East Factory Governor

Chapter 780 Annan and Myanmar

Chapter 780 Annan and Myanmar

March, the season of warm spring and flowers blooming.

On this day, the people in Shilipu, ten miles east of the capital, woke up early in the morning and suddenly found that the place was under martial law.

There are densely packed officers and soldiers everywhere, and there are many tall men in yellow armor among them. It is said that these people are called "big Han generals".

Obediently, isn't that to protect the emperor?

So, the emperor has come to our place?
If you have the courage to ask the Tolerance in the yamen, Tolerance refused to say anything at first, and then reprimanded him when he asked urgently, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, just stay on the bunk and don't sway, go back to the palace. If someone catches you, we can't protect you."

Okay, isn't this the emperor's arrival?

What is the emperor doing here?

Someone pointed out, "Let's say that the army of the Duke of the Kingdom is coming to us soon, right?"

Everyone suddenly realized!
It turns out that the emperor came to welcome the Duke!
The majestic Son of Heaven actually went ten miles out of the city to welcome the general's triumphant return. This is simply a rare miracle in the ages!

"But our country's lord can afford it!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the Duke, the emperor wouldn't be able to sit still, would he?"

The discussion was quickly overheard by the two tolerance officers, and they rushed up and kicked those people without saying a word.

"Damn, you guys are getting impatient, right? Do you know what time it is? If you keep chewing your tongue for a while, your head will be gone! Get out, get out!"

The few people who were chatting were scolded by the tolerance, and then they remembered that since the emperor is here today, the factory guards are probably everywhere. If they listen to these words, they will suffer a lot.

He glanced at Tolerance gratefully, and immediately made a bird and a beast.

The two tolerances watched these neighbors leave, and then said, "Go, see the Duke."

Today's Grand Duke has a higher reputation than the emperor, this is something that passers-by know.

Those who were not in the court just chewed their tongues and said nonsense, but those who were in the palace were faintly worried about something.

Grandpa, the momentum is too much... I don't know if this peaceful day can really be peaceful?
Three miles away, Qin Shuhuai ordered the whole army to dismount and walk.

He dismounted himself.

Lai San'er was puzzled, "Master, it's still more than three miles away from Shilipu, why did we dismount so early?"

Qin Shuhuai's face was ashen, and he didn't answer.

Chongzhen personally went out of the city ten miles to welcome him, which was a gesture of extreme sympathy between the monarch and his ministers.

But the more at this time, the more he has to make a humble gesture.

Of course, he wasn't afraid of some unforeseen misfortune for a master of great achievements. To be honest, no one in the world could touch him with his current strength.

He was just afraid that some people would be too fanatical. Once he showed a little arrogance to Chongzhen, they would mistakenly think that he was going to do something to create the world.

At that time, the probability of the incident of adding the yellow robe to the body will be too great to imagine.

So, he wisely kept a low profile.

The army entered Shilipu.

Accompanied by the sound of majestic drums, a guard of honor composed of Jinyiwei marched in orderly steps to open the way for Qin Shuhuai.

Weiji, Qin Shuhuai saw Chongzhen with a happy face.

The two looked at each other from a distance, their eyes burning.

Very close, they looked at each other and smiled.

If you put aside the occasion, this is two young people who reunited after a long absence, smiling at each other knowingly.

Some vicissitudes, some emotion, and the elation unique to teenagers.

Both of them were triumphant.

Because they did one, oh no, many big things!
Qin Shuhuai straightened his clothes and hats, and performed an out-and-out gift of a monarch and minister.

"My lord, Qin Shuhuai did not disgrace his mission! From now on, in the whole world, is it the king's land!"

There are only two short sentences, but the sound is like a torrent of bells, so majestic and majestic, everyone's blood boils when they hear it!

Because of the phrase "Is there any king in the world", how many heroes died in battle and shrouded in horse leather?How many innocent people were implicated and their families were destroyed?
How many people's dreams are contained in these short words, and how many people's dreams are shattered?

Killing, conquest, and chaos can finally find peace at this moment.

And this huge empire can finally truly recuperate, and when it finishes licking its wounds, it will be destined to usher in a new history.

Chongzhen held Qin Shuhuai's arms tightly, and only said one word.

"I know you will win!"

Beep, beep, beep~
The long horn that required three people to resist was blown, and the vigorous and vigorous horn sounded straight into the sky.

It is a tribute to the triumphant soldiers, a mourning for the heroes who died in battle, and an inspiration for the future.

Chongzhen helped Qin Shuhuai up, and said, "Go, I will walk back to the capital with you! Let's take a look at this beautiful river and mountain!"

Qin Shuhuai nodded, "Okay, I also want to see more of these wonderful rivers and mountains, and these wonderful people."

Chongzhen smiled, "Just watch it, why did you say 'many'? There will be opportunities to watch it in the future."

Qin Shuhuai smiled and said nothing.

The two monarchs and ministers, accompanied by tens of thousands of people, actually walked all the way back to the Forbidden City.

Along the way, countless people wanted to see the true faces of Chongzhen and Qin Shuhuai, which made the Imperial Army very tired.

Qin Shuhuai looked at the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, which were as beautiful as brocade.

Look at these great people, they are as simple as water.

The spring breeze blowing on the face is refreshing.

After returning to the Forbidden City, Chongzhen feasted his officials.

All meritorious generals of the Northern Expedition were invited, and even some outstanding soldiers were also invited to participate.

After the banquet, Qin Shuhuai and Chongzhen chatted and boasted for a while in the imperial study, and then took their leave and went home.

When he came back this time, he didn't talk to Chongzhen about his next plan, because he still had a lot of things to do about the final finishing touch, and he couldn't tell without spending ten days and a half months sorting out his thoughts.

What to do next?

Naturally, to complete the ultimate task, Wanbang came to court.

The system said that all nations come to court, of course, does not refer to the conquest of the whole world, but refers to the return to the prosperous period of the Ming Dynasty when neighboring countries came to pay tribute and sent envoys from friendly countries to visit.

Now that the Western Regions have been conquered, and most of the Mongolian tribes in the north have surrendered, it is absolutely not a problem for these small countries or tribes to pay tribute.

In East Asia, Ryukyu, Japan, North Korea and other countries are still paying tribute.On the North Korean side, as long as the remnants of Amin are defeated, they will probably come to pay tribute happily.As for Japan (the Ming Dynasty officially called it Japan, also known as Dongying), because of the internal strife, it is now weakened, so it resumed its tribute to Ming Dynasty from the late Wanli period, and helped Ming Dynasty hunt down pirates (that is, Japanese pirates).

The most disturbing thing is still in South Asia.

In South Asia, countries such as Java, Siam, and Luzon are traditional vassal states. They are still paying tribute to this day. As long as the Ming Dynasty holds a grand ceremony and the notification is in place, they will definitely come back to pay tribute.

Among the traditional dependent countries in South Asia, the uncertain countries are Annan (Vietnam) and Myanmar.

(End of this chapter)

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