Chapter 674

Governor Yamen.

One of Cao Guozhang's subordinates ran in scrambling.

With a trembling voice, he shouted heart-piercingly, "Report, sir! The south gate of the outer city has been breached by Wu Yutian's department, and now they are coming to the inner city!"

"Bang!" Zhou Yanru shook his hand and knocked over the teacup.

The tea flowed down from the coffee table and dripped onto his official boots.

Zhou Yanru's face was ashen, trembling all over.

And Cao Guozhang also looked shocked and pale.

"So fast?!" He murmured, and then slumped down on the chair dejectedly.

Even if he was beaten to death, Cao Guozhang couldn't even defend for a quarter of an hour.

Zhou Huaian rushed in.

He was withdrawn from the inner city wall.

"Prime Minister Zhou, Governor Cao, hurry up and leave! If you are late, it will be too late!"

Zhou Yanru hurriedly got up and said, "Yes, let's go quickly, let's go quickly! The inner city cannot be defended, definitely cannot be defended!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed out, obviously going back to his room to pack his things.

Even though his hair is white, his legs are not slow at all.

There are a lot of banknotes in the house!
As long as he has these, it is enough for him to live the life of a rich man for the rest of his life-of course, the premise is that he can survive.

Cao Guozhang was still in the house, reluctantly looking at this exquisite house.

What a pear wood Taishi chair, the material is more than 300 years old.What beautiful antique porcelains, all from Ru Kiln in the Northern Song Dynasty!

How much money, how much energy, and even how many methods I used to get these treasures, what a pity!
Once turned into nothing!
"Zhou Huaian, is it true that the inner city can't be defended?" He said struggling, "The Tsingyi Army will be here soon, and the Devil's Cult also said they would send experts to help us. This... Qin Shuhuai, it's really a good move." Hurry up!"

He has always been decisive in dealing with things, but now, he has hesitated.

Not only did he hesitate, but even for a moment, he gave up his plan to run.

Where can he go?Now that Donglin's reputation is notorious all over the world, and he is also convicted of committing a crime of rioting, who will take him in?
Even if he escaped by luck, wouldn't he have to hide his name and spend the rest of his life tremblingly?

What's the point of such a day?
He is a majestic governor of Sichuan, and the governor of Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangdong and Guangxi. What a scene, what a wealth.From now on, how can he be willing to let him be a country man who dare not even reveal his real name and surname?
Thinking about it, it would be better to die together with the baby in this room!

Zhou Huaian said anxiously, "Governor Cao, the inner city will definitely not be able to be defended! The soldiers and horses in the inner city are all Wu Yutian's direct descendants. We control their generals, generals, and generals. In the end, we can only protect them. Don’t turn against Wu Yutian when you don’t see him! Now that Wu Yutian has broken through the outer city, he will soon be under the inner city. Even if those soldiers don’t turn back by then, they will never fight back! Others don’t know these things, could it be Don't you know yet?"

Cao Guozhang let out a long sigh.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Cao Guozhang returned to the back room and hastily packed some things, mainly banknotes.

The wife in the back house, the concubines, and some children were all crying.

Cao Guozhang just arranged a few carriages for them, and gave them some banknotes, and told them whether they could go out and whether they could stay together after they went out depended on God's arrangement.

Soon, the carriages came.

Zhou Yanru and Cao Guozhang got on the first two horses respectively and headed straight for the east gate.And Cao Guozhang's family members followed closely behind.

The reason why they didn't take the secret path was because they were afraid that Qin Shuhuai had already deployed defenses along the way and at the exit of the secret path, and the fact was indeed the case - when he knew there was a secret path, how could Qin Shuhuai not make arrangements?

At the west gate of the inner city, Wu Yutian led the army directly to the city.

Seeing that the city gate was still closed, Wu Yutian couldn't help being furious, slapped his horse and shouted, "You bastards, why don't you open the door when you see me?"

The soldiers were all ready to move, but the generals and generals were all dumbfounded, and none of them dared to give orders.

Because beside each of them, there are at least two experts from the Dark Cloud Sect.These good hands held daggers against their waists and abdomens.

The masters of the Dark Cloud Sect did not leave at this time, just to buy time for Zhou Yanru and Cao Guozhang to escape.

Although they knew that the inner city wall was bound to be lost, they still monitored the generals and President Qian who were defending the inner city with the mentality of procrastinating for as long as they could.

Tian Bonian looked carefully at the city, and immediately said to Wu Yutian, "I'm afraid the generals have been hijacked. The general should order to attack the city, the brothers at the top of the city will not resist."

After hearing this, Wu Yutian shouted without hesitation, "Siege the city!"

But at this moment, a general at the head of the city shouted suddenly, "Brothers, kill Donglin against the party!"

The shouter was not Wu Yutian's subordinate, but was actually Zhao Rui, the commander of the Chengdu Guard who had been sent by Cao Guozhang to temporarily control the 3 horses.

Zhao Rui's move is worthy of his name.

Absolutely wise move.

This kid was originally at the south gate, but when he heard that the outer city was about to be breached, he brought some personal guards and rushed to the west gate.


Show loyalty!

Cao Guozhang asked him to command these [-] soldiers, and he was not stupid. Did he really think that these soldiers would listen to him?

That being the case, why don't you hurry up and tell the Duke that you are actually in Cao Ying and your heart is in the Han Dynasty, and that you pretended to help the king in order to cooperate with the Duke in suppressing the rebellion, and promised Cao Guozhang to lead the [-] soldiers?

Didn't the Duke of the country kill him from Ximen?Then I have to go to Ximen to yell at him a few times!

When he yelled like this, it really worked.

Now there is no need for those generals and President Qian to order, the soldiers raised their weapons one after another, and slashed at those masters of the Dark Cloud Sect!

Just like a pool of stagnant water, as long as a stone is thrown in, it will immediately ripple everywhere.

If one person resists, there will be a second one.If there is a second one, there will be No.20, the two hundredth one!
The defenders at the top of the city are boiling!
"Kill! Kill Donglin Nigou!"

"Welcome General Wu into the city!"

As soon as the soldiers resisted, the masters of the Dark Cloud Sect withdrew immediately.

This is not negotiable at all!

Could it be that they want to fight thousands of people based on their nearly a hundred people?
And those hijacked generals and generals were basically unharmed.One is that killing them is meaningless, why do you have to kill them even if the masters of the Dark Cloud Sect don't have time to run?Second, the kung fu of these masters is not so scary. A few soldiers hacked together, shouldn't they avoid it?Once you avoid those generals and Mr. Qian, you still don't get out of the way?

There was no bloodshed, and the door opened quickly.

Zhao Rui greeted Wu Yutian at the door, "General Wu! General Wu! I'm looking forward to seeing you here!"

Wu Yutian gave him a disdainful look, then snorted coldly.

This kid is pretending to be crazy and trying to get some credit, how could Wu Yutian not know?

Zhao Rui didn't mind Wu Yutian's cold stare, and asked again, "General Wu, may I ask where the Duke is?"

Wu Yutian said coldly, "Ask what the Duke is doing. Is it possible that he will come to report to you? Why don't you take someone to arrest Donglin's rebellious party?"

Zhao Rui hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, yes, I will go here, I will go here!"

At this time, the east gate of the inner city.

A large group of soldiers surrounded the carriages of Cao Guozhang and Zhou Yanru.

It turned out that when the generals at the East Gate saw a group of horse-drawn carriages galloping towards them, they immediately speculated that Zhou Yanru and Cao Guozhang were about to run away.

They were red-eyed immediately.

What if the two were allowed to escape through the east gate?
They are the generals guarding the east gate, Wu Yutian won't settle accounts with them by then?
Do you dare to say that you can't order to stop because you were hijacked?
Then you die faster!
As a general, you should take the lead and fight the enemy bravely. If you are hijacked, you dare not move?If you can say this, it means that your death is not wronged at all!

Left and right are dead, of course they have to fight.

So these people quietly winked at the soldiers not far away, and the soldiers immediately understood.

After one of the participating generals roared, the soldiers started to move.

Soon all the soldiers stationed at the east gate rebelled.

The actions of these soldiers were also fast, some of them dealt with the masters of the Dark Cloud Sect, and some immediately rushed up and surrounded the carriages of Cao Guozhang and Zhou Yanru.

There are only five or sixty experts from the Dark Cloud Sect at the East Gate, and there are more than 60 people in Wu Yutian's old team at the East Gate. How can they be any match?They had no choice but to retreat one after another and gather around the carriages of Cao Guozhang and Zhou Yanru.

However, these people were indeed brave, none of them escaped, they still formed a circle and vowed to defend the leader of Donglin Party to the death.

On the side of the east gate defenders, except for one general who was unlucky and killed, and one general who was seriously injured, the other generals were basically safe and sound!
Seeing that the carriage was surrounded by dense soldiers, Cao Guozhang still did not give up. He opened the curtain of the carriage and shouted loudly, "Presumptuous, who dares to stop me here?"

But one of the generals laughed and said, "Governor Cao, it's so cold, what are you going to do outside at night? It's good to stay at home, maybe the Duke will ask you for tea soon."

After all, they didn't do it either.

Because they are not sure whether the Duke is going to die or live.Relatively speaking, it would be greater to give credit to the two great living beings, Duke Guo, right?

So they besieged and did not attack, and planned to wait until the Duke of the State came to make a decision.

In the other carriage, Zhou Yanru was shaking like chaff, his face was so pale that he was no longer human.

He shouted in despair, "Zhou Huai'an, Zhou Huai'an! Save me, save me!"

The heart-piercing cry made the Dark Cloud Sect members frown.

The dignified Donglin is led by such a person, and it is not wrong to lose to Qin Shuhuai.

At this time, there were more than 100 members of the Anyun sect protecting Zhou Yanru and Cao Guozhang, including those who had just retreated from Ximen.

Zhou Huaian whispered a few words to the person beside him.

The man nodded gravely.

Not long after, he waved his saber coldly and shouted at the Anyun sect, "Kill!"

Without hesitation, the masters of the Dark Cloud Sect raised their weapons one after another, and charged towards the vast ocean of opponents!
These soldiers obviously didn't expect these people to be so brave, and they were a little flustered at first.

Zhou Huaian took the opportunity to slap the top of the carriage flying, then pulled Zhou Yanru up and walked away!

At the same time, the other two masters of the Dark Cloud Sect also jumped up with Cao Guozhang.

(End of this chapter)

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