Chapter 519
Chapter 518

Yang Guang, a senior Wuzong, wants to gain a chance in the world of mortals.

Then he 'resigned himself to depravity' and successfully became an ordinary employee.

An employee on an assembly line.

Because of the 'taunting' suggestion made to a job seeker when he sneered.

"I don't even have a bachelor's degree, how can I be recruited by a company that ranks among the top [-] companies in Dongguang Province? Why not work as an assembly line employee in some electronics factories, where I don't have to worry about food and drink."

Yang Guang left the talent market and went to the famous electronics factory in this city.

Sitting on crowded subways and buses, traveling to and from many stops is just to save money.

Then he finally arrived at his destination.

But it was learned that no one was recruiting.

Yang Guang was a little bit lost, very lost as an ordinary person.

Now these electronics factories have fewer and fewer laborers, and they have all begun to be mechanized.The times are developing, and some backward people are also being eliminated.

In the end, Yang Guang became an assembly line worker in a food processing factory.

This production line is for processing seafood.

Why can Yang Guang be recruited?
That's because many people can't bear the smell of the sea, even if they wear a mask, they can't prevent the stench.Yang Guang didn't refuse, and didn't even use his true energy to block these normal smells.

After a few days of drying, his whole body seemed to be marinated and walking seafood.When eating in the company cafeteria, many people avoided Yang Guang, and even quite disgusted him.

Only a small number of employees on the same assembly line are regarded as suffering brothers.His salary as a new probationary worker is only a little lower than that of some regular old employees in other workshops.

It can be seen how unpopular this thing is. After the seafood is processed, the fishy smell will weaken a lot.


Yang Guang stayed in this company called 'Sijiwang Food Company', and also lived in the staff dormitory.Of course, these roommates are all operators on the same assembly line.

The oldest among them is a man from Southwest Province, who is in his 30s this year.I have been in this company for a long time, and even my sense of smell has deteriorated a bit.

If you are used to smelling the fishy smell of the sea, it will be difficult to distinguish other items with a lighter smell.

Later, Yang Guang asked him if he had nothing to do.

He replied: "I only studied in junior high school and then dropped out. I came to Dongguang Province without a diploma or ability, and worked everywhere for more than ten years. The salary is getting higher and higher, and I also married a wife."

When he said this, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, looking very happy.

And there was a roommate next to him who didn't seem to have heard him, and said quickly: "Brother Yong, can my sister-in-law bear the smell on your body? When I was with those beauties who talked about money, those women I still despise Lao Tzu, but I don’t despise money.”

In this processing factory, the male employees in the seafood processing workshop do not have girlfriends.

Only to help some young beauties wandering on the street.

"Besides, you stay in the factory all year round, isn't sister-in-law lonely?" He subconsciously wanted to tease Brother Yong, aren't you worried that sister-in-law will cheat on him?
"It's okay, my daughter-in-law is not good-looking, and she is still a lame."

Yang Guang was very puzzled when he heard this. Although this brother Yong is not well-educated, he is not ugly.His monthly salary is four to five thousand at least, and he is not considered poor in some economically underdeveloped cities.

How can I find...

It was obviously Yang Guang who asked the question first, but he didn't speak.

Brother Yong seemed to be purely wanting to speak his mind, and he said things that he had never said to others: "I never thought of begging for a wife before. I like to play chess and cards, not to mention I am poor, and I still owe a whole lot of debt, which has finally been paid off. But I am too old and my family is poor, which girl would like to marry me?"

"Then my mother was seriously ill and asked me to find a wife to have a child, otherwise she will die with regret."

Then the story is a bit bloody, but it is more suitable for the lives of ordinary people.There was a matchmaker for him, a born cripple and an older woman who was not very good-looking.

Brother Yong didn't like her very much at the time, but he felt that if he didn't marry again, there might not even be a lame girl left.

The succession of the family is a problem that has existed for thousands of years.

Human reproduction is sometimes not about love.

Those who have love and are still happy are a minority after all.The vast majority of men and women seem to live together as a partner.

Is this love?this is not.

But Brother Yong seems to be enjoying it, very happy.

He's in the game.

The game of life is just a few decades.


Yang Guang resigned after working in this food processing factory for a month, because he found that it was meaningless day after day.

It is difficult to just stay in one place to practice in the world of mortals.

The workshop supervisor was a little surprised by Yang Guang's resignation. He felt that this hard-working employee should not resign.He was even going to apply for Yang Guang to transfer to a regular job in advance.

But Yang Guang made up his mind and left anyway.

The wages are not in arrears, but they have to wait until the wages are paid, which means that Yang Guang can get the wages after ten days.

If you want to communicate with people, there are many things that can add a lot of life experience, but Yang Guang chose a job of delivering food.

The salary is high, but it takes a lot of hard work.And you must not make mistakes. Once you get a bad review from a customer or lose something, you will have to pay a fine.

Complaints also have to deduct money.

Yang Guang did not use his real ability, but practiced like an ordinary person for a few days, only accepting orders not far away, earning a small amount of money but making a steady profit.

It can be regarded as getting acquainted with the job first.

Later, Yang Guang bought an electric scooter that had been transferred through countless hands, and he walked through the streets and alleys in his takeaway work clothes.In this way, a week passed smoothly, without a bad review or complaint.

Even though Yang Guang was a little clumsy at the beginning, he was not used to using polite language.

But many people still don't hesitate to give him kindness.

However, if you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts, and if you deliver too much food, you will still encounter some strange things.

On this day, Yang Guang delivered food to the door according to the address.

After ringing the doorbell, a young man in his 20s opened the door.

He snatched the takeaway from Yang Guang with one hand, and after Yang Guang was about to speak, he said directly: "Don't ask me for a five-star review, get out."

Yang Guang clenched his fist, but soon let it go.He still showed a smiling face: "I hope you can give me a five-star review, thank you, and wish you a pleasant meal."

Good reviews are money and bonuses for delivery staff like Yang Guang.

The more positive reviews, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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