East Factory Governor

Chapter 381 Mobilizing the Masses

Chapter 381 Mobilizing the Masses
For refugees, Qin Shuhuai is going to adopt the method of "relief with work".

Specifically, it is to let the gentry in the county or city harassed by the rogues take the lead in organizing the refugees to build their own homes, and then pay them according to the daily working hours.Some of this remuneration can be paid by the local gentry, and some by the imperial court.This part of the money from the imperial court should be regarded as the cost of resettling those surrendered rogues. After all, it is more reasonable to resettle refugees than to settle rogues, right?Most of the gentry class in ancient China also had the aristocratic spirit of helping those in need. In addition, it was actually their home that was rebuilt, so it was not difficult for them to pay for it.

In this way, if the refugees have jobs, they will not rebel.

In addition, if these squires are mobilized, then the counties or cities that have been looted by the bandits can temporarily lose power, even if there is no county magistrate, they can drag him for a few months.

At that time, there will be enough time whether it is to select qualified officials in the local area, or to appoint someone appointed by Chongzhen himself.

Donglin Party wants to send its own people to those places again?There are no doors!
In this way, not only the refugee problem is solved, but also all grassroots officials in one city, one pool, and one county can be replaced with non-Donglin Party members, so that the three border areas, from top to bottom, from soldiers to civil officials, are all controlled by Chongzhen. inside.

Chongzhen's bargaining chip for fighting against the Donglin Party has more than doubled!
Thinking of this, Qin Shuhuai couldn't help smiling smugly.

Well, let’s call this the “Daixian Model”.

Qin Shuhuai gave Lai San'er a look, and Lai San'er immediately took out a 1 tael silver note from his pocket and handed it to Huang Jinglun.

When Huang Jinglun took the bank note, his hands trembled slightly.

This is the trust of the imperial envoy in him.

It is undoubtedly the most affirmed time for his moral conduct in this life.

"Old man... Thank you Lord Qin for replacing all the people in the county!"

After all, he knelt down together with all the people.

Qin Shuhuai immediately stepped forward to help each other, and said, "Everyone please get up, please get up quickly."


That night, all the squires in Dai County were summoned to the county government. Under the auspices of Qin Shuhuai, they generously donated more than 8000 taels of silver and more than 800 dans of grain.In addition to Qin Shuhuai's 1 taels of silver, it is enough for these 1000 people to live for the first half of the year, and at the same time build a hundred or so houses to live in.

The refugees had a way out, and all of them burst into tears.

At this moment, a potbellied squire suddenly stood up and said loudly, "Qin Shaobao, there is no problem in rebuilding Dai County, but I would like to ask, what if the thief comes to invade Dai County again?"

This question spoiled the atmosphere and did not give Qin Shuhuai much face, but it was asking the truth.

Everyone looked at Qin Shuhuai in unison. Obviously, they also wanted to know the answer.

Qin Shuhuai chuckled, and said, "That's a good question, and I just wanted to tell everyone. The nearest military camp in Dai County should be the Qianyuanwei Camp about 80 miles away. There are 50 military officials there. Army. If there are rogues in Dai County, you can ask them for help. However, it is too late to ask for help after the bandits arrive in Dai County. Therefore, you have to send good men who can ride horses to the major cities 20 miles away from Dai County. Set up secret sentries on the road to monitor day and night. Once you find traces of rogues, report to Qianyuanwei camp immediately. If you set up more riders on the road leading to Qianyuanwei camp in advance, for example, one every [-] miles, then you can quickly Horse relay. At that time, no matter which direction you find the rogues, you can report them to the officers and soldiers within an hour. In this way, even if the rogues enter the city, they will have to leave before they can loot them.”

Everyone fell silent, counting the time in their hearts.

There is a city wall in Dai County. If the bandits want to enter the city, they must bring earthen cannons, city ladders and other supplies. In this way, they can't walk fast, and at most they can walk at a speed similar to that of people.In addition, because of the luggage, they must take a relatively flat official road or main road, which is indeed easy to be discovered.

If they could be found fifty miles away, they would have to walk at least two and a half hours to reach Dai County.Including the preparation time, it will take at least three hours to attack.

It took an hour for the riders to run to Taiyuan Daying, and the officers and soldiers of the former Yuanwei rushed over. Because they were not attacking the city, they did not need to bring luggage. If they marched in a hurry, two hours for 80 miles would be enough.Including the time it takes for them to summon the soldiers, it will not exceed two and a half hours at most.

Therefore, as long as Dai County can withstand the attack of the rogues for half an hour, the official army can arrive.

It is relatively easy to rely on the city wall to withstand half an hour, because the people who come to attack Dai County are usually small groups of rogues.Previously, County Magistrate Zhang said that there were [-] rogues who came to attack this time, which was completely nonsense. In fact, there were less than [-] rogues who came to attack this time.

As for whether the officers and soldiers will come immediately after receiving the report?
There is no need to worry about this, anyway, the officers and soldiers are more active in fighting the bandits, but the reaction is always a bit slow.

They were right.

The officers and soldiers like to beat up small groups of rogues.Because it is not difficult to beat these mobs, and you can still earn a record, why not do it?Of course, fighting big bandits like Zhang Xianzhong is not enough.

After hearing this, the squire nodded involuntarily, and said, "Master Qin is right. If we want to keep peace, we can't rely on the officers and soldiers alone. We have to act on our own. In this matter, I am willing to help five fast horses !"

"I have three horses!"

"I have two horses!"

A yamen servant came out and said, "There are still three fast horses in the yamen. In addition, General Wang's troops also left more than 20 fast horses, and we all hid in the woods in the north of the county. As for the good riders, our county Still a lot."

"Then it's settled!"

Everyone passed unanimously.

Qin Shuhuai was very satisfied.

Then he said, "Everyone, if you want to do it more safely, I suggest that you contact the people in several neighboring counties and let them organize like you. If every county and every city of ours unites, everyone Mutual defense, I think it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. For example, Mao County is more than fifty miles east of Dai County. You can definitely ask them to send some troops, and let's watch the rogues together!"

If every county does this, then the officers and soldiers will have countless eyeliners, and it will be easy to grasp the whereabouts of the rogues.

This is called mobilizing the people and letting the rogues fall into the vast ocean of people's war.

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed suddenly enlightened expressions.

That's right, this bandit didn't just pick our county to rob, he also robbed other counties.

As long as all the counties send out bright posts and secret posts to monitor the rogues, wouldn't it be clear where the rogues came from?We are still afraid of what he is doing!

Lord Qin's method is absolutely perfect!
As expected of a person playing tricks on Huang Taiji!

The next day, Qin Shuhuai led the team to continue to set off, and the people of Dai County lined up to see them off.Since all their supplies were distributed to the refugees before, the squires from Dai County collected two more carts of supplies early in the morning and sent them to Qin Shuhuai.

Qin Shuhuai was determined not to, saying that the supplies could be bought in the next county, and these supplies should be left to the refugees.

Everyone is grateful.

After leaving Dai County, every time Qin Shuhuai and his party passed through a county, they would go in to meet the local gentry and tell them how to prevent bandits in Dai County.The reason why he communicated with the squires was because the grassroots rule in ancient China was highly dependent on the squires.

For example, in addition to the implementation of the Ming Law, there are also rural regulations and civil agreements in various places, which were drawn up by the gentry class.Don't underestimate these rural regulations and civil agreements. In the Ming Dynasty, when the legal system was not perfect, as long as the rural regulations and civil agreements did not conflict with the Ming Law, they were a supplement to the Ming Law, and officials sometimes referred to them in judging cases.

His name is very famous, and the method he said is practical, so these gentry deeply think it, and they all express that they will implement it as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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