Chapter 675

Crossing the city wall sounds like it would not be difficult for a master like Zhou Huaian.

But you must know that this city wall is defended by regular troops.

Moreover, it is a regular army fully equipped and fully ready for battle.

In this situation, even Qin Shuhuai didn't dare to trust him, let alone Zhou Huaian with Zhou Yanru.

But Zhou Huai'an really had no choice, he could only make a quick decision and give it a go.

Otherwise, once Qin Shuhuai's masters arrive, they will have no hope of getting out.

When they jumped up, the archers, crossbowmen and blunderbuss soldiers who were waiting in battle immediately launched a counterattack.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Arrows and projectiles flew towards them like locusts.

I don't care whether they are dead or alive, let's talk about it after shooting them down.

150 archers, [-] gunners, and [-] crossbowmen, it's a joy to shoot.

With a flash from Zhou Huaian's sleeve, a half-foot-long iron fan flew out, swung open, and then danced quickly, separating most of the arrows and projectiles.

The skills are indeed amazing.

However, no matter how strong a master is, he will definitely not be able to retreat completely under such intensive firepower.

He protected himself and Zhou Yanru's vitals, but was still shot in the calf, and Zhou Yanru was shot in the foot, screaming in pain.

Compared with Zhou Yanru, Cao Guozhang's luck is much worse.

The two masters of the Dark Cloud Sect who brought him only had two knives. Although they tried their best to block them, they were still no match for so many arrows and projectiles.

The two masters of the Dark Cloud Sect were shot into a sieve, but they used their bodies to block most of the damage for Cao Guozhang.

They fell from the air and landed among the officers and soldiers.

The two Dark Cloud Sect masters were out of breath when they fell down, but those soldiers didn't care about it, they still went up and stabbed them until they were completely dead.

Cao Guozhang was hit by two or three arrows, but it was not fatal, but he was quickly pinned to the ground by a group of wolf-like soldiers and captured alive.

Let's say that after Zhou Huaian's leg was injured, he still landed on the battlements with his mellow true energy.Then, he shouted again and jumped down the city wall.

It was too late for archers and firecrackers to shoot a second time, and although the crossbowmen could shoot three times in a row, most of them had already finished shooting when Cao Guozhang came up, even if there were still more than ten or twenty smart crossbowmen who hadn't finished. The crossbow in his hand shot towards Zhou Huai'an and Zhou Yanru, but Zhou Huai'an separated them one by one because the number was too small!
After getting down the city wall, Zhou Huaian limped but still ran towards the dark place at a fast speed with Zhou Yanru on his back.

The general at the top of the city saw it, and hurriedly ordered the only two or three small Chengjing masters in the army to chase down the city wall.At the same time, he ordered the city gate to be opened and let the cavalry follow suit!
On the one hand, Wu Yutian sent hundreds of people to various city walls to receive his old troops.

On the other hand, he personally led the troops into the Governor's Yamen. At this moment, the remaining servants and soldiers in the Governor's Yamen were all kneeling at the door, and none of them dared to resist.

Wu Yutian was afraid that some of these people who were loyal to Donglin would harm the Duke, so he immediately ordered them to be disarmed, tied up and put in prison.

He handled the affairs cleanly, and quickly cleaned up the front and back of the yamen, and his soldiers and horses also controlled the important streets everywhere, so he sent someone to invite the Duke to come in.

Qin Shuhuai's carriage approached slowly, and the moment he got out of the carriage, all the surrounding officers and soldiers knelt on one knee and shouted, "Welcome to the Duke!"

Qin Shuhuai's body was still very weak, and when he dismounted, Li Dingguo needed to go up to help him.

Standing at the gate of the governor's yamen, I looked up at the plaque on the lintel, and I saw the words "Sichuan Governor's Inspector's Office" powerful and majestic.

Qin Shuhuai couldn't help but feel emotional.

The Donglin Party, from now on, should become history forever, right?

The tarsal maggots have been eliminated, should the Vientiane be renewed in Daming?

The Demon Cult... As long as the Demon Cult is eliminated, Daming will have time to breathe a sigh of relief.

After a few years, another wave of soldiers will explode...

hehe!Very good!
At this moment, Wu Yutian ran over in a hurry with a very bad expression on his face.

"Reporting to the Duke of the State, Zhou Yanru and Cao Guozhang wanted to escape from the east gate, but were stopped by our army. Cao Guozhang was captured alive, and Zhou Yanru was escorted by a master to break through by chance. The subordinate has neglected his duty, please punish the Duke of the State. !"

"Have you sent someone to chase after him?" Qin Shuhuai asked.

"A master and cavalry have been sent to chase after him. According to Dongmen generals, both the master and Zhou Yanru were injured, so they shouldn't be able to run far."

Qin Shuhuai immediately said to Wang Datong, "Boss Wang, you ride a fast horse and take some people to chase him. It's best to catch him."

Although Zhou Yanru can't make any waves anymore, he is the leader of the Donglin Party. If he is alive, he may be able to inspire many scholars, so it is better to kill him.

And that expert must be the suzerain of the Dark Cloud Sect, so of course this person cannot be kept.

Considering that this person's cultivation level is not low, ordinary experts may not be able to take him, so Qin Shuhuai asked Wang Datong to go with him.

Wang Datong immediately agreed, then picked out a few people, and galloped away.

Qin Shuhuai entered the governor's office and went directly to Cao Guozhang's bedroom to rest.

Wu Yutian had already ordered someone to change the quilt, but most of the things in the bedroom remained unchanged.

In the huge bedroom, there are precious woods everywhere, as well as precious antique porcelain, calligraphy and paintings, etc. This is the first time Qin Shuhuai has seen such a luxurious bedroom.

Out of curiosity, he opened the drawer.

Opening a drawer at random, he saw a pile of colorful rocks that looked very valuable.

Opening another drawer, he saw two volumes of calligraphy and paintings.

When I opened it, I saw that one was signed by Yan Zhenqing, and the other was signed by the famous Wang Xianzhi.

Cao Guozhang is a dignified first-rank official in the frontier, and the calligraphy and paintings in his collection should not be fake.

Qin Shuhuai couldn't help but stop.

He doesn't know calligraphy and painting, but when he thinks that these calligraphy and paintings may have been lost in his time and space, even the most powerful people may not be able to see them, so he must be arty.

While admiring, he kept nodding in a decent manner.

Good characters, worthy of being two great calligraphers.

This force, this form and meaning...that, how should I say it?

Well, I don’t understand.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, the important thing is that I have seen it.

Playful, he took out his official seal of An Guo, and stamped it on the blank spaces of the two pages.

When putting away the seal, he suddenly had another bold idea.

When I came to the study, I found a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

At this moment, he also wanted to compose a poem.

Well, it seems a bit difficult to compose a poem, so let's write an inscription.

It is said that since he came to this world, his dignified father-in-law hasn't written a calligraphy yet.

Write what?

He thought about it, and if he wanted to write, he had to write something priceless.

It directly kills the authentic works of Yan Zhenqing and Wang Xianzhi.

After laying out the rice paper and grinding the ink, he began to write seriously.

Soon, you're done!
Although crooked and horrific, it is absolutely priceless—if this painting can be passed on to future generations.

"Before [-], you must buy a house. If you can't afford it, you can buy bitcoin. You are stupid if you don't buy it when you see this line. In the third year of Chongzhen, Qin Shuhuai wrote in handwriting at the governor's office in Sichuan."

He put down the pen in satisfaction, and stamped his private seal in a decent manner.

He said to himself, "That's all I've said."

After finishing writing, I was extremely tired, after all, I was seriously injured.

It's getting bright too.

He goes to bed.

I don't know how long I slept, but I heard someone calling him in a daze.

"Grandpa, you can still sleep after killing so many people!"

(End of this chapter)

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