My players are all actors

Chapter 261 Establishment of Zhaoyi Army

Chapter 261 Establishment of Zhaoyi Army

These powerful words made General Deng stunned.

Obviously, General Deng Yuanjing did not expect that Zhao Haiping would come up with such a way to break the situation.

On the one hand, it is because General Deng Yuanjing is also an ancient man after all, and the Dasheng Dynasty was also a feudal dynasty shrouded in the shadow of loyalty and patriotism. Therefore, although General Deng surpassed the times in terms of military theory, in terms of these ideas, he has nothing to do with General Han Fuyue. So many different.

On the other hand, it was also because the situation that General Han Fuyue was facing at this time was indeed an unsolvable situation.

When people of later generations study history, whenever they feel sorry for General Han Fuyue, there are two issues that are discussed the most.

The first is, if General Han Fuyue hadn't been recalled by the Twelve Gold Medals, would he have been able to complete the great cause of regaining Yanyun and attacking Huanglong?

The second is, if General Han Fuyue refuses to follow the edict, and even immediately adds a yellow robe, how far can he go?
Regarding the first question, the research of later generations tends to be optimistic as a whole.

Because General Han Fuyue had already defeated the elite forces of the Jinren, and even the Jinren themselves had already made plans to withdraw from Yanyun.The turning point of the great war has passed, and if we continue to fight, it will only become more and more smooth.

But for the second question, the research of later generations tends to be pessimistic as a whole.

The reason why General Deng said that this matter is almost impossible is also an analysis given by a professional military strategist from a professional perspective.

Because his army is not a private army after all, if he wants to rebel, he needs a solid base, a continuous source of troops, sufficient logistics supplies, and a sufficiently appealing reason to rebel.

General Han Fuyue didn't have any of these.

As General Deng analyzed, for the army led by General Han Fuyue at this time, the logistics and food were all supplied by the imperial court.Once the imperial court ran out of food and the soldiers ate horses and chewed horses, it cost a lot. Where did the food and grass come from?

Moreover, once there is a rebellion, the other armies don't need to encircle and suppress, they just need to retreat, so that General Han Fuyue's army will be exposed to the Jin people's army, waiting for an opportunity to move.

At that time, there will be attacks from both sides, there will be no food and grass, and the soldiers will inevitably lose their morale, and defeat will be a foregone conclusion.

So from the perspective of General Han Fuyue, compliance was the only choice at that time.

Because of obeying the order, firstly, the army can be preserved, and the golden man and fisherman will not benefit; secondly, he can show his loyalty to the king and serve the country;

Unfortunately, the only thing he miscalculated was the shamelessness of Qi Gaozong and Qin Huizhi.

Zhao Haiping has already seen the end of going back, so naturally he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.Even if there is a possibility of betrayal, defeat and death, he will fight to the end.

If General Han Fuyue in history rebelled, he would not be General Han Fuyue; and if the player in the dungeon still followed the script, he would not be a player.

But even so, the problems that General Han Fuyue encountered at that time were still there.

How does Zhao Haiping solve it?

In this regard, Zhao Haiping's answer is, how the Jurchens solve it, I will solve it!

At the beginning, the Jurchens relied on [-] riders, and in more than ten years, they expanded eastward and southward from the land of black mountains and white waters, and achieved the Jingping Change.

At this time, the 500 troops of the Jin people were all defeated by me. Even if I only have [-] people left, why can't I destroy the gold and then all?

With these words, General Deng Yuanjing was also speechless.

Sounds... quite reasonable...

At this time, he is only a heroic spirit after all, and is only responsible for making suggestions for the players.It is the players themselves who really make the decision.

Therefore, General Deng can only watch the plot in this historical slice, and it develops in a direction that no one can predict...

Zhao Haiping made up his mind, and said to the messengers outside the account: "The messengers, beat the drums and gather the generals!"


Not long after, all the generals arrived.

Zhao Haiping looked around at the generals in the account.

Among these generals, the composition is different.There are his nephews and relatives, generals of the Qi Dynasty who brought troops from other armies to join him, leaders of the rebel army or stragglers who had joined before, and generals appointed by the court and directly under the emperor's control.

At this time, the composition of Zhao Haiping's army is roughly the same.

There are troops who have followed him during the south crossing, various ministries from other armies who have defected, some rebels who have joined, and some captives who have been reformed after defeating the puppet army.

In short, the composition of the entire army is relatively complicated.

Zhao Haiping's position in the army at this time is no different from that of General Han Fuyue.This strong army was trained by him, and it was naturally united because of him.

Without him, the various departments in this army will soon fall apart.

If Qin Huizhi and Emperor Dog used some means to deliberately divide and dismantle this army, then the collapse of this army would come even faster.

And without Zhao Haiping as the supreme commander, without the ambition of uniting as one and regaining the lost ground, this army will inevitably become corrupt and degenerate very quickly, and in just a few years, it will be ruined and have no combat effectiveness.

Zhao Haiping didn't need to think about all of this. He had already seen clearly what happened after the death of General Han Fuyue in history.

At this time, all the generals in the big tent of the Chinese army looked at Zhao Haiping one after another, not knowing what he meant.

Some generals showed a look of unbearable expression: "General...have you already decided to retreat?"

The other generals also had nothing to say.

Yes, what can we do if we don't retreat?

Twelve gold medals, coupled with the harshly worded decree, basically means that as long as they don't retreat, it will immediately be tantamount to treason.

Zhao Haiping looked around at the generals.

He is just a passer-by in this slice of history, there is no way he can know every single one of his lieutenants like the back of his hand like General Han Fuyue.But after training for such a long time, and having experienced battles together, they already have a certain understanding of these lieutenants.

He has no way of determining how many people he can take away, but it is definitely not impossible to take away none of them.

Zhao Haiping took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Everyone.

"Since I trained my troops to cut gold, you have been by my side. I have fought many big battles, tough battles, and bad battles. It can be said that I have been born and died with me.

"We fought south and north, saved many crises, and saved many innocent people!

"And now, the imperial court has asked us to retreat.

"Twelve gold medals, retreat is a foregone conclusion.

"However, you may not be able to guess the result after the retreat.

"I can tell you clearly what the year ahead is going to be like.

"I will be deprived of all official positions and die unjustly in prison. And those of you may be forced to retire, may be killed, may be transferred to other places, may be suppressed, and have no ambitions.

"And this army will be dismantled, disintegrated, and weakened rapidly. In a few years, there will be no military discipline and strong combat power of "freezing to death without demolishing houses, starving to death without looting", and will become harmonious. There is no difference between those Xiang troops who are about to collapse at the touch of a touch.

"This is the destiny we will usher in after returning to Beijing."

The generals changed their expressions in horror: "General, are you serious?
"The general is the pillar of the country. Even if the court wants to negotiate peace with the Jin people, the general is a person of great merit. How dare they kill?"

Zhao Haiping shook his head slightly: "How do you know the peace terms proposed by the Jinren?

"There are two clauses in this clause. The first is that I must be killed before we can make peace! The second is that after the peace agreement is reached, Qin Huizhi can't go to the prime minister without guilt!
"What's more, at the time of the great victory, the officials suddenly want to take back the military power. What do you mean? One is that the officials don't want to fight anymore, and the other is that the officials don't trust the generals anymore!
"Think about it carefully, with Qin Hui here, if we go back, it will be a sword and a fish.

"Are you going to entrust your life and death on the kindness of people like Qin Huizhi?"

The generals looked at each other, all speechless.

Yes, do you want to put your wealth and life on luck?

The virtues of the ministers headed by Qin Huizhi in the court, they are generals, know better than anyone else.

As for the current official, can he suppress Qin Huizhi and others and keep the generals safe?
I'm afraid it's impossible.

Since the founding of the Qi Dynasty, it has used literature to suppress military affairs, and the generals who command troops outside often regard the threat of the enemy country as greater than that of the enemy.

After all, when the Jin people came, they just burned, killed and looted, ceded land and paid compensation, and satisfied their appetites, so they retreated temporarily; but if the power of the warriors swelled, they would have to wear yellow robes!

At this time, the officials already had the intention of seizing military power, which meant that he no longer supported or trusted the generals ahead.

Many signals are superimposed and analyzed...

At this time, if the class teacher returns to the court, it is true that there are more bad luck than good luck.

Of course, there are still most of the generals who don't believe that the officials are so confused that they really want to kill General Han Fuyue?This doesn't make sense!

But as Zhao Haiping said, it is indeed possible not to die, but that is just a fluke.

After I really go back, it will be a man for a knife, and I for a fish.Pin your hopes on the kindness of people like Qin Huizhi?Or is he pinning his hopes on the wisdom of people like Qi Gaozong?
No matter how you think about it, you feel like you are looking for your own death.

A lieutenant's voice trembled: "Could it be that General Han summoned us this time to entrust the funeral?
"If you retreat, you will die, if you don't retreat, you will die. Isn't there no way out?"

Zhao Haiping shook his head: "Death? It's easy to die with a clean body, but who can recover from this bright world!
"The people in the north are looking forward to it. Although the Jin people have retreated, they are still staring at them. If they are going down today, who else can I have?

"I will not die, and I cannot die!"

He took out a will from his pocket, and with a "stab", he tore the yellow silk cloth into two pieces.

"This is a disorderly fate, and I refuse to obey the imperial edict!"

All the generals in the tent took a deep breath.

Tore up the emperor's edict, which is already tantamount to treason!
Among them were some generals who were directly loyal to the emperor. Seeing this situation, they were shocked and even wanted to speak out, but Zhao Haiping's murderous eyes swept over them, and they could only bow their heads silently.

In the army, General Han Fuyue's status was like a god, even if he tore up the emperor's edict to question him, that was not something that the generals under General Han could do.

The generals were silent for a while.

Zhao Haiping had expected their reaction in this way, and said calmly: "I won't embarrass you.

"I only order you to do one thing.

"Go back to your own army and make it clear to the soldiers: If you want to go back to the court with your troops, you can go back to the court together. I will try my best to disassociate myself from what happened here.

"Of course, I can't guarantee whether that thief Qin Huizhi will let you go.

"If a soldier asks me what I'm going to do...

"You also tell them that the barbarians are still alive, and the people in the north are eagerly waiting for someone to save them.

"This matter should be done by the officers and soldiers. But if the officers and soldiers can't do it, then even if I don't want to be an officer, I will continue to do it!
"I will never be manipulated by Qin Huizhi, I will not return to the imperial court as a teacher, and I will even continue to go north to fight to the death with the Jinren!

"If you are willing to continue to follow me, stay.

"Of course, if you want to follow me, you must be mentally prepared for everything, including starvation, betrayal, and so on!"

All the generals couldn't help but look at each other, all with a look of horror on their faces.

This is to part ways!

Although he didn't say it clearly, General Han Fuyue's words actually made it clear that he wanted to purify the entire current army.

The class teacher returned to the court, and those who stayed with him, each had to bear the consequences.It is even possible that these two groups of people will face each other in the future.

This is indeed an extremely difficult choice to make.

If the class teacher returns to the court, these lieutenant generals may be bribed and wooed, and live a peaceful life for more than ten years, but they may also be killed as an example to others.

As for the soldiers under him, although there is a high probability that their lives will not be in danger, but looking at the situation of other Xiang troops and forbidden troops in the Qi Dynasty, you know that it is absolutely impossible to fight gold with the enemy in the future. Business, just trying to make ends meet.

But what if he stays with General Han Fuyue?That would be tantamount to treason.The imperial court will definitely not supply military rations anymore, and there is a high probability that other generals will come to crusade.At this time, although the Jin people's main force was severely injured, if they had a chance to kill General Han Fuyue, they would most likely take the risk.

At that time, there will be no food and grass inside, no reinforcements outside, and under the situation of being attacked by the enemy, I am afraid that there will be more bad luck than good luck.

All the generals were silent.

Zhao Haiping waved his hand: "Go down.

"By the way, I have to tell you one more thing. If anyone dares to deceive the soldiers under his command and does not tell them the truth, whether it is tricking them to return to the south or tricking them to stay...all are done according to military law, and they will be killed without mercy! "

All the generals said in unison: "Yes!"

Then, they went back to camp.

Although these people may also engage in small tricks, Zhao Haiping is not worried on the whole.

On the one hand, because the friendship with General Han Fuyue is still there, most of the generals will remember the old relationship and act according to his wishes; on the other hand, even if some generals have other thoughts, they dare not do anything in the army.

General Han made it clear that he dared not even listen to the emperor's will, so he wouldn't dare to kill you if you made small moves here?Is that possible?

Therefore, Zhao Haiping's last military order was completely implemented.


Within a few days, the [-] troops stationed in Zhuxian Town became agitated.

All the ministries have already learned from their generals that the emperor summoned General Han Fuyue with twelve gold medals, but General Han Fuyue refused to obey the order.

And this dilemma is also placed in front of all soldiers.

The class teacher returns to court?Or follow General Han Fuyue to plan big plans together?

The future of both paths is uncertain.

But fortunately, compared to the real situation in history, they still have a second choice.

Ten days later, the army set out and the squad returned to the court.

Several generals who led the troops back to the court looked ashamed and did not dare to look Zhao Haiping directly in the eyes.

But Zhao Haiping didn't say much, he just patted them on the shoulders, telling them to take care of themselves when they go back.Even if we can no longer help the country and save the people, we should at least seek self-protection, and we should not be easily victimized by treacherous people, let alone collude and treachery.

The barracks that were originally surrounded Zhuxian Town and stretched for several miles, became empty as the army moved out.

Zhao Haiping looked at the generals who were still willing to stay by his side, and the soldiers who were finally willing to stay.

At this time, these soldiers had been neatly arranged in the open space outside the camp of the Chinese army, just like the old days of training, with a neat appearance, and everyone had a look of grief and indignation on their faces.

At this time, the number of soldiers in Zhao Haiping's hands has dropped from 100,000 people to more than [-]!
Of course, before the generals left, a large amount of ordnance, supplies, war horses and other resources among the generals were left behind.

After all, for those who returned to the court, it is basically impossible to fight in the future, so it should be left to General Han Fuyue who needs them more.Moreover, they also had to stay.

As for these generals, some of their original soldiers wanted to go back, and those generals who wanted to go back also had soldiers who were unwilling to leave, so after this time, each battalion had to be reorganized.

Although this is not a big problem, but after the farewell, seeing that the army of 100,000 people has now gone to seven or eight, these people still feel a little sentimental after all.

But now, everyone is looking at Zhao Haiping.

They entrusted all their wealth and lives here out of trust in General Han Fuyue.Regardless of whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, they are willing to accompany them on the journey.

And now, it's time for Zhao Haiping to make a promise to them.

Zhao Haiping stepped up to a high slope, looked around, and was about to start his lecture.

In real history, General Han Fuyue often gave such lectures.Whenever Jingping's shame is mentioned, they often cry bitterly, and the soldiers are all saddened by such inspiration.This kind of family and country feelings can only be deeply rooted in the hearts of every soldier, such as General Han Fuyue, who takes the lead in the field, and forms an invincible and powerful military spirit.

And now, Zhao Haiping will also use a lecture to reunite the divided army.


"Every time before, every time I went to war, every time I had to fight a tough battle, I would stand here and tell you about Jingping's shame.

"Today, I still want to talk about the shame of Jingping. But the details I want to talk about are different from before.

"I would like to ask you all, whose shame is Jingping's shame?"

Zhao Haiping questioned loudly, while the soldiers below looked bewildered.

"Returning to the general is the disgrace of my dynasty!" A soldier replied.

Zhao Haiping nodded: "That's right! It's my Qi Dynasty's shame!
"On the day the capital city was destroyed, the second sage, the emperor's relatives, civil and military officials were all taken captive to the Kingdom of Jin, where they were wantonly humiliated. The shame of Jingping is the shame of our Qi Dynasty, and the hatred of the courtiers is also the hatred of the courtiers of the Qi Dynasty!
"That's why I shouted the slogan to welcome the Second Sage back. Because only going straight to Huanglong Mansion, taking down the Five Kingdoms City, and rescuing the Second Sage would be a shameful shame!
"But I have also told you many details, who is responsible for this shame of Jingping?
"Is it caused by King Qin's army who traveled thousands of miles and was finally dismissed?
"Is it caused by Li Boxi, who insisted on guarding the capital, but was dismissed in the end?
"Or was it caused by the people in the city who shed blood and tears to defend the city, but were finally scattered by the looting of the people's wealth and wives?"

The repeated questioning made the soldiers below speechless.

After a long time, a soldier whispered, "It' was caused by the two saints..."

Although the voice was soft, other people obviously already had the same answer in their hearts.

That's right, if it wasn't for the coquettish manipulation of those two strange emperors back then, how could the capital be broken?Even if it is broken, the golden soldiers will not be able to enter the city at all, so how can it be possible to bring the royal family and ministers together?

Zhao Haiping nodded and said loudly: "That's right! It was caused by the Second Sage!
"Whose shame is Jingping's shame?"

He looked around and saw that no one dared to answer, so he simply said, "It's a disgrace to my royal family of Qi Dynasty! It's a disgrace to the official family!

"As a subject, we should share the worries for His Majesty. That's why we regard Jingping's shame as the common shame of all civil and military officials of the Qi Dynasty and the common people, and we want to fight with our bloody battles to avenge our shame!
"But what if today's officials and the princes in the court don't think it's a shame? What if they want to make peace with the Jin people and sell the territory that we and other warriors have shed blood for peace?

"Why are we going to Yixue? This is a shame that doesn't belong to us!"

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers below were all stunned.

In fact, many people have thought about this.

The shame of Jingping was created by the two wonderful emperors themselves.And the current emperor asked General Han Fuyue to retreat, clearly because he didn't want to fight anymore.There is a good saying, the emperor is not in a hurry, what are the eunuchs in a hurry?
Since the officials don't want to avenge their shame, why should we rush to work for the princes in the court?

However, without Xue Jingping's shame... what should we do?

You must know that since the rise of the army, Yixue Jingping the previous shame has been the slogan that unites people's hearts.It can be said that General Han Fuyue's strong army is based on this kind of ideological consensus.

If there is no goal, is it possible for everyone to be a bandit together?
I'm afraid... the army's morale will collapse in an instant.

The soldiers obviously didn't expect General Han to drop this slogan all of a sudden, and they were at a loss for a while.

Zhao Haiping continued to speak loudly: "The shame of Jingping does not belong to us, but it does not mean that we have no reason to fight!
"The Jin people went south, burned, killed and looted, how many wives and children were separated, how many flesh and blood were separated! How many villages of the people were burned and turned into bones on the road of the Jin people's siege!

"If the officials don't care about Jingping's shame, then we won't be guilty of avenging his death. It's the Qi Dynasty's royal family's shame, and it doesn't matter to us!

"However, the Jin people went south and their lives were devastated, and they committed countless crimes against the soldiers and civilians of our dynasty, how can we let it go?

"So you stay with me, every battle after that is no longer for Yixue to settle the shame, but just...

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!
"However the Jin people seized my land and killed my people, we must give it back!

"So from today onwards, this army will be renamed Zhaoyi Army.

"The sun is shining, and it is our duty! I also declare to the people of the world that my Zhaoyi Army will never forget the people in Hedong and Hebei. Even if Qi and Jin sign a peace agreement to strike, our Zhaoyi Army will save the Li people from fire and water!"

In fact, the Zhaoyi Army was established in the Liang Dynasty, and it was under the jurisdiction of Xiangzhou, Xingzhou and other places, and it was also the northern core area occupied by the Jin people at this time.

And the word "Zhaoyi" in the Zhaoyi Army also means that the sky is clear, and it is duty-bound.

And this move is tantamount to directly announcing to the whole world: what I, Han Fuyue, is leading is no longer the army of the Qi Dynasty, but a brand new Zhaoyi Army!
This Zhaoyi army is not fighting for the royal family of the Qi Dynasty, but for the common people who are suffering under the iron heels of the Jinren!

The slogans and ideology of the Zhaoyi Army are no longer the slogans that are highly tied to the royal family of the Qi Dynasty, such as loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, welcome back the second sage, and the shame of Xue Jingping, but completely put the royal family aside and stand with the people of the Qi Dynasty .

After a brief hesitation, these soldiers quickly reacted and shouted in unison: "The sun is shining! The sky is shining!

"Kill the golden dog! Save the people!

"Long live the Zhaoyi Army!

"I would like to be with the general, to show my will through death!"

Zhao Haiping nodded in satisfaction as the sound of mountains shouting and tsunami came.

"Come here, take the blood oath!"


This step finally went smoothly according to Zhao Haiping's plan.

In fact, when I got to this point, I found that it was not as difficult as I imagined.

The literacy rate in ancient times was very low.

Soldiers and grassroots officers are basically illiterate, and the army is a place that pays attention to obedience.Although there is a bondage of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, it is not impossible to get rid of it.

The more than [-] soldiers who were really willing to stay only recognized General Han Fuyue and did not recognize the court and the official family.

The composition of the army is complex, there are troops who have been following him during the south crossing, there are various units from other armies who have defected, there are rebels who have joined, and there are captives who have been reformed after defeating the puppet army.

Many of his direct descendants, whose interests are already highly tied, will definitely not be reused if they go back at this time, and may be killed for treason instead. These people are definitely unwilling to go back.

The surrendered rebels didn't have a good impression of Qi Chao at first, but they had no other choice.General Han Fuyue can win the battle, and these rebels are willing to join after the uprising.What if you change to an incompetent general?Why would they risk their lives to come over and be someone's grandson.

As for the defeated puppet army and the refugees gathered along the way, they only recognized General Han Fuyue.What is Qi Dynasty?unfamiliar.

Of course, many people in the original [-] army would hesitate, choosing the latter between rebellion and class teacher.

After all, many people's family members are still in the rear. It is unrealistic for them to abandon their wives and children to stay and fight.If it turns out to be a conspiracy, and the wives and children in the rear are implicated by themselves, many people can't bear it.

But no matter what, the more than 30,000 people left at the end all stood on the side of General Han Fuyue without hesitation when they were choosing sides between General Han Fuyue and the Qi Dynasty.

This is more than 30,000 people, actually more united.

But now that he has made preparations for the possibility of completely tearing apart his face with the Qi Dynasty, the previous set of slogans of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism naturally cannot be shouted anymore, it is to shake his own morale.

The way Zhao Haiping thought of was to change the slogan.

My Zhaoyi army is not loyal to the Qi Dynasty, I only care about the innocent people in the world, how I can kill all the Jin people, and avenge those people who were killed and enslaved by the Jin people wantonly!

And the remaining soldiers are undoubtedly all blood feuds with the Jin people.

But Zhao Haiping also knew that this was only the first step.

What meets him next is a more severe test!

(End of this chapter)

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