I have a knife in hand

Chapter 520 Self-slap in the face

Chapter 520 Self-slap in the face
Chapter 519

The reason why weirdos are weird is that what they do is different from normal people.

"I told you to go away, you still beeping, right? Okay, I will give you a bad review. And I will order from you in the future. I will give you a bad review every day, and you will be mad at you bastard."

Then the door closes with a bang.

All in one go.

It seems that he did this a lot, or it was purely unhappy, and he vented it on others.It seems that he thinks that the delivery man can't help him, right?

Yang Guang can choose not to accept the order.

But if you encounter someone maliciously doing things, it will be more difficult to mix.

And the more bad reviews he has, it will definitely have a huge impact on his salary performance.

At this moment, Yang Guang realized that he was a bit cheap, and he also felt a little regretful.Even if it is to experience life, it shouldn't be like this, right?
Does this work?

But the problem is that Yang Guang noticed some effect. It was like this in the food processing factory. After delivering the food, he also felt that the situation became more and more obvious.

It's like some mysterious women wearing veils. They are about to see their true faces, but they can't be seen through a layer of veils.

The world of mortals refines the heart, I will bear it!

Yang Guang's patience did not bring good results.

Life would be messed up if some people got nasty in a different way.

In the next few days, Yang Guang was punished by this strange man who was idle and panicked.He knew the places of some small restaurants and barbecue shops Malatang where Yang Guang often went, so he specially placed the order and asked Yang Guang to deliver it by name.

At first, Yang Guang didn't think much about it, but after he found out that it was that strange man, he had to deliver food again.

Then it was normal, he got bad reviews one after another.

This person not only did this by himself, but also asked some of his friends to come here to deal with Yang Guang.It was still called by name, and no matter how fast the food was delivered, they just gave him a bad review, and then Yang Guang couldn't receive the order.

He also threatened that Yang Guang would not be able to deliver food, which is the end of going against him.

Can a low-level food delivery person turn the world upside down?

The other party frantically teased Yang Guang, which also caused the owner of the Malatang shop he often took out to also mention it, saying that he would not come again to take orders.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for this store to open.

Those people not only ordered takeaway, but also came to make trouble in the store. They insisted that everyone reject Yang Guang, unless Yang Guang kowtowed to him and admitted his mistake.

Then Yang Guang couldn't bear it anymore and directly dropped the pick, and resold the second-hand motorcycle he bought at a low price.

As for salary?Deductions are not enough.


This strange guy jumped off the building that night and didn't fall to his death, but he was paralyzed.

They are fed three meals a day.

As for why he jumped off the building?Nobody knows.

The police investigated and found nothing.

Some people have suspected Yang Guang, but unfortunately there is no evidence.

ID, bank card, etc.?Neither is true.

After Yang Guang quit his delivery job, he no longer acted as a low-level commoner, but observed other people's lives.He also saw some similar food delivery people who usually apologized to strange customers, and they were all vulnerable groups.

But in fact, more people face these people with the attitude of an ordinary person.

Whether good or bad.

In order to live, everyone is very tired, so there is no need to make trouble for yourself.

Sorry, it's normal to admit mistakes.

Later, he watched others get up early and sell breakfast at night, and watched others make a living under the chasing of urban management.

I saw some homeless people begging along the street, and some gangs committed crimes.

watch some...


There was one more person in the Pengcheng City Library, but it didn't cause any reaction. There were too many people, and it was normal for people to come and go.That person did not wear colorful clouds and step on auspicious clouds.

On the surface, he is just an ordinary person.

He reads all kinds of books, and he seems to be swallowing everything.Flipping the book is very diligent, so diligent that many people are a little disgusted.

The sound of flipping the book was a bit loud, but it slowed down after someone raised it later.

He didn't look like someone who just came to read books, but rather someone who came with a certain purpose.

Like picking up girls?

This person is Yang Guang, but in fact he really reads books.

However, Yang Guang's reading books can be included, as long as he touches them, he can collect the knowledge of these books.As long as he wants, it's all right.

Yang Guang only took a quick look at many books, and included those that were found to be valuable, while not accepting those that were not.Or purely depending on the mood, no matter whether it is useful or not, it is included.

I didn't realize it was bothering people at first.


This day, Yang Guang sat at a table, holding a book and began to read.

It's normal browsing, not using cheats to collect, he wants to experience the feeling of calming down and reading.Unlike the feeling of reading in school, Yang Guang didn't feel any pressure at this time.

There is no trace of purpose when I first read the book.

Not long after, Yang Guang found a note in front of him, which was handed over by a girl with short hair.When looking at Yang Guang, there was no smile on his face, on the contrary, he still seemed to dislike him.

Yang Guang was a little confused, but he still took it.

The other party left immediately and sat opposite Yang Guang.

And there was a pretty girl beside her, that's all.

He opened the note and saw the beautiful words: "Student, I don't know where you got the news. You are squatting here. I can tell you now that she doesn't like you."

Who is she?
Yang Guang looked at the girl who just handed the note, and then pointed to the long-haired girl next to her conveniently.

Is this her?
The other party thought he was here to pick up girls, did he come to squat?

It's a bit naive, but it seems to be a normal situation.But who gave the other party the courage to say that he was squatting, and he just came to this place not long ago.

I have only seen that pretty girl three or four times, and it was the kind of girl who just passed by.

Yang Guang didn't experience this when he was studying, because there were only a few female classmates in his world, especially Zhao Lingling, who occupied Yang Guang's free time at that time.

A free place in your heart.

Does he like Zhao Lingling?It used to be, but not anymore.

It's even less likely to be love.

Then it is impossible for him to be in love with that girl.


But for some reason, Yang Guang wanted to feel some of this so-called love, he wanted to try it.

So he put down the book in his hand and walked towards the two girls.Ignoring the unkindness in the short-haired girl's eyes, he said to the long-haired girl, "My name is Yang Guang, can I get to know you?"

(End of this chapter)

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