My players are all actors

Chapter 262 Pinch attack

Chapter 262 Pinch attack
With a "bang", the precious vase fell to the ground and shattered.

Qi Gaozong's angry voice came from the palace.

"Reverse! Reverse!

"Qin Xiang, as you said, this Han Fuyue has already objected!

"Twelve gold medals, he dared to refuse the order!

"What does it mean to send back the [-] troops and several estranged lieutenants? What does it mean to leave the elite of more than [-] people and all the direct lieutenants for yourself!
"How dare you issue a 'Letter to the People of the World' and call yourself the 'Zhaoyi Army'!
"In his eyes, does he still have my imperial court of Daqi, and does he still have an official family like me!"

At this time, Qi Gaozong had already received news from the north.

General Han Fuyue's behavior was obviously a serious challenge to his imperial power, and at the same time, it almost completely confirmed Qin Huizhi's false accusation.

This General Han Fuyue is not like everyone thinks, he is at the mercy of others.

Qi Gaozong looked at Qin Huizhi: "Qin Xiang! What do you think should be done at this time!"

There was no worry on Qin Huizhi's face, but an unconcealable joy on the contrary.

Didn't General Han Fuyue's move save him from looking for reasons?

In the real history, after General Han Fuyue came back, Qin Huizhi searched his brains to kill him unjustly, but he couldn't find any evidence of crime, and finally insisted on unjustly killing him on the charge of "unnecessary".

But now, there is no need for it, and Qin Huizhi has enough reasons just for refusing to accept orders.

"Officials have reached this point, how can they be hesitant?

"Han Fuyue is already planning to rebel. The peace agreement between our dynasty and the Jin people will be completed. As long as the other generals are ordered to surround and kill the Jin people together, the peace agreement will be completed. It will also just suppress the rebellion and stop the long-term progress of the people of the world. mouth.

"Isn't it a good thing to kill two birds with one stone?"

Qi Gaozong's face was gloomy and uncertain. Obviously, he did not expect that General Han Fuyue would really not come back.

However, Qin Huizhi's words did not completely convince him.

At this moment, the third person present spoke.

"Officials, I think it's impossible."

Qin Huizhi's face darkened instantly, and he looked at the minister beside him.

This person's name is Zhang Deyuan, and he served as Zaizhi in the court five years ago.Later, because of Qin Huizhi's gain in power and some of his own mistakes, he was relegated to Yongzhou.

Now, as the situation in the Song and Jin Dynasties continued to change, he finally returned to the imperial court, where he served as the inspector Taifu, Chongxin Military Jiedushi, etc., and was granted the title of He Guogong.

Of course, although Zhang Deyuan served as Zaizhi under Gaozong, his power at this time was far inferior to that of Qin Huizhi.

The reason why he was summoned by Gaozong this time was also because he was an old acquaintance with General Han Fuyue, and as a civil servant, he also knew some military affairs, so Qi Gaozong also wanted to hear his opinion.

It can't be such a big matter, let Qin Huizhi decide it with one word.

When talking about Zhang Deyuan, people at the time commented: He is very short in talent, although he is very clear about righteousness, but he is completely ignorant of things.

In short, it can be said that he is an official who knows a little bit about righteousness and is squeezed out by Qin Huizhi in every possible way because of his repeated petitions to resist gold, but his political and military talents are not good.

Of course, in any case, in this court at this time, "knowing some righteousness" is already considered a very rare quality.

Qin Huizhi said coldly: "Duke Wei, is it possible that you still have to cover up for that traitor?"

As expected of a traitor, this big hat was immediately put on.

Qi Gaozong wanted to hear what Zhang Deyuan had to say, so he waved his hand to interrupt Qin Huizhi: "Zhang Qing, tell me your opinion."

Zhang Deyuan said: "This matter must not be hasty.

"Although General Han refused to obey the edict, changed the name of the army to Zhaoyi Army, and issued a 'Letter to the People of the World', but in the end...hasn't he not rebelled?
"If the officials launch a crusade and really push him back, what should we do?"

Qin Huizhi snorted coldly: "It turns out that Duke Wei fears the enemy like a tiger!
"When I press down on the soldiers, I will let Han Fuyue be bound to the court to interrogate him! If he doesn't listen, the heavenly soldiers will run over immediately and put him down! Why worry about forcing him?"

Obviously, Qin Huizhi didn't want to wait a second longer.

Zhang Deyuan glanced at him like he was insane: "Oh, then, may I ask Prime Minister Qin, who do you plan to send to suppress General Han Fuyue?"

Qin Huizhi was stunned for a moment: "This..."

There was an awkward silence here.

This question really caught Qin Huizhi.

Although he is the head of the court, he is not familiar with any of these generals...!
In comparison, General Han Fuyue is already considered to have a relatively high EQ and give him more face.The other generals didn't know how to scold him behind their backs.

Of course, he is the head of the court, so he can let the emperor order these generals to fight.

But the problem is that these generals, more or less, have a good relationship with General Han Fuyue...

Who to send?
The reason why the emperor asked these people to withdraw immediately was because he had already distrusted these generals who were in charge of the army under Qin Huizhi's bewitching and instigation.He doesn't even trust people like General Han Fuyue, let alone other generals?
Well, since they no longer trust him, let them go and suppress General Han Fuyue...

Wouldn't this turn into meat buns beating dogs and never coming back?

What if these generals were also instigated by General Han Fuyue?

Well, maybe you can find those who have a bad relationship with General Han Fuyue to fight, but the problem is that such people are generally relatively useless, even if you fight, they are probably delivering food to General Han Fuyue...

If you have a good relationship with General Han, you dare not send them over; if you have a bad relationship with General Han, you can't win if you send them over.


Qi Gaozong obviously also figured this out, and his face turned pale in an instant.

He found that after General Han Fuyue, who had always been docile and obedient, suddenly showed his minions and refused to obey the order, he seemed... really had no good way!

"Then according to Zhang Qing's opinion, what should we do?" Qi Gaozong asked.

Zhang Deyuan said: "I think that General Han did not really want to rebel. The reason why he refused to obey the edict was that he was dissatisfied with the government's edict of recalling him, and he wanted to stay and continue to fight against Jin.

"The officials read his 'Letter to the Common People', and it is also the deep-rooted hatred with the Jinren that is inseparable every word.

"So, the most sensible way at this time is to silently cut off his supplies. Don't encircle and suppress him, and don't speak provocatively. Just deal with this matter coldly.

"As for the conditions of the Jin people, I think that General Han cannot be killed to seek peace."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Huizhi almost jumped up.

"How unreasonable! How dare you speak out about such a policy that is harmful to the country!
"Are you going to give all the generals a good start?

"Han Fuyue refused to obey the edict, but the officials didn't say anything and acquiesced? Then why did the other generals return to Beijing?

"If things go on like this, won't the generals who lead the troops outside can ignore the officials' edicts and gold medals? You are trying to dig the foundation of my Qi Dynasty!

"Officials, you must not listen to his nonsense! Han Fuyue must die, this is killing chickens and monkeys! Other generals who are out in command are also watching the official's handling of this matter. If the official is really not If you don't ask, the world will be in chaos immediately!"

Zhang Deyuan also refused to give in: "Could it be that what Qin Xiang said was a strategy to save the country?

"Officials, think about it carefully, General Han Fuyue has always been your confidant and beloved general, his utter loyalty to you is not only seen by the generals, but even the people of the world!
"General Han did not rebel at this time, if the government really sent other generals to encircle and suppress, without any remembrance of old feelings, what would the other generals who were in charge of the army think?
"After all, General Han has contributed to the Qi Dynasty, so if they were killed like this, wouldn't these generals want everyone to be in danger and separate themselves from the officials?

"At that time, the whole world will be turned against me, and our country of Qi Dynasty will be shaken immediately!"

The two of you said a word to me, and refused to give in to each other.

Qi Gaozong only felt that his head was as big as a bucket when he heard it, and it was difficult to make a decision.

According to the original real history, General Han Fuyue returned to the court without saying a word, so Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi discovered that they could manipulate him at will.

To deal with an obedient person, no matter how strong he is, he can always find a way.

Therefore, if you want to be demoted, you can be demoted, and if you want to be killed unjustly, there is no difficulty at all.

But now, General Han Fuyue suddenly put on a posture of disobedience, and the two were at a loss instead.

In fact, what Qin Huizhi and Zhang Deyuan said made sense.

The special status of General Han Fuyue determines that no matter whether the imperial court suppresses it or not, there will be serious problems!

Suppression, the generals in the world will be chilled by everyone; if not suppressed, the generals in the world will dare to refuse orders in the future!
What's more, is the fight guaranteed to win?
If you can't win, the consequences will be even more serious.

At that time, the situation may become out of control.

"Okay!" Qi Gaozong said angrily, "The two Ai Qing's methods are not feasible! Think again, is there any other way!"

He turned around anxiously: "Han Fuyue's matter is extremely bad! If he can't be used as an example, what will the generals who are sent back to the court think? Even if he doesn't die, he must find a way to send the capital to the court and judge him in court!

"But it's really inappropriate to send other generals to attack. Not to mention whether these troops will be mutinied by Han Fuyue's lobbying, if they lose, what will the people of the world think of me? I have just reached the peace talks with the Jin people , wouldn’t it be destroyed once!”

Qi Gaozong did not dare to fight.

Because he knew that the other generals tied together were not Han Fuyue's opponents.

Of course, considering that the imperial court can run out of food and can concentrate superior forces to attack, there is still a slight chance of winning.

But the question is, what if you lose?
Seeing such infighting in the Qi Dynasty, the hearts of the people may collapse instantly, and most of the resentment among them must be towards the emperor.After all, this matter was originally caused by the emperor's inexplicable withdrawal of troops.

The matter of retreating troops has caused the people all over the world to boil with resentment.

And losing this battle is tantamount to exposing his underwear to the golden man.The Jinren saw that everyone except General Han Fuyue was so vulnerable. Wouldn't it be a big talk when the peace talks were made?
It is even possible not to negotiate a peace directly, and then turn around and fight back!

That was also a situation absolutely unacceptable to Qi Gaozong, who was only thinking of seeking peace with Gou An.

Zhang Deyuan said: "Officials, I have another plan.

"It's better to take back the order and let all the generals go back and continue to fight the Jinren. After the Jinren are completely driven back to Yanyun and the counties of Hebei and Hedong are recovered, then go back and deal with General Han's affairs."

Qi Gaozong's face darkened in an instant: "Zhang Qing, do you think I am a three-year-old child so easy to fool?

"I have already issued an order to withdraw troops, how can I change the order overnight? Where is the majesty of the emperor?
"What's more, Han Fuyue has rebelled. Not only does he not want to solve it, but he still continues to give him military power? He continues to let him fight the counties of Hedong and Hebei? I'm afraid that after he beats away the golden man, the next step will be the addition of the yellow robe. !"

Zhang Deyuan sighed silently.

Sure enough, if the officials are willing to withdraw their orders now, then it is impossible for him to think about retreating from the beginning.

No solution.

Qin Huizhi rolled his eyes and said, "The officials and ministers have a plan.

"Soldiers of the imperial court must not be moved lightly.

"Firstly, the generals from all walks of life are already preparing to return to Beijing to report on their duties, and this order cannot be changed; secondly, if we lose a battle, it will be tantamount to showing our cowardice to the Jinren, and the advantages of peace talks that I have achieved through successive victories will be gone. Nothing left.

"Therefore, the order to recall the generals remains unchanged, and the army is only stationed there to wait and see what happens.

"As for Han Fuyue... it should be left to the Jin people to deal with."

Qi Gaozong's eyes lit up: "Oh? Leave it to the Jin people to solve it?"

Qin Huizhi nodded: "That's right!
"At this time, all the generals have withdrawn, and Han Fuyue's Zhaoyi Army has penetrated into a dangerous place, and may be surrounded by Jin people at any time.

"The Jinren hated him even more, and wanted to kill him quickly.

"We just need to sit idly by, and sooner or later this lone army will be destroyed by the golden men.

"When Han Fuyue dies, our dynasty will not only meet the conditions for peace talks with the Jin people, but also eradicate the rebels without a single soldier. But the army has not moved, and the Jin people will not know our details, so they must not dare Rebirth somethin.

"Isn't this peace negotiation over?"

Qi Gaozong's eyes became brighter and brighter: "Good! Good!

"Prime Minister Qin's plan is the best solution! If that's the case, then act according to Prime Minister Qin's wishes!"

Qin Huizhi smiled slightly: "Wait a minute, the officials, this plan is not perfect.

"Han Fuyue is indeed unique in leading the army. The Jin people are afraid of his reputation at this time, and they may be suspicious of fraud, so they dare not attack with confidence.

"So, although I can't move lightly towards the main army, it is still necessary to act as a partial division.

"This move can further suppress the morale of Zhaoyi's army, making Han Fuyue fall into a situation of betrayal, and secondly, it can also block the way of retreat, so that Han Fuyue can't move around and move to other places when facing the encirclement of Jin soldiers .”

Qi Gaozong nodded after listening: "Well, it makes sense.

"It's just who should lead this partial division? Can Prime Minister Qin choose someone?"

Both of them obviously knew that most of the famous anti-gold generals who had achieved great victories at this time were unusable.

Because most of these people had a good relationship with General Han Fuyue, and Gaozong didn't trust them, so it was too much of a threat to let them fight Han Fuyue.

You still have to find someone you can absolutely trust.

Of course, such a person's combat effectiveness is definitely not too strong.But this time, it was a murder with a borrowed knife. It was the Jin people who really went to fight General Han Fuyue. The Qi Dynasty only sent a partial division to block the back of General Han Fuyue. There was no need to fight, as long as the soldiers stood still and watched silently just go.

In this way, an ordinary general is also competent enough.

Qin Huizhi said: "Tian Shizhong can take on this important task. It is enough for him to lead [-] soldiers and horses."

Qi Gaozong immediately made a decision: "Okay, just follow what Qin Xiang said!"


In the big tent of Jin Bing.

Wan Yansheng looked at the secret letter in his hand, his face was uncertain.

And next to him was the number two figure in the Golden Army after Wan Yansheng, Wan Yanxian, also known as Gaitian King.

In the Battle of Yancheng, Wanyan Xiance responded to Wanyan Sheng and went straight into Yancheng, intending to behead General Han Fuyue's headquarters in one fell swoop, but was killed by General Han Fuyue with fewer victories and more extremes, killing the two together. It's over.

Therefore, when it comes to mountain phobia, the elder brother of these two people is similar to the second brother.

But the secret letter in his hand at this time has changed the situation a lot.

Wan Yansheng handed the secret letter to Wan Yanxian: "This is a secret letter from Qin Huizhi, let us go and kill Han Fuyue, and he will send a team of troops to support us, attacking us back and forth. What do you think... this believable?"

Wan Yanxian looked at the contents of the secret letter and remained silent, unable to give a very definite answer for a while.

During this period of time, the mood of Jin people can be described as ups and downs.

First, Yancheng, Zhuxian Town and other places were defeated by General Han Fuyue one after another, and then the situation in other battlefields also deteriorated sharply, and the Jin soldiers from all over the place frequently reported disastrous battle reports.

And the rule of the entire Jin Kingdom north of the Yellow River has become precarious. Rebels from all over the country swarmed up, and the Jin people wanted to draw lots to support the front line, but these places simply ignored them.

Even the Jin people have already made plans to withdraw Yanyun and completely abandon the land of Qi that they swallowed up over the years.

Wan Yansheng also had to admit that perhaps Wan Yanchang, who was killed by him in the coup not long ago, was right.

Once the war potential of the Qi Dynasty is unearthed, it will indeed be terrifying!
Wan Yansheng also couldn't figure out why, when Jingping changed, the Jin people went south like a broken bamboo, and all the Qi troops were as vulnerable as chickens and dogs, but after a few years, a Qi Dynasty suddenly appeared General Han Fuyue, the entire army has risen in a straight line?
Wan Yansheng was still the same Wanyan Sheng during the Jingping Incident, but the army of the Qi Dynasty was no longer the army of that time.

This disastrous defeat made Wan Yansheng feel disheartened, and he didn't know how to explain to the court.

But at this moment, a huge pie fell from the sky.

The Qi Dynasty wants to withdraw troops and negotiate peace!
In Wan Yansheng's view, this is simply an incredible thing.

If Wan Yansheng was the emperor of the Qi Dynasty at this time, of course he would have to go on a personal conquest with General Han Fuyue and push him to the capital of the Jin people before he could give up.Even if the Jin people can't destroy the country, they have to make an alliance under the city to get enough benefits, right?
In the end, the emperor of the Qi Dynasty was already satisfied like this?
It's incredible.

But in any case, although such a good thing of falling from the sky cannot be expected in advance, it can be enjoyed afterwards.

Therefore, Wan Yansheng was well versed in the psychology of negotiation. When discussing the terms of the agreement, he insisted that General Han Fuyue must be killed before the agreement can be reached!
This is actually just a very common asking price.

The Jin people have always been like this in the negotiation process. During the Jingping change, the lion asked for all kinds of money and food, or continued to increase the weight as if slowly tightening the noose, which is the embodiment of this kind of negotiation thinking.

If the other party is a person with a normal mind, he should pay back the money while fighting, and finally strive for a result acceptable to both parties.

In fact, Wan Yansheng didn't think that such a wild asking price could succeed.

In the end, the Qi Dynasty actually planned to kill General Han Fuyue?
When he found that Qi Chao's thinking was a little loose and that this clause was really possible to be reached, Wan Yansheng insisted on the "must kill Han Fuyue" clause not to let go.

According to the normal situation, General Han Fuyue will definitely return to the court, and then Qin Huizhi and the emperor will find a way to kill him unjustly, and after giving the Jin people enough benefits, they will reach a collegiate agreement.

But now, the situation has changed unexpectedly for everyone.

General Han Fuyue refused to obey the imperial edict, and left behind more than 30,000 elite soldiers. He also changed his name to Zhaoyi Army and issued a "Letter to the People of the World".It seems that they want to resist the order and not obey it, and stay to fight against the gold to the end.

Qin Huizhi sent a secret letter, requesting Wan Yansheng to kill General Han Fuyue to reach a peace agreement, while the Qi Dynasty would send a partial division to attack back and forth.

This made Wan Yansheng fall into deep thought.

He got up and walked around the big tent twice, and said: "Han Fuyue is indeed a famous general of a generation. I was already in a position to win the battle of Yancheng, but I never thought that he could forcefully break the situation. Tiefutu It really hurts my heart to die in a battle with Kidnapper Ma...

"If he only has more than [-] people in his hands at this time, and he has no food and grass logistics, then it is indeed the best time to attack and wipe out the grass and roots at this time.

"It's you think this might be a trick to lure the enemy?
"I've read the story of bitter tricks."

The Jin people at this time were very keen on the culture of the Qi Dynasty, and many historical allusions were familiar to them.

Wan Yansheng was also very worried, what if General Han Fuyue's rebellion was just for show, but actually to set a trap to lure him into the bait?

When he attacked General Han Fuyue fiercely, the Qi armies from all walks of life would split up and outflank him. At that time, he would have another big defeat...

Then don't think about peace talks, just think about running back to your hometown in the land of black mountains and white waters.

Wan Yanxian shook his head slightly: "I don't's a trap.

"If this is a trick, then it would be too much.

"The people of Qi could have allowed Han Fuyue to continue fighting instead of negotiating peace with us. However, the emperor of the Qi Dynasty really issued an edict to withdraw troops, twelve gold medals a day for Han Fuyue to retreat.

"This is enough to show that the emperor of the Qi Dynasty really doesn't want to fight.

"Such a performance, how could it be a show? The price is too high.

"Moreover, based on what we know about Emperor Qichao and Qin Huizhi, this kind of thing is indeed what they would do.

"Qin Huizhi's only value in the Qi Dynasty is to sign a peace agreement with our dynasty. Therefore, no matter how excessive our demands are, this person will accept them all.

"What's more, judging from the military reports from various spies, all the generals of the Qi dynasty except Han Fuyue have indeed returned to the dynasty, and the army has also retreated. Although they did not withdraw quickly, the intention of retreat is very strong. Obviously, it is impossible to run over to outflank our army's rear.

"Every indication is that ... this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Wan Yansheng couldn't help laughing loudly: "Good! To have such an emperor in the Qi Dynasty, and to have such a minister, is really a blessing to me!

"Send an order to gather all the troops and kill Han Fuyue!
"Kill Han Fuyue and then conclude a peace agreement with the Qi Dynasty. If you lose at this time, wait for me to suppress all the rebels, and then I will bring them back together!"

Wan Yansheng is worthy of having first-rate strategic ability and third-rate tactical ability.He can always accurately grasp the fighters that should be there.

The characteristics of Wan Yansheng as a commanding general can be summed up as "capable of grasping fighter opportunities, strong maneuverability, and resilience".

In fact, Jin people are not good at particularly complex strategies and tactics, and they are not very disciplined.The reason why he has been able to win consecutive battles for so many years is due to his patience, persistence and fearlessness.

The cavalry of the Jinren claimed that those who could not fight a hundred rounds were not considered elite. When attacking a city, they often fought bravely to be the first, regardless of life and death.With such a high will to fight, even if a Jinren encounters a hard battle, he can often persist until the end and become a big victory, and even if he loses, it is difficult to completely collapse.

Even though Wan Yansheng was hanged and beaten by General Han Fuyue, he was already the strongest among the Jin people, and he was also a general who brought out the characteristics of the Jin soldiers to the fullest.

At this time, as usual, he saw such a once-in-a-lifetime fighter.

For Wan Yansheng, the best strategy is to wait for Han Fuyue's class teacher to return to the court, and Qin Hui's subordinates will kill him unjustly.Eliminating the number one enemy without bloodshed is naturally the best result.

But at this time, General Han Fuyue actually disobeyed and did not intend to return to the court.

Judging from what Qi Chao meant, they didn't seem to want to dispatch their troops to kill General Han Fuyue.

That being the case, only Jinren can do it.

Wan Yansheng could see the situation clearly. If the Jin people did not act, the possibility of the Qi Dynasty going to destroy General Han Fuyue would be infinitely close to zero.

Changes later.

Although General Han Fuyue only has more than [-] people at this time, if he is really allowed to develop, it will be difficult.

Therefore, Wan Yansheng decided to take advantage of the time when Han Fuyue's army was not fully integrated, did not get enough support, and failed to find a stable source of military supplies, and took the first step to kill him.

In this way, it can not only frighten the world, make Jin Bing proud, but also completely eliminate this powerful enemy.

As a result, the various armies of the Jin people, who were on the verge of collapse, were forcibly unified by Wan Yansheng, and the elite cavalry and infantry combined totaled [-], and they rushed straight to Zhuxian Town.


But at this time, Zhao Haiping did not mobilize the army in a hurry, but remained in place.

He only does three things.

The first is the high walls and deep trenches, continue to improve the various fortifications in the barracks, build up layers of defense lines in this area as much as possible, and make them as solid as gold;

The second is to continue to practice hard on the soldiers every day;

The third is to receive military rations from nearby people.

Although the Zhaoyi Army had only [-] men left, and the rate of food consumption had slowed down, after all, there was no continuous supply of food and grass in the rear, and they were already in a state of sitting and eating.

The food left behind when the army withdrew could not last long.

But at least in the short term, Zhao Haiping doesn't have to worry about military rations.

Because the people behind the enemy in the newly recovered areas are rushing to deliver food.

According to historical records, the common people "competed to pull the chariots and cows, and carried embarrassing grains to feed the rebels". The censer was used to transport grain and grass to meet the officers and soldiers, and the captives all know about it. Today, my lord is going here, and we are no different.”

At that time, considering the great prestige of General Han Fuyue in various places, it was a very common phenomenon for the common people to come to deliver military rations one after another.

Not only is General Han Fuyue like this, but other Qi armies from all walks of life, as long as they are able to win battles and have a good reputation among the people, they also have this kind of treatment.

Before Zhao Haiping tore up the edict, General Han Fuyue and other generals basically "rewarded with silver and silk".

That is to say, we should not ask the people for food in vain, but reward the people with some gold, silver and silk according to the amount of food transported.

However, the Jinren became furious and sent people to intercept and kill the people who were transporting food to the Qi army. At the same time, they used the method of Baowu to sit together, and killed all the people around them when they found out that they were transporting food.

But even so, there was still an endless stream of people in the Qi Dynasty competing to transport food.

In addition, when the Jin people evacuated various strategic locations, it was too late to take away all kinds of luggage, so this part can also be used as a supplement.

Before, the Qi army from all walks of life did not accept the military rations sent by the people because they were indeed not short of food, but now, Zhao Haiping was really short of food.

Therefore, he asked his subordinates to accept all the military rations sent by the people so hard, and record them one by one.

Not only that, but also called several fellow villagers who delivered the military rations, chatted with them, and told them a very important thing.

Although these military rations cannot be exchanged for gold, silver, and silk at this time, these fellow villagers can obtain certificates written by him personally and stamped with the great seal of the army.

And Zhao Haiping promised that when the lost land is recovered, the unowned land will be distributed to these people.Anyone who has delivered military rations to the army can also get additional land according to the amount of military rations delivered!
How much military rations are exchanged for how much land is clearly written on the voucher.

Of course, the so-called unowned land... some may be really unowned, and some may be forced to become unowned after killing the puppet soldiers and landlords of the Jin people.

The people who came to deliver the food were naturally happy to collect these vouchers, and they were even happier than receiving rewards such as gold, silver and treasures.

Because in ancient times, land was the only means of production!
Although gold and silver are also hard currencies, they are much less attractive than land to ordinary people.

Although it is just a blank check now, it may not be cashed, but it must be cashed in the hearts of the people.

Because of the great reputation that General Han Fuyue gained in the Southern and Northern Wars, the common people believed that he would definitely win the battle, and that he would never renege on his debt.

Not only that, Zhao Haiping also continued to make three chapters of the agreement with his soldiers.

First, we still have to fight the enemy bravely and strive to be the first in everything. The military exploits made before and in the future still count.

Second, it is still necessary to "freeze to death without demolishing houses, starve to death without looting", no matter what kind of desperate situation you encounter, you must not harass the people.

Third, anyone who has made military exploits can get land just like the common people who came to transport food!
In this way, the goals and reward and punishment mechanism of the Zhaoyi Army are clarified.

The goal is to strike gold and regain lost ground.

And the reward and punishment mechanism is to distribute the recaptured land according to military merit!

Before, General Han Fuyue absolutely couldn't and didn't dare to play like this.Because he is still a courtier of the Qi Dynasty and leads the army of the Qi Dynasty, the land that has been conquered naturally belongs to the Qi Dynasty.

How to divide these lands depends on the emperor's will. As the general who commands the army, he has no right to dispose of it.

But now, since the emperor's edict is no longer needed, and the emperor's logistics and supplies are no longer needed, should I still give you the territory that I have won?

Of course I took it myself!

And such a reward mechanism, whether it is for the soldiers under his command or for the people transporting food, has an absolutely irresistible temptation.

At this moment, Zhao Haiping received the military report, and Wan Yansheng once again gathered [-] soldiers and horses to make a comeback.

But this time, it was obvious that General Han Fuyue had fallen out with the Qi Dynasty, and he was going to be ashamed.

Zhao Haiping took a deep breath, ready to fight to the death.

Of course, there is a big gap between the two sides in terms of numbers.

In terms of logistics and food supply, there is also a lot of difference.

Although there are grain stores and people transporting grain spontaneously, since a stable supply line has not yet been formed, the logistical pressure on the Zhaoyi Army must be much greater.

If this battle becomes a protracted one, perhaps the Zhaoyi Army will really be trapped to death here.

But so what?

When Zhao Haiping tore up the edict, he had already thought of today's situation.

Then hit!
As long as this battle is won, the sky will be high and the sea will be wide, and you can gallop freely!

(End of this chapter)

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