I open a restaurant in the martial arts world

Chapter 742 Disrupting the Plan

Chapter 742 Disrupting the Plan
Hearing this, those guys who had already been moved in their hearts couldn't sit still.

These guys paid the bill, and bowed their hands to Chen Laoliu who specially reminded them, and then rushed to Xu Yang's stall impatiently.

To be honest, they had never tasted the so-called ramen, and they didn't know what it tasted like, but after listening to Chen Laoliu's introduction to Xu Yang, the gluttons in their hearts were amused.

"Brother, how much is a bowl of your ramen?" Although the gluttons in their stomachs are alive, they still have to take care of the little money in their pockets.

There is no way, a penny is hard for a hero, if the price of this so-called ramen is really too expensive, no matter how delicious it is, they can only envy it.

"This guest officer, the small bowl is [-] Wen, and the big bowl is [-] Wen." Erdan who was helping him replied with a smile.

Hearing this offer, the corners of those guys' mouths twitched slightly.

You know, at those food stalls next to you, you can basically eat a full belly for only twenty or thirty Wen.

But here, a small bowl of ramen costs [-] Wen, which is really not cheap.

However, Xu Yang has also considered this pricing.

If the price is set too high, tourists who come to the food stalls may not be able to afford it.

Guys with two spare cash in their pockets would probably choose to go to the famous Xu's Restaurant.

At present, these food stalls are cheap and plentiful, but sitting on the small table in this open space and eating, it seems a bit out of place, isn't it?

But if the price is set too cheap, Xu Yang is afraid that it will affect the business of those food stalls around.

The taste of the ramen made by him is naturally not comparable to that of the nearby snacks. If the price is set as high as others, how can the nearby food stalls still have business?
This pricing is indeed just set on the psychological threshold of these guys.

A small bowl of ramen for seventy renminbi is a bit painful, but it is not unaffordable if you have to eat it.

Therefore, those guys who were half-occupied by gluttonous worms hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Brother, give me a small bowl of ramen..."

"I want a bowl too, a small bowl..."

"Give us two bowls, small ones..."

"Okay, all guests, please wait a moment." Xu Yang, who had already prepared accordingly, answered quite simply.

Afterwards, he picked up a piece of dough, kneaded and beat it for a while, slipped it into a strip, then stretched his arms to the sides, and the dough was stretched by him.

In the next second, Xu put his hands together in the middle, and the long strip of dough that he had stretched had already been folded into two from the middle.

But before the guys around could see the merged hands clearly, Xu Yang's right hand has already been quickly clasped to the right, and while accurately hooking the fold point, Xu Yang's hands have been quickly stretched out again.

One and two, two and four...

After repeating this several times, the piece of dough in Xu Yang's hand has become a plate of evenly thick ramen.

The few people standing in front of the ramen stand were a little dumbfounded.

Xu Yang stretched the noodles very quickly, almost like magic.

So much so that these guys only saw his hands fluttering up and down like butterflies, and in the blink of an eye, a lump of dough turned into a plate of thin noodles.

The next moment, a thought flashed into the heads of those guys at the same time.

It's worth it, not to mention eating, just looking at this technique is worth the fare.

Soon, the ramen that met the standards of one clear, two white, three red, four green, and five yellow was served piping hot by Erdan.

No surprise, such a well-crafted bowl of ramen immediately conquered those guys with stomachs full of gluttons.

After eating a bowl of ramen noodles with all the flavors and colors, the guys all showed a satisfied expression.

"Tsk tsk, my little brother's skills are simply amazing..."

"It's fucking delicious. In comparison, those noodle soups we've eaten before are not for human consumption at all..."

The good word-of-mouth quickly spread from the mouths of these guys, coupled with the blessing of the name of the young owner of Xu's Winery, this spread ten to ten, and it didn't take long. There is a long queue in front of this ramen stand.

There were a few anxious guys who wanted to go to the front and join the queue, but they were stopped by the smiling Liu Xishui.

"Guest officers, don't be impatient, we have to pay attention to first come, first served, right? If everyone rushes forward in a mess, it will be a mess. If you really can't wait, the snacks around are quite delicious, and the price is even more affordable .”

"That makes sense. There are already enough people in line. If everyone doesn't respect the order, no one will be left behind."

"You guys, go to the back and line up quickly. If you really can't wait, go to another stall and have a meal, don't you just have to?"

Seeing this scene, not far away, several people in the rivers and lakes looked at each other, their eyes full of helplessness.

Uncle, isn't it just a bowl of noodles, how can it be so fucking delicious?The guys in front of them were so exaggerated that they queued up for a bowl of noodles.

Of course, at other times, even if the entire open space is full of people waiting to eat noodles, it has nothing to do with them.

But the problem is, the scene in front of them completely disrupted their previous plans.

According to the original plan, they had to assign a person to run up to that kid surnamed Xu, order a bowl of noodles, and then find some faults in the noodles, and then take the opportunity to make trouble.

After all, in this town, there are a lot of third-rate and nine-religion guys today.

Just in case, they feel that they need to be more cautious.

Unexpectedly, they just hesitated for a moment and didn't send people to line up at the first time. The stall opened by Xu Yang was already full of people.

After that meddling old guy appeared, it was a bit difficult for them to get close to Xu Yang even if they didn't want to startle them, let alone take the opportunity to find fault with them.

One of the younger guys couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Damn it, if it goes according to the original plan, we have to wait until the year of the monkey?"

"Why don't we just have an overlord force his bow and knock that kid down."

This guy looked a little young and energetic, and it was not surprising that he suddenly had such an idea.

After all, not everyone has the patience to wait here.

In contrast, the guy standing next to him seemed more cautious.

"Would you like to wait a little longer? That kid is really weird, we'd better take it easy."

(End of this chapter)

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