Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 110, Khitan scriptures

Chapter 110, Khitan scriptures

He Yuan carefully pulled out the scroll and put it on the table, fearing that there was something on it so he didn't dare to touch it with his hands.I looked into the crutch again, but there was nothing else.The hollow part of the stick head does not seem to be artificially carved. Looking at its lines and edges, it is more like a natural one. It is estimated that it has been modified and utilized by some skilled craftsman and turned into a place to hide things.

I found the thin bamboo piece used when reading the scriptures, and used it to pick up the pages of the book, and flipped through the book.This is a book made with a dragonscale or whirlwind suit.A piece of paper book pages were pasted on the scroll in order.When reading, it is opened like a scroll and flipped page by page from right to left.

This thing should be a kind of book that combines the leaves of the scriptures and the horizontal scroll.After opening, the pages of the book are all rolled up, which is not convenient to read, and the paper needs to be flattened.

He Yuan looked at it for a long time, but didn't recognize a single word.Although he learned some characters from Master Qian, he really couldn't recognize this thing unless he specialized in it.I have no choice but to slowly find someone to help identify it.

The next day, when it was just dawn, a shadow quietly floated out of Nuanxiang Pavilion, and returned to the counting room of the Wangfu in a roundabout way.As soon as I returned to the accountant's room, I saw three small pebbles on the table.After seeing these things, he immediately changed his clothes and left the account room.

At this time, there were already people walking around in the palace.The servants who got up early to work along the way, when they saw a middle-aged man with a long beard, they all bowed and said hello to him: "Mr. Bi." "Mr. Bi, you got up early."

The person called Mr. Bi also greeted them one by one with a smile.

Unhurriedly came to a remote courtyard of the palace, observed for a while, saw that there was no one around, tapped a few times on the door of a room where sundries were piled up, then pushed the door and stepped into the room.

As soon as I entered, I saw two people sitting and lying down, one of them was older, the injury was particularly serious, lying there like gold paper.

Seeing the person coming in, the middle-aged man who was sitting was obviously relieved, and said hello: "Senior brother!"

Mr. Bi asked: "Brother Li, what happened to brother? What happened? Why did you come back with an injury?"

"Brother, the coral gold has not been brought back."

Mr. Bi: "What's the trouble?"

"Apart from the powerful He Toutuo among the guards of the Liu Mansion, there is also a master who is pestering me." The less injured person said: "In addition, Senior Brother Cui was injured by that Toutuo named He."

Brother Cui opened his eyes and said weakly: "The martial art of Toutuo is definitely not as simple as it looks."

Mr. Bi comforted and said, "Brother, rest at ease and recuperate, let's find another way."

After arranging the two of them, they left the house.Mr. Bi said to his junior brother: "Brother's injury, please consult a doctor as soon as possible, and find the Lin family."

Brother Li agreed: "Hey. Brother, don't worry. That thing——"

"It has already scared the snake."

Mr. Bi had already calmed down, twirling his long beard with his hand, and said slowly: "The matter is already like this, you can rest at ease to recover from your injuries. Let's make another arrangement. You don't go out for activities recently, Jingzhao Mansion is not peaceful."

When the Liu Mansion raised the smoke from the cooking.

"This is neither Sanskrit nor Jin Kingdom script. This old man can only recognize it. It's probably some Khitan script." Master Qian got up in the morning and was blocked in the room by He Yuan.He was a little annoyed in his heart, but He Yuan's rising reputation recently made him a little apprehensive.Patiently looked at the paper He Yuan brought.

After much deliberation, He Yuan couldn't find any suitable person to help identify.So he jumped and copied some words and sentences, and brought them to Master Qian to read.The old master doesn't know martial arts, so it doesn't matter if he reads broken chapters and sentences.

After reading this messy text, the old master said to himself in doubt: "Khitan script is not used much now, it is rare, and I only know a little about it."

He Yuan asked: "I want to learn this kind of script, which books should I read? Are there any books like "Shuowen Jiezi" in Khitan?"

Master Qian laughed: "The Khitan script is not as old as our Chinese characters. It is a unified script after the establishment of the Khitan state. Few people use it. Only the Khitan nobles can use it. Since the Khitan kingdom was destroyed, this kind of script Even fewer people use it. It’s even more difficult to look it up. I read these words. It’s like words and sentences in Buddhist scriptures.” As he spoke, he showed He Yuan with his fingers: “The Khitan nobles It is common for many people to believe in Buddhism and copy scriptures in Khitan language.”

Unrecognizable, can only be temporarily put down. "Master Qian, this is a kind gesture, you save it for drinking." He won a lot of gold and silver last night, he knew the rules, and hoped that the other party would also know the rules.

Master Qian sent He Yuan away with a happy smile.

He Yuan didn't know where the scripture came from, and couldn't understand it at all, so He Yuan put it back in its original place.This crutch dare not leave the body.Fortunately, the shape of coral gold is not like a real crutch, but like an ordinary tree root.The shape is natural, and it is also good to hold in your hand as a Zen staff or a weapon.

After breakfast, He Yuan followed Liu Shaopei to the Yamen of the Recording Department, and found Lu Youcheng who was busy.

There was a commotion last night, and everyone in the recording department got busy.

Seeing He Yuan coming, Lu Cheng said hello, and then was called to a quiet place by He Yuan.

He Yuan smiled and said, "Congratulations, you may have your wishes come true."

The second monk Lu Youcheng was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

He Yuan briefly told Lu Youcheng what Yuan Lushi and Judge Lei said last night.Finally, I talked about my worries: "If the other party is just talking, or if it's just a drunken speech, and forget it afterwards, that's all. I'm afraid that the other party has nothing to show their attention, and I don't know what their intentions are. So, I will tell you in advance Say hello."

Lu Youcheng's expression changed three times following He Yuan's words, from worry to joy and back to worry.He has been worried about his son's future, and he also felt worried after hearing it.Good things come too suddenly, it is inevitable that people will whisper in their hearts.He thought for a long time without a clue, and could only comfort himself: "Maybe, people just talk about it, but it may not be true."

Seeing his appearance, He Yuan could only comfort him: "Don't worry too much, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Take a step and see."

Putting aside the matter of Lu Youcheng, He Yuan wanted to go to the Beggar Gang once.After leaving the Yamen, I found that the entire Jingzhao Mansion became tense.Last night, people made a fuss, and the search for the thief began.Encountered several waves of inspections along the way.Fortunately, when I came out, I asked the person in the recording department for a waist card and carried it with me.

He Yuan didn't know who stole the things.This matter has nothing to do with myself.Being forced to compete in martial arts last night made him feel bad.Someone let Wan Yanlu lose his money, which can be regarded as a relief for himself.

A group of little beggars guarded a broken pot, in which the leftovers from begging were cooked.After eating, the little beggars walked out of the yard one after another and continued to beg hard.

Hua Yan, who was sitting beside him after eating, suddenly stood up.He groped with the bamboo pole in his hand to the gate of the yard, and asked, "Master?"

He Yuan was standing a few steps away from the courtyard gate and looking at Hua Yan.

"It's me. Hehe, you have good ears."

When Hua Yan heard He Yuan's voice, he smiled and hurriedly greeted: "Master, please come in."

He Yuan went to the original place, but couldn't find his disciples, so it is estimated that they moved their place of residence.I also inquired about the new hiding place of a group of young beggars from the Niu family's iron master, and finally found it all the way.
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(End of this chapter)

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