industrial overlord

Chapter 259 The Wharton MBA

Chapter 259 The Wharton MBA
"You want to apply for the general manager?" Bi Min asked dumbfounded, "We didn't recruit for this position."

The young man smiled slightly, he naturally expected what kind of effect his job-seeking confession would bring.However, he was a little bit surprised. He originally thought that the other party would glare at him, and even immediately called the security personnel to take him for inspection.However, the other party did not do this. The other party just looked at him stupidly, with a bit of embarrassment, as if he felt that he was very sorry for not reserving a general manager position for him.

Of course the young people don't know that Bi Min has such a good psychological quality, it's all because of running errands with Lin Zhenhua.Lin Zhenhua is the kind of person who will say a few words against the sky at any time, and Bi Min is now able to resist.Even if the young man told him that he planned to put out the sun tomorrow, Bi Min's reaction would definitely be limited to buying candles after get off work.

"My name is Xiang Zhe. I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. I am an MBA from Pennsylvania... Excuse me, do I need to explain to you what an MBA is?" the young man said.

"Master of Business Administration." Lin Zhenhua appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Bi Min and replied.

"Exactly." Xiang Zhe nodded, with a hint of surprise on his face.He was surprised that in such a small place as Xunyang, there were still people who knew what an MBA was; he was happy because he finally met a knowledgeable person.

"Manager Lin, he said, he said he was here to apply for the general manager." Bi Min said to Lin Zhenhua. After finishing speaking, she pointed to Lin Zhenhua and introduced to Xiang Zhe: "This is Lin Zhenhua, the deputy general manager of our company. .”

Speaking of this, Bi Min couldn't help pursing his lips and laughing. Lin Zhenhua is so beautiful, but he is only the deputy general manager of Hanhua Heavy Industry. The young man in front of him is heading straight for the position of general manager.He said what kind of BA he is, is this thing very valuable?
"Oh, so it's Mr. Lin. I read about your deeds in the newspaper." Xiang Zhe stretched out his hand to Lin Zhenhua and said.

Lin Zhenhua shook hands with Xiang Zhe and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm very surprised that since Mr. Xiang is an MBA from Wharton, how could he come to a small company like ours to apply for a job?"

"Boss Lin knows about Wharton Business School?" Xiang Zhe was really shocked.

Before coming to Hanhua Heavy Industries, Xiang Zhe did research Lin Zhenhua through newspaper articles and learned a lot about him.What impressed Xiang Zhe the most was that Lin Zhenhua only had a junior high school diploma.In Xiang Zhe's mind, Lin Zhenhua is just a relatively aggressive farmer entrepreneur. He must have talent, but his knowledge must be a mess.As for the newspaper saying that Lin Zhenhua knows English and often reads professional books in English, Xiang Zhe always regards it as the flattery of the media.

When Xiang Zhe introduced himself in China, he always only said that he was an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania. He dared not say that he was an MBA from the Wharton School of Business, because some people knew about the former, but no one had ever heard of the latter.Every time he finished the introduction, he had to spend a long time explaining what the relationship between Wharton and Penn University was, so he might as well not talk about it.

Just now Lin Zhenhua blurted out that Xiang Zhe is an MBA from Wharton, which greatly changed Xiang Zhe's opinion of Lin Zhenhua. It seems that Mr. Lin, who has a junior high school diploma, really has some knowledge.

Lin Zhenhua watched Xiang Zhe's face change several times in a second, and he could more or less guess what he was thinking.At that time, Wharton was indeed not well-known in China, except for Lin Zhenhua, a heaven-defying time traveler, no one really knew about it.

"I've heard of the name of Wharton Business School, but I just haven't had the chance to go and see it." Lin Zhenhua said with a smile.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." Xiang Zhe murmured, "Mr. Lin, you don't mind if I said that I want to apply for the general manager?"

"Of course I don't mind." Lin Zhenhua said, "We urgently need a large number of general managers now, and you came at the right time."

"A large number of general managers?" Xiang Zhe was confused by Lin Zhenhua.

Lin Zhenhua stretched out his hand and signaled, "Let's go, Mr. Xiang, this is not a place to talk, let's find a place to talk slowly."

"OK, OK!" Xiang Zhe smiled at Bi Min, then followed Lin Zhenhua away.

Bi Min stood where he was, looked at Xiang Zhe's back, and muttered in a silly voice: "I'm applying for the general manager, this person is really funny. By the way, Miss Tian, ​​do you think this person is funny?"

Tian Xiaolan laughed at her: "Bi Min, I don't think he's funny, but I think you're pretty funny?"

"What am I kidding?" Bi Min asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"I've never seen you staring at a young man so seriously. Have you fallen in love with this young man?" Tian Xiaolan said with a smile. As a person who has been there, she knows what is in the girl's eyes.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, you talk nonsense." Bi Min blushed, and slammed Tian Xiaolan on the back.

Lin Zhenhua brought Xiang Zhe to a hut where the meeting was held, asked Xiang Zhe to sit down, poured him another glass of water, and asked, "Mr. Xiang, you haven't answered the question just now. I heard that Wharton’s MBAs are all business elites, and there are a bunch of Fortune 500 companies waiting in line before they graduate, how did you end up in this small temple like mine to apply for?”

Xiang Zhe sighed and said, "Oh, that's a long story. I was one of the first batch of government-sponsored students to study abroad. I got an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania. I thought I would be able to show my talents when I came back to China. Who ever thought that after I came back , I was assigned to a large state-owned factory, and they didn’t need MBA management knowledge at all. Because I had a foreign diploma, I was reused as soon as I entered the factory. I was appointed as the deputy chief of the general affairs department, and then I worked for two years. "

"Responsible for issuing bath tickets?" Lin Zhenhua asked with a smile. He thought that the General Affairs Division seemed to be in charge of bath tickets.

Xiang Zhe laughed at himself and said, "I don't just give out bath tickets. I designed an optimized plan for the bathrooms in our factory, set a denomination for the bath tickets, and then stipulated that bathing in off-peak hours is 5 cents cheaper than in peak hours. After one month of trial operation, the coal consumption in the boiler room has been saved by 20%.”

Lin Zhenhua couldn't help laughing. It seems that Xiang Zhe is really a person who can't stand loneliness. He can use MBA knowledge even to manage a bathroom.Speaking of it, his idea is not too complicated, it is nothing more than improving the utilization rate of the bathroom during off-peak hours.There must be many people who can think of this, but not many people are willing to implement it.

Xiang Zhe said: "To tell the truth, Mr. Lin, I once thought about it. I also enjoy the treatment of returnees in the factory, and my income is much higher than that of ordinary cadres. If I am willing to do it wholeheartedly My deputy section chief can live quite comfortably."

"Well, why did you change your mind now?" Lin Zhenhua asked.

Xiang Zhe said: "A few days ago, I saw the advertisement of Hanhua Heavy Industry recruiting suppliers across the country in the newspaper, and I was shocked at that time. This is something I have always thought about. The boss suggested it, but in the end, nothing came of it. I never thought that in such an inconspicuous... oh, I’m sorry, I mean, in such a medium-sized inland city, there are companies that can have such a sense of management.”

"Recruiting suppliers is a very common business operation under market economy conditions?" Lin Zhenhua said disapprovingly.

"That's natural." Xiang Zhe said, "However, such an ordinary thing is a great pioneering work in China. In my factory, I even have to make the packaging cartons for the products, and I only need to build a paper factory myself. Corrugated paper has been made. And Hanhua Heavy Industries can set up such a large subcontracting system, which fully shows that your leaders are very brainy and open-minded.”

Lin Zhenhua hesitated and said, "Well, this is not entirely due to the leadership. As the saying goes, the wisdom of the masses is infinite, and there are still many people who can think of this."

"It's not difficult to think of this, but it's difficult to have the courage to do it." Xiang Zhe said, "Because of this, I took a week off and came here from Shanghai to see it with my own eyes. What is your business like?"

"So you're just here for inspection?" Lin Zhenhua said, "I thought you were really here to apply for the general manager job."

Xiang Zhe said embarrassingly: "The reason for applying for the general manager is mainly to attract the attention of your leaders. This is a small strategy. If I had known that Mr. Lin is so approachable, I would not have played such a prank."

Lin Zhenhua waved his hand and said, "Mr. Xiang, what you said is wrong. You want to apply for the general manager, how can it be considered a prank. As I said just now, we urgently need a large number of general managers, especially those with Wharton background. manager."

"How do you say that?" Xiang Zhe heard that Lin Zhenhua's words were definitely not sarcastic, but had a deep meaning.Anyone who gets an MBA at Wharton is not a fool.

Lin Zhenhua said: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Xiang, Hanhua Heavy Industries has grown in scale and has more businesses, but in terms of management, it is still very extensive. I am now the executive deputy general manager, actually the CEO of the entire company. But to be honest, I have some experience in technology, but in terms of management, I just follow my feelings and have no rules to follow.”

"Isn't Mr. Lin's current management very good? Your Hanhua Company has grown from a factory-owned labor service company to today's large-scale enterprise spanning the three fields of home appliances, machine tools, and chemical equipment. Such achievements, even in the United States It is also a miracle. If this is the result of following the feeling, then Mr. Lin's feeling is really correct." Xiang Zhe said with a faint smile.

Lin Zhenhua also smiled faintly. He knew that the young man in front of him was trying to set his own story, to see if he had a clear understanding of modern enterprise management.A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and Xiang Zhe obviously doesn't want to hand over his talent to an employer who doesn't know the goods.

Not only did Lin Zhenhua not feel disgusted by Xiang Zhe's caution, he was even very pleased.Because the more cautious Xiang Zhe showed, the more he showed that he was serious about coming to Hanhua to apply for a job this time.

No matter what, this person must be brought here, Lin Zhenhua thought secretly.

 ... Let me just say that in the previous chapter of "Two Letters", I said that the University of California is an Ivy League school. I made a mistake because of my ignorance. Some readers have already made criticisms, so I hereby make a correction.Cheng Zi has never drank foreign ink, so he really can't tell the difference.However, Penn seems to belong to the Ivy League, and the Wharton MBA seems to be very good.The character in the novel has a prototype in reality. Guan Jinsheng is such a god-man. In 1983, he returned to China after receiving two master's degrees in Belgium, and then he was idle.

(End of this chapter)

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