industrial overlord

Chapter 172 Negotiations

Chapter 172 Negotiations
"Xiao Lin, what happened?" Hua Keqin asked with concern when he saw Lin Zhenhua's distraught look.

Lin Zhenhua pointed to the booth of other companies and said: "Director Hua, look, these provinces have stolen our design and even launched five-blade fans. I can see that the shape of the fan blades they use is similar to ours. It is exactly the same, it is estimated that it is directly made by our fans."

"Is there such a thing?" Hua Keqin finally realized that he was different from Lin Zhenhua. Lin Zhenhua dealt with Wuye fans every day, so he was naturally much more sensitive.When Hua Keqin walked into the venue, he didn't even notice that the venue was full of counterfeit goods.

"Oops, oops!" After looking around, Hua Keqin stomped his feet and cried bitterly, "Xiao Lin, we have calculated everything, but we still missed this matter. Last year your five-blade fans sold so well, Now brother provinces and cities are following suit."

Lin Zhenhua said: "How can this work? The five-blade fan is our product. How can they do this?"

Hua Keqin said helplessly: "Xiao Lin, this is a very normal thing. All provinces have the task of earning foreign exchange through export. It is a common practice to follow other people's products in the second year after seeing which products sell well. I didn't expect that. They learned so quickly when they learned five-blade fans. It seems that our export will be greatly affected this year."

Lin Zhenhua shook his head and said, "That's not acceptable. The five-leaf fan is our product, and they are infringing."

"Infringement?" Hua Keqin looked at Lin Zhenhua in surprise, "Xiaolin, why do you have such an idea? Although I am very angry at their actions, there is no sign on the five-leaf fan that only our Jiangnan Province can make it." ah."

Lin Zhenhua looked at Hua Keqin with the same surprised eyes and said: "Director Hua, you have been doing foreign trade for so many years, you don't even know the patent right? The five-bladed fan has a patent, and there is no patent authorization. They produce it. Infringement. It can be said that the five-leaf fan does say that only I, Lin Zhenhua, can make it."

"What, what, you said that the five-bladed fan has a patent?" Hua Keqin's eyes stood up. Of course, he didn't understand patents, but he just didn't think that the five-bladed fan had a patent at all.Over the years, thousands of products have been sold by him, none of which is patented.

Lin Zhenhua said: "As early as more than a year ago, I had entrusted a patent agent in Hong Kong to apply for the patent of the five-bladed fan. Now that the patent has been obtained, these units dare to steal my patent, and I can't sue them."

"Do you really have a patent? Show it to me." Hua Keqin said.

Lin Zhenhua carried the patent authorization information of the five-leaf fan with him, and he took it out and handed it to Hua Keqin.Hua Keqin looked at it at a glance, and said happily: "Great, Xiao Lin, you are really smart, let's go, let's negotiate with these units. Just kidding, dare to grab the meat in the bowl of our Jiangnan Province. Don't be afraid to choke them."

After all, he told Fan Song, Zhao Liankui and others to continue to set up the exhibition, and he took Lin Zhenhua to negotiate with those counterfeit manufacturers.

"Excuse me, I would like to ask, which company produced your five-blade fan?" Lin Zhenhua came to the booth in East Zhejiang Province and asked the staff who were busy with the exhibition.Standing in front of the booth, he could see more clearly that the five-blade fan exhibited here completely imitated the shape of the fan blades of Hanhua Company, but only made some changes in the fuselage, head and other parts.The patent in his hand is precisely to protect the shape of the fan blades, which is the core of the five-blade fan.

"It's from our factory." A thin middle-aged man responded, and he walked over with a smile on his face.He thought it was a merchant who came, but when he took a closer look, he recognized Lin Zhenhua immediately, and he couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment: "Oh, who did I say, it turned out to be Manager Lin, a rare customer, a rare customer."

"You know me?" Lin Zhenhua was a little strange, "Forgive my blindness, but I can't remember who you are."

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "It's normal that Manager Lin doesn't know me. I'm the manager of Hongwei Electromechanical Company in Linxing County, East Zhejiang Province. My name is Yuan Wei. I met Manager Lin at the Canton Fair last year, but Lin The manager was busy at the time and may not remember me."

Lin Zhenhua nodded. After the five-leaf fan hit the market last year, representatives of light industry exhibitors from many provinces came to express their congratulations. This Yuan Wei should be one of the many congratulators.Lin Zhenhua remembered that those congratulators were saying flattering words while desperately grabbing the promotional materials of Wuye Fan. How could he have thought at that time that the purpose of people taking the materials was to go back and imitate them.

"It turned out to be Manager Yuan. Sorry, I really didn't recognize him." Lin Zhenhua said flatly.

"It's okay, it's okay, once you're born and you're acquainted, you'll get to know each other later." Yuan Wei was extremely enthusiastic.

Of course he could guess that Lin Zhenhua came here to ask for an explanation. After all, he is a counterfeit manufacturer, so he should be more humble in face.However, in his heart, he didn't take Lin Zhenhua's visit to heart.According to his thinking, Lin Zhenhua probably just wanted to vent his anger by arguing, what else could he do?There are many counterfeiting products of other companies at the Canton Fair, and it is not just his company.

Lin Zhenhua said: "Manager Yuan, I came here to remind your company that the five-leaf fan is a patented product of our Hanhua Industrial Company, and you have no right to produce it. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes, I would like to suggest that you still use the fan It's better to take it down."

Yuan Wei pretended not to understand, and asked: "Manager Lin, what do you mean, I don't understand very well. You also know that I am a farmer, and I don't understand too complicated things. "

Lin Zhenhua knew that he was pretending to be stupid, so he didn't bother to expose it. He just said simply: "My point is very simple. The five-blade fan is our product. You have no right to produce and sell it. Please remove it from the booth."

Yuan Wei still smiled, but the smile on his face had clearly turned into a sneer of disdain: "Manager Lin, isn't your statement a bit too overbearing? That's right, you were the first to sell this Wuye last year. Fans, we don’t know about this. However, this year we already know that everyone can do business. How can there be rules saying who can do it and who can’t? Let’s say it, right?”

His last words were addressed to the people around him.Lin Zhenhua came to the booth of Eastern Zhejiang Province to provoke, and people from several provinces saw it.In fact, from the moment Lin Zhenhua walked into the exhibition hall, the representatives of the light industry system in these provinces were watching his every move, because they were also knockoff manufacturers of five-blade fans.Seeing Lin Zhenhua and Hua Keqin walking towards the booth of East Zhejiang Province, they also gathered around, wanting to see what Jiangnan Province was doing.

Lin Zhenhua looked back and saw a lot of people standing behind him, and guessed that they were all copycats.He simply turned around and said to the crowd: "Aren't you all colleagues from the light industry systems in various provinces? Since everyone has come here, I will simply say one thing in unison, so that I don't have to look for each booth one by one. We Han The five-bladed fan sold by Hua Industrial Company last year is our company's patented product. We have obtained patents in the United States, Japan and several major European countries. Any five-bladed fan produced without our company's authorization constitutes a Infringement of our patents."

When these words were spoken, it was like pouring a handful of cold water into a hot pot, and the crowd immediately commotion.

"What did he say? What is a patent?"

"Patent? The five-blade fan still has a patent?"

"No way, aren't patents something that belongs to capitalist countries? Why do we have them in our country?"

"I didn't expect Hanhua to apply for a patent. Now it's a bit troublesome. Let's see what everyone can do."


Hua Keqin also took this opportunity to speak, and he said to everyone with a straight face: "Everyone, everyone is engaged in foreign trade, and everyone understands patents, right? Our manager Lin has made it very clear just now that Jiangnan Province exports Overseas five-blade fans are protected by patents, and the production of the same fans by enterprises in your provinces for export is an act of violating the interests of our Jiangnan Province and must be stopped immediately."

"Manager Yuan, what's going on?" A fat man approached and asked Yuan Wei.Hua Keqin knew this fat man. He was a deputy director of the East Zhejiang Provincial Department of Foreign Trade. His name was Sun Pansheng. He had also dealt with Hua Keqin in the past.

Yuan Wei briefly told Sun Pansheng what happened at the scene, and Sun Pansheng frowned, then turned to Hua Keqin and said, "Director Hua, is this true?"

Hua Keqin said: "It's true. Just now Xiao Lin showed me their patent number. There is nothing wrong with it. Their company handled it through a Hong Kong patent agent, and it was done last year."

Sun Pansheng said in a dissatisfied tone: "Director Hua, is it boring for you to do this? Everyone earns money, and which province exports it, isn't it all for the country? You also sneaked to Hong Kong to apply for patents, just to Engage in local protection?"

"I said... the leader." Lin Zhenhua was so angry that he couldn't help but came forward to argue. He didn't know who Sun Pansheng was, he only knew that he must be a leader, so he used the word leader to refer to him. up.

"Oh, Xiao Lin, this is Director Sun of the Department of Foreign Trade of East Zhejiang Province." Hua Keqin introduced.Although there is a conflict of interest between the two parties, the necessary etiquette is still required.Everyone is doing it for public affairs, so there's no need to hurt personal peace, right?
"Oh, so it's Director Sun." Lin Zhenhua nodded, "You used a word wrong just now. We didn't apply for a patent secretly, but applied openly. Instead, you are infringing our rights secretly."

Sun Pansheng looked at Lin Zhenhua, ignored him, and said to Hua Keqin: "Mr. Hua, we are brother provinces. It is meaningless to say that patents are not patents. The central government also encourages competition. Whose products are ours?" Well, overseas businessmen are welcome, and whoever can achieve results. So, I don’t think there is any need to argue about this matter, right?”

This time it was Hua Keqin's turn to get annoyed, and he said bluntly: "Director Sun, you are being unreasonable when you talk like this. What is patent meaningless? You are also an old foreign trader, so you don't understand the meaning of patents? We It’s not easy for Jiangnan Province to have a blockbuster product for export, and you didn’t spend any effort to imitate it, isn’t that unreasonable?”

Sun Pansheng said: "Director Hua, I understand your feelings very well, but we are all engaged in foreign trade, and we all know the importance of export products. If there is a good product, of course everyone will make it together. Your export woodcarving in Jiangnan Province , Didn’t you also learn from our Eastern Zhejiang Province? Everyone knows that Dongyang woodcarving in our province is world-famous. You can make it, we can make it, everyone can make it, this is a matter of course.”

Hua Keqin said: "Director Sun, how can you talk like this? You don't have a patent for your woodcarving, right? This is a traditional handicraft, and everyone can make it. But our five-leaf fan has a patent. How do you Can you just do it?"

"Your patent is not necessary at all, this is local protectionism!"

"We have invested in the development of technology, and you didn't spend a penny, so why are you so embarrassed to counterfeit it!"

"Isn't it just five leaves, what's the investment?"

"What do you mean by five leaves? Why didn't you think of it before?"


The two people's attitudes became more and more tough, and gradually they became top bulls.Of course, when the leaders quarrel, they don’t swear and swear. Everyone is a civilized person. There are big truths and small truths. They are all high-sounding theories.

Lin Zhenhua interjected on purpose, but he was reluctant to speak lightly, and he was ignored at all.Yuan Wei and the business representatives from other surrounding provinces also remained silent, just watching the leaders fighting each other.

After arguing for a while, Sun Pansheng felt that what he had to say was almost done, and it was meaningless to continue, so he said in an official tone: "Director Hua, we are all leaders of the team, and the quarrel here does not have much impact. Okay? It’s going to start tomorrow, I still have a lot of things to do here, and your booth needs to be arranged, so I won’t keep you.”

After that, without waiting for Hua Keqin's answer, he turned around and walked away with his hands behind his back.He made this gesture, and Yuan Wei naturally knew what to do. He followed Sun Pansheng's example and turned around, ignoring Lin Zhenhua and Hua Keqin.Seeing this, the representatives of other provinces turned and left one after another, leaving only Lin Zhenhua and the two standing there dumbfounded, unable to find anyone to fight.

"Director Hua, is this the end?" Lin Zhenhua asked Hua Keqin. He felt like he was dreaming. He had never heard of infringement that could be done so confidently. Is there any law?

"What should we do if we can't finish it?" Hua Keqin's face was livid, "Damn, these people just don't plan to be reasonable! Let's go!"

"Let's leave like this?" Lin Zhenhua asked.

"What if we don't leave? If people ignore us, how can we smash their booth?" Hua Keqin said, "Let's go back to our own booth and talk about it."

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(End of this chapter)

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