East Factory Governor

Chapter 802 Purely for Prestige

Chapter 802 Purely for Prestige
Their shields were close together, like a wall of copper and iron, blocking the front, no matter how the opponent's muskets raged, no one was seriously injured or killed in battle, only two people were slightly injured during the movement.

Then, someone in the Ming army lit the fireworks, and the red fireworks suddenly rose into the air and exploded in the air.

Just waiting for Zhang Xiao to see the fireworks a mile away, he immediately ordered Meng Hu to lead 2000 people to the mountain where Lai San'er was located to support.

In addition, although the mountain that Chen Jing searched hadn't sent out the signal at this time, Zhang Xiao judged that there must be an ambush, so he ordered Meng Wei to bring 2000 people to support.

As Zhang Xiao expected, not long after Meng Wei set off, Chen Jing also sent out a red firework signal.


A large number of Ming soldiers yelled and went up the mountain to kill.

On Lai San'er's side, after about [-] soldiers in front formed a shield wall, the [-] soldiers behind immediately ignited the thunderbolts in their hands and threw them towards the Portuguese position.

Seriously speaking, if you want to throw Thunderbolt accurately, you still need some technical content.

However, for a group of martial arts practitioners, their control over their hand strength has almost reached the point of proficiency. In addition, since they are asked to carry thunderbolts, they must have practiced before, so how far they can throw most of them depends on how far they can throw them. The door is clear.

Soon, the first batch of [-] thunderbolts with fire tails drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then landed precisely in the musket formation of the Portuguese soldiers.

As we all know, the guns at that time had low accuracy and slow rate of fire, so it was necessary to gather people together, and then generally divide them into three queues. After the first row fired, squatted down to reload, and the second row fired.After the second row is fired, squat down to reload, and the third row will fire.

Therefore, the formation of soldiers is very dense.

This directly caused a large area to be swept away when the Thunderbolt exploded.

It was fried very happily.

Twenty thunderbolts exploded, and the firepower on the opposite side was half dumb!
The Ming army threw another twenty.

This time the opposite side was completely dumbfounded!
Even the Ming army couldn't believe that the Portuguese on the opposite side were so vulnerable.

As a matter of fact, the Portuguese in this era really couldn't fight against the Ming elite who had been armed to the teeth under Qin Shuhuai's painstaking management.

If the British soldiers are on the opposite side, I am afraid that the Ming army will not have a better life now.

Because the British have now put on iron alloy breastplates, and in addition to matchlock guns, each soldier is also equipped with five black grenades, which are the earliest grenades in the world-if the thunderbolt of the Ming army is not large grenade words.

On the one hand, the British's defense capabilities can be strengthened, and when they encounter the top shield tactics of the Ming army, they can break it by throwing black bombs directly.

It's a pity that the Portuguese don't have this equipment.

In the Portuguese army, ordinary soldiers now wear cotton padded breastplates, and their weapons are matchlock guns and French swords or spears. Only officers wear steel armor, and the entire army does not have weapons such as black bombs.

In this way, when the Ming army was so densely shrunk behind the big shield, they had nothing to do.

However, the Ming army could use thunderbolts to cause heavy damage to them who were also gathered together densely.

And after explaining that the army threw two rounds of thunderbolts, there were countless wailing, moaning, and screaming sounds from the grass ahead, but there was no gunshot other than that.

But this is also a bit weird, you can't say that forty thunderbolts can kill all the opponents, can you?This is obviously impossible.

So the Ming army hid behind the shield and looked around carefully.

At this moment, a master of the Kunlun faction shouted from behind, "There is movement in the grass in the southwest!"

Then, another Wudang master also shouted, "There is a voice from the southeast!"

The senses of these masters are so keen, even though the sounds from those directions are extremely slight, they can still be easily distinguished.

Lai San'er didn't need to think about it to know that the other party was planning to go around and surround him.

But it is impossible for him to retreat. If he retreats at this time, it will inevitably cause casualties.

Besides, Lai San'er felt that it was much easier to deal with these western red hairs than dealing with the Demon Sect and Tartar soldiers. Does he still need to run away?

So he immediately shouted, "Keep a square formation!"

Everyone gathered in the middle, and then surrounded a square with shields, so that the opponent would not be afraid to shoot from that angle.

When the Portuguese army thought it had "quietly" surrounded the opponent, they found that the opponent had already surrounded themselves tightly with shields.

The only way for the creeping army to break these shields is to bombard them.

There were cannons, but they were already set up halfway up the mountain. They were originally intended to be used when the Ming army passed by on the road below the mountain.

Now I want to transport thousands of kilograms of cannon to the top of the mountain, I don't know that I have to wait for the year of the monkey.

The commander of the creeping army was already furious at this time. He drew out his sword and ordered all the troops to rush up and start a hand-to-hand fight with the opponent.

Although he suffered a heavy loss just now, he still has more than 100 troops in his hand, while the opponent only has about [-] people, so he thinks that close combat will not suffer.

So more than 300 creeping troops rushed up in one go.

Ming Jun was suddenly happy.

Do you want to fight us?What a great idea!
When more than 300 creeping troops surrounded them from all directions, the Ming army smashed out all the thunderbolts that could be thrown out.

It feels like the soil under the ground is shaking, the real ground is shaking.

Pieces of Portuguese soldiers and mercenaries fell like autumn leaves.

Their charge formation was easily disrupted.

Afterwards, three bursts of powerful crossbows fired, swishing and harvesting.

There are three hundred arrows in one hundred crossbows. Even if they are fired in a hurry, it is impossible for the arrows to hit, but at least five or sixty people have been shot down--the crossbow is so cruel if it is close.

When the creeping army reached the Ming army, there were only more than 150 people left.

Lai San'er roared, "Kill the red-haired ghost! Kill one and reward one tael of silver!"

This guy was purely excited, because Qin Shuhuai didn't stipulate how much money he would be rewarded for killing someone, so he, the "Uncle Dingbei", had to pay for the money.

But Lai San'er didn't care, what he wanted was to wipe out all these red-haired ghosts before the reinforcements came up.

Why do this?
It's purely for Beibo's prestige, do you believe it or not?
And it shows that the soldiers of the army grinned happily when they saw that there was still some extra money to be made.

Then kill it!
Lai San'er bravely took the lead, swung his long sword to separate a spear that was coming, and then swung his wrist and raised the sword, directly sealing the opponent's throat with a sword.

He has obtained the simple version of Yi Jin Jing and Jiu Yang Shen Gong handed down by Qin Shuhuai himself, and now he has reached the fifth level of Xiaocheng Realm, and he can be regarded as an out-and-out master in the world.

Dealing with these ordinary soldiers is like cutting melons and vegetables.

During the battle, the soldiers of the Ming army also discovered that there were many good fighters among the red-haired devils on the opposite side. Different, but also has the power that cannot be underestimated.

But generally speaking, the martial arts of the Westerners is far less prosperous than that of Daming, plus the soldiers who will be stationed here, what kind of masters are there?If there are experts, they will definitely arrange to protect the Governor General in the Governor's Mansion.

In addition, the Ming army all wore three-layer armor, while most of the creeping troops were made of cotton armor. They were already superior in martial arts, but they were several levels behind in equipment. In this way, the difference of only fifty troops could be ignored.

Lai San'er led several masters from Wudang School and Kunlun School, and specially selected the best players in the opponent's formation to kill, and it didn't take long to kill all the opponent's masters.

It took less than half an hour for the two sides to fight, and the more than 150 creeping troops on the opposite side were killed and defeated.

Especially the mercenaries from the local area, when they saw the situation was not right, they jumped and ran away.

When Meng Hu arrived with an army of [-], there were only [-] or [-] Portuguese soldiers left on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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