Chapter 779
After the capture of Shenyang City, it was already midwinter, and the Ming army naturally had to spend the winter in the city.

During this period, the Ming army strictly implemented the braid-shaving policy, which caused a large number of bannermen to rebel.

Just like what the Tatars did in history, the Ming army showed no mercy to the rebels and killed them without mercy.

In the city of Shenyang alone, more than 5000 bannermen who did not want to shave their braids were killed.

Blood can always be exchanged for obedience, and it can also be exchanged for some traitors.

The Ming army appointed a group of Tartars as supervisors. These Tartars worked very hard. Not only did they quickly clean up the backs of the Tartars in Shenyang City, but they also took the initiative to invite Ying to go to surrounding counties, Niulu, and villages. The implementation of the policy was beyond the expectation of the Ming army.

To put it bluntly, no nation lacks defectors. Under absolute power, there is only obedience.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, and with each passing day, Ming's rule in Liaodong is strengthened.

As long as the spring of the next year begins, the Ming army will officially set up guards and government offices here, and a large number of Han people will move here under the temptation of free land enclosures.

However, this does not mean that the military operations of the Ming army can end.

Don't forget, Amin still has a fairly capable army in North Korea.

Originally there were [-] elite soldiers and [-] soldiers there, but it was said that Dorgon's [-] cavalrymen also went there, and tens of thousands of bannermen also sneaked across the border. Obviously, the Tartars wanted to use it as a base to fight against Ming Dynasty again. Let's fight.

It is said that since Amin brought [-] elite soldiers and [-] soldiers into the dynasty, he has brought disasters to the Li dynasty.

At present, his army has been trapped in Yizhou, Dingzhou and other places, and he has become the lord of these territories.

It’s different from when Amin led troops into North Korea in the seventh year of the Apocalypse. At that time, they just looted and threatened North Korea, but now Amin just wants to be the king of North Korea, so he decided not to leave after that.

Of course, after the fall of Shenyang, he will not withdraw from North Korea now. He still plans to use this place as a base to continue to fight against the Ming court, and even plans to restore the country.

Amin has so many people in North Korea, why don't they ask for money and food?Naturally, the money and food will undoubtedly be distributed to ordinary North Korean people.

Amin's virtue has long been recorded in history, and he is greedy and fierce. In history, he did massacres in the Central Plains and was punished by Huang Taiji.

In North Korea, he was naturally more open-handed. In the areas he occupied, it was not enough to pay miscellaneous taxes.

But North Korea's soldiers, to be honest, were really vulnerable, and they were powerless to repel Amin.

No, the Li dynasty has submitted five consecutive letters to the Ming court, requesting the Ming Dynasty to send troops to exterminate Amin as a subsidiary state, just like the powerful big brother sent troops to help them teach the Wa country.

But before Daming didn't have enough time to protect himself, how could he have the energy to help them?

It has to be said that North Korea at that time was very loyal to the big brother Daming.

Historically, before becoming emperor, Huang Taiji asked North Korea to "persuade him to advance", that is, to recognize his status as the suzerain emperor.At this time, although the Ming Dynasty had declined and the "Great Qing" was extremely powerful, North Korea still categorically refused.

At that time, more than 100 Korean Tai students jointly signed a letter: At the beginning of the minister's fall to the ground, I only heard that there was a big emperor's ear... Our country has always been famous for its etiquette and righteousness, and it is called "Little China". Hulu, the only ones left in stealth and safety, vertically extending the sundial carving, what is it to the ancestors, what is it to the world, and what is it to the future generations!
It can be seen the status of Daming in the hearts of Korean scholar-bureaucrats.

It’s just that in history, the Lee dynasty of North Korea waited until their death and did not wait for the Ming army to help. In the end, they were forced to recognize the suzerainty of the Tartars after the Bingzi rebellion, and paid a large amount of supplies every year.

They missed the good old days with Daming, the "big brother". At that time, not only did they pay less tribute, but every time the envoys went to Daming, they could get a lot of rewards, sometimes even more than the tribute.

More importantly, when the Japanese pirates attacked, the big brother would come out to help without saying a word, how reliable that is.

Therefore, even though the Central Plains were occupied by the Tartars in history, North Korea still used the etiquette system and year names of the Ming Dynasty.

Fortunately, in this time and space, the situation is completely different.

Daming has become stronger again.

The overlord of East Asia, and even Asia, is still Ming.

The Li Dynasty is also very concerned about the changes in the situation in the Central Plains in recent years. They know that in the past few years, the Ming Dynasty has produced an incomparable talent called "Qin Shuhuai". Strong again.

Many Korean scholar-bureaucrats said that this is evidence that the Celestial Dynasty is blessed by God.

With the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, the determination of the Li Dynasty to fight against the Tartars was naturally stronger.Since the invasion of Amin, the king of North Korea, Lee Jae, has never planned to negotiate a peace, and has repeatedly stated that even if North Korea fights to the last person, he will never surrender to the Hulu.

Of course, he didn't try to fight - why fight if he can't beat it at all?Of course, I will wait for the big brother to clean up Liaodong before helping me.

No, the Ming army had just occupied Shenyang for two months. In February of the seventh year of Chongzhen, the Lee Dynasty of Korea sent envoys to overcome the blockade of Amin's army and came to Shenyang.

The envoy brought generous gifts from the King of Korea, Li Ji, such as Korean ginseng, velvet antler, and gold. He first expressed his congratulations to the Ming army for recovering Liaodong, and then solemnly declared that North Korea would continue to regard Daming as the kingdom of heaven. The dynasty will always remember the kindness of Daming who sent troops several times to help repel the Japanese pirates.

To people like Meng Wei, these words are nothing but clichés.These affiliated countries, I will probably talk about these things when I come here.

But Qin Shuhuai listened with great interest.

Ouch, Bangzi can do it now, are you so modest?

Do you know that your descendants have already divided the universe into the scope of your big North Korea?

Seeing Qin Shuhuai rubbing his chin, the messenger was full of smiles, listening with gusto, so he couldn't help butting up more.

And immediately shifted the focus of flattery from Daming to Qin Shuhuai.

"I heard that An Guogong is the most talented person in the world in terms of culture, intelligence and martial arts. He is a unparalleled talent in the world and a unparalleled national scholar. The Duke stepped forward when the country was in crisis. He conquered the demon religion in the west, suppressed the rebellion in the middle, and conquered the Tartars in the north. Invincible in battle, invincible in attack, it can be said to use force to turn the tide against chaos! And the great talents of the Duke of Guo are not limited to martial arts? Wen ruled the world, and the Duke of Guo is also the number one in the world. Now the Ming Dynasty is rich and strong, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. This achievement is only due to me The virtues of His Majesty the Ming Emperor and the policy of the country's public security are also! The birth of the Duke is really a blessing for the people in this troubled time, and it is also a blessing for the people of Korea!"

This flattery was so lethal that Qin Shuhuai's goosebumps rose when he heard it.

Even Meng Wei, Meng Hu, Lai San'er and others turned their heads aside, almost bursting out laughing on the spot.

Flattery is flattery, there is no need to be so naked, right?
Qin Shuhuai couldn't stand it any longer, waved his hands, and said, "You must have other reasons for coming to Shenyang this time, right?"

Speaking of this, the North Korean envoy burst into tears immediately.

Qin Shuhuai was amazed by the rapidity of this emotional change.

"My lord, I have served the Celestial Dynasty for a long time, and my resolve is unswerving, but that Tartar..."

In short, it probably meant that the Tartars were not human, they were too ruthless, and they couldn't beat them, so they wanted to ask Qin Shuhuai to send troops to beat Amin.

It stands to reason that they had to go to Chongzhen first for this matter, and then Chongzhen sent it to the cabinet for deliberation, and then the cabinet went to the Ministry of War to discuss it layer by layer.

But Li Zhen is really in a hurry now, he is afraid that if Daming is too late to send troops, his capital will be captured by A Min soon, and then he will have to hide in the mountains again.

So while sending envoys to the Forbidden City, he came to Qin Shuhuai at the same time.

It's not that he wants to cross Chongzhen, but he wants to establish a good relationship with Qin Shuhuai first. Only when the imperial edict of Chongzhen comes down can Qin Shuhuai send troops immediately, right?
Or else?If the Duke of the country delays it for a few months, the imperial decree will not be effective—Mr. Li is very clear about the current situation in the Central Plains!

Speaking of dealing with Amin, even if the North Korean envoys don't come, Qin Shuhuai is already preparing.

It's not just about eliminating hidden dangers, but also because of the main task.

Don't you want all nations to come to court?If North Korea is occupied by Amin, how can he come to North Korea?

As early as more than a month ago, he had reported to Chongzhen about his plan to attack the Amin Ministry of North Korea, and Chongzhen's decree had also been issued, just four words: cut the weeds and eradicate the roots.

The North Korean envoy is lucky now.

Qin Shuhuai asked him, "Then who, do you hate Tartars?"

The envoy gritted his teeth and replied, hate!I hate Smecta so much!
Qin Shuhuai chuckled, "Okay, half a month later my army will enter the court to destroy the Tartars, and then you can go with the army. My lord, I will let you see with your own eyes how that Amin died!"

The North Korean envoy was so surprised and happy that he almost jumped up!
Half a month!Shangguo's army will set off in half a month!

What's more, I can also see with my own eyes how the army of Shangguo wiped out the damn Tartars and killed that demon king Amin!

In this way, wouldn't it be necessary for him to leave his name in the history of North Korea?
In March of the seventh year of Chongzhen, the Northern Expedition Army dispatched about [-] elite soldiers. Li Dingguo was the commander and Zhang Xiao was the deputy commander. Under the guidance of dozens of Koreans, they crossed the Yalu River and entered North Korea to encircle and suppress the Amin tribe.

In April, because the [-] guards from the pass were already in place, Qin Shuhuai led the remaining Northern Expeditionary Army to return to the court in victory.

At the same time, the army escorted Daishan, Duoduo, Manggurtai and many other ministers of the Later Jin Dynasty, as well as hundreds of Aixinjueluo people back to Beijing, waiting for Chongzhen to deal with them.

This is an out-and-out victory, and the significance of this victory is extremely far-reaching. It marks the complete settlement of the disaster of Liaodong Jianzhou that has lasted for decades.

Not only that, with the pacification of Liaodong, the grasslands in the north have also been peaceful since then.Most of the tribes on the prairie could not wait to send envoys to express their willingness to surrender to Ming Dynasty.

In the Western Regions, a large number of small countries sent various envoys to pay tribute, and invited Ming to garrison.

In the foreseeable time, this huge empire will have no external aggression.

The only thing Chongzhen is upset about now is that so many places have become ministers all at once, and they are all very graciously inviting Daming to go to the local guards to provide "protection", so that he doesn't know how to deploy troops properly.

Isn't Qin Shuhuai's most capable troops in Da Ming's hands?

The troops that can fight this time are all near the capital.

Tsk tsk tsk, those guards are just trying to scare people, even Chongzhen thinks it's embarrassing for them to go out.

Originally, I wanted to let Qin Shuhuai train the whole country's military equipment, but now it seems that it is too late.

If you have land to occupy, you must occupy it immediately!For example, Liaodong, can you drag it?
Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty is now in full swing, even if some guards pass by, the Mongols, Western Regions, and Jurchens dare not make mistakes.

Thinking about it is really a happy trouble.

Chongzhen sleeps less these days, but the quality of sleep has greatly improved.

Every day I wake up full of energy, with a smile on my face from time to time.

However, with the return of the Northern Expeditionary Army, Chongzhen usually asked Wang Dehua the most where Qin Shuhuai was.

Qin Shuhuai's army came back many days later than expected.

The reason?
It was because of the "blocking" of millions of people.

After the army arrived in Jinzhou, almost everywhere they went, they would be greeted by crowds of people.

The people are rewarding Master Wang, and you are not in a hurry to fight, so you have to show it, right?
Drinking city wine is indispensable.

You have to pay attention to wine when you enter the city. First of all, the longest elder in the city will come to respect you, and you must do it.

Then, the representatives of the squires in the city came to pay their respects. How dare you not drink because of their kindness?
In the end, a dense crowd of ordinary people will surround you, beat gongs and drums for you, and perform various local folk skills. Can you not watch it?

It doesn't matter if Qin Shuhuai doesn't want to watch it, but he has to ask the soldiers below if they agree?
Risking their lives to fight such a big victory, who wouldn't want to be happy?

What's more, they deserve such treatment.

The people along the way wanted to thank the officers and soldiers sincerely and with all their hearts, and thank this god-like Duke of the country.

You must know that five years ago, they were still living in the double fear of exorbitant taxes and the occasional invasion of the Tartars and Mongols.

But now, everything is different.

Now they don't have to worry about food or clothing, but they can live a good life if they work hard, and even the last heart disease - tartar, has been solved by the officers and soldiers.

Go to any child on the street and ask, what year is this now?

He may not be able to tell you how many years it was in Chongzhen, but he will definitely say that it was a good year.

Everyone believes that the prosperous age is coming.

The hard-working Chinese people have never had high requirements for life.

Eat better, dress better, and avoid natural and man-made disasters, and that will be a prosperous age.

(End of this chapter)

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