I open a restaurant in the martial arts world

Chapter 244 A Precious Opportunity

Chapter 244 A Precious Opportunity

Although Miss Zhao was ashamed to leave because of a mistake, Xu Yang's visit to the Zhao family this time was still constructive.

Mr. Zhao clearly agreed to him and would help him beat the side drums.

Afterwards, Zhao Weiming rushed back and had lunch with Xu Yang. After listening to Xu Yang's retelling of his plan, although he didn't express his support in person, he didn't express any objection either.

Generally speaking, this visit met Xu Yang's previous expectations.

Three days later, Xie Baoshan proposed Xu Yang's plan to contract the kitchen at a meeting of Canglongmen's senior management.

However, as soon as Xie Baoshan said this plan, he encountered fierce opposition from Wang Zhenyao and others.

They believed that the only purpose of the Canglongmen's kitchen was to allow the disciples of the Canglongmen to eat for free.

Opening a fee-paying restaurant is to save money for the sect in name, but in fact it is exploiting the disciples of Canglong sect in disguise.

They strongly oppose this shameless practice.

Although Xie Baoshan scolded Xu Yang for not doing his job properly, but at this time, he still helped Xu Yang argue.

He said that Xu Yang just wanted to provide differentiated services to the disciples of Canglongmen.

If you don't want to spend money to eat in restaurants that charge you, you can continue to eat your free meals.

Going to charge restaurants for consumption is entirely voluntary, and it is not to force anyone to spend money indiscriminately.

In addition, when Fatty Liu was in charge of the kitchen before, he cooked the food served in the kitchen like pig food. Didn't people often go down the mountain to make tooth sacrifices?
Such a good thing that can save money for the sect and fully meet the needs of most people, how could it become a shameless act of exploiting disciples?
At this time, Zhao Weiming, the elder of Wu Beitang, also stood up and unequivocally agreed with Xu Yang's plan to contract the kitchen.

He gave only one example.

Last year, when Elder Ma of the Longevity Gang brought people to Canglongmen for an exchange, he took the guests to the kitchen for a meal, but the guests frowned.

A table of dishes, in the end, few people even touched their chopsticks.

If the kitchen could provide delicious meals at that time, how could such an embarrassing incident of humiliation happen?

Having said that, Wang Zhenyao refused to accept it again.

They said that since Xu Yang can provide better meals, why not improve the taste of free meals?

If Xu Yang can improve the taste of the free meal to the same level as that of the charged restaurant, wouldn't this problem be solved perfectly?
As soon as these words came out, Wu Youwei, who was in charge of money, couldn't help but interrupted immediately.

Last year alone, Canglongmen spent as much as 200 taels of silver in the kitchen.

And that doesn't include the monthly allowances for everything from kitchen stewards to handymen.

If the quality of free meals is raised to the level of paid restaurants, will this require additional expenditure?
If necessary, where will this part of the expenditure come from?Is it deducted from the income of everyone here?
The current financial situation of Canglongmen can barely reach a balance of payments, and there is no way to pay for this part of the extra expenses.

This time, no one said a word.

you get what you pay for.

If you want to improve the quality of the free meal, you must increase the cost.

Everyone understands this principle.

But there is no money in the door, and their personal income certainly cannot be subsidized.

So this kind of nonsense can't go on.

In the end, Xu Shuqing, the head of Canglongmen, made a final decision.

Canglongmen agreed that Xu Yang would contract the kitchen of Canglongmen by paying a contract fee of 1000 taels of silver a year.

But the premise must first be a trial run.

He planned to let Xu Yang contract the kitchen of Canglongmen until the end of the year. If the effect is good, he can continue to contract it next year.

If any major problems are found during this trial run, Canglongmen has the right to propose rectification or to suspend the contract.

Of course, Canglongmen has to prepare for the Yuntai Mountain Martial Arts Conference in more than 20 days, and other things have to be sidelined.

That is to say, even if Xu Yang wants to contract the kitchen of Canglongmen, he has to wait until this martial arts conference is over.

After the meeting, Xie Baoshan notified Xu Yang of Xu Shuqing's decision.

After getting the news, Xu Yang was quite excited.

How could he be unhappy that this money-making plan that had been planned for several days finally took shape?
Xu Yang didn't care about the requirement that the contract could be contracted [-] days later, and that the trial operation had to be carried out until the end of the year.

As long as he can implement his money-making plan, it doesn't matter a few days later.

In addition, it doesn't matter whether you try it or not.

In the previous life, there were countless examples of outsourcing the canteen of the unit, and there was no problem at all.

After calming down, Xu Yang pondered again.

The martial arts conference that will be held in Yuntai Mountain soon will gather the masters of all major martial arts sects.

At that time, can you find an opportunity to go to Yuntai Mountain to learn more?

After all, even Wu Xiaohu was lucky enough to catch the last train to Yuntai Mountain.

He's a cheating guy, he can't be compared to that kid.

Although Xu Yang refused to admit it, he was really stimulated by Wu Xiaohu's words.

Liu Xiaohu went to Canglongmen to practice martial arts with him.

People will be able to go to Yuntai Mountain in twenty days, but he can only work hard for the next one to go to Yuntai Mountain.

It will take another three years for the next Yuntai Mountain Martial Arts Conference to be held.

How many three years are there in life?
By then, the flowers will be thanked by him several times!
In addition, with so many martial artists gathered on Yuntai Mountain, there must be someone to provide the logistics of eating, drinking and lazing, right?
Can he find some business opportunities to make money from it?
The more Xu Yang thought about it, the more he felt that he should go to Yuntai Mountain.

Even if you can't make money, it's good to have more knowledge.

Ever since, Xu Yang ran to Xie Baoshan again and wandered back and forth.

There is no way, he was brought into Canglongmen by Xie Baoshan, if he is not to solve the problem, who should Xu Yang go to?

Fortunately, this time, Xie Baoshan didn't open his mouth to scold Xu Yang for not doing his job properly.

The martial arts conference held every three years is an opportunity not to be missed for any martial arts practitioner.

Especially middle and low-level fighters like Xu Yang who still have a huge room for improvement.

There are so many martial arts masters gathered there, if someone is willing to mention you, you may benefit endlessly throughout your life.

Of course, going to Yuntai Mountain to participate in the martial arts conference does not mean that anyone who wants to go can go.

If everyone can go wherever they want, Yuntai Mountain is so big, how many people can it accommodate?
At that time, let alone any martial arts conference, it is estimated that Yuntai Mountain will be overwhelmed by people who go to see the excitement.

So in the few days when the martial arts conference started, there were special people guarding the entrances to the mountain.

If you want to go up the mountain, you must have an invitation letter from the martial arts conference.

This invitation letter was not sent casually.

For a sect as big as Canglongmen, there are only thirty invitation letters.

Therefore, every opportunity to go to Yuntai Mountain is very precious.

In the end, Xie Baoshan only dared to answer Xu Yang, trying to help him find a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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