Chapter 740 Wondering
After Xu Yang put the bottle of ground-piercing spear in front of him, how could Liu Xishui, whose eyes were shining, care about the little thorn in this kid's mouth?
"Go, go, go to the kitchen and get two good dishes for Uncle Liu. You can have some snacks, such a precious wine. If you give Uncle Liu two plates of peanuts, it will be boring."

This bottle of good wine with a price tag of 500 taels has been coveted by Mr. Liu for a long time, and today he finally got his wish. Where does he have time to worry about those trivial matters?

"Haha, Uncle Liu, don't worry, if you fool anyone, you can't fool your old man with peanuts..."

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the annual Lantern Festival.

As the most solemn festival in the first month, except for the first day of the new year, most people will stay at home and spend this Lantern Festival with their families.

After all, after the Lantern Festival, according to the customs in many places, the year is considered to be completely over.

In this festival, another family reunion can be regarded as the proper meaning of the question.

But for the residents of those towns around Taiping Town, today is an exception.

In the past, grand Lantern Festival lantern festivals were only held in densely populated prefectures and counties.

In a county like Changhe City, which is not particularly large, the scale of the Lantern Festival is much simpler.

After all, holding a Lantern Festival requires a considerable amount of real money.

For those magistrates who have been officials for thousands of miles only for money, it is more meaningful to put the silver in their pockets instead of spending the real money on the lantern festival.

But now, Taiping Town, which has been famous for its delicious food in the past two years, has already announced that it will hold a grand lantern festival on the day of the Lantern Festival.

For the guys around who lack entertainment, this news is simply an unexpected surprise.

During the Lantern Festival, everyone stays at home and has a reunion dinner, which does have a certain meaning.

But it has been like this for decades. Although this way of celebrating the festival is meaningful, it seems too monotonous and boring.

In the past, even if everyone wanted to change, they couldn't find an opportunity to change, right?

After all, those state capitals that hold grand Lantern Festivals are too far away from them.

Now that they heard that Taiping Town, which is close at hand, is going to hold a grand lantern festival, many people were immediately moved.

So, not to mention those township residents who are closer to Taiping Town, even Changhe County, or Qingshui County next door, many people dragged their families and rushed to Taiping Town to watch this supposedly grand Lantern Festival.

Guys who traveled too far may have arrived a day or two ago, and those who traveled relatively short distances naturally planned to arrive on the same day.

But no matter what, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, more and more people appeared in Taiping Town.

When you are away from home, all you have to consider is food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The residents of Taiping Town, headed by Liu Xishui, have already made corresponding preparations.

In addition to the shops on both sides of the street, which are already in full swing, the huge open space at the east end of Taiping Town has also set up many stalls at this time.

In these stalls, there are all kinds of toys and useful things, although it cannot be said that there is everything that one expects to find, but they are also considered to be complete in variety.

Of course, as a town famous for its gourmet food, food is naturally indispensable.

In addition to shops like Xu's Restaurant that can provide tourists with a variety of high-end delicacies, stalls selling sliced ​​noodles, kebabs, spicy soup, oden, roasted meat, pancakes and fruits... such relatively civilian food stalls, basically Both are located in the open space at the east end of the town.

Xu Yang, who had promised Liu Xishui to show his skills in front of many tourists, also appeared in the open space at the east end of the town.

In the past two years, Xu's restaurant has been quite prosperous under the management of his cheap father and two other friends.

Xu Yang, who only came back once in a while, naturally wouldn't get involved in their well-run Xu's restaurant.

Therefore, he could only start a new stove in the open space at the east end of the town to complete the tasks assigned to him by Liu Xishui.

Xu Yang, who was pushing a small cart, just appeared in the open space at the east end of the town, and the neighbors who set up stalls surrounded him immediately.

"Hey, Brother Yang, are you still selling the stall yourself?"

"Brother Yang, come to my stall later, take my pulse and see if there is any room for improvement..."

"Brother Yang, help me take a look later, I always feel that there is something wrong..."

At least half of the food stall owners present learned the techniques from Xu Yang.

At the beginning, after Xu Yang finished teaching them, he went directly back to Canglongmen, so even if they found any problems in the process of setting up the stall, they couldn't find anyone to consult, right?
It's not easy for Xu Yang to come back now, how can these guys let him go so easily?
Fortunately, Xu Yang came here with a trolley, and before he even had time to set up his stall, his people were already pulled away by the surrounding food stall owners.

Xu Yang didn't have any opinion on this.

The reason why he appeared here was not to make money.

That being the case, it doesn't seem too important to set up a stall sooner or later.

"Well, your stewed meat is quite delicious, but the taste of the fire is not so interesting, you have to be like this..."

"This pancake tastes really good, but if possible, you have to control the heat..."

"This meat skewer is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It really looks good, but have you noticed? Is there something missing about the marinating of this meat skewer..."

As the enlightenment master of this group of guys, the problems they encountered, in Xu Yang's eyes, are actually small problems, and he is also willing to answer questions for these guys.

So, for the next half an hour, Xu Yang ate a mess of things at these food stalls.

But he can be regarded as helping those guys solve a lot of problems that they are difficult to solve.

This scene has attracted the attention of many tourists.

"Oh, you old masters with big beards, why do you still have to listen to that brat?" A customer at Chen Laoliu's Mala Tang stall asked with a puzzled look on his face.

This can't blame the other party for making a fuss.

As the owner of this Mala Tang stall, Chen Laoliu looked at least in his thirties, and Xu Yang was only 20 years old.

It stands to reason that Chen Laoliu, who is almost twice as old, should be that kid's master. Why is it the other way around now?
Regarding this, Chen Laoliu didn't think it was disobedient, and then explained with a smile: "Hehe, this guest officer, the age is not important, don't look at Brother Yang's young age, but he is the old man of our gang. Guy's master."

(End of this chapter)

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