Chapter 801
Zhang Xiao immediately led the troops and headed northwest.

In the governor's mansion at this time, no matter how stupid Nelson was, he would have thought that the Ming army might be about to land and fight.

He urgently ordered to transfer all the soldiers and horses stationed in various places back to the vicinity of the Governor's Mansion for defensive operations.

He knows very well that if this battle is fought, his chances of winning are not great.

Because Portugal is thousands of miles away, it would take about a year to go back and forth to ask for help, while the Ming country only takes two months to go back and forth from here, so one can imagine who has the stronger long-lasting combat capability.

What's more terrible is that his troops are quite scattered, and all of them are stationed in various forts and important islands in the Managa Strait.

Near the Governor's Mansion, he can only mobilize [-] troops now.

This amount of troops is usually enough to scare the locals, or to defend against invading troops from other European countries that also come from afar—after all, no European country will send tens of thousands of troops to the Far East, right?

But facing the Ming army in Asia, God knows how many troops they can send over.

There are tens of millions of people in this country, and it only takes one month for them to come here!

But despite this, Nelson decided to stay here.

If he is defeated, he will not lose the position of governor, and save the face of the nobles.

It would be better if it could be delayed for a few months.

Nelson believes that as long as he can hold this place for a few months, he will have the opportunity to unite with Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and other countries to collectively put pressure on the Ming court and force them to give up their crazy maritime hegemony.

He believes that the Far East is where the common interests of all European countries lie. Now that the Ming Dynasty wants to monopolize this place, everyone will inevitably meet with unanimous opposition.

No matter how strong the Ming Dynasty is, does it still dare to compete with the whole of Europe?
If Qin Shuhuai knew about Nelson's thoughts, Qin Shuhuai would probably laugh.

What's the matter, Lao Tzu's war mobilization ability, shipbuilding and artillery ability, and economic strength are higher than your entire Europe, and the Far East is right at the door of Lao Tzu's house. I will be afraid of you as Europe?
So what if the whole of Europe unites to form an expeditionary fleet?If I don’t beat you to the poor and the disabled, it’s still a trip through time!

What's more, who would spend money and effort organizing the Far East Fleet to do anything with a powerful empire that can build fifty battleships a year?It is too late for them to colonize the Americas and Africa. Do they really think they have too much money or too many warships?
Therefore, what Qin Shuhuai wanted was arrogance, but was unreasonable—even more unreasonable than the bandits in Europe.

These days, whoever is strong will make the rules.

And the rules of the Far East must be determined by Daming!

Let's say that after Zhang Xiao led his troops ashore, he ran rampant all the way, and soon reached the Mabson area, which was only ten miles southeast of the Governor's Mansion.

Mybason is a small local village, but there are two small hills, just on both sides of the road, tightly choking the throat leading to the Governor's Mansion.

Nelson was short of troops, so naturally he did not dare to fight the Ming army, but he ambushed about [-] soldiers in these two hills, hoping to delay the attack of the Ming army and buy time for him to mobilize more troops to defend the Governor's Palace .

Among the 800 people, about 400 are pure Portuguese soldiers. It can be seen that Nelson attaches great importance to this blocking-you must know that the total number of pure Portuguese soldiers he can gather now is only 1200.

But this kind of ambush, for an old soldier like Zhang Xiao, could be guessed even with his eyes closed.

Without even waiting for Zhang Xiao to say anything, Lai San'er jumped out first.

"Old Zhang, the two hills in front are stuck on both sides of the road, and they look a bit intrusive! Based on my years of marching experience, there may be an ambush here."

Lai San'er's decent analysis made Meng Wei, Meng Hu, Zhang Xiao and others laugh.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said, "Uncle Dingbei is right."

Meng Hu teased, "Uncle Dingbei is really Uncle Dingbei, what a clever plan."

In fact, apart from Lai San'er, Zhang Xiao, Meng Hu, Meng Wei, and Li Jingting were also named uncles, but because of habit, they still called each other according to the old ones.

But it's different for Lai San'er. Ever since he was named Uncle Dingbei, his nostrils have turned to the sky, so everyone always uses "Uncle Dingbei" to make fun of him.

Lai San'er was not angry when he saw this, but said more solemnly with his hands behind his back, "Since everyone agrees with Ben's judgment, then please ask General Zhang to send scouts to investigate."

Zhang Xiao nodded again, and then said, "Then I will trouble Uncle Ding to bring some experts to take a look."

Lai San'er was still immersed in the pleasure of strategizing, but he didn't expect Zhang Xiao to stop thinking about it.

He could only sigh, and said to Zhang Xiao, "Hey, I'm dignified to be Beibo, I didn't expect that I would still be an errand!"

"Hahaha!" Both Meng Wei and Meng Hu couldn't help laughing.

Everyone was joking. Although there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates, Zhang Xiao is the commander appointed by Qin Shuhuai at this time. There is no joke in the army. Lai San'er has been fighting in the north and south for so many years. He took orders and went out.

Two hundred players were ordered and divided into two teams evenly.One team was led by himself, and the other team was led by Chen Jing. Both teams carried shields and walked up two hills in two groups.

The two mountains are not big, and there are vegetation on the mountains to cover them.However, it is easy to hide ten or eight people, but it is not so easy to hide hundreds of people.

Lai San'er led a hundred of them, formed a "one" formation, and carried out a dragnet search.

Knowing that Franji's red-haired gun was powerful, each of them held a big shield in their hands and walked forward without haste.

Not only shields, but also three layers of armor—this was borrowed from the Tartar Baya soldiers.

In addition, they not only carried common weapons such as swords, but also carried crossbows on their backs, and even carried two thunderbolts each.

It stands to reason that as a scout carrying so many things, wouldn't it affect the speed?
This is true.

However, this point was brought up by Qin Shuhuai.

Qin Shuhuai believes that Westerners are good at using guns, and the rate of fire of bullets is faster than that of bows and arrows. If they are fired all at once, no matter how good their skills are - unless it is possible for a master of his level to avoid it, ordinary masters will definitely not be able to dodge it.

In order to reduce casualties, he requested that operations like Souyama require at least a hundred or more people and be fully armed. The time is not important, the important thing is to ensure that there are enough forces to protect themselves after being attacked.

Closer to home.

After searching for about half an hour, they came to a place with very lush vegetation near the top of the mountain.

Lai San'er thought to himself, if you want to ambush, this place is probably the best place - he has done a lot of things like ambush, so he has a lot of experience.

So he blew a whistle to remind everyone to pay attention.

At this moment, a bunch of heads suddenly appeared about 50 meters ahead, and then "bang bang bang" gunshots rang out.

Along with rows of neat white smoke, countless projectiles roared towards them.

But the reaction of the masters of the Ming army was astonishingly fast, and they raised their shields just as the opponent just appeared.


Countless bullets hit the shield. Although the momentum was quite high, none of the bullets could penetrate the shield—after all, this was just an arquebus gun, so it would be strange if it could penetrate the Jianghe Gang's specially made hundred-steel shield.

Seeing that the enemy army was spotted, Lai San'er smiled and shouted, "Gather and defend!"

So a hundred masters immediately held their shields and gathered around Lai San'er.

(End of this chapter)

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