industrial overlord

Chapter 289 Fighting Incident

Chapter 289 Fighting Incident
Koizumi Jiro felt that he was really unlucky. He just ran out of the hotel and wanted to buy something to eat on the street, but for some reason, he bumped into a Chinese man head-on.The worst thing was that the man was holding a goldfish bowl in his hand, and smashed it to pieces in the street.Before Koizumi could bow and apologize, the other party had already grabbed his clothes and began to curse.

Koizumi Jiro has been to China several times, and he knows a few words of Chinese, otherwise he would not dare to go out to buy things by himself.Hearing that what the man said was not taboo about meat and vegetables, it seemed that he had already insulted Koizumi's ancestors. How could he bear it anymore, and he couldn't help blurting out the word "Baga".

You must know that Koizumi Jiro is actually just an ordinary person, and clay figurines also have a nasty temper.What's more, he thought about it in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, as if the guy bumped into him on purpose, could this be the legendary Pengci?

"Crap! So you're a Japanese devil, you fucking want to bully us Chinese, don't you!" The Chinese man grabbed the skirt of Koizumi Jiro's chest and shook it back and forth.

"Baga, let go, Baga!" Koizumi blushed and protested loudly.

"Try saying something about Baga!"

"I... I... Baga!" Koizumi really didn't know what language to use to express his anger, and in desperation, he uttered another Japanese version of the national curse.


A slap hit Koizumi Jiro's face, and immediately slapped five finger marks.This time, Koizumi was really impatient.This man has also practiced some judo or karate on weekdays, but he has never practiced it, and now he is slapped for no reason, and seven or eight adrenal glands all over his body secrete hormones at the same time. It was a punch to the man opposite.

"Little devil, you still dare to hit someone!" The man was annoyed, he seemed to have forgotten that it was himself who struck first.The man seemed to have practiced a few tricks, he raised his hand to seal Koizumi's fist, and then flew a deadly kick, kicking Koizumi right away.

The soy saucers next to them rushed forward and pulled the two sides of the fight apart, and more enthusiastic people began to ask the cause of the fight between the two sides.Koizumi Jiro began to tell the people around him about his misfortunes in Japanese mixed with half-baked Chinese. The few people standing beside him actually knew a little Japanese, and while listening to him, they translated to others:

"He said he was a technician from Japan and that he was building a fertilizer plant for us."

"He said that only his company in the world can manufacture this kind of equipment, and said that China is the sick man of East Asia and has no technology."

"He said that if he got angry and walked away, the Chinese would have nothing to eat."


Koizumi Jiro felt that he was wronged, and he talked a little too much before he knew it.However, no matter how much he talked, he was not so stupid as to stir up other people's righteous indignation.However, the enthusiastic audience around him, who looked honest and honest, were very dishonest when interpreting for him, distorting what he said to Java.

"Little devil, what are you talking about!"

"Who cares about your equipment!"

"Get out!"

The people around were enraged. The Northern Province is also a place with anti-Japanese traditions. The image of the Japanese here is not very good. In addition to the arrogant remarks that were made up, how can the people around listen to it? Going on, shaking their fists one by one, intending to upgrade a brawl into a mass movement against Japanese imperialism.

"Everyone, give way, give way." The police finally arrived sweating profusely.Good guy, the Japanese guest was beaten. This is a foreign-related incident. The international influence is not good.

"Everyone, don't watch, what's going on, who injured the foreign guests?" The police asked the audience while protecting Koizumi Jiro.Koizumi Jiro had finger prints on his face, and he walked with a limp, so he suffered a lot.

"Comrade policeman, listen to what this little Japanese said just now. He said that he came to build our chemical fertilizer plant, and that without them, we would not be able to build it, and we would starve to death." An old man was so angry The beard was trembling, pulling the young policeman to complain.

"Is that what you said?" The policeman was also a patriotic young man. Hearing this, his face became pale and he asked Koizumi Jiro with a stare.

Koizumi Jiro seemed to be in a fog. He understood half of what the Chinese said, and when he vaguely heard the word "chemical fertilizer", he nodded and replied in unproficient Chinese: "Yes, I am here to negotiate with you in the northern province. Building a fertilizer plant."

"You said it couldn't be built without you?" the policeman asked again.

Koizumi Jiro hesitated and nodded again: "Our technology is the best."

"Don't believe him!" A student-like audience shouted, "What do you mean it can't be built without them? Have you read the newspapers these days? Our Chinese company has already developed the same large fertilizer equipment. They're better, and cheaper!"

"Really? Is there such a thing?" Passers-by began to inquire.

"That's right, everyone, go check the newspapers these days and you'll find out. Really, why are we asking them for something we can make ourselves?" The student-like person said something before mysteriously disappearing. up.Not only did he disappear, but the men who fought earlier, and the soy sauce men who stood next to Koizumi Jiro asking how he was doing, didn't know where they went.This kind of supernatural event is actually very easy to explain. If someone gets into trouble because of a fight, isn't it normal to run away when the police come?
By the time the person in charge of the reception from the Provincial Economic Committee arrived, the matter had irreversibly fermented into an ethnic confrontation.Some angry citizens gathered around the officials of the Economic Commission, insisting on them clarifying: what is the purpose of this Japanese man, and whether without this Japanese man, we would not be able to build a fertilizer plant.Another old man claimed to be a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and said that he must ask the provincial government what they are doing.

If it's just the audience's doubts, that's all.The next day, several newspapers in other provinces also reported and questioned this matter.In a short comment titled "What makes Japanese manufacturers so unscrupulous", the doubters said: If we don't have our own core technology, then we can only endure foreign manufacturers' arrogance in front of us forever.How to protect one's own equipment industry is a major matter involving national dignity!
"I really didn't say that!" Koizumi Jiro faced Yoshio Saji with a livid face, and he only had to take a knife to cut out his heart to prove his innocence.

"Mr. Koizumi, if you didn't say it yourself, how would others know that you are engaged in fertilizer equipment?"

"This... I seem to have said it, but I didn't say that our technology is unique, let alone that the Chinese people will starve to death." Koizumi Jiro said with a sad face.He only found out afterwards that his words had been distorted like this, but he has not yet thought that this would be a conspiracy. He explained everything to the poor Japanese proficiency of those few enthusiastic people.

"Your stupid move will make us very passive!" Zuozhi Yoshio asserted.

"I don't have it! I really don't!" Koizumi Jiro almost cried.

Yoshio Zuozhi's prediction was soon confirmed.Lu Jinghua urgently summoned Zuo Zhiyixiong and told him in a sad tone that the province is currently under great pressure due to the very bad impact of this fight, especially the fact that the negotiations between the two parties were made public.In order to avoid wearing the hat of humiliating power and humiliating the country, the province had to make a retreat and invited Hanhua Heavy Industries to bid.

"It's Hanhua Heavy Industry again!" Zuo Zhiyixiong sighed from his heart.

"That's right, why, has Mr. Zuo Zhi heard of this company?" Lu Jinghua asked. In fact, he had already heard about the grievances between Hanhua and Nihong from some people. To be deflated, he had a secret pleasure.

"Uh... they are all in the same industry, and they can be regarded as somewhat skilled." Zuo Zhiyixiong said awkwardly.

When Zuo Zhiyixiong was depressed, He Fei had quietly withdrawn to Beijing with a group of marketing personnel, and was introducing their feat to Lin Zhenhua with relish in the hotel.

"Manager Lin, you don't know that Xiao Han's skills are really not bragging. He kicked that little Japan down with one kick." He Fei pointed to the salesman Han Zhiyong beside him and said to Lin Zhenhua. Han Zhiyong is a veteran. The military quality is indeed not mentioned. Before that, he was the one who played the role of the man holding the fish tank.

"You didn't hurt anyone, did you?" Lin Zhenhua asked with concern, hype is hype, it's inappropriate to really hurt Jiro Koizumi.

Han Zhiyong said: "Boss Lin, don't worry, I'll act appropriately. However, that little devil is too irritating, he dared to say Baga to me. If it wasn't for Minister He's request, I would have him It’s impossible to be paralyzed.”

He Fei laughed and said, "Actually, whether he swears or not, this fight has to be fought. At that time, our people will stir up around and talk to others, even if he is justified, there will be no witnesses."

Lin Zhenhua looked at He Fei and asked, "No way, He Fei, you are a dignified master studying in the United States, how can you be so good at playing this kind of dirty trick?"

He Fei said disapprovingly: "I'm a marketing student, and marketing is all about eclecticism. If everything is done as others do, what's the point of doing marketing?"

Lin Zhenhua sighed and said, "Let's do less of such things in the future. If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts. Also, the few people who appeared at the scene should not go to the northern province for the next one or two years." If someone finds out, it will have a great impact on our reputation."

"Understood!" Several people replied together, the people He Fei brought to disrupt the situation this time were all relatively reliable people in normal times, and there must be no loopholes.

Lin Zhenhua said: "Okay, we have put in so much effort, and finally it has some effect. This morning, the Northern Provincial Economic Commission has formally reported to the Machinery Commission, asking the Machinery Commission to recommend domestic large chemical fertilizer manufacturers to bid. The Machinery Commission has put This task was given to us."

(End of this chapter)

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