Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 111, the right choice

Chapter 111, the right choice
"Master, thank you for coming today. We will change places again tomorrow."

Hua Yan greeted He Yuan enthusiastically, and fumbled to hug a small tree stump.It is estimated that this is the only piece of furniture here.

"Runtu, don't be too busy, I won't be sitting here for long. You guys are going to move out, you must have heard about it sooner or later." Even though He Yuan said that, he didn't want to hurt the child's enthusiasm, and was rejected by him. He pulled and sat on the tree stump.

Hua Yan sat on the haystack next to He Yuan, stared at his master hard with dull eyes, and responded: "I heard from Brother Du that there was a commotion in the city, and there were officers and soldiers patrolling from last night to this morning. In order not to be caught as ghosts for the dead, the rudder master told some of us to hide outside the city tonight."

After hearing this, He Yuan murmured: "There is no other way. If someone arrests you, you should hide, as if something really happened to you." But after thinking about it, if you don't do this, it's like what they said Yes, what should I do if I am treated as a scapegoat.Hey, that's how these people survived.He sneered at himself, don't add to the mess if he doesn't have a better idea.

"Are all your little friends out?"

Hua Yan said: "They all have to beg for food. It's not good to take care of my eyes, so I didn't go out today."

He Yuan asked: "You haven't put down your homework, have you?"

"Master, don't worry, the disciple dare not let go."

"Well, let me see how you have grown these days."

Hua Yan put down the bamboo pole in his hand, he was somewhat familiar with the yard.He walked to the open space and stood still, slowly straightened his waist, opened his boxing frame, and punched a set of long fists.

Seeing how proficient a set of Changquan was in the hands of the little beggar, He Yuan nodded.

There are differences in people's talents, and you can't accept it.Hua Yan has only learned this boxing style for a few days, and it is not easy for ordinary people to remember it.But this kid, although limited in strength and internal strength, did not display his due power.However, from his every move, the demeanor of this boxing style has already begun to show.

He Yuan has different considerations for several apprentices.After the Lu family brothers finished learning Changquan, they directly started practicing grappling hands and weapons.If they have been living in the Gongmen, these things are enough.Hua Yan needs to lay a good foundation first, and then teach martial arts according to his conditions.The traces of Songshan Buddhism in Luohan boxing are too obvious.In order not to cause trouble for his apprentice, He Yuan planned to teach him from Taizu Changquan, a widely spread boxing technique.

After facing the assassin last night and winning with a swing-and-bottom hammer, He Yuan suddenly understood that the martial arts created by Zen Master Kuzhi, or the experience he gained from practicing Buddhist martial arts, is a real precious wealth.From the experience of the predecessors, I can get the wisdom of learning and applying it flexibly, and get out of the state of following the scriptures as soon as possible.

Hua Yan's boxing set has been finished.

"Okay, not bad." He Yuan said: "Persevere, especially don't relax in terms of internal strength. Your eyesight is bad, so you have to use other things to make up for the shortcomings. I came here today to teach you two new sets of kung fu. I learn Buddhist martial arts. If I pass on other sects' kung fu to you, I'm afraid it will cause you great trouble. Therefore, today I will teach you a set of Taizu Changquan."

He Yuan asked Hua Yan to step aside and began to explain.Inspired by Zen Master Kuzhi's memory, he selected some moves from Taizu Changquan.

When Hua Yan heard that he was going to learn a new martial art, he immediately became excited and held his breath, for fear of missing a word.

He Yuan: "Many sects in the Jianghu have Taizu Changquan. The 32 forms I teach you today are widely spread. Different schools have different methods, but they remain the same."

Huayan's eyesight is not good, and he can't perform many flashes and maneuvers at the moment.Some moves that require jumping and pay attention to the changes of advance and retreat should be avoided first.

"Today I'll teach you the twelve moves. Listen carefully!" He Yuan started from the empty step and punched, and taught it all the way to turning around and pressing the palm.The twelve strokes of boxing can be freely combined into routines, and can also be used as Sanshou.This includes chopping, holding, tricking, hitting and other usages.

He Yuan taught Bian Jiao, and after Hua Yan memorized the moves, he taught him how to disassemble each move.

After a short rest, He Yuan said: "Runtu, you hold this bamboo pole all year round. I will teach you the three-style stick technique."

He Yuan was worried that this apprentice would be in danger, and the boxing skills he had just learned could not be used for self-defense immediately, so he used his brains on the equipment.

He Yuan chose the Xiaoyasha stick technique. He has used this stick technique a lot and has his own insights.

From the moves of the Little Yaksha Stick, he chose the basics and discarded the complicated ones, and evolved three moves.When thinking about the stick method, I put myself in the shoes of Hua Yan and considered Hua Yan's poor eyesight.

Holding a stick, Hua Yan tried his best to feel He Yuan's explanation and correction.

"The first move is to be in Zhanran. When the opponent attacks, you have poor eyesight. You must protect yourself first, and then attack the enemy later. This move is to wave the stick away to prevent being attacked by the enemy.

The second trick - do not move without injury, while blocking the attack, judge the opponent with various senses.The weapon in your hand can also be used to feel the enemy's attack.This trick uses a lot of strength.With judgment, the next step is to fight back.

The third trick is Yang and Qizhe.With the judgment of the enemy.It is necessary to fight back quickly and accurately, thinking about the season of Waking of Insects.The counterattack must be continuous, like the sand leaking in the river, the opponent has no power to fight back. "

Seeing that Hua Yan practiced these three stick techniques well, his forehead was already sweating, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.He Yuan felt that his choice of apprentice was correct.

After teaching martial arts, during the rest time, Hua Yan asked He Yuan: "Master taught two sets of martial arts at once today, is there something wrong? Or are you going to lie far away?"

Hey, this kid is really sensitive.

He Yuan said: "I do have something to go out for. I should be back soon. Besides, I have something to tell you." He briefly said something that happened last night.Ask the apprentice to pass the news to Du Xiaobao and pass it on to Qin Ruozhu of the Beggar Gang.

Before leaving, He Yuan saw that Hua Yan's bamboo pole was rotten, so he left the boxwood Zen stick to his apprentice.

After receiving the Zen stick, Hua Yan knelt down at the door and kowtowed: "Master, take care of yourself."

He Yuan was taken aback for a moment, this was the first time someone gave him such a big gift, and this feeling was hard to describe in words.

This kid probably thought he was going to do something particularly dangerous.Walking over to help his apprentice, He Yuan comforted the young man: "Don't worry! You protect yourself. Remember, before you have achieved martial arts, you must not show off in front of others. You must know the truth that it is easy to hide from an open spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow. Martial arts It can't solve everything."

"The disciple took it down."

Master and apprentice said goodbye, He Yuan returned to the yamen, Liu Shaopei was already waiting impatiently.

"Master He, go home first, let's talk on the way." When Liu Shaopei saw He Yuan, he was not polite, and directly called him into the car.The servants had already prepared the carriage, and the group left in a hurry.

On the way, Liu Shaopei accompanied He Yuan and quietly said a word: "Someone made the first move."
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(End of this chapter)

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