Chapter 724 Lian'er's Life Experience

Gradually everyone went home, and there were fewer and fewer people onlookers. In the end, there was no one around her.

Lao Yang had already left her at that time, but he was worried about her.

After dinner, he went out of his way to see how she was doing.

But she found that two men wanted to take her away by force, she cried and covered her mouth, she resisted, a man looked around and tried to knock her unconscious with his palm.

When she was in despair, Lao Yang yelled: "Let her go!"

When the two men saw a nosy man coming, they sneered: "If you don't want to die, get out of here! Don't hinder my father from getting rich!"

Lao Yang didn't speak any more, he rushed over with two moves and knocked down the two men.

Knowing that they had met their opponent, the two men got up and ran away in fright.

Lao Yang didn't bother to chase them.

Then Lao Yang sat with Lian Er to accompany her, he was preventing someone from forcibly taking Lian Er away.

Later, Lian'er fell asleep, and Lao Yang held her in his arms.

Sitting there until dawn, Lian'er woke up, but her parents still didn't come to look for her.

Although she didn't cry, the loss in her eyes made Lao Yang feel distressed.

Lao Yang knew very well that his parents must have abandoned him.

But he couldn't bear to say that.

Lao Yang discussed with Lian Er, first he took her back to the house for dinner and a bath, and then he posted a notice here, telling her parents that if they wanted to find her, they would be at the No. 25 house at the end of the street.

If she's worried, they'll have a meal, take a bath, and then come here and wait.

Lian Er was actually quite smart, she understood what Lao Yang meant, and also saw that Lao Yang was a good person, so she nodded and agreed to go home with Lao Yang.

To be honest, when Lao Yang picked her up, he also thought she was a boy.

At that time, he intended to pick her up as his apprentice.

He has observed her for a long time, and she cries loudly and walks freely, indicating that she is in good health.

She is not stupid and has tenacious willpower.

She is young and more suitable for martial arts.

Most importantly, she is almost like an orphan.

But Lao Yang hugged her back happily, and when he helped her take a bath, he found out that she was a girl, and he was very disappointed.

But Lao Yang didn't just ignore her, but kept his promise, carried her back to the original place, and stayed with her together until her parents came to find her.

Another day passed, and her parents still didn't come to her.

At night, Lian Er offered to propose: "Uncle, let's go home..."

She began to yearn for Lao Yang's house.

There is a little brother named Bullfrog in Lao Yang’s family. He treats her very well. He not only plays with her, but also sits with her on the street waiting for her parents, and even gives her delicious food.

Treated her better than her sister.

The two uncles, Lao Zhang and Lao Yang, were very kind to her, buying her new clothes and cooking delicious food for her. In short, they were better than her parents and grandparents.

On the fourth day, Lian'er no longer proposed to go to the street to wait for her parents, and she stayed at Lao Yang's house.

Lao Zhang and Lao Yang saw that Bullfrog liked her very much, so they agreed to take her in by default.

Later, Lao Yang found out.

Lian'er's parents really wanted to abandon her.

Because they had four daughters in a row, and they wanted to have a son.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law had another child in her belly, and his family would have five children in a few months, Lian'er's father was worried.

His family doesn't have enough food, and he might not be able to drink porridge and water every day.

There are so many children to support, unless one or two children are sent away.

It just so happened that Lian'er's grandma went to ask the gods for divination, and the result was that with Lian'er at home, they would be a girl next, and they would never see each other unless they sent her away.

(End of this chapter)

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