 Promotional Video

China is a country with a strong concept of official standards. Generally speaking, government officials have absolute authority in front of business leaders.But this also depends on the specific situation. For giant-level enterprises like Hanhua Heavy Industry and Xingbei Heavy Machinery, their bosses can directly talk to the senior leaders of the central government. In contrast, a company like Li Mozi Bureau-level officials seem to have a little weight.

Li Mozi is very clear about his role, and he has always maintained a humble attitude in front of Gu Jiahua, Lin Zhenhua and others.Of course, at least Lin Zhenhua still respects Li Mozi very much, and there are very few times when he doesn't give Li Mozi face.The relationship between the two of them can be described by a very vulgar word called respecting each other as guests.

Hearing that Lin Zhenhua said that he wanted to play the promotional video of the Olympic bid sent by the embassy on the booth, Li Mozi quickly asked his subordinates to bring the promotional video CD.A high-brightness projector was originally set up on Hanhua's booth, and a curtain was hung on the background wall.After the CD was brought, Lin Zhenhua directly told the staff to play it on this projector.There is no need to check this kind of CD-ROM in advance, and it is impossible for the embassy to do something wrong.

As the music of "Jasmine Flower" sounded, the red pattern of Chinese window grilles appeared on the screen, and then there were various familiar pictures representing the image of China: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Peking Opera, Guzheng, Tai Chi, diabolo, loess The hot Yangko dance on the ground, the lively dragon boat race in the southern water town...



"Yo Xi!"



The beautiful music and magnificent pictures attracted the merchants in the exhibition hall. They gathered around one after another, watched the promotional video, and expressed their admiration in various languages ​​with different accents.

"It seems that the embassy really put their heart into it. This promotional video is really wonderful!" Gu Jiahua stood aside, touching her chin and exclaiming.

Li Mozi also had a rather smug look on his face. He said, "I'm afraid this promotional video was not made by the embassy, ​​right? It must have been produced in China specifically for the Olympic bid. The Olympic bid is the key task of this year. From this promotional video It can be seen that the relevant departments attach great importance to it.”

Lin Zhenhua didn't say anything. He watched the promotional video with a sneer on his face.Hearing that Gu Jiahua and Li Mozi were full of praise there, he finally couldn't help asking: "You two, do you think this promotional video is well done?"

"Why, do you think it's not doing well?" Gu and Li asked back in surprise.

Lin Zhenhua didn't answer. He casually grabbed a foreigner who was closest to them and asked in English, "Sir, what do you think of our promotional video?"

"Great job, it made me understand China!" The young looking foreigner replied.

"So, can you please describe what China looks like in your impression?" Lin Zhenhua continued to ask.

"Of course." The foreigner said enthusiastically, "In my impression of China, the scenery is very beautiful, and there are many artists who can produce very exquisite porcelain, woodcarving, and paper-cutting. Also, every Chinese can kung fu, That's it, heheha!"

The foreigner made gestures while talking. Those two strokes were not so much Chinese Kung Fu as they imitated crabs going ashore.Both Gu Jiahua and Li Mozi have some English skills and can understand what foreigners say.Seeing foreigners describe China in this way, they all burst into laughter, and said to Lin Zhenhua, "Look, isn't this very interesting?"

Lin Zhenhua waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, there is more to come."

After that, he turned to the foreigner and said, "Is there anything else? I think your impression should not be limited to this, right?"

"Of course it's more than that." The foreigner said proudly, "In my circle of friends, I am a China hand!"

"Oh, Mr. China Hand, then tell me about your other impressions of China."

"Well, let me think about it." China Tong pondered for a moment pretendingly, and said, "Chinese people's daily clothes are not what you wear now. When you are in your own country, you should wear that kind of long gown. It represents a kind of politeness. Also, the courses offered by Chinese college students are different from ours. Your college students mainly study the works of Confucius. I know Confucius. He was a philosopher in China 400 years ago. Oh, By the way, there is another very important point, which is unique to your China, that is, your women have to bind their feet before they are 10 years old, and you are beautiful with small feet..."

"What a mess!" Gu Jiahua was angry, "I said, when did you go to China?"

"Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to go to China, but it has always been my dream to visit your mysterious country." China Hand did not hear Gu Jiahua's dissatisfaction, and still said cheerfully, "My understanding of China is completely From the books I've read, you know, I'm a very bookish person."

"Young man, let me tell you, China is not what you said it is." Gu Jiahua said, "The long robes, stereotyped essays, and little feet you mentioned all happened more than 100 years ago. Today's China..."

When it came to this, Gu Jiahua was speechless.He wanted to point to the promotional video that was being played, and tell the China hand about the current situation in China, but when he looked up, there were two old students in long robes on the screen, babbling and singing something.At this moment, he suddenly understood what Lin Zhenhua meant. Yes, this is indeed a very beautiful promotional film, but what it promotes is not the real China!

Lin Zhenhua took a copy of Hanhua's promotional materials from the display shelf at the side, stuffed it into the hand of China Hand, and said, "Sir, what you just said is just the past China. You can take a look at these, maybe it will tell you You have a different China. By the way, if you have time, I very much hope that you can travel to China to see what China looks like in the 21st century."

"Thank you very much, I will definitely go." China Tong seemed to know that he had made a joke, and he thanked him while walking away in embarrassment.

"Xiao Lin, I understand what you mean. You said it's the 21st century now. Why do we still leave the impression of the 19th century?" Gu Jiahua said sadly.

Lin Zhenhua turned around and pointed at his company's booth, and said bitterly: "Look, we have traveled half the world to ship these products representing the cutting-edge technology of domestic equipment, but our customers simply don't buy it. In their eyes, China is a poor and backward country. People still wear robes and long braids. How can such a country produce technological innovation?

We said it to our customers, but is it useful?The promotional videos we made by ourselves are what we promote to others, that is, to tell them that China is still in the 19th century.What Peking Opera, what Tai Chi, yes, these things are indeed the quintessence of the country, but they are not the whole of China after all.Why don't our cameras have a second to take a picture of our industrial and technological achievements! "

"This..." Li Mozi was also speechless.Although he is an official of the Machinery Committee, he also participates in various international exchanges on weekdays.In these occasions of international exchanges, Chinese officials are used to displaying all kinds of China's "national quintessence".For example, when foreign guests come to visit, Chinese officials often arrange for them to listen to Peking Opera and visit the Forbidden City.If you give gifts to foreign guests, these gifts must be traditional embroidery, porcelain and so on.

For these practices, Li Mozi never thought that there was anything wrong. Today, when Lin Zhenhua said this, he suddenly felt that it seemed that this was indeed a very bad thing.If a country, from the official to the private sector, presents to foreign countries the "national quintessence" hundreds of years ago, why do people believe that you have entered the 21st century?
"Boss Lin, I've finished playing it once, do I want to start it again?" The little girl in charge of the CD player came forward and asked out of time.

"What to put here!" Lin Zhenhua said angrily, "Xiao Wang, lift up your feet for everyone to see, are you a little foot?"

"I..." The little girl was confused, she didn't know why Lin Zhenhua would say such a sentence suddenly.

Lin Zhenhua said: "This is the impression given by our promotional video. People still think that Chinese women are binding their feet! What kind of place is this? Frankfurt International Industrial Equipment Exhibition. This is a place to display the latest technology in the world. In such a place Promote Chinese foot-binding culture, I can't afford to lose this man!"

"Xiao Wang." He Fei stepped forward, pulled the little girl aside, and said in a low voice, "Remove the dishes first, and continue to greet the merchants."

After sending the little girl away, He Fei walked up to Lin Zhenhua again and persuaded him, "President Lin, this matter is beyond our control, so don't be angry about it."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Lin, this is not something we worry about." Gu Jiahua also tried to smooth things over, but his face also looked a little displeased.Who would be happy to let foreigners say that Chinese women still have their feet bound?
"Director Li, the embassy told us to go to the China Day event the day after tomorrow, so that we can tell the German people about these things? Do you want me and Mr. Gu to order a long robe and mandarin jacket right now, lest people say that we are not authentic Chinese? People?" Lin Zhenhua said to Li Mozi angrily.

Li Mozi said: "Mr. Lin, calm down. I think this may be a matter of different perspectives. By the way, we are all engaged in industry, and we may be more sensitive to this modern thing. But these comrades engaged in art Well, they may still prefer to promote some traditional things. I think, this promotional film is mainly for foreigners, and foreigners are generally more interested in Chinese traditions, right?"

"Just because they are interested in Chinese traditions, so we can only promote our traditions?" Lin Zhenhua asked rhetorically, "The British still hope that the Chinese will smoke opium forever, so why don't we sell cigarettes?"

(End of this chapter)

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