East Factory Governor

Chapter 380 Answers

Chapter 380 Answers
Qin Shuhuai was furious, and shouted at Li Jingting and the others, "Take it down for me!"

Li Jingting and the others were already full of anger. Hearing Qin Shuhuai's order, they immediately stepped forward and took off Zhang Chengshan's black gauze hat without saying a word, and then tied him up.

The people around applauded incomparably!

"The court sent Master Qingtian here, and the court finally sent Master Qingtian here!"

"Your majesty is holy, we are hopeful on behalf of the county!"

"That's right, the emperor just announced that Sanbian and Jizhen will be exempted from taxation for two years, and now he has sent an imperial envoy to inspect Sanbian. God has a good eye and gave Daming a holy master!"

"But why is this imperial envoy so young? Why is he only sixteen or seventeen years old?"

"Isn't he the legendary Qin Shaobao who repelled Jiannu in Ji Town and played tricks on Huang Taiji?"

The story of Qin Shuhuai retiring as a slave and playing tricks on Huang Taiji has now been made into a story by storytellers, and it is very popular in major teahouses and restaurants.Many storytellers make a living by telling stories about Qin Shuhuai in Ji Town.Since it is a story, it is necessary to myth him. For example, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he took the head of the general among the thousands of troops, killed Jierhalang alone, and then scattered beans into soldiers. He defeated the 30 army of slaves in Hengling .

Of course, most of the people who listened to it also knew that it was all storytellers talking nonsense, but everyone just loved to listen.

Inevitably, the protagonist of this story, Qin Shuhuai, has become Daming's savior in the eyes of many people.

The refugees all knelt on the ground, crying and saying to Qin Shuhuai, "Qin Shaobao, put down the thieves, you must put down the thieves!"

"Lord Qin, if the thieves and bandits are not eradicated, our people will have no means of living!"

"Qin Shaobao, I want to join the army, will you take us?"

"Yeah, if you stay here, you will die sooner or later. Can you let me join the army?"

Qin Shuhuai took a look, there were at least a thousand refugees here.Now the county government of Dai County must not be able to resettle them. If they are kept here, they will either starve to death or go to seek refuge with the rogues.

But being a soldier is not something that can be done immediately. If you take these people to Taiyuan now, not only will they be useless, but it may also disrupt the order of the Taiyuan camp.

How to do it?

Qin Shuhuai looked at Mr. Huang again.

Well, that's him.

So he stepped forward, bowed to Mr. Huang, and said, "Your younger generation has met Mr. Huang."

"Master Huang" originally just looked at Qin Shuhuai neither humble nor overbearing. Seeing that he was so polite to him, he couldn't help but stood up, straightened his clothes, and then cupped his hands at Qin Shuhuai.

"At the end of the school, Huang Jinglun paid a visit to the imperial envoy."

Qin Shuhuai was stunned for a moment, Moxue?
Oh, the old man turned out to be a scholar.

He has no official position yet, and he is an imperial envoy. In the Ming Dynasty, it was generally accepted that the higher the rank of an official, the more knowledgeable he was, so it was reasonable for him to modestly call him "a late learner".

Qin Shuhuai returned a salute to the old man, and said, "Don't dare. Does the old man have a reputation?"

"At the end of the 40th year of studying Wanli, he took the examination for Juren, and now he is the alternate magistrate of Yanghe County."

Qin Shuhuai thought, it turned out to be Juren.However, [-]% of the general public can be an official. I don't know why this old gentleman is just an alternate magistrate at such an old age?

However, it was inconvenient to ask more questions, so I just said, "It turns out that the old man is a juror, I'm sorry."

"Where, the imperial envoy is too polite."

"Huang Yuanwai, I want to ask you something."

"My lord, please tell me, if the old man can do what he can, he will not refuse."

Qin Shuhuai said sincerely, "Mr. Huang, this time Dai County was ransacked by bandits, causing the people to be displaced and homeless. Right now, a respected gentleman like Huang Yuanwai is needed to lead everyone to unite and rebuild their homes. So the younger generation is bold, please How about the old gentleman come out and organize the squires and these homeless people to rebuild Dai County together?"

Huang Jinglun raised his eyelids slightly, and it was obvious that he was very interested.

For a juren who wants to be an official, how can he not be interested in such things?
However, he still shook his head and said, "Master Qin is showing love. How can Huang be able to lead everyone to rebuild Dai County together? Moreover, the imperial court will send the county magistrate over soon, and there will be a new county magistrate at that time." He will lead everyone to rebuild their homes."

Qin Shuhuai knew that the key point of what Huang Jinglun said was the last sentence.

Although Qin Shuhuai was an imperial envoy, he did not have the right to appoint Huang Jinglun an official.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Huang Jinglun relies on his reputation to let these people stay in Dai County honestly and rebuild their homes, he can recommend to Chongzhen to make Huang Jinglun the magistrate of Dai County.

If this method is feasible, then this is not a matter of Daixian, but a matter of his future policy of stabilizing the situation in the trilateral.

So he said, "Huang Yuanwai is too modest. Huang Yuanwai is highly respected in Dai County, and the younger generation thinks that this matter must belong to Huang Yuanwai. In addition, as for the issue of the new county magistrate of Dai County, the younger generation can guarantee that there will be no one in a short time." Come. If Huang Yuanwai is well organized, the younger generation can recommend you to the emperor as Dai County magistrate."

Huang Jinglun was startled, and opened his mouth slightly.

He is sixty-three this year and has read sage books all his life. His dream is to be an official and benefit the people one day.

He knew that what Qin Shuhuai said could not be false.

Who doesn't know this Qin Shaobao protects the world?It is said that the emperor and him are brothers and sisters, if he protects me as a small county magistrate, it will be a matter of little effort.

Thinking of this, Huang Jinglun couldn't help but excitedly said, "I'm old and not talented, but since the adults love you so much, I'm willing to do my best for the people of Dai County."

The people at the scene immediately boiled.

"Master Huang is going to be our county magistrate? Wow! That's great!"

"Master Huang will definitely be a good official!"

"Everyone, thank you, Imperial Envoy!"

Huang Jinglun said with some shame, "Folks, Mr. Huang is not a county magistrate, he is rebuilding their homes with everyone!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Qin Shuhuai, "My lord, this old man has a little reputation in Dai County. Most of the gentry in the county are old friends who have made friends with me. I can ask them for money and food. Let me help these people first. However, this old man has a If you don't want to ask, that is to invite adults to go together, I don't know if adults can do it?"

The gentry class in ancient China has always had a tradition of being kind and generous.A robbery by rogues will definitely not take away the property of all the gentry and local tyrants. You must know that on the three sides, most of the homes of the local tyrants are surrounded like fortresses, and there are a large group of servants guarding them. Generally, rogues are afraid that the officers and soldiers will arrive soon, so They will only concentrate their forces to capture the homes of a few local tyrants, and flee immediately after looting.

So Huang Jinglun said that money can be raised, which is definitely true.

Qin Shuhuai smiled lightly and said, "This junior should accompany you. In addition, this junior also represents the imperial court and donates 1 taels of silver to the people of Dai County to show my emperor's favor."

1 taels is definitely a huge sum of money for a small Dai County.

But Qin Shuhuai didn't feel bad at all.

Because he found himself solving a big problem.

Originally, he was still worried that the rogues on the three sides had grown up, and every time they passed through a city or county, there would be countless refugees, and once these refugees had no food to eat, they would form new rogues. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult.

In addition, even if he took down the black hats of some local officials for the crime of failing to defend the land, how can he ensure that the newly sent officials are not from the Donglin Party?
But he found the answer in Dai County.

(End of this chapter)

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